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Goldeneye 007

Sent in by Dave Moniz There should be some violence in the game: heads blown off, body parts flying, and puddles of blood, etc. I mean when I blast an enemy in the face with a magnum I expect him to be 12 inches shorter not having a little red spot on his cheek. There should be some cooperative mode for some levels. such as one player being Bond and the other player either Natalya, Trevylan, a civilian, a naval hostage (on the frigate) or just another 00 agent. It would be more fun to set up ambushes and tricks on the computer with a friend. Weapons, you can never go wrong with having bigger and better weapons. They don't have to be real weapons either: A nuclear missile launcher, chainsaw, flamethrower, freezefrower, chain gun, acid sprayer. Each weapon should include its own death sequence, for example chainsaw chops in half or flame thrower burns guy to a black charcoaled skeleton. Vehicles these are jewels in games. Bond is known for his driving expertise. There should be jeeps, trucks, exotic automobiles, motorcycles, boats, etc. which you can use to drive over guards and such. Multiplayer would have been better if vehicles were involved and the levels such as surface, dam, frigate, and cradle were included to play. All the weapons should be allowed to be used in multiplayer like the shotguns, golden pp7, phantoms, etc. You should also be able to pick up two of each weapon in multiplayer to double the danger.
Sent in by Weird Ando They should let you go through a string of stages without stopping. Like playing in the Dam and having to attach the bungee cord then use the piton gun, then use a watch laser to get into the facility, where you'll pick up the Remote Mines planted there by 006, then as soon as you blow the tanks at the end of that level, the doors close behind you and you play the Runway stage. The longest string may be the St. Petersberg string, playing the Statue, Archives, Streets, Depot, and Train all in one go (getting your energy fllied at the end of each section), as opposed to ruining the continuity by stopping at the end of each level. That way, it'll seem more real. Dead people should stay there, and also, enemies' shots should kill other enemies. Now, if you stand between two enemies, and the far one shoots at you, if the bullets hit the near one, it doesn't hurt them. The near one should grunt and get hurt. Also, they shouldn't recover so quickly. When you shoot someone's arm, they shake it, then are normal again. They should be injured and unable to function! Plus, when you shoot their weapon, instead of just them shaking it, it should pop out of their hands and if you're right in front, they'll surrender or if far away, go get it. That's another thing, they should allow you to choose whether or not to pick up a weapon. Like in the Archives, if you want to get around the table, it's hard not to pick up the PP7. You should have to press a certain button to pick it up, like B or something.
Sent in by Greg Hill There should be more graphic detail in the game like when shoot the solderers there bodies should be hurt where you shot them and they should not be able to use their hand if you shoot them in the hand. I also think that rare could have spent a little more time to make the inside of some of the buildings be more realistic, like the facility they should have made the science test bottles on the tables in certain rooms actually have fluids in them, and they should have made the scientists be more active then they are. I also think that they should have made the watch laser be able to cut through any type of metal at any place, like if you had the watch laser in the facility you should be able to cut through the closed off area in the vents. I think that you should be able to complete the dam in the game just like bond did in the movie. I think that they should make you have a option of play the game in a mode where you get to chose if ! you are a good guy or a bad guy after you beat the game in all agent modes it should an option in 007 mode. I think that you should also get to finish the runway the way bond did in the movie with the motorcycle. I wish the soldiers bodies stayed were they were after you killed them instead of fading away.
Sent in by Eric Kang When you get the invincibility cheat, it should show a clip of Boris doing his famous: 'Aha, I am invincible'.
Sent in by Sean On the Facility level you get as many mines as you want and you can also pick the type of mine you want.
Sent in by LAPDKoRn05 You should be able to use chairs and other stuff like that when you have no weapons. Or push tables in front of doors so guards cannot get in.
Sent in by John Celentano The multiplayer game should be also for just 1 player instead of always having to play with a friend. It would be pretty cool to go against the computer. Two people should be able to play in the regular game mode were one person would be James Bond, and the other could be like Natalia and have her own mission to accomplish.
Sent in by Robert Jacoby There should be more guns, and after you beat the game there should be an ending like all the levels you went through and how long it took and you can fast forward it they should make the game more challenging by putting a board called something like this the highways after you beat all the levels and you can drive a car.
Sent in by Ahmed Gaafar You should be able to have duals between the players.
