Super Empire Strikes Back
Sent in by Mark Woods
The Double-Bladed lightsaber is a special weapon which name is
self-explanatory. It can only be obtained by defeating Darth Vader
without using any Force powers and without getting hit by Darth. The
Attacking methods are different than the standard saber. It issues
two separate attacks with the standard attack (Y button). The attack
is like this: Side-ways slice (Like normal attack with normal Saber)
followed up by an upper slice which would be primarily directed towards
the groin area. With the power attack (Up and Y) it will issue three
attacks: 1) An up to down slice. 2) A side-ways slice. 3) A down to up
groin slice. The Blocking feature is posted diagnally and it can block
the snow creature's freeze attacks. To make use of the Double-Bladed
saber hit the A-Button twice an the weapon will come up. If you want
to use it during the other levels type in the password KGODAA and you
will be transported to the first level with the Special Saber. Here is
the diagram of the Double-Bladed Saber: (:::::::::::::::][[XXXXXXXX]][::::::::::::::)