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RoboCop vs. The Terminator

Sent in by Mike After defeating the Skynet Boss, The screen goes black and says; "Then there was only blackness. Then came the final scream. As the destruction of Skynet overloads all of the Terminators." It shows a picture of a Terminator blowing up, and says; "And thousands of shiny Terminators explode simultaneously. Sealing the fate of Skynet once and for all. Victory. But at what price?" It shows a wasteland, and says; "Victory in this time. But that's not good enough. One more trip. Back in time. Back before Skynet laid waste to the world. Back before Skynet gave birth to the Terminators. Find Skynet before RoboCop's mind gave it sentience. Find Skynet, And destroy it." It then shows RoboCop in flight, blasting at a satellite, and says; "RoboCop unloads an arsenal from the future, on the Skynet of the past. The Terminators have been destroyed, Before they were con conceived." It then Shows RoboCop shooting at the sky, and says: "He has won. Now humanity is safe...." It then shows your score, and the game credits. Afterwards, the Game resets.

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