Diddy Kong Racing
Sent in by Michael Yanoska
Two Game Ending Ideas.
After you beat Wizpig 1, Taj and T.T come and say congratulations! But
nobody knows about Future Fun Land. So everybody has a big party. Then
Wizpig blows up his lair and everybody starts running after Wizpig. They
see him run into the lighthouse. Then Wizpig says, " You dumb animals!
Don't you know about the 5th world?" Oh no!, cries everyone. Then T.T
says, "Well, It looks like there's 4 more races for you to race me! Too
bad! (chuckling)."
The gang is having a big party when KAZOOIE comes along. She says,
"Hello! I am Kazooie. I am looking for bears for RareWare's next game.
It needs a bear and a bird. Would you be willing to come, Mr. Bear?" "I'd
be happy to." "What's your name?" "Banjo." "Hmmm. OK, we will call it
Banjo-Kazooie. Oh, if you have a sister, bring her too as well." Then
Banjo leaves. Then everyone says, "But what about Banjo being in the
character select screen?" "Duh!" "Banjo will take a little time off." "You
will miss Adventure 2 though." "I know! When do I start the game
rehearsal, Kazooie?" "Anytime this summer." "Great! It is the first day
of spring! Would you like to stay for a while with us, Kazooie?" "OK."
Now, when you go to the character select screen, Kazooie will be in
Banjo's backpack. Now Banjo is practically the best because Banjo and
Kazooie can just change their items into eggs and shoot them.
Sent in by Daniel Johnson
When you beat the game Wizpig who was racing on a rocket goes out
of control and lands on the island where he came from. Back on Timber's
island everyone is having a party and the big, ugly statue of Wizpigs
head is gone and replaced with Taj's head which is golden. After everyone
has the party you see Wizpigs spaceship fly off.
Sent in by Joe B
After you did everything including accessing TT, the characters from
Mario Kart 64 would join your team to replay the game. First, you'd
have to beat each in a race.
Sent in by Kris
All the bosses (except Wizpig) would pull the Wizpig rock out of
the mountain and replace it with the Taj one.
Sent in by John Kwack
They should have a final race or something, and like The Kongs should
come like Donkey Kong. Then you can play with Donkey or Diddy Kong
in a 3d world. It'd be cool. Then wizpig would laugh but in midlaugh
his plane would fail, and crash.
Sent in by Taylor
If you won Adventure 2 you should get every Magic Code in the game.
Sent in by Kevin Cosgrove
After you beat the Wiz Pig in space world for the second time you
see the party and then the credits roll but after that you see Wiz pigs
ship come and you here him laugh and it says now try adventure three!