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F-Zero: Maximum Velocity

Sent in by t.poelstra@starband.net When you complete the Master difficulty level on any series you will be able to see the ending credits. The credits begin shortly after the race on the last level is over. The first thing you'll notice is the cool music. Then you'll see names and the part of the development staff they are part of, burn into the screen. They'll burn and disappear again and again until its over. Afterwards, you'll be shown a picture of the racer (character) you used to complete the race in very high detail. And in the middle you'll see a very nice,"CONGRATULATIONS". After you push start, you'll will be returned to the title screen. Afterwards the car you used to complete the race will have a new shiny gold pawn, knite, bishop, or queen under it (depending on which series you completed with the car.)

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