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Harvest Moon

Books: GAME BOY Secret Codes - Secret Codes 2003 - Game Boy Games Secrets

Ring the cow bell with no energy
Water crops
Cow tip
More eggs
Sell eggs at chicken prices
Name tips
How do you get peanuts and broccoli?
How do you get cows to give birth?
Gain 3 power barries
Fishing tip
Unlimited eggs
Cropping tips
Unlimited cash
Get a super axe

Ring the cow bell with no energy

If you have no more energy (you wont do any more work), you still can ring the cow bell. It wont look or sound like you rang it, but cows will still come to you. This is helpful if you just picked a lot of crops and it's only 2:00.

Water crops

Sent in by Rey First water your crops then when you go to sleep as soon as the screen turns white turn off your Game Boy. When you turn on your Game Boy again look at your crops, they're all watered.

Cow tip

Sent in by Rey When you get your first cow start it's name with a heart symbol and it will give good milk and grow up fast.


Sent in by Rey When you first start the game, go into the cupboard, there is $1,000 in there. It is your grandpa's rainy day money. Click here

More eggs

Sent in by Rey To get more eggs, you must first buy a chicken. Then, during that same year, go into the barn and grab the egg your chicken has laid. Throw it against the wall. (The egg will be in the wall!) Cut the egg out with your sickle and put it in a shipping box. Extract another egg the same way. You should have nearly 100 eggs in the box before it finally comes off the wall!

Sell eggs at chicken prices

Sent in by Rey To sell eggs at chicken prices, grab an egg that one of your chickens has laid and put it in an incubator. Then walk to the animal shop and select "Sell a Chicken", but highlight your egg. The shop owner will pay chicken prices for your egg!

Name tips

Sent in by Rey Capitalize the first letter of your name to grow eggplants and carrots. Leave the first letter of your name lowercase to grow peanuts and broccoli. To grow all of the above, make the first letter of your name begin with a symbol, such as a heart.

How do you get peanuts and broccoli?

Sent in by Shawn LaCroix It matters what your name is, if your name begins with a CAPITAL letter you can plant corn + eggplant, if your name begins with a lowercase letter you get peanuts and broccoli, if it starts with a symbol (!@#$%^&*+ you get the picture) you can plant all 4!!! If you are a girl and your name begins with a heart you start with the watering can, and a bag of turnups, potato's, and grass!!

How do you get cows to give birth?

Sent in by Shawn Michal Valasquez LaCroix Buy the cow potion from the animal shop (make sure the cow is an adult.) It will give milk when it is an adult.

Gain 3 power barries

Sent in by Harvest Moon Master If you have the Pick Ax, it is possible to gain 3 power barries using it. 1. First equip the pick axe. 2. Then go to the dwarfs cave. 3. Go to the place that you have to clear the rock with the pick axe. 4. Blast all the rock. There should be 1 power barry. If you need health, go in and out of the springs. 5. Now there should be 2 lights in the place you just cleared out in the TOP corner. 6. Use the pick axe right in between the 2 lights. 7. Do this 6 times without touching the control pad. If done correctly, a secret entrance should appear. 8. Go in and repeat step 4. 2 more barries should appear. There isn't any more rooms after that.

Fishing tip

Sent in by Farting Baby When you receive the fishing pole go up to the spring where you received the golden axe or had the opportunity. You will see some planks witch hang over the water. With the fishing pole select it. Then run up to the fishing spot. Still running press the button to activate the tool. Try to get this part right because this is the hardest part. Right when the fishing pole shakes bring it in. Then you will have a genuine fish. Or you could just go with luck and hope that you will get a catch. This trick could take a while to learn. But when you get the hang of it you can kick the crops in the butt! Really, though a couple cows with the chesses or butter maker. You receive the same income from ether one.

Unlimited eggs

Sent in by Farting Baby For Unlimited eggs, while you still have the watering can, water the egg closest to the shipping box. Their is a number of stuff you must do to make the work. The list is below. 1. Have four farm raised chickens 2. Still have the watering can 3. 200 pieces of feed 4. 2 cows (I have no idea what the cows are for but you need them). 5. 10,000gps

Cropping tips

Sent in by Farting Baby Plant you're crops like any of this below if you have the watering can. ### # # # # ###### ### ### # # ### # #### # ### ### ### ### ###### # # # # Plant them any way you wish to if you have the sprinkler. Power Apples 7 of the apples lay beneath the dirt dust and mud of the farm. 1 apple is in the clutches of the first harvest spirit that you see when you go beneath the farm. Give him mushrooms every day till the day he gives it to you. 1 is stuck in the area where you need the pickax. 1 will be given to you by the spirit once you have all the tolls he will give you.

Unlimited cash

Sent in by Chris_Shaw When you get chickens in your coup, use your water can to water down the egg beside the bin and it will go all funny, now you can pick it up a unlimited number of times for unlimited cash!

Get a super axe

Sent in by Matt LaFata In the summer an earthquake will occur, go in the caverns under the shed and go strait into the next part and throw your axe in the water. The Harvest Lady will ask you if you dropped a super axe, say no and she will give it to you. It can break up tree stumps with one hit.

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