Sent in by Jung You should be able to play the role of Trevelyn! Or a plain old guard or Ouromov or any other bad dude.
Sent in by Chase Woodruff If you die in the last mission, it should show Trevelan's troops taking over the world: killing people, blowing up cities with the Goldeneye satellite, and stuff like that.
Sent in by Michael Wells They should have made the cutscenes in between missions longer, like show how bond gets there or what have you.
Sent in by Jordan Ashcraft On missions you should be able to choose 1, 2, 3, or 4 people on a mission. And the choice to make it so you can or can't hurt your team mate(s). You should be able to edit your own board, guns, and guys. You should be able to create your own mission and mission board.
Sent in by Christian Araya It would have all bonds, you would have to get it by doing a certain task. The game would have all of the original Beta Goldeneye stuff.
Sent in by Iim Thalmayer You should be able to keep the weapons from one level to the next, and only lose them if killed or on some levels captured.
Sent in by renwickcircle@msn.com You would be able to jump.
Sent in by Patrick Haider There would be more light in the out door levels because it is just to dark and gloomy (especially in the streets when it is supposed to be day time.)
Sent in by Steven McDole There would be more glitch type things like frozen Baron Samedie for a real glitch. But I would but something like if you shoot a missile in silo the right way it explodes and destroys everything except that would cause you to fail the mission.
Sent in by Thomas Lacey When you beat the cradle, the ending should be different every time. If you beat it on agent, the ending could be the same, If you beat it on secret agent, Jack Wade should meet you. And if you beat it on 00 Agent, they should give you a code like flying bond, or something.
Sent in by Wayne Buckman You would start each level with 5 remote mines as well as the usual weapons. It would make some levels easier, and make all of them more fun.
Sent in by Josh There would be better gun detail so you knew exactly what you have.
Sent in by Jason There would be extra guns like the Golden RCP-90, the tin foil PP7, and other strange guns.
Sent in by Kenny There would be more weapons, and the enemies would continue limping after getting shot, instead of just for 3 seconds.
Sent in by Greg Stromire You should see more of a movie after each time you win a level, maybe a plot.
Sent in by Dan The graphics of the people and the guns would be much better. The people look like they have problems with their bodies and if you look at the muzzle of a gun close up at an angle where you can see into the barrel, the guns have a triangle or square shaped muzzle.
Sent in by Brady There should be an option in Multiplayer that would let you play against CPU controlled players. Just like in Forsaken. This would have made the game even better! Then, there should be 5 settings for the CPU's intelligence: Trainee, Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent, 007.
Sent in by Casti In multiplayer you should be able to use the phantom somehow and you should be able to get powerups like extra armor or rapid reloads or better sights in range. That would make the game a lot more interesting.
Sent in by Phillip Spinks In multiplayer mode, when you are looking straight at an opponent and they do a karate chop or something, in your screen he is just standing there. They should make it where you can tell what your opponent is doing without having to look at their screen.
Sent in by Justin_54 I would add a co-op mode for single player. It would be fun to act as a team and cover each other.
Sent in by Ryan Whitney On missions and multi-player you should be able to change view, from the original, to a short distance from him, to a long distance from him.
Sent in by Grant Webster I would make sure that the guards that I have already shot would not disappear after falling to the ground so you can trample on them and continuously shoot them so blood and guts would fly everywhere while putting 400 bullets into the chest. I would make Bond and anyone else be able to jump over crates and tables etc.
Sent in by Jake Edelman Oddjob and Mayday would be in the game. You would be able to go to the island across the lake in Dam. Tazerboy and Shotgun would be in the 1-player mode, and you would be able to play all the movies.
Sent in by Eric All levels once beaten on 007 should become available in Multi Player mode. I say this because the multi levels now are getting kind of boring. I Mean imagine frigate as a multi player level or silo. It would rock!
Sent in by Nick O. I would change the fact that, on 00 Agent, the enemies are so much harder to kill. There's no realism. I shot a guy in the head 3 times and he still didn't die.
Sent in by Joey Ottey There wouldn't be a Golden Gun. Theres no point. It's just a cheap way of winning with one or two shots.
Sent in by Thomas Lacey The screen should never slow down.
Sent in by Ryan Thurman You would be able to row across to the island on the dam level. Also you could use cheat codes in games that would move you to the next level.

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