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Quest 64

Sent in by Matt A Leeran is like a Frog Prince, except he is extremely hard to beat, because he can see the future and he can see what spell you are going to use on him. He has 15,000 HP, 100 MP, and has all the spells that you can get. He has eight, six-feet long tentacles, and when he touches you with one of them, he can drain up to 50 HP with each hit. The best spell to use on him is the Fire Ball Level 3, because he lives in water and the opposite of water is fire.
Sent in by Matt The Howlers are basically made up of lava. Because of that, the Walking Water spell work best. The Howlers have 2097 HPs and 1600 MPs. The Howlers use an ultrasonic scream which will paralyze you so you will not be able to attack him. Then he will take up to 50 HPs away from you. Depending on how close you are to him, the battle could end up with you dying very quickly. Try to avoid his attacks by staying far away from them.
Sent in by Trenton Pommer Rigand would be a Ranger and would use animal friends to attack you. To kill him you must first defeat a bear, a Griffon, and a panther. The reward for killing him would be a Ring of Fire. The Ring of Water would give you all possible water spirits.
Sent in by Josh Elke Doomzoornia has the power to shot lasers out of his eyes, stomp on you, and drop trees on you. To kill him you have to hit him in the back of the head with a rock level 3. By killing Him you would get 300 more HP. He is about the size of your player he is a green snack with yellow spots and have four eyes.
Sent in by Chris Allen Super Sayin would be impervious to all magic attacks accept for earth attacks his only weakness would be the Avalanche spell on Level 3. He would have unlimited magic and after every hit he would be able to do two attacks. One he would be able recharge his life. Next he would be able to attack from any angle and if you threw any attack at him he could move faster and move away.

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