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Revolution X

Sent in by Justin Hurkman The end of Revolution X 100% (Not 105%) is: 1: Mondo blows up and it starts to rain blood. 2: The game screen will tell you that you shall be known as a great revolutionist, but you wont be known for hanging backstage with areosmith, because you haven't found all the wings. 3: The screen will say, now, the world's greatest rock band, Areosmith! 4: You will hear a portion of "looks like a lady". 5: You will hear the Revolution X theme music and see the credits.
Sent in by Mike Waters This ending is much the same as the other except that it does not say anything about not hanging with Aerosmith. After they are shown playing "Dude Looks Like a Lady," you go down a long hall and hang out with Aerosmith backstage.

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