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Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire

Sent in by Chris Dunkype After the skyhook battle, the screen fades to the well-known Luke and Leia "Is Dash dead?" scene. Then, the camera pans up to the stars, where a slightly scorched Outrider glides through the darkness. The "Living Martyr" scene is basically the same, except that afterwards we see a shot of the Outrider jump into hyperspace in a flash of light and stars. It then turns back to Tatooine, where we find Luke fingering his newly constructed lightsaber outside of Jabba's palace. He can't shake the feeling that there was something not right about Dash's death. His thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the sound of Leia's voice coming over his commlink. "Luke," she says, "I've made it inside in disguis of a Bouush bounty hunter. Jabba has Han mounted up on the palace wall as some kind of trophy. I'll see what I can do..." The commlink goes dead. Luke sighs, pulls on his hooded robe. He approaches the heavy metal gate at the front of Jabba's palace. As the metal door screeches open, we hear Luke's final thoughts: "Wish me luck, Dash." Roll credits.
Sent in by Fangle On Jedi difficulty setting, when it says "Lets get out of here!" The core would automatically explode. You would have to fly out through a bottom opening and the fire would chase behind you. When you get out of the place, you fly under the star destroyer and it fires a Diamond Boran Missile.
Sent in by Jeremy Gerstner In the skyhook battle, Dash must get proton torpedoes by blowing up a large amount of enemy ships and then get close to the star destroyer and blow it up by shooting the shield generators and then the bridge.
Sent in by Mike Johnson Instead of Dash Rendar dying in the skyhook at the end of the easy level, they should find out where the opening is instead of having all 4 exits in flames.
Sent in by Eric Janes You would get the same ending for all of the difficulty settings. And at the end of every setting you would win an infinite special weapon.

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