Bomberman 64: The Second Attack
After You see the regular ending, and you have all Gardian Armor and
custom parts, you get to the end of the of the credits. Then Regulas
is on a spaceship, saying "HA Ha HA. Phase three of the plan is complete.
Soon Bomberman will see my true power." He's holding the Omni Cube,
with a side missing. "Now, to see were those to (Jedi) are....
You then see pictures of the final boss in Kirby 64, an Alien called
Alcronus, Ash Kechame and Misty, A dark colored winged alien, Max
from Bomberman
Max, and the Omni Cube with Regulas. Then Bomberman
says, "Pommy, hide the stones. find regulas. Now." THE END
Sent in by Extreme Bomber
If you lose to Mihaele, Bomberman
will lay on the ground, not
moving, and Pommy will shout: "Bomberman!" And run over to him.
He'll then say: "Bomberman's dead... "Mihaele will say that sacrifices
must be made before the universe is recreated, and that the
sacrifice may be great, but in the end it'll all be worth it. Pommy
will become angry and say: "Give us Lilith back!!!" Mihaele will hit
Pommy into the wall, and leave the room shortly after. Pommy
goes after her, but remembers Bomberman, and stays in the
room. He says that even if the universe is recreated, he won't
be happy at all. The Elemental Stones then combine, and revive
Bomberman. When you get to Rukifellth, after you beat him,
you'll face Demon of the Dark, Stheroth, then Chaos, Stheroth.
If you beat them all, Rukifellth will temporarily turn back to good,
and Lilith will appear. After some talking, a light appears in the arena,
and Rukifellth dies, turning back to evil Stheroth again. He starts to
destroy the ship, and threatens to kill them all with the ship. The
group goes inside the light, and goes back to the ship, but not in it
yet. Stheroth laughs, and says: "Ha ha ha ha ha!! Now no one can stop
Pommy: Come on!! We have to go now! Before the ship blows up!
Bomberman: *nods*
Lilith: No...I can't just leave Rukifellth here alone...
Pommy: Why not!?
Lilith: Pommy, Bomberman...leave without me, please. *walks into
the light*
Pommy: No!! *he and Bomberman run after her, but the light closes.*
Pommy mews,and then runs into the ship. Bomberman stays, and
backs up. Pommy yells after him,and says to come on. He then
runs in the ship, and they blast off. The credits then roll with the
ship in space as the background.
If you beat Mihaele, and Demon of the Dark, Stheroth, Mihaele and
Stheroth will combine, and Mihaele says: "Bomberman, if you wish
to keep the universe as it is, you must oppose the angel. The fate
of the universe is in your hands, Bomberman. "Then, you face The
Angel of Light and Dark, Creator of the Universe. It's a tough battle,
but winning it will bring you the good ending. Rukifellth and Lilith
turn back to normal, and Bomberman
gets ready to fight, but Rukifellth
says: "Relax, I'm not going to fight you, Bomberman. "Bomberman lets
down his stance, and Rukifellth and Lilith say thanks enough to make
you barf. Then, all the Astral Knights, which are now the Elemental
Knights appear, revived by the power of the Elemental Stones. They
then say thanks enough to make you commit suicide (don't get any
ideas). After that, Bulzeeb, or Regulus does not appear, thought dead,
but comes back, and says thanks. He then leaves, and Rukifellth and
Lilith say thank you to Pommy and Bomberman. Pommy and B-man
then go in their ship, and leave. The credits roll, and it shows game
outakes, like Pommy screwing up B-man's ship, Lilith hurting herself
when doing one of her many famous landings right after a knight
battle is finished, and Rukifellth playing a joke on Lilith. Then, it shows
the Astral Knight battles, and what the game would be like if Bomberman
talked, and the planets were safe.