Power goes out.
Sent in by Brandon Wiese
I was playing the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past for 6 hours straight
and I was on my way to the final Gannon when there was a knock at the
door. I didn't care who it was, so I just shut my door and kept playing.
In about ten minutes the power shut off, right when my arrow was about
to kill Gannon! I came out of my room and asked what happened to the
power. That knock I heard was an electric company worker and the had to
do some maintenance with the power cables. I went back to my room
and turned on my Game Boy and thought it wasn't all that bad, I could
just start from my last save point. I forgot to save the entire time.
Sent in by Stephanie Marie Smith
Two years ago (1997) when my Dad, his friend Ron, and I all embarked
on the wonderful mission of beating Super NES's Super Ghouls and
Ghosts game. It took us four weeks of not turning off the system to
get through it the first time... then we found out about the bracelet.
So it took another seven weeks of not turning off the system (I'm really
good at video games but I can't relate to Super Ghouls and Ghosts at
all). Anyway... we got all the way to the last guy and left it overnight
once again...big mistake; the night that we left the game was the night
that the biggest snowstorm in 10 years hit. As you might have guessed
the power went out and that stands as my worst Nintendo experience ever.
Sent in by Alexis
I was playing Goldeneye, and was playing Aztec on 00 agent, had
already beaten every other level (except Egyptian of course) and had all
the stuff I needed, and was heading over to the rocket to launch it.
Halfway up the ladder, enemies start shooting. Scurring up, I made it,
and activated the launch. Seconds later *ZAP* the screen went blank.
The light on the Nintendo 64 was off! So were all the lights in the
room. Outside, was a storm. A few minutes later, the power went
back on, but that was such a bad time for a power outage!
Sent in by Rumel Del Rosario
I was playing Super Mario RPG which I really liked. It was a stormy
day. I got bored so I started playing. I was to the last boss in the
game, so I started to finish it. Well as I got to Smithy, the last boss,
and checked to see how much energy he had left, he had 50 HP left.
I never been this far before, usually I die when I fight him. And it
took me 3 weeks just to get to the part where he was almost dead.
So I was getting ready to attack when the power went out! Boy I
was mad. I had worked so long on this game. I started screaming
and was hoping that the power would come back. It took and hour
before it came back. So I turned on the game when I found out my
saved game was erased where I was at the Smithy fighting place.
I got all mad and stuff and started to mess my room up. I was out
of control. And by the time my anger left me, my room was so messy,
it was like a tornado passed by.
Sent in by Cherry Bomb
I was playing Mario 64 and I was about to get the 120th star for the
first time. I got there all with out saving. It was stormy out side and
you guessed it, it blackout and the game was gone.
Sent in by KlAsHeR
I was at the very end of Juristic Park. The helicopter was landing,
and right then we had a power surge!! URGGG!!!!!! I was so frustrated!
Sent in by Karl
When I was playing WCW World Tour, I had just started. I had the four
hidden characters. Then Black Widow, and Started going for Joe Bruiser.
It had been a good 4 1/2 hours. (I'm not that great). When I finally got
there, I was whooping him up and just as I was about to knock him
out, my electricity turned off. Everything was finished! No codes or
nothing. I was doing this for a friend and I stayed up all day long so
I could get it back in time for him to go on a vacation, and because
my brother had spent the night at friends house with my friends
memory card so I was waiting to save it and give it to him before
my buddy left. So, my buddy didn't get his Memory Card with the
characters and I was so mad I couldn't do it for him.
Sent in by Bj
One of my worst Nintendo experiences happened when I was fighting
the boss of Kaos Kore (World 7) in Donkey Kong Country 3. Unfortunately,
I had forgotten to save my game since K3 (world 5), and just at that
moment, there was a power blackout in my area Four and a half hours
of hard work on one of my favorite games (which, at the time, I had
only had for a couple of weeks) all went to waste! To make things worse,
I got so mad that every time I tried the game again, I just got angry
and played terribly.... It took me weeks to catch up to where I was at
before (my parents introduced a "No Nintendo During The Week" rule).
Sent in by Joshua Marvin
About three years ago (1995) my Stepfather found a glitch in Final
Fantasy 3 that gave you a lot of hidden items and tones of them. Until
about a month ago I used the Game Genie to reach level 99 after one
fight, but one of the codes I used deleted that save. I've tried to
reach the area were he left off but the power keeps going out in
our house before I remember to save. The farthest I've gotten before
the power goes out is to the part were Cyan joins your party. I'm
going to die if he finds out, so I keep telling him a friend of mine
is borrowing it.
Sent in by Joshua
When I first got Mega Man X3, I decided I'd play through it without turning
it off. So I played for about 3 hours. After I found all the items, I went
to fight Dr. Doppler. Just when the battle was about to start, the power
went out. I had forgotten to write down any of the passwords, so I was
out of luck.
Sent in by Kevin Morrison
In 1990, the week after Mega Man 3 came out I had purchased the game.
I spent all night playing and I was on the had just finished the 8th block
of Dr. Wiley's castle thing when the power went out!! So I lost my place
in my game and I had to start all over again!
Sent in by Justin Bates
One time I was playing NES in my room during a storm. I was fighting
Gannon on the first Zelda game. Just as I was about to give him the
final swing of my sword, the power went out. I hadn't saved for a long
time. I was so frustrated I didn't play Zelda for a at least a month.
Sent in by Eric Janes
It was about 11:00 p.m. and there was a storm. I was in my room playing
Final Fantasy 3 in the middle of the Boss Fight with Kefka. I was sure
that he would be defeated soon when all of a sudden the power went out.
When I turned the power back on the next day I discovered that I hadn't
saved the game while in the tower so I had to do it all over again.
Sent in by Tyler
One day I was playing Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars.
I was felling that I could beat it from Sunken Ship so I didn't save.
An hour later I was still playing and the electricity WENT OUT! I
was at Smithy too.
Sent in by Mike
I had played every level of Arkanoid up to level 98 without stopping,
and then suddenly the power went out. When my TV went back on, it
was at the introduction screen. I haven't played the game since.