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Grand Theft Auto

Books: GAME BOY Secret Codes - Secret Codes 2003 - Game Boy Games Secrets

Beat the game faster
How to survive shoot-outs
Protection missions
Unlimited ammo
Hidden characters
Walk anywhere
All levels

Beat the game faster

Sent in by Adrian N. Before you even attempt to start a mission, explore the city and search for items. The most valuable item you can find is the X2 icon. This raises the points you get for doing anything. For example, collecting 2 of these and doing a mission will give you as many point as doing 2 or three missions.

How to survive shoot-outs

Sent in by Adrian N. In GTA, the enemies always know where you are and face your direction. Entering a shoot-out cautiously, will most often get you killed. If you can, try to trick the enemy to coming towards you, meanwhile feel free to discharge your ammo, since you can always find more. If you can, use a car or a bike instead. Click here

Protection missions

Sent in by Adrian N. Though there are not a lot of these, they are extremely annoying. Do your best to memorize where your protecter is heading. The next time, go on forward ahead of them and take care of obstacles.

Unlimited ammo

Sent in by Norfleet To get unlimited ammo, rename any character to "FULL".

Hidden characters

Sent in by Norfleet Rename "Kelly" to "Sumner" to access hidden characters.

Walk anywhere

Sent in by Rey There is a hospital in North Banana Grove in Vice City. There is a tiny flight of stairs on the North end of the hospital. Climb them. Walk over the edge of the building. Once done you can walk almost anywhere in the city, even water! Cops can't even get you. You are above the ground. You can go down almost any flight of stairs to return to normal. Very useful for avoiding the cops!

All levels

Sent in by Rey To get all the levels, you have to simple go to the level you are stuck at. Then steal a car and go blow yourself up, or run of a bay, get shot, get arrested, or just fine some way to die! Then after all your 5 lives are gone you should see a screen that shows you stats and press "A" when you get to the main screen, turn off the Game Boy. Turn it back on, and the level you where stuck at should be passed, now you can play the new level. Your stats will be very bad on the previous level.

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