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ZSNES ZST Save State Hacking Guide for "Mystic Ark" (sequel to "Elnard;"
	the series is known as "The 7th Saga" in the United States)
EXTRA EXTRA: Walkthrough for the early part of the game
Written & Researched by Ragnarosen (ragnarosen@aol.com)
"Elnard," "Mystic Ark," and all character names therein are trademarks
	of Enix Company.
"The 7th Saga" is a registered trademark of Enix Corporation of America.

To alter the statistics of your characters through hacking into 
	your save state (or *.ZST file), you'll need to go to Break 
	Point Software (http://www.bpsoft.com) and download a program 
	called "Hex Workshop." Once you're finished downloading and 
	the program is finished running SETUP.EXE automatically, open 
	Hex Workshop and use it to open any ZST files you may have. 

----------------------------GAME HACKING DATA-----------------------------

***How To Become Richer Than Bill Gates***

Money: BD36, BD35, BD34, BD33
Input "FFE0F505" at Offset BD33

***Character 1***

Character Class: BC14
Level: BC15 (Actual Value -1. Level 81 is "50" instead of "51."
	The level never goes above 81 for some reason. Input a
	higher value than 50 and you'll glitch the game.)
Current HP: BC18, BC17 (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Maximum HP: BC1A, BC19 (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Current MP: BC1C, BC1B (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Maximum MP: BC1E, BC1D (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Power: BC20, BC1F (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Guard: BC22, BC21 (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Magic: BC24, BC23 (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Speed: BC26, BC25 (Highest legal value is 999, input "E703")
Magic: BC43-BC52 (You can hold up to 16 spells)
Experience: BC8E, BC8D, BC8C, BC8B (Highest legal value is 99999900.
	Input "9CE0F505.")
Items: BCB3-BD15 (Each item modifier code has 4 digits instead of 2)



00- Remeer (Male Knight)
01- Ferris (Female Knight)
02- Miriene (Female Wizard)
03- Lux (Tetujin)
04- Reishina (Female Monk)
05- Tokio (Male Ninja)
06- Kamio (Giant)
07- Mesia (Female Priest)



    Name		MP	Effects

00- Blank Space		0	It's not a spell, it's just a blank space
01- Fire		2	Fire attack/one enemy
02- Fire Storm		4	Fire attack/one enemy
03- Cold Down		3	Ice attack/one enemy
04- Ice Rock Nail	6	Ice attack/one enemy
05- Red Burn		5	Fire attack/all enemies
06- Heat Cyclone	8	Fire attack/all enemies
07- Ice Wall		5	Ice attack/all enemies
08- Ice Chain		10	Ice attack/all enemies
09- Holy Emblem		30	Sacred power damage/all enemies
0A- Laser		5	Electric attack/all enemies
0B- Blast Bomb		22	Electric attack/one enemy
0C- Wide Ray		10	Electric attack/all enemies
0D- Warp Gate		14	Warp to any town visited once
0E- Spark		14	Electric attack/one enemy
0F- Hurricane		10	Tornado/all enemies
10- Earthquake		6	Earthquake/all enemies
11- Lightning		4	Lightning/one enemy
12- Bolt Earth		20	Lightning/all enemies
13- Plasma Field	8	Electric attack/one enemy
14- Power		8	Increase "Power" by 20%
15- Draw		6	Decrease "Power" by 20%
16- Hard		8	Increase "Guard" by 20%
17- Sick		6	Decrease "Guard" by 20%
18- Speed		6	Increase "Speed" by 20%
19- Slow		6	Decrease "Speed" by 20%
1A- Aura		6	Increase "Magic" by 20%
1B- Curse		6	Decrease "Magic" by 20%
1C- Hyougasetsudan	8	Non-elemental damage/one enemy
1D- Blank Space		35	Pretty high MP cost for a blank space, eh?
1E- Sleep		3	Puts one enemy to sleep
1F- Confuse		12	Confuses one enemy
20- Stone		4	Petrifies one enemy temporarily
21- Kill		10	Instantly destroys one enemy
22- Death Flare		20	Instantly destroys all enemies
23- Blackout		25	Vaccuum attack/one enemy
24- Fireball		8	Fire attack/one enemy
25- Prominence		18	Fire attack/all enemies
26- Blizzard Hole	14	Ice attack/one enemy
27- Freezing Hell	40	Ice attack/all enemies
28- Health		3	Target recovers 50 HP
29- More Health		6	Target recovers 100 HP
2A- High Health		10	Target recovers 180 HP
2B- Full Health		15	Target recovers maximum HP
2C- Heal		6	Group recovers 50 HP
2D- Heal More		12	Group recovers 100 HP
2E- Heal High		20	Group recovers 180 HP
2F- Full Heal		40	Group recovers maximum HP
30- Cure		4	Cures all negative status
31- Mirror		6	Rebounds offensive magic directed at target
32- Death Guard		6	Protects against instant death



Key to Items:

**01: Weapons (Swords, Axes, Rods, Attachments)
**02: Body Protection (Armor, Clothing, Robes)
**03: Head Protection (Helmets, Hats)
**04: Other Protection (Shields, Gauntlets)
**05: Accessories
**06: Items
**81: Equipped Weapons (Shown in Blue)
**82: Equipped Body Protection (Shown in Blue)
**83: Equipped Head Protection (Shown in Blue)
**84: Equipped Other Protection (Shown in Blue)
**85: Equipped Accessories (Shown in Blue)


