Sent in by Eddie B. Daniels
After New Breed is defeated, the scene shows Spawn being confronted by
none other than Malebogia. Malebogia is angry and pleased that Spawn has
challenged him. Spawn gets ready to attack Malebogia, wondering why
Malebogia send his hordes to attack him, but Malebogia actually tells him
that it was actually a test. Malebogia give Spawn a gift, the credits roll
with Spawn standing on the cross of the Holy Ghost Church (the same spot
shown in the comic, cartoon, movie, the game), then it goes back to
Malebogia laughing, Spawn screaming "NOOOOOOOO!" as his body bursts
in green energy, meaning he is forever cursed with his powers, the
"THE END!?! shows up, and the game goes back to the title screen.