Baseball Simulator 1.000
Sent in by Eric
Toward the end of the season, the news report after each game will
start telling you the first place teams magic number. The music to
the news report changes to a more "celebrational" style when a team
finally clinches first place (whether they were involved in the game
or not, whether it's the end of the season or not). After the usual
statistical report on the game, the display box says "This game make
the *teams initials here* the champs". Then it shows the players from
that team in a small circular huddle tossing one of the players (they
all look alike) in the air in celebration. That continues and another
player sticks his head onto your screen from the side and smiles and
gives a peace sign. If there are still more games to be played in the
season, the screen goes to the "select team" screen it shows before
every game, if it's the end of the season you will see the final
statistics for the season in each of the categories under the "stats"
menu. After the final season stats are shown it goes back to the news
screen and says "This season is over, all stats will be saved until
next season."