Sent in by Kaedric of Borg
Here Doggy, Doggy is an undead dog-thing. It is a 12' by 35' undead dog-thing.
It spits putrid acid globs, which sit and hiss at you. It starts out as a small
undead dog-thing (about 3' by 5') then when you kill it, it grows into a giant
dog-thing and starts spitting at you. When you kill it again, a giant pillar of
fire hits the lifeless corpse, splattering it's gooey insides all over the dungeon.
Sent in by David Parker
Magius is a Dark Mage that wishes to control the power of Dracula. He
appears to you first as ally, but after you defeat Dracula Magius uses a
spell to control the power of the Lord of the Vampires and you now have
to defeat him. He uses spells to fly, teleport and send balls of energy at
you. Also, with his new vampire powers added to his arsenal he can send
out darts of life-sucking energy, control hordes of bats and vampires,
and shoot darts that infect your blood like when a vampire bites you. The
only way to feat him is knock the staff out of his hand with you whip
and then throw some holy water on it, Magius will now be consumed by
a blue flame turns him into dust.