Ness would have to find Silver Mani Mani in Onett and battle Liarx
Agerates. Ness would take the Mani and use it in a battle. It would
give off a silver glow and then look like a golden Ness. It would have
the move Mani Mani Magic it would change an enemy into a weaker enemy
of a different type. Ex.. Mani used Mani Mani Magic on carbon dog. It would
change Carbon into Zombie.
Sent in by James-Michael Sellers
Name: Hellraiser
HP: 75,000
PP: 15,000
Attack: 255
Defense: 255
Speed: 255
Guts: 255
IQ: 255
Vitality: 255
Luck: 255
PSI Powers that Hellraiser knows are PSI Fire Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega;
PSI Freeze Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega;
PSI Thunder Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Omega;
PSI Starstorm Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega;
PSI Brainshock Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Omega;
Hellraiser can also use every item that you have or have HAD.
He also has a quantity of 14 for each item that he has.
He can also use destructive powers if you don't kill him within
five minutes.
After defeating Giygas, head back to the Giant Step. Search around the top
of the giant footstep and attempt to find a hidden item. After searching,
press A to attempt to find the item. If you do find it, you will get an item
known as "Sound Rock". Head back out of the door into the dungeon where
you fought Titanic Ant. There will be another enemy there, this time known
as the "Destructive Ant". Defeat him, and re-learn the melody. Then,
following your footsteps throughout the game, re-defeat the powerful
versions of the lesser bosses:
Titantic Ant to Destructive Ant
Mondo Mole to Mondorole Mole
Trillionage Sprout to Weed Eater
Shroom! to Hoover!
Plague Rat of Doom to Pestilence Cat of Shroom
Thunder & Storm to Blunder & Dorm
Electro Specter to Electrode Scepter
Carbon Dog/Diamond Dog to Harden Log/Lie-man Log
Also, use the Sound Rock in order to re-learn the eight melodies from the
eight sanctuaries. When you have beaten Harden Log/Lie-man Log, you
will return to Magicant, but all four of your party will travel. Exit the hotel
in which you arrive, and talk to as many people as you can. Each person
that you talk to that has a name will join your party. You can get up to 15
or more people in your party. Then return to fight Ness' Nightmare, and
destroy it. After the short sequence of events, you will re-gain control in
the Cave of the Past, in the present. Head up from your current location,
and you will find a rock. Repeatedly press A for about a minute or so and a
voice will say "Let the Hellraiser hellraise!" and then you fight Hellraiser.
In order to beat Hellraiser, hit him with everything that you have got, your
most powerful spells and PSI Powers and Magics and Tools and everything
that you can muster. After beating him, you will gain 1,500,000 experience
each, and everyone will have unlimited uses of every item that you have.
Every stat will then be at 255 on everybody, and everyone will have 999 HP
and PP. You will then black-out and re-appear back at the start of the game
with everything that you had. Fight your way back through the game, and
you can get new items. Defeat Giygas, and then you will be able to nab Pokey
and use him as a human shield! He will be used as your Body, Arms, and Other
on every character that you have or get. All the new characters beside the
first four you can get again, just talk to them.
Sent in by Captian Breakdance
You get Captian Breakdance by following a secret series of tunnels in
Moonside. You see him chained on a wall with a sign next to him saying "Do
not release, dangerous criminal!!" If you let him go he will be thankful and
join your party. He has very powerful attacks like: Robot, Break it Down,
Dance Time, and Disco Ball Beat Down. When you get to Gigas with him
something strange happens.
Sent in by
Brian would have a mix of new PSI including:
PSI Whirlwind a O
PSI HP Magnet A B G O
PSI Aquablast A B G O
PSI Earthquake A B G O
He would also use Jeff's weapons and equip a new set of armor which
you get by defeating certain human enemies. I.E. Floral Vest from Everdred.
Sent in by Earthbound Elder
Hanzo would appear inside Dungeon Man after the second time you leave,
when you enter him(Must enter him before you fight Gigyas) he will be
near Brick Road's face, Brick Road say he wants Hanzo to come with you.
Hanzo when you first meet him is at Level 80 with 650 HP and 320PP
when he gets to level 99 his HP and PP total will every time come out
like this HP: 800. PP: 500. Right on the dot. He will have his own special
PSI attack, called PSI Zentra. He will be helpful on defeating Gigyas,
and actually Hanzo is Ness' Brother, Hanzo is the oldest child of the
family and he prophesied Gigyas arriving and went training. He looks like
Ness, but most of the time wears a dark Ninja suit and is good friends
with Poo.
Sent in by Mike Shortall
Tiny Ghost would be a secret character in Earthbound that you can control
but can't see his/her's/it's Hp/PP. To get Tiny Ghost you would have to
crash the Sky Runner in the tunnel from twoson to thread the first time
you ride it, then as Jeff fight of the three ghost's that fight you when
you crash. if you get beat up or beat two of the ghosts a message says
"A small ghost threw a bottle rocket" and even if there are more than
one ghosts when this happens all the ghosts "die" and Tiny Ghost talks
with Jeff and helps him find Ness and Paula, Tiny ghost uses the weapons
that every body can use (yo yos and Sling shots) and can use and repair
stuff like Jeff. Tiny Ghost can target little ghosts that possess you. He
uses Flash up to Beta (the weird b) and PSI mangnet up to Omega (the
upside down horse shoe) and his own PSI called Soul Sap up to Omega and
it ether A) kills the Enemy in one hit or B) does what the Hp suckers do.
Sent in by Robby
Mog can use magic spells such as Starstorm Omega. He's a secret character,
so you would have to find him. The different thing about him is that he
can use an ultimate magic spell "Matter Omega." Mog would be a male.