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Star Fox 64

Sent in by Shrieko Star Dog is a good friend from the academy of course he is usually out with Bill he wasn't there when Fox was but he was still a pilot he met up with Fox three times in his life so far once in Venom when he and Bill were out searching for Fox and found him fighting Andross once when he came out of no where with Wolf on his tail and did a flip bombed wolf and killed him. And the last when he and fox got in a feud and went in a fist fight but lets not talk about that. He usually spies on the star wolf team to find out plans and codes to bases.
Sent in by Diana Neff Joey is one of Fox's Friends from the academy. He is the one that put together ROB64! He also flies in his own arwing but when Nintendo made the game his arwing was in for repair! He is a great fighter pilot, he fights hand in hand with Fox. His job is to download data from enemy bases with a special device attached to his arwing he also invents new weaponry for the Cornarian army.
Sent in by Ryan Westmoreland Creox would be like Kat and Bill, not a part of the Star Fox team. He would be very difficult to get, but would be a major asset to the team. You would be able to get him by completing a very secret goal in the first level, and he would be able to help you in every level afterwards. His superb flying skill and fighting technique would help you to medal on nearly every level, since his hits count towards yours. He would fly ahead of you and wipe out most of the harder to reach enemies. He would be able to do everything except fight the bosses, and he would appear to be an invisible or transparent, ninja-monkey.
Sent in by Joe Pumpig the Hog would be a wart hog with attitude. He would be able to think and act smarter than Andross himself! If you shoot at him, you are going wish you hadn't. He'd be a better pilot/navigator than the entire Star Wolf team combined.

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