Cruis'n USA
Sent in by Urijah Keshka
This game can be much of an RPG playing game. You will start with
Gug at his very own treehouse. You will also control him throughout
the entire game. Gug is a tiny green ant, with long eyes that look almost
like a zero, his eyelids only reach to the center of his eye. If you would
display him at normar screen you will see him much bigger than vise
versa. He also has thin arms and legs and big black eyebrows that are
a little separate from his eyes. He has a head that looks like a tiny bit
bigger than his two bodies that are the same size. His head has half of
a rounded mouth that has smiling teeth. Gug's third body has a tail that
looks like a scorpions tail which is horizontally facing out on the back
of his second body. Also he has very long gloves which protects his
knuckles from his enemies. In his adventures, Gug meets other giant
bugs and huge animals in the woods and in the forest. Gug's technic body
looks very weak, but his strength is a little ! more amazing than you
might of thought, you could make him punch enemies, you could make
him crouch, or see him dive, stomp, launch his head, move backwards,
spin, twirl in the air, jump twice more higher than gug's regular jump,
or you could make him kick by pressing the punch button while you
keep crouching, or crouch while in the air. You could make him slide
and kill enemies by first holding down the punch button, and then pressing
the jump button, or you could make him jump over enemies by running
and then holding down the jump button. You could make him walk or talk
to some animals that give you hints, or help out creatures or other
animals whatever they have lost. And now the final technic is to come
closer or go back to the original position or you could also see what
Gug's eyes are looking at.