File: Mystic Ark\Index\Item Modifier\**01: WEAPONS

0101: Bronze Blade
	Power +3
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0201: Black Bastard
	Power +16 (Reason why Enix never made this game in the USA)
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0301: Steel Sword
	Power +20
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0401: Gin no Ken
	Silver Sword: Power +24
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0501: Redwing Sword
	Power +30
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0601: Daichi no Tsurugi
	Terrafirma Sword: Power +36
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0701: Undead Slayer
	Power +45
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0801: O-gon no Tsurugi
	Golden Sword: Power +50
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0901: Senshi no Ken
	Fighter's Sword: Power +62
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0A01: Raimei no Ken
	Thunder Sword: Power +60
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0B01: Kodai no Tsurugi
	Ancient Sword: Power +65
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0C01: Holy Blade
	Power +72
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0D01: Storm Blade
	Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0E01: Guren no Ken
	Some Kinda Sword: Power +84
	Used by: 
0F01: Deathbringer
	Power +96
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1301: Sabita Ken
	Rusty Sword: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1401: Kyzoku Scimitar
	Power +6
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1501: Hechima Slasher
	Some Kinda Katana: Power +15
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1601: Kurogane Saber
	Bandit Saber: Power +10
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1701: Engetsutou
	Some Kinda Katana: Power +34
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1801: Shamshir
	Power +56
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1901: Masamune
	Power +1 (Maybe it's a replica?)
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1A01: Ragnarok
	Power +68
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1B01: Kokutou
	Some Kinda Katana: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1C01: Muramasa
	Power +95
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1D01: Illegal
	Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1E01: Kyzoku Knife
	Power +3
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1F01: Same no Ha
	Shark Tooth: Power +9
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2001: Kurogane Knife
	Bandit's Knife: Power +12
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2101: Kudamono Knife
	Fruit Knife: Power +14
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2201: Silver Dagger
	Power +20
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2301: Gradeus
	Power +32
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2401: Main Gauche
	Power +45
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2501: Onibouchou
	Demon Slayer: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2601: Assassinator
	Power +70
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2701: Jigen no Knife
	Dimension Knife: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2801: Kyzoku Axe
	Power +7
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2901: Kurogane Axe
	Bandit Axe: Power +14
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2A01: Ganseki no Ono
	Some Kinda Axe: Power +18
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2B01: Tomahawk
	Power +34
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2C01: Rockbreaker
	Power +40
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2D01: Guillotine
	Power +50
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2E01: Thor no Ono
	Thor's Axe: Power +68
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
2F01: Wizard Axe
	Power +120
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3001: Skel (-eton) Axe
	Power +30
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3101: Cutter
	Power +30
	Used by: 
3201: Hinoki no Tsue
	Cypress Rod: Power +10
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3301: Akunokata Bo
	Donatello Stick: Power +15
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3401: Kashinoki no Tsue
	Wisdom Rod: Power +21
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3501: Madou no Tsue
	Wizard Wand: Power +28
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3601: Raimei no Tsue
	Thunder Rod: Power +34
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3701: Deck Brush
	Power +40
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3801: Suiteki no Tsue
	Aqua Staff: Power +48
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3901: Death Wand
	Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3A01: Seinaru Hikari no Tsue
	Mystic Light Staff: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3B01: Wazu no Tsue
	Wazoo Staff: Power +64
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3C01: Long Bow
	Power +17
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3D01: Heavy Bow
	Power +28
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3E01: Gin no Yumi
	Silver Bow: Power +38
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
3F01: Heavy Gun
	Power +58
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
4001: Ikazuchi no Yumi
	Lightning Bow: Power +70
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
4101: Honoo no Yumi
	Flare Bow: Power +84
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
4201: Yumi
	Dummy Bow 1: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
4301: Yumi
	Dummy Bow 2: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
4401: Yumi
	Dummy Bow 3: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
4501: Yumi
	Dummy Bow 4: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
4601: Tetsu Goboh
	Alloy Metal Hand: Power +14
	Used by: 
4701: Buriki no Glove
	Power +22
	Used by: 
4801: Power Wrist
	Power +28
	Used by: 
4901: Item #P-1301
	Power +34 (Enix forgot to name this item)
	Used by: 
4A01: Item #P-1401
	Power +1 (Enix forgot to name this item too)
	Used by: 
4B01: Gauntlet
	Power +42
	Used by: 
4C01: Power Arm
	Power +6
	Used by: 
4D01: Powercrusher
	Power +1
	Used by: 
4E01: Golden Glove
	Power +1
	Used by: 
4F01: Destroyer
	Power +1
	Used by: 
5001: Banana Nunchaku
	Power +15 (I wonder if this is made of the same material as
		 the "BananaDR" from "Breath of Fire II?")
	Used by: 
5101: Sansetsukon
	Some Kinda Nunchaku: Power +22
	Used by: 
5201: Kama Nunchaku
	Some Kinda Nunchaku: Power +32
	Used by: 
5301: Metal Nunchaku
	Power +38
	Used by: 
5401: Crusher
	Power +45
	Used by: 
5501: Hard Masher
	Power +1
	Used by: 
5601: Battle Nunchaku (1)
	Power +1
	Used by: 
5701: Battle Nunchaku (2)
	Power +1
	Used by: 
5801: Battle Nunchaku (3)
	Power +1
	Used by: 
5901: Battle Nunchaku (4)
	Power +1
	Used by: 
5A01: Boomerang
	Power +20
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
5B01: Chakram
	Power +28
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
5C01: Double Chakram
	Power +37
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
5D01: Shoot Ripper
	Power +46
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
5E01: Shuriken
	Power +58
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
5F01: Juuji Shuriken
	10-Point Shuriken: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
6001: Engetsurin
	Full Moon: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
6101: Slasher Ring
	Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
6201: Chakram
	Dummy Chakram 1: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
6301: Chakram
	Dummy Chakram 2: Power +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris


