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Killer Instinct

Books: GAME BOY Secret Codes - Secret Codes 2003 - Game Boy Games Secrets

Random Select
Stage select
Play as Eydol
Moves and combos

Random Select

Hold Up and press Start at the Player Select Screen for a Random Select.

Stage select

On the Vs. screen press Up or Down and A, B, Select or Start for a Stage Select. Click here

Play as Eydol

Sent in by Perry Fjellman To play as Eydol, select any character and at the match-up screen, enter this code: Hold Right, and while holding Right, press Select, Start, B, and A. You'll here a chime if the cod was inputted correctly!

Moves and combos

Sent in by Andrew To do an "awesome victory" with combo, spinal, jago or saberwulf when the other player is in 'danger' (leaning over) quickly push towards and away from your opponent about 5 times remember to start and end with the tap in the direction of your opponent. After you've accomplished this push: Combo: B Spinal: A Jago: B Saberwulf: A NOTE: If you press the opposite button as noted above for any character (i.e. A instead of B where B does the "Awesome Victory"), you will do a humiliation finishing move instead.
Sent in by Gary Allen To do Eyedol's combo, charge back, forward, and rapidly press A and B.
Sent in by Sean Lafave T.J. combo: Charge to the left, to the right, hold punch

Eydol's moves

Golf Club Swing: Back, Forward, + Punch Fireball: Down, Down/Forward, Forward, + Punch Powerup Stomp: Back, + Punch Three Fireballs: While in power-up stomp, enter the fireball sequence. Whole Move: Back, + Punch. Down, Down/Forward, Forward, + Punch Charging Ram: Back for two seconds, then Forward, + Kick.

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