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Primal Rage

Books: GAME BOY Secret Codes - Secret Codes 2003 - Game Boy Games Secrets



Sent in by Justin Remmick For all moves hold buttons B and A


gut gouer-toward, away bed-o-nails-down, up iron maiden-up, toward flying spikes-away, up


freeze breath-away, toward air throw-when in air hold B and A mega punch-down, toward throw-toward, down, away, up


ground shaker-away, up, away, down grab-n-throw-toward, away battering ram-toward, toward power puke-up, toward


pulverizer-down, up inferno flash-up, down torch-up, toward fireball-down, toward


cranium crusher-down, up earthquake stomp-up, down air throw-when in air hold B and A stun roar-away, toward


face ripper-up, down brian basher-up, toward frantic fury-down, toward slasher-down, up, toward run-forward or backward-hold B, A and toward or hold B, A and backward
Sent in by Cole Justesen

Fatality Moves

Armadon: Hold A and B while pressing forward, down, away, forward, forward Blizzard: Hold A and B while pressing down, down, down, down, up Chaos: Hold A and B while pressing down, away, forward, down, forward Diablo: Hold A and B while pressing up, away, down, down Sauron: Hold A and B while pressing up, up, up, up Talon: Hold A and B while pressing forward, down, away, up

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