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Special Hard difficultly game


Sent in by Germaine Hard Mode ?4XJ700N Level 2 ?28J71HN Level 3 Q1LK51ZN Level 4 JCCK82TP Level 5 !WML12!P Level 6 PZ5LQCZP Level 7 KJXMJXXP Level 8 YKHMJYWP Level 9 ZPPM5YWP Level 10 RN9NRZUP Level 11
Sent in by Alyssa Foerster 563J14B0 Level 3-8 512P24K0 Level 5-8 27ZP44J0 Level 5-9 4RCT12J8 Stage clear 5-4 5TRVL2R8 Stage clear 5-5 79F119T8 Stage clear 6-2 78T2Q9!8 Stage clear 6-3
Sent in by Kerry Drake 78RN5B?8 Fight Bowser in the final level of Stage Clear mode.
Sent in by AV 63QJJ05Q Level 2 6FDJJ1CQ Level 3 65MJK1ZN Level 4 2HBJN2TP Level 5 1PQK22TP Level 6 4!9L1C?P Level 7 2ZRLRXXP Level 8 8LCL8YXP Level 9 B!YL8YWP Level 10 8JFL8ZWP End
Sent in by Chris Hill 8JFL8ZWP Last level of vs. mode. Click here
Sent in by Brian Kent With all of the codes below your time starts out at 0'00. 00!JJ060 1-1 00HJ0160 1-2 00!JJ150 1-3 00HJ0250 1-4 00!JJ240 1-5 00HJ0340 1-6 00!JJ330 1-7 00HJ0430 1-8 00!JJ420 1-9 00HJ0520 1-10 00!000G0 2-1 00H0J1F0 2-2 00!001F0 2-3 00H0J2D0 2-4 00!002D0 2-5 00H0J3C0 2-6 00!003C0 2-7 00H0J4B0 2-8 00!004B0 2-9 00H0J590 2-10 00!JJ0F0 3-1 00HJ01F0 3-2 00!JJ1D0 3-3 00HJ02D0 3-4 00!JJ2C0 3-5 00HJ03C0 3-6 00!JJ3B0 3-7 00HJ04B0 3-8 00!JJ490 3-9 00HJ0590 3-10 00!000P0 4-1 00H0J1N0 4-2 00!001N0 4-3 00H0J2M0 4-4 00!002M0 4-5 00H0J3L0 4-6 00!003L0 4-7 00H0J4K0 4-8 00!004K0 4-9 00H0J5J0 4-10 00!JJ0N0 5-1 00HJ01N0 5-2 00!JJ1M0 5-3 00HJ02M0 5-4 00!JJ2L0 5-5 00HJ03L0 5-6 00!JJ3K0 5-7 00HJ04K0 5-8 00!JJ4J0 5-9 00HJ05J0 5-10 00!000Y0 6-1 00H0J1X0 6-2 00!001X0 6-3 00H0J2W0 6-4 00!002W0 6-5 00H0J3V0 6-6 00!003V0 6-7 00H0J4T0 6-08 00!004T0 6-9 00H0J5!0 6-10


J0!J0060 1-1 J0HJJ150 1-2 J0!J0150 1-3 J0HJJ240 1-4 J0!J0240 1-5 J0HJJ330 1-6 J0!J0330 1-7 J0HJJ420 1-8 J0!J0420 1-9 J0HJJ510 1-10 J0!0J0F0 2-1 J0H001F0 2-2 J0!0J1D0 2-3 J0H002D0 2-4 J0!0J2C0 2-5 J0H003C0 2-6 J0!0J3B0 2-7 J0H004B0 2-8 J0!0J490 2-9 J0H00590 2-10 J0!J00F0 3-1 J0HJJ1D0 3-2 J0!J01D0 3-3 J0HJJ2C0 3-4 J0!J02C0 3-5 J0HJJ3B0 3-6 J0!J03B0 3-7 J0HJJ490 3-8 J0!J0490 3-9 J0HJJ580 3-10 J0!0J0N0 4-1 J0H001N0 4-2 J0!0J1M0 4-3 J0H002M0 4-4 J0!0J2L0 4-5 J0H003L0 4-6 J0!0J3K0 4-7 J0H004K0 4-8 J0!0J4J0 4-9 J0H005J0 4-10 J0!J00N0 5-1 J0HJJ1M0 5-2 J0!J01M0 5-3 J0HJJ2L0 5-4 J0!J02L0 5-5 J0HJJ3K0 5-6 J0!J03K0 5-7 J0HJJ4J0 5-8 J0!J04J0 5-9 J0HJJ5R0 5-10 J0!0J0X0 6-1 J0H001X0 6-2 J0!0J1W0 6-3 J0H002W0 6-4 J0!0J2V0 6-5 J0H003V0 6-6 J0!0J3T0 6-7 J0H004T0 6-8 J0!0J4!0 6-9 J0H005!0 6-10
Sent in by Russell Hande For The Level 6-10 of the normal set, use password 1l7235!0. One, small L , Seven , two , three , five , ! and zero.

Special Hard difficultly game

Sent in by Scott For a Special Hard difficultly versus the computer. Choose a one player game vs. Computer. On the difficultly selection screen, put the cursor on hard, hold Select and up and press A.

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