Donkey Kong Country 2
Sent in by C.N.
The Speed token and barrel would allow you to get all of the bonuses and
DKs. Here is how to get it. First you have to enter a round. Then you
search around near the entrance and pretty soon you will find it. It
is invisible. But you won't get the bonus right away though. First you
have to try to get to the half way point. Then on top of the barrel you
have to get a token. This token then will allow you to get the bonus. But
this won't happen unless you didn't get hit the whole way to the
half way point.
Sent in by Douglas Lim
The weapon would be a double barreled banana gun. What it would do is
it would shoot bananas and kill the bad guys. It would be like a machine
gun. It would be really big and could be used by any player. You would
find it in bonus level.