Play for a long time and get a bad game ending.
Sent in by GoOmba
A few years ago I had to sell a bunch of my NES games because they were
just plain dumb. I was able to trade a few for this one game, Dino-Riki. I
love dinosaurs, so I thought this would be cool. Well, don't EVER judge a
game by its cover. This game had horrible music, sound effects, storyline,
and controller configuration. So I just ditch the game. A few months later,
a downpour hits in my area and I got so bored I decided to play it. I died like
a million times because it is hard to control Riki, but one day... I was at...
THE FINAL BOSS! I couldn't believe it! I actually made it to the final boss! So
I am shooting fireballs at it and it is taking forever... and... he dies! Wowie!
I was so happy! The coolness of it all. So I stare at the screen, and you
know what? The game just goes to the beginning screen! It doesn't even
say "congratulations"! No ending! IT WAS WORST THAN 1948 (is that the
name of the game, I can't remember). I got so mad that I just finally took
the game outside for a nice hammer-beating. I had never bought a
game without reading a review of it since then.
Sent in by KIller Kobra25
I had spent weeks, if not months, trying to beat Donkey Kong Land for
Game Boy (Mostly because of my little sister erasing my game). When
I finally beat King K. Rool, the great ending I had been waiting for came.
It was awesome! It was spectacular!! IT WAS... a "CONGRATULATIONS"
screen!?! after all this hard work and effort, I got a "CONGRATULATIONS"
screen!?! This was the worst ending that, to this day, I have ever seen!!!!
I spent $26.99 for an ending that doesn't even deserve the name "ending"!!!
It deserves the name "TOTAL RIP-OFF"!!
Sent in by Charizard
When I was Playing Zelda 2, I was in the great palace, and it took me 4
months to finally finish this game. When I finished, I expected to see
an ending that would have it showing all of the enemies, bosses, Death
Mountain exploding/coming down, and fireworks shooting from the seas
and coasts and rivers and lakes and oceans of Hyrule And seeing Link
and Zelda marry or something like that. And what kind of ending did
Charizard (My nickname) receive upon finishing Zelda 2???????? NOTHING!!!
All it was was that Link goes back to North Castle and wakes Zelda up.
The game didn't even show Link and Zelda kissing and the credits came
and then it said "THANKS A MILLION, PUSH START TO REPLAY." I was also
highly displeased that there wasn't even a second quest. But on that same
night, I was trying to finish 1942 and I did. I was not happy at all and
highly displeased because the ending was (you guessed it) a black screen
with 1 word. 1 word!!!!! Can you believe it was a black screen with the
finish both games) I could have been trying to finish Pokemon and I'll just
bet I'll earn a bad ending to that too.
Sent in by Ceaf Lewis
In Final Fantasy Legend for Game Boy, I got up to the last boss (Creator).
Then, I kept trying to kill him. I spent SIX MONTHS trying to kill him,
restarting the game several times. Then, all the ending was was that
the characters find another door and then they don't go through it;
they go back to each level and stand next to the bosses. Then, the
characters get back to the first level of the game and the guy says,
"See you again!" It was the biggest waste of my time, even including
the time I spent watching that last "Seinfeld."
Sent in by Paul Floco
After 2 hours of non-stop of playing 1942, all the ending was was
"Congratulations" It made me so mad that I beat the game in the
front door of my house with a baseball bat.
Sent in by Eric
I spent almost the entire day playing Gradius for NES. I used a Game
Genie but it still took me forever to get to the end. I finally did reach
the last level and then beat the game. Well, after all the cool effects
I was used to, and the fact that I had finally finished the game, I
expected a some big elaborate ending to the game. NOTHING! The enemy
base didn't even explode cool, it just sort of crumbled apart and the
credits came. "That was it?!?" I said to myself. After hours of showing
the game who's boss, all I got was this dinky explosion.
Sent in by Charles DuMarr
I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning trying to beat 1942
for NES. I beat all 30-something levels and was disappointed to find
that the game ending was a black screen with the word "Congratulations".