File: Mystic Ark\Index\Item Modifier\**02: ARMOR

0102: Kawa no Yoroi
	Leather Armor: Guard +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0202: Chain Mail
	Guard +3
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0302: Kurogane no Yoroi
	Bandit Armor: Guard +7
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0402: Banded Mail
	Guard +11
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0502: Grand Mail
	Guard +18
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0602: Plate Armor
	Guard +25
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0702: Silver Armor
	Guard +31
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0802: Ouke no Yoroi
	Some Kinda Armor: Guard +52
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0902: Platina Armor
	Guard +37
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0A02: Honed Mail
	Guard +42
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0B02: Kaze no Yoroi
	Wind Armor: Guard +75
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0C02: Mithril no Yoroi
	Mithril Armor: Guard +48
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0D02: Toumei no Yoroi
	Crystal Armor: Guard +90
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0F02: Gargoyle Suit
	Guard +15
	Used by:
1002: Goblin Suit
	Guard +16
	Used by:
1102: Beatle Suit
	Guard +18
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1202: Troll Suit
	Guard +20
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1402: Kawa no Fuku
	Leather Outfit: Guard +4
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1502: Asa no Robe
	Morning Robe: Guard +14
	Used by:
1602: Men no Robe
	Cotton Robe: Guard +25
	Used by:
1702: Kinu no Robe
	Silk Robe: Guard +50
	Used by:
1802: Madou no Robe
	Wizard's Robe: Guard +42
	Used by:
1902: Shigoku no Robe
	Some Kinda Robe: Guard +36
	Used by:
1A02: Bara no Robe
	Rose Leotard: Guard +58
	Used by:
1B02: Seinaru Robe
	Mystic Robe: Guard +66
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1E02: Gin no Soukou
	"Soukou" Definition Unknown: Guard +10
	Used by:
1F02: Buriki no Vest
	Guard +22
	Used by:
2002: Titan no Soukou
	"Soukou" Definition Unknown: Guard +28
	Used by:
2102: Steel Armor
	Guard +52
	Used by:
2202: Hard Metal Armor
	Guard +75
	Used by:
2302: Full Metal Jacket
	Guard +34
	Used by:
2402: Mithril no Soukou
	"Soukou" Definition Unknown: Guard +6
	Used by:
2502: Kurenai no Dougi
	"Dougi" Definition Unknown: Guard +10
	Used by:
2602: Nichirin no Dougi
	"Dougi" Definition Unknown: Guard +22
	Used by:
2702: Panther Spots
	Guard +30
	Used by:


File: Mystic Ark\Index\Item Modifier\**03: HEADGEAR

0103: Kawa no Boushi
	Leather Hat: Guard +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0203: Tetsu Kabuto
	Iron Helmet: Guard +2
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0303: Kurogane Kabuto
	Bandit Helm: Guard +4
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0403: Cross Helmet
	Guard +6
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0503: Hard Helmet
	Guard +9
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0603: Honetsuki Kabuto
	Ivory Crown: Guard +11
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0703: Shirogane no Kabuto
	Paladin Helm: Guard +14
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0803: Royal Crown
	Guard +18
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0903: Mikan no Heta
	Some Kinda Helmet: Guard +15
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0A03: Nightcap
	Guard +6
	Used by:
0B03: Hood
	Guard +10
	Used by:
0C03: Sankaku Boushi
	Tricorner Hat: Guard +18
	Used by:
0D03: Warm Met
	Guard +10
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0E03: Govus Met
	Guard +13
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0F03: Buriki no Bucket
	Guard +8
	Used by: Lux
1003: Metal Head
	Guard +15
	Used by: Lux
1103: Hard Cross
	Guard +20
	Used by: Lux
1203: Steel Cross
	Guard +35
	Used by: Lux
1303: Alkaloid Bucket
	Guard +37
	Used by: Lux


File: Mystic Ark\Index\Item Modifier\**04: SHIELDS

0104: Buckler
	Guard +1
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0204: Black Shield
	Guard +3
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0304: Bond Shield
	Guard +5
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0404: Kite Shield
	Guard +10
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0504: Tatakai no Tate
	Fighter's Shield: Guard +14
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0604: Kame no Koura
	Turtle Shell: Guard +16
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0704: Shirogane no Tate
	Paladin Shield: Guard +21
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0804: Crystal Shield
	Guard +25
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0904: Kagamibari no Tate
	Mirror Shield: Guard +18
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0A04: Kokuen no Tate
	Regal Shield: Guard +61
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
0B04: Shoulder Pad
	Guard +5
	Used by: Lux
0C04: Chrome Plate
	Guard +11
	Used by: Lux
0D04: Steel Shoulder
	Guard +18
	Used by: Lux
0E04: Reinforcer
	Guard +22
	Used by: Lux
0F04: Light (Right?) Shield
	Guard +10
	Used by: 
1004: Tetsu no Kote
	Iron Gauntlet: Guard +14
	Used by: 
1104: Fire Shield
	Guard +10
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1204: Zombie Shield
	Guard +14
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris
1304: Siren Mirror
	Guard +10
	Used by: Remeer, Ferris


