TMNT 3 Radical Rescue
Books: GAME BOY Secret Codes - Secret Codes 2003 - Game Boy Games Secrets
Sent in by Larry Kritzman
When you use a password, some times if you change the second to last
number you will have more energy bars.
1000002 Before Scratch
2100002 After Scratch
4110102 After Card 1
1111102 Before Dirtbag
2311102 After Dirtbag
3311302 After Raphael
4331302 After Card 2
1311302 Before Triceraton
2711302 After Triceraton
3711702 After Donatello
4773702 After Card 3
1777702 Before Scale Tail
2H77702 After Scale Tail
3H77H02 After Splinter
4HH7H02 After Card 4
1HHHH02 Before Shredder