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Final Fantasy 2

Sent in by Mystic P Aladdin This is the Mystic Sword. Cecil would be the only one who could use it. Though it would have so much power that the blade would turn bright orange. It would knock somewhere around 9,000 out of the enemy. On Zeromus it would cause 9,999 out of him and to any dead type of monster. to get it you'd have to go to Baron and find a secret passage behind the throne. Then go up a flight of stairs that will take you 1 min. exactly. Then go right at least 20 steps and get the Mystic guantlets. then go back left and go up 60 steps. And then pull the Mystic Sword out of the Mystic pedestal. You need the Mystic Gauntlets to pull the sword out.
Sent in by AJ Randazzo Name: Basooka Disk Type: Disk with magic Hit: 150-200 To get it: Press Y, X, and Start at the same time. You'll hear a "BOOM!!" Special?: Yes, Hold X and Select it during battle and it'll use two on one.

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