File: Mystic Ark\Index\Item Modifier\**05: ACCESSORIES

0105: Kakushimi no Fuku
	Dark Mantle: You become invisible, your body turns to anti-
		matter, and you can walk through people (useful for
		exploring areas	blocked off by guards, like the
		cats in the ships)
0205: Iyashi no Boots
	Life Boots: Recover 1 HP with every step
0305: Griffin Boots
	Unknown use
0405: Mahou no Muffler
	Magic Muffler: Unknown use
0505: Platina Brooch
	Magic +10
0605: Zo'ge no Cameo
	Ivory Cameo: Guard +6
0705: Magic Buckle
	Power and Guard +10
0805: Chisei no Anklet
	Intelligence Anklet: Magic +20
0905: Chinmoku no Ashikase
	Something of Silence: Power and Guard +8, but Magic and
		Speed -10
0A05: Hoshi no Pierce
	Star Stud: Guard +14
0B05: Kaikyuushou
	Reports: Sixpack of Broadhook gives you this
		in exchange for the Spy Papers (#4A06).
		Once you have this, you are able to
		freely enter and exit Gumbo.


File: Mystic Ark\Index\Item Modifier\**06: ITEMS

0106: Taimatsu
	Torch: Same effect as "Fire"
0206: Guren no Tsubo
	Magic Lamp: Same effect as "Fire Storm"
0306: Firecracker
	Same effect as "Red Burn"
0406: Abura no Bin
	Bottle of Oil: Same effect as "Heat Cyclone"
0506: Ice Rock
	Same effect as "Cold Down"
0606: Kouri no Tsume
	Ice Claw: Same effect as "Ice Rock Nail"
0706: Hyouga no Kakera
	Unknown Translation: Same effect as "Ice Wall"
0806: Juhyou no Biizu
	Unknown Translation: Same effect as "Ice Chain"
0906: Raimei no Sukarabe
	Unknown Translation: Same effect as "Lightning"
0A06: Plasma no Bottle
	Bottle of Plasma: Same effect as "Bolt Earth"
0B06: Dia Bomb ("Dia" is short for "Diamond")	
	Same effect as "Plasma Field"
0C06: Meteo Bottle
	Same effect as "Fireball"
0D06: Hydra no Ibukuro
	Red Hydra Materia: Same effect as "Prominence"
0E06: Hikari no Kuroba
	White Materia: Same effect as "Holy Emblem"
0F06: Jishin no Kane
	Earthquake Bell: Same effect as "Earthquake"
1006: Fuurai no Kane
	Hurricane Bell: Same effect as "Hurricane"
1106: Dokumizu no Bin
	Bottle of Poison Water: Non-elemental magic damage
		on one opponent
1206: Fubuki no Bottle
	Snowstorm-In-A-Bottle: Same effect as "Blizzard Hole"
1306: Shinkai no Orb
	Unknown Translation: Same effect as "Freezing Hell"
1406: Shi no Menshou
	Book of Death: Same effect as "Kill"
1506: Crystal
	Crystal Ball: Shows enemy position on map
		Also casts "Warp Gate" when used
1606: Debug Crystal
	Same as #1506, but "Warp Gate" list is of 
		every place in the game (used by 
		Enix for debugging purposes)
1706: Akibin
	Empty Bottle: Use outside of battle, nothing happens.
		If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
1806: Tatakai no Kiroku
	Record of Battles: It says "Koremade Kiroku" (Recorded
		up to right now) and does nothing else. If you
		find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
1A06: Jushi no Katamari
	Unknown Translation: If you find out a use for this,
		e-mail Ragnarosen.
1B06: Sentouwazazensho
	Big Book O'Battle Skills: If you find out a use for
		this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
1C06: Daimahousensho
	Big Book O'Magic: If you find out a use for this,
		e-mail Ragnarosen.
1D06: Kindan no Menshou
	Unknown Translation: Same effect as "Death Flare"
1E06: Muzukashiihon
	Difficult Book: Same effect as "Sleep" (Shinji Imada
		must have flunked out of college)
1F06: Power Bottle
	Same effect as "Power"
2006: Guard Bottle
	Same effect as "Hard"
2106: Speed Bottle
	Same effect as "Speed"
2206: Magic Bottle
	Same effect as "Aura"
2306: HP no Tane
	Lifeforce Nuts: Increases maximum HP by 1-5
2406: MP no Tane
	Mystic Acorns: Increases maximum MP by 1-5
2506: Chikara no Tane
	Strength Seed: Increases "Power" by 1-5
2606: Ishizue no Tane
	Constitution Seed: Increases "Guard" by 1-5
2706: Subayasa no Tane
	Agility Seed: Increases "Speed" by 1-5
2806: Kashikosa no Tane
	Intelligence Seed: Increases "Magic" by 1-5
2906: Yubi no Mast
