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The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening

Sent in by Chris After you defeat the last nightmare and meet the Wind Fish. He should tell you that the nightmares were lying and that he was just the guardian of Koholint island. After the credits roll there would be a party and Marin would finally tell you that she loves you and everyone would celebrate your victory.
Sent in by Anj After you beat the game the normal stuff happens you talk to the owl, the wind fish, your floating in the sea. But then you return to Hyrule and meet princess Zelda on the shore. She takes you up to her castle and you rest and regain full energy. So you are back with us she says now that you are back in full health you might want another adventure she hands you a scroll and you read it you may go on one of these adventures. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA ZELDA 2: THE ADVENTURES OF LINK THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: LINKS AWAKENING THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: A LINK TO THE PAST THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: A OCARINA OF TIME (PREVIEW), or THE LEGEND OF ZELDA THE SILVER SWORD. Well I kinda made that last game up. You can choose from these each time you start the game now.
Sent in by J. Teow An earthquake shakes the ground and a new Dragon foe rises out of the ground. This starts a new level. To see the real ending the Dragon must be beaten. Then the real ending is the earth blowing up because the earthquake splits it in half.
Sent in by Jaimeson Instead of Tarin and Marin dying and the island exploding, he should just find himself in Hyrule in Marin and Tarins House.
Sent in by Edward Matthews I would make it where it shows Link's home land.
Sent in by Eric Janes Instead of having Link wake up, I would have him have to make a decision like does he want to wake up or not. The player would have to make that decision. If they choose to have him wake up the game would show the ending that it already had. If they choose to have him remain in that world the game would show an ending where Link is living in his house in the village peacefully in his new world.
Sent in by Ianfx I would have a choice to challenge the wind fish to a battle at the end to keep the island alive and if you wanted to say good-by to all your friends on the island. Then the wind fish would let you off the island.
Sent in by Andrew Link would play all the instruments and then talk to the whale. Then he goes to Marin and Tarin and wishes them good luck in the future. Then he leave while the staff roll down.

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