ASP: Air Strike Patrol
Sent in by Matt Sampson
Worst ending: Get to the last campaign. When you get there, purposely
lose. You'll see an animation of a nuclear explosion, and a message the
war against the aliens has just begun. Then the credits will roll.
Slightly better ending: Destroy a bunch of civilian targets and stuff
like that. When you finish the game, a message will appear saying the
war cost way too much and you have to stay in the army. Then the
credits will roll.
Better ending: Go through the game using the cheat code that gives
you missiles, armor, and fuel. Don't destroy many civilian targets.
When you finish, a message will appear saying the war cost a lot,
but you don't have to stay in the army. It will suggest that you don't
go into politics. Then the credits roll.
There are at least six or seven more endings.