	Extra Mast: Allows you to run away from battle with 
		higher success rate than with "Nigeru" command
2B06: Biscuit
	Use it in battle, and ??? (If you find out a use
		for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.)
2C06: Madou no Kagami
	Wizard's Mirror: Same effect as "Mirror"
2D06: Juujika
	Unknown Translation: Same effect as "Death Guard"
2E06: Topaz
	Sell for 500 G, used for keeping your money safe
		so you won't lose half of it when you die
2F06: Ruby
	Sell for 1000 G, used for keeping your money safe
		so you won't lose half of it when you die
3006: Sapphire
	Sell for 4000 G, used for keeping your money safe
		so you won't lose half of it when you die
3106: Emerald
	Sell for 10000 G, used for keeping your money safe
		so you won't lose half of it when you die
3206: Diamond
	Sell for 20000 G, used for keeping your money safe
		so you won't lose half of it when you die
3306: Hachimitsu no Bin
	Bottle of Honey: Recovers 10 HP
3406: Kaifuku no Mi
	Recovery Nut: Found in Moss Cave. Recovers 30 HP.
3506: Potion
	Recovers 40 HP
3606: Yakusou
	Marijuana Leaf: Recovers 100 HP
3706: Yakusou Cookie
	Marijuana Brownie: Recovers 160 HP
3806: Yakusou no Soup
	Hashish Soup: Recovers 240 HP
3906: Special Yakusou
	Chronic Blunt: Recovers maximum HP
3A06: Mashou no Kaori
	Mystic Incense: Recovers 16 MP
3B06: Mashou no Mask
	Mystic Mask: Recovers 40 MP
3C06: Mashou no Spray
	Mystic Spray: Recovers 100 MP
3D06: Mashou no Kobin
	Mystic Bottle: Recovers maximum MP
3E06: Mashou no Bottle
	Elixir: Recovers maximum HP/MP
3F06: Antidote
	Cures "Doku" (Poison) status. Duh.
4006: Hoshiniku
	Star Meat: Recovers 60 HP
4106: Kinoko
	Mushroom: Recovers 90 HP
4206: Brandy
	Recovers 100 HP
4306: Sandwich
	Recovers 20 HP
4406: Tsuno
	Unicorn Horn: Recovers 30 MP
4506: Kousui
	Perfume: Recovers 80 MP
4606: Monster Seed
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
4706: Shinchuu no Kagi
	Some Kinda Key: If you find out a use for this, 
		e-mail Ragnarosen.
4806: Scroll
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
4906: Megami no Namida
	Goddess Tear: Throw in the fireplace to get the Crystal
4A06: Houkokusho
	Spy Papers: Pink-Hat, in the Gumbo dungeon,
		gives this to you. Exchange this with
		Sixpack for the Reports (#0A05).
4B06: Sabita Kagi
	Rusty Key: Opens door in Casa Portal
5106: Mizu no Haitta Bin
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5206: Graham's Heart
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5306: Graham
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5406: Edison's Heart
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5506: Edison
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5606: Koganeiro no Wine
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5706: Rona's Heart
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5806: Rona
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5906: Tegami
	Letter: If you find out a use for this, e-mail
5A06: Buna no Jueki
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5B06: Matoya no Megane
	Matoya's Glasses: If you find out a use for this,
		e-mail Ragnarosen.
5C06: Kusatte Mitsu no Bin
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5D06: Kaifuku no Naegi
	Recovery Sapling: Found in Moss Cave. If you find out
		a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5E06: Keitaiyou Hook
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
5F06: Kurogane
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
6006: Ishi no Tsuki
	Moon Stone: Opens locked door in Mikazuki Shrine
6106: Shiwakucha no Fuku
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
6206: Chess no Koma
	If you find out a use for this, e-mail Ragnarosen.
6306: Tamanegi
	Onion: Give this to Bragg in the Broadhook Prison
		to get a hint about how to enter Gumbo
6406: Nezumi no Shippo
	Rat Tail: Maybe if you give this to Bahamut, he'll
		upgrade your Job Class?

