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Mortal Kombat

Books: GAME BOY Secret Codes - Secret Codes 2003 - Game Boy Games Secrets

Play as Smoke
Play as Gore
Game Genie codes

Play as Smoke

Sent in by Vinson At the title screen press Up, Up, Left, Right, A, B, A, B, Up, Down, Up. If done correctly, you should hear "Toasty!" Now pick Rayden, and Smoke shall be at your control!

Play as Gore

Finish the whole game with any fighter. Wait for the credits and the words "The End" to appear. Simultaneously press and hold Up+Left, Select and A until the Title screen appears. Release all buttons, and press Start to play as Goro. Click here


Sent in by silverpenny@zdnetmail.com Kano Cannonball: Towards, Down, Away Knife: Away, Towards, B Finishing Move: Duck, Towards twice, and A Scorpion Spear: Away twice, B Teleport: Toward, Down, A Finishing Move: Toward three times, Block Sonya Ring Toss: Away twice, B Scissor Grab: Down, Block Square Wave Flight: Towards, Away twice, Towards Finishing Move: Away twice, Towards, Block
Sent in by Anthony Glaub Rayden Shock: Forward, forward, B Torpedo: Back, back, back, forward Teleport: Down, down, forward Fatality: Back, forward, down + B + A Liu Kang Fireball: Back, back, B Flying kick: forward, forward, A Fatality: forward, forward, back, B Sub-Zero Freeze: Back, forward, A Slide : forward, down, down, B Fatality : Forward, down, forward, B
Sent in by Josh Loescher Rayden transport: down, forward, down.

Game Genie codes

Sent in by Flash 12C-D6F-141 Sometimes opponent will do nothing!! BC5-6ED-111 After every round your points will get rounded up to a higher number! 012-BCC-BCC Harder game!!!

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