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WCW vs. NWO: World Tour

Sent in by Sathi Nirushan The ending would show the group, from which the player is in, standing on the ring with all of the other groups standing outside yelling at them! The groups outside should be throwing things from the stands into the ring! Then the group that won would jump out of the ring and beat down the others!
Sent in by Andy Permann In the game, I would change that at the end of tag team mode the tag team that won would hold up the belts and the crowd would cheer!!
Sent in by Greg Stromire I think when you obtain a belt in a challenge mode, that I should show some of your actual moments when fighting in the tournaments, like a kind of "Greatest Hits" Where it shows you doing your finishing moves to some of the best people in the game.
Sent in by Shawn Fulmer I would want the winner's music to be played.

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