I think I passed the point with all the attack and recovery items.
	From here on in are probably the event items that are used in
	certain parts of the game, and since I can't seem to find my
	way out of the first part of the game, I'll leave the descrip-
	tions blank and translate any that I know. If you find out
	uses for any of these items, e-mail Ragnarosen.

6606: Hi no Scotch (Fire Whiskey)
6806: Matoya no Kusuri (Matoya's Medicine)
6906: Baraniku (Rose Fruit)
6A06: Bulfinch's Heart
6B06: Bulfinch
6C06: Deck Brush (I guess this isn't the same as Item #3701)
6D06: Tsuki no Hon (Moon Book)
6E06: Tokei no Hon (Time Book)
6F06: Chitei no Hon
7006: Shokubutsu no Hon (Plant Book)
7106: Milk Tea no Bin (Bottle of Milk Tea)
7206: Cocoa no Bin (Bottle of Cocoa)
7306: Kocha no Bin (Bottle of Tea)
7406: Milk no Bin (Bottle of Milk)
7506: Amedama no Bin (Candy Jar)
7606: Hiroba's Heart
7706: Hiroba
7806: Benjamin no Ha (Benjamin's Tooth)
7906: Benchera no Mi
7A06: Gin no Knife (Silver Knife)
7B06: Gin no Fork (Silver Fork)
7C06: Bera Light
7D06: Open Card
7E06: Ireba
7F06: Hon no Kirehashi
8206: Pine's Heart (Pine Cone)
8306: Budou's Heart (Grape)
8406: Abura Age (Deep Frying Oil)
8506: Pine no Tane (Pine Tree Seed)
8606: Budou no Tane (Grapevine Seed)
8706: Tsuba
8806: Tsumetai Mizu (Cold Water)
8906: Beatle no Kagi (Beatle's Key)
8A06: Hinadori's Heart (Chicken Meat)
8B06: Hinadori (Chick)
8C06: Aoi Hon (Blue Book)
8D06: Kuroi Hon (Black Book (1))
8E06: Kuroi Hon (Black Book (2))
8F06: He no Tsubari
9006: Glass Dama (Glass Sphere)
9106: Shiroi Dress (White Dress)
9206: Shokaijo
9306: Osama's Heart
9406: Gacho's Heart
9506: Akaboshi's Heart
9606: Troll no Tategoto (Troll's Harp)
9706: Cinderella's Heart
9806: Osama
9906: Cinderella
9A06: Akaboshi
9B06: Gacho
9C06: Kodai no Kagami (Ancient Mirror)
9D06: Dokuringo (Poison Apple)
9E06: Mojiban-4
9F06: Kibako no Kagi (Greenhouse Key)
A006: Tokage no Shippo (Lizard's Tail)
A106: Tansu no Kagi (Shelf Key)
A206: Wine Glass
A306: Tokei no Neji (Clock Screw)
A406: Shiro Wine (White Wine)
A506: Murasaki Suishou
A606: Etchi na Hon (This item was in "Dragon Quest III Reprise,"
		someone said it meant "Book of Pornography," but I
		didn't believe that)
A706: Glass no Kutsu #15 (Glass Slipper #15)
A806: Glass no Kutsu #19 (Glass Slipper #19)
A906: Glass no Kutsu #26 (Glass Slipper #26)
AA06: Murasaki Suishou (This may or may not be the same
		item as #A506)
AB06: Mezame no Kona ("Wake Up Powder," another item from
BE06: Yakitori (Grilled Chicken)
	Recovers 40 HP
BF06: Slime Food
	Recovers 70 HP
C006: Fresh Food
	Recovers 140 HP
C106: ???? Food
	Recovers 180 HP
C206: Sky Food
	Recovers 220 HP
C306: Powerful Food
	Recovers maximum HP
C406: Vampire Pill
	Recovers 50 MP
C506: Termite Pill
	Recovers 80 MP
C606: Medusa Pill
	Recovers 100 MP
C706: Glow Pill
	Recovers 150 MP
C806: Magic Pill
	Recovers 220 MP
C906: Powerful Pill
	Recovers maximum MP
CA06: HP Figure
	Same effect as "HP no Tane" (Item #2306)
CB06: MP Figure
	Same effect as "MP no Tane" (Item #2406)
CC06: Power Figure
	Same effect as "Chikara no Tane" (Item #2506)
CD06: Guard Figure
	Same effect as "Ishizue no Tane" (Item #2606)
CE06: Magic Figure
	Same effect as "Kashikosa no Tane" (Item #2806)
CF06: Speed Figure
	Same effect as "Subayasa no Tane" (Item #2706)
D006: Buchi Figure
	Sell for 200 G
D106: Stone Figure
	Sell for 500 G
D206: Metal Figure
	Sell for 1000 G
D306: Silver Figure
	Sell for 2000 G
D406: Golden Figure
	Sell for 4000 G
D506: Premium Figure
	Sell for 6000 G
D606: Special Figure
	Sell for 10000 G

----------------------------GAME WALKTHROUGH------------------------------

---The Temple Of The 7 Statues---

You start in an odd temple-like room with 7 statues, and YOU are the statue
	in the center.
You start with two items: the GODDESS TEAR and the LEATHER ARMOR, which you
	should EQUIP immediately.
Go out of the temple room and throw the GODDESS TEAR into the fireplace to
	turn it into the CRYSTAL. Possession of the CRYSTAL allows you to
	go through all the doors in the temple, including the one that leads
There are no monsters outside, just a statue of a goddess who says something
	in Japanese, a cave on the beach with a locked door, several houses
	with locked doors, an unlocked house with a broken switch and a
	broken music box, and an unreachable sword clearly visible from the
	north shore.
Go back into the temple and go upstairs. On the second floor, there are 2
	doors. Go inside the LEFT door, and SEARCH the ship in a bottle.
	You'll be transported to Casa Portal.

