Magic Sword
Sent in by Mike Waters
When you beat the king of evil, he offers you the orb that was the source
of his dark power. If you say yes and take the orb, your hero warps and
looks exactly like the former dead king of evil. It said the townspeople
trusted the hero, but he got corrupted by the thought of all that
power and became the new king of evil. Then it asks, "Who can
save the kingdom now?"
If you choose not to take the orb, the hero destroys it with his sword
and Drokmar shouts, "No! You're breaking it into pieces! Now the
darkness will disappear and light will reign!" (BTW, that's about the most
lame game expression I've ever seen.) Sure enough, the darkness
disappears and the light returns, with the hero having conquered evil...
for now. Then the hero leaves the tower as the credits roll. It also
includes a few fight scenes with some of the bosses with different
partners present. When the hero reaches the village, all his partners
are there to stand with him at the final scene where it says, "Presented
by Capcom".