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Quest 64

Sent in by RPG Freak Koldos is a hidden character With very good defense and attack and has very good earth and wind homing attacks that are both very powerful. His mission is to find out where his town went. He said goodbye to his parents, equipped his father's armor and took his sword, then walked out to start a new life. Suddenly, right after he walked out of the village gate, a black hole appeared out of nowhere and sucked his village up. He gets pulled into the black hole and then awakens in small cabin, it looks like his house everything is the exact opposite!! He then walkes into a world that is dark and evil looking. Then his quest goes on and on and on and on.
Sent in by Matt Thurston Slayer Doomsday, the Nano Elemental is diabolic demon sent from the underworld to remove the souls from every human on earth. Slayer Doomsday has 2 attack forms, Doppeler Form and Demon Form. Slayer Doomsday can only be harmed when he is charging for the nano blast (spell that will drain all of mp, half of your HP, and disables your item use for 30 seconds) that takes two turns. He can only use this in Doppeler Form (which is a clone of you). In demon form he only attacks with his sword, which does 150-200 damage. Before he can turn into a clone, he will cast your last spell casted. Slayer Doomsday has 2000 HP, and 2000 MP. He has no known weakness.
Sent in by Jacob Quaife Kinion is a young teenager who wants to become the master a great ruler of the land he lives on. He has done a lot of training of the Martial arts of Sinu. He has become powerful and has power level of 500. his Statue level is 7 and can do many trick like the laser attack, fire ball, lightning strike x3 and the power of wind. I would probably start off with him as the main character.

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