---The Rival Clans of Cat Pirates---

Be sure to grab all the treasure inside Casa Portal. One of the bottles
	contains honey. Drink it to completely restore your HP and MP for
	free. EQUIP the sword you get from one of the boxes.
Use the key you find in Casa Portal to unlock the exit door. Once outside,
	you'll be in the Overworld. Anyone who played "The 7th Saga" will
	instantly recognize the crystal ball with the moving dots in the
	upper left-hand corner of the screen.
The only monsters you'll fight here are "Claws," which look like purple
	wyverns. They may look intimidating, but can be defeated with a
	couple hits.
East of Casa Portal is the first town, which looks like a pink sailing
	ship on dry land. Once inside, two cats in pirate outfits greet
	you, and you find out the name of the town (Broadhook).
The main hallway in Broadhook contains an up staircase and a down stair-
	case, two rooms to the left of the stairs, and one room to the
	right. On the far right of the hallway are two treasure boxes.
	Open 'em! The cat pirates won't mind. (You receive LEATHER HAT
The room to the right of the staircase is the all-purpose store. It's
	got armor and item stores, but no weapon store yet. Inside the
	store is a cat named Sixpack. Remember his name and location!
	And buy a Buckler, too. You won't need Potions 'cause my hacking
	codes will make you practically invincible.
Of the two rooms to the left of the staircase, the right room is the
	Inn. Restore your HP/MP for 10 G. You can also save your progress
	for free there, but pressing F2 would be much more convenient.
	Once you stay at an Inn, you can use the item "Crystal" to warp
	back to that same point.
The left room contains two cats. Talk to the one on the top and answer
	"Yes" to his question. There's a hungry prisoner named Bragg in
	the jail, so this cat gives you an ONION to feed Bragg.
Both staircases are blocked, but if you talk to the cat guarding the
	one leading down, he'll let you through.
Downstairs is the prison. First, talk to the cat at the table. He'll
	challenge you to a game of chess. Beat him and he'll give you
	the ICE CLAW. (It's simple, really: just use your knight to
	knock down his pawns.)
Bragg is in the prison cell on the right. When the "Search" menu opens,
	select "Use Item" and then select the Onion. Bragg loves Onions,
	so he tells you a secret about how to enter Gumbo. (Try to enter
	Gumbo, the Black Ship across the gorge from Broadhook, and the
	cats will kick you out. There's a cave to the northwest of the
	black ship that leads to Gumbo's basement, but it's blocked off
	by a monster.)
Go back upstairs and the cat who guards the staircase leading up will
	ask you to tell Sixpack to get back to work. Go to the store
	and talk to Sixpack.
Sixpack will tell you to talk to his friend Pink-Hat, who is in the
	basement of Gumbo. Once you talk to him, the monster inside the
	cave disappears.
Go inside the cave, get the Torch from the treasure box, and slide down
	the sand falls. Fight Skeletons inside the cave until you get
	the Kyzoku Scimitar, which is twice as powerful as the Bronze Blade.
Once at the bottom of the cave, you'll notice two more passages blocked
	off by rocks. (!!) Go through the door at the end and you'll find
	yourself inside Gumbo's basement.
Talk to Pink-Hat (He's the cat near the entrance with the pink hat. You
	can't miss him.) and he'll give you the Spy Papers. He also
	tells you to go back to Broadhook and show it to Sixpack.
Even though you're in Gumbo's basement, you can't access the upper deck
	of the black ship because a cat is blocking the only staircase
	leading up.
Exit the cave (it's kinda hard to get back up the sand falls) and return
	to Broadhook. Show the Spy Papers to Sixpack (he's in the store)
	and he'll give you the Reports. Once you have this item in your
	possession, you can freely enter and exit Gumbo, the Black Ship.
Gumbo's weapon/armor/item store is located right next to the entrance.
	Buy a suit of Chain Mail (and a Kyzoku Scimitar if you weren't lucky
	enough to steal it from a Skeleton).

---Walkthrough Update #1: Thanks To [Potatoh156@aol.com]---

Once you enter Gumbo, you'll see two cats sitting at a table, a stairway
	leading down, a (blocked) stairway leading up, the market, two
	rooms to your right, and one to your left.
The room on the left is a bar. Talk to the bartender (the cat behind
	the counter) and he'll give you a beer. This has no in-game effects,
	but it's nice to play a character who's old enough to get service
	in a bar. (Remember in "Paladin's Quest" when all the bartenders
	would ever say to you was, "Welcome, youngster. Want some milk?")
Of the two rooms to the right of the entrance, the left door leads to an
	Inn. Restore your HP and MP for 10 G. You can also save, and add
	Gumbo to your list of Warp Points.
Just for fun, press [Numeric Key 1] while in Gumbo's Inn. You'll see
	three cats hiding behind the beds! Talk to them and they'll tell
	you about using items, like Potion and Antidote, in battle.
The right door leads to a room with two cats and a bookcase. If you
	search the bookcase, you'll find... NOTHING! Haw-haw! Made ya
Go downstairs to find an *unblocked* stairway leading down, and two
	more rooms. However, both rooms are locked. You might as well go
You'll find yourself back in Gumbo's basement, a familiar spot. Nobody
	has anything new to say, except Pink-Hat, who gives a Kanji-filled
	speech ending with "Hee hee hee."
Go back to the ground floor. The cat guarding the up stairway won't
	budge, so there's nothing more to do here. Go back to Broadhook.
The first thing to do in Broadhook is to talk to Sixpack. He'll tell
	you that Alonso, the leader of Broadhook, has something for you.
The cat guarding the up stairway in Broadhook's main hall will make you
	play another mini-game before he lets you up. To win, just remember
	the positions of the four coins with human heads on them, and point
	to those coins by pressing the A Button.
Once on the second floor of Broadhook, you'll see a whole lot of things.
	The up stairway across from the down stairway you came from leads
	to the Conference Room, with Alonso (the cat in the captain's uniform)
	supervising three cats sitting at a table with a green chart on it.
Alonso congratulates you on restoring peace between Broadhook and Gumbo,
	but you don't win any items from him. D'oh!
Back in the main hallway on the second floor, you'll see (on the left)
	three cats waiting in line to use the bathroom. Due south of the
	stairway to the first floor are three tables, and to the right of
	the tables is another stairway leading up.
You'll emerge inside a library, with a whole bunch of bookcases, some
	cats reading at a table, and a door leading to the upper deck of
	the ship. Gee, these cats seem like they're navigating the ship
	over the ocean, even though they're really over dry land!
Back in the main hallway on the second floor, you'll see (on the right)
	three rooms. The room on the far right has an elaborate-looking
	door, which is locked. (It's probably Alonso's private cabin.) To
	the right of the three rooms is a free Potion and another stairway
	leading up!
Upstairs, you'll see three more treasure boxes. You'll find an Antidote,
	a Taimatsu (Torch), and an Akibin (Empty Bottle) inside. Go upstairs
	to find yourself on the ship's roof. Climb the ladder to find the
	crow's nest. The cat there says something about how his job is to
	tell the time by measuring the sun's current position. Gee, these
	cats really need Swatches!
Of the three rooms on the second floor's main hallway, the two leftmost
	doors are open, and you can go inside. The room on the left has
	a cat, and a couple of drawers and jars with nothing inside.
Now, the room on the RIGHT has a paranoid cat, who says something like
	"Oh, no, you won't find anything in my room. No, nothing at all."
	On the contrary, you'll find a Potion in one of the jars, and in
	the shelf on the far right corner of the room, search the shelf.
Select the first command, "Yoku Shiraberu" (Search) then the third,
	"Hikidashi wo Ageru" (Open the Drawer) then the third, "Toru"
	(Take). You receive the "Ishi no Tsuki" (Moon Stone)!
Leave Broadhook and travel southeast, until you see a bridge at the edge
	of the gorge. Enter the bridge, then go inside the small hut to
	find a table with a crescent moon-shaped indention. Search the
	table, then select the second command, "Item wo Tsukau" (Use Item),
	then select the Moon Stone from your Item List. The stone fits the
	moon-shaped indention perfectly, the locked door opens, and you're
	free to travel south!

