Sent in by Chris
At the end of the final level, you jump onto a car that sends you flying
across the screen to a small stage where the Felix award is being
presented. You quickly snag it, and do your little level-ending victory
dance, figuring the game is over. Suddenly, Pinky and the Brain show
up in a huge mechanical and swipe all of your items. You then have to
fight them, using all three characters/powers. Once conquered, the
suit will explode and all of your items will fall down for you to grab.
A small scene showing Pinky and the Brain returning to the lab. Suddenly,
the Warner Brothers stop the discouraged mice and make a deal with
them to open their shop. They do, and we hear Brain talk over another
sneaky plan to take over the world. Then it's cuts to a shot of the Warner
Brothers thanking you for playing their game, and all of the characters
walk by. The game then resets.