Sent in by Sasha Knasiak
When you beat Grunty Banjo runs out of her lair with Tooty and Grunty's
broomstick. They go down the mountain and find Bottles and Mumbo.
Mumbo says "You have good idea. House need cleaning.". Banjo says "I'm
not using the broom for cleaning." "Hop on Tootie!" All the broom's
relatives come out and start attacking. Kazooie pops out and he starts
attacking by shooting eggs at the brooms. Captain Blubber comes out
and jumps on a broomstick that Kazooie missed. But he goes out of
control and runs into the mountain and the Grunty statue turns into a
Bottles statue. On the surface of spiral mountain some chips of the
mountain spell out "THE END" the game freezes.
Sent in by Dylan
After you beat Grunty the witch the game splits like a 2-player game.
Then Grunty shoots her last spell and gets crushed by a rock. Banjo
must escape from the statue in 3:00 with short cuts. You can take short
cuts. then it show the castle getting blown up with the spell she shot.
Then she does break free and flies to lava world.
Then it says
The End????!!!
To be continued.
Sent in by Raymond Almeda
What if you could have gone back to those special places (after getting
100 jiggys) to find those eggs? It would be special to not know what
is inside each of them.
Sent in by Andrew
I would put a party on. You now have all the characters come and party.
Then show Banjo saying "We are the best!" then Kazooie says "Ride on bro".
Then they party.
Sent in by Mario S. Jr.
After Mumbo shows you the secret pictures he would say, "Go get
me secrets! Me open doors and rise island for you! Go get them.
Then, save friend Ruben and Bakooie in Banjo-Tooie."
After you get the secrets, Ruben will say, "HELLLLLPPPPP! Help me
and I will help you in Ruben-Bakooie (Banjo-Kazooie 3). You'll be
sucked into Banjo-Tooie and Mumbo will say, "Get Banjo-Tooie on
N64DD, if you want to save Ruben-Bakooie!" Then Banjo will say,"DOHHHHH!"
Sent in by Ryan
You should have front row seats to a boxing match between Gruntilda
and Brentilda.
Sent in by Chris Reed
Gruntilda would get out from under the rock and while your watching
the beach scene she would kidnap Bottles and then you would have
another level and you would have to fight her again.
Sent in by Brian V
You should be able to get the mystery eggs and the ice key without
doing anything except getting 900 music notes and 100 jigsaw pieces.