---The South Country & The Cave of Moss---

Whoa! Finally out of the Broadhook-Gumbo Region! Two new points of
	interest: a city suspended on top of a stone column (You can't
	enter it now, no matter how hard you try) and a suspicious-
	looking patch of dark green moss on the ground. Enter the moss
	patch, and you'll find yourself inside a cave.
The only enemies inside the Moss Cave are Green Slimes, which are only
	slightly more powerful than Skeletons. Sometimes you'll find items
	scattered on the ground.
The nuts are "Kaifuku no Mi" (Recovery Nut) which restore 30 HP. The 
	small tree branch is "Kaifuku no Naegi" (Recovery Sapling) which
	does nothing when used as an item, but is probably where all
	those nuts came from. 
The total yield is five nuts and one branch, plus the first nut you
	find will completely restore your HP. Search that nut again to
	obtain "Kaifuku no Mi."

---Back in Gumbo---

Go back to Gumbo (or, better yet, use the Crystal to warp back there)
	with the Recovery Sapling in your bag and talk to the pink cat
	sitting at the table in the main hallway of the ground floor. All
	the cats in the first room will leave for the Moss Cave so they
	can synthesize a more powerful curative potion from the moss.
Once all the cats are gone, search the two treasure boxes behind the
	store's counter. They contain an "MP no Tane" (Mystic Acorns)
	and a "Tetsu Kabuto" (Iron Helmet). The Iron Helmet is an im-
	provement over the Leather Hat, so equip it immediately.
You can now go upstairs! Woo hoo! The staircase you came from is on
	the left side of the room. To the right lies a door leading to
	the deck of the ship, where you can play a mini-game where you
	have to change the color of every square on the floor from light
	grey to dark grey. This is pretty easy, nothing like those damn
	"Brain Lord" puzzles, and you can hold the [~] button to make
	it go even faster. Once you win, you receive the "Deck Brush,"
	a useless item. Note: this is the #6C06 Deck Brush, not the
	#3701 Deck Brush that can actually be used as a weapon.
Go back down to the second-floor hallway. To the right of the door
	leading to the deck is a stairway leading up, as well as three
	rooms. The room on the right has that same elaborate-looking
	locked door that Alonso's cabin in Broadhook had.
The leader of Gumbo is either named "Chaves" or "Chavez."
The two unlocked rooms have nothing of interest, except for a sleepy
	cat who gives a speech about how he can't wake up. It's hilarious,
	if you know Japanese.
Upstairs you'll find the conference room, with Chavez (in the captain's
	uniform, he looks like a palette-swapped Alonso) supervising a
	bunch of cats sitting at a table with a green chart on it.
To find out where all the cats from the first room went, you can find
	'em all, camping out inside the Moss Cave. All the enemies will
	have cleared, and the cats are hanging by the spot where you
	first found the Recovery Sapling. The leader, a pink cat named
	Byron, will tell you that he and his crew can't make the potion
	because the tree is dead.

---Broadhook Bound---

Back to the good ol' pink ship! To go back to Broadhook, you could use
	your own two legs like a sucker, or you could just save time by
	warping there with the Crystal.

---The Leads Stop Here---

Well, that's as far as I can get in the game. It would be a lot easier if
	there wasn't as much Kanji (Chinese characters) and more Kana
	(Japanese syllable-based letters) in the dialogue. I had to keep
	my Japanese-to-English dictionary at my side at all times when
	playing this ROM, and the partial translation patch available at
	Zophar's Domain (http://www.zophar.net) isn't much help. If you
	know of a way to progress in the game, tell me about it (my e-mail
	address is at the beginning of this FAQ) and I'll print it in my
	next version of the FAQ, along with your name in the "Special
	Thanks To" section.

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff