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WWF War Zone

Sent in by JJ Mac Daddy would wrestle you after you win the World Title. His strength is three times as large as the normal wrestlers. He would be a heavyweight Chinese guy with a green shirt and blue pants on.
Sent in by Alex Patkowski Mr. Smiles is a wanted criminal that got kicked out of his first job which was an ice cream man. He was trying to take over the world by first trying to take over the minds of all the children. By doing this he put a micro chip in all the ice creams he sold to control the mind of the kids. Mr. Smiles has a continous smile on his face and is very fat. He always wanted to be the ruler of the world.
Sent in by Chris Big Bad Billy Bob Thornton shoots rockets, shoots fireballs, and shoots regular bullets. He looks like a giant hippie who is on drugs. To kill him you have to do the players super move five times and he still has to be in red. Five times. By beating him you get every cheat the game has to offer. But you have to beat the game with Pamela to get the chance to face him and you only get one chance.

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