Command and Conquer 64
Sent in by Shawn Hoskins
For Global defense initiative after last level cut scene shows tank
assault on nod temple but tanks stop and orcas fly over head, suddenly
screen shows Cane he looks up and ion cannon strike breaks through the
roof, Cane spreads his arms knowing he is as good as dead and the ion
cannon slowly moves toward him, he screams and flys backward as the
building is demolished.then the after mission screen pops up and stats
are totaled.then the credits scroll down and you can press any button
to go back to the title screen.
For Nod after the mission inside the temple a screen comes down
and you see cane he says stuff about thanks and now we rule the
earth and that junk that all psycho leaders say. After a win he
explains that he is about to put a satellite in space that uses the
ion cannon data you stole from gdi. The satellite is launched and a
picture of the white house starts out and almost instantly is
destroyed then the mission screen pops up and the stats are
totaled. Then credits scroll as before.