S.C.A.T: Special Cybernetic Attack Team
Sent in by Jared Solovay
As the alien space station explodes above the Earth, text appears below. Our
heroes say: "From SCAT-1 to Command Central--Mission accomplished. Please
take care of the rest." Headquarters responds: "We have confirmed the explosion!
Please return to the base immediately. The President is throwing a parade in
your honor!" The explosion fades, music plays, and we see a scrolling picture
of a sunset over the ocean. Below, our heroes say: "General?? There is something
wrong with the radio. I must terminate this communication. We will see you
after our vacation anyway!" The scrolling comes to a stop and we see our players'
silhouettes (or just one if you played solo) against the setting sun. The General
responds: "Quit playing around! The President is waiting for you! Get back here
immediately! That's an ORDER!" The picture fades, the credits roll, the music
winds down, and the game restarts.
Sent in by Rey