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                 | Final Fantasy 3 Save State Hacking |
                 |           by Draco_Star            |
                 |       DracoStar@ignmail.com        |


1.  Introduction
2.  Version
3.  Gold offsets
3.1 Steps
4.  Stat digits
5.  Character Offsets
6.  Item digits
7.  Spells
8.  Credits
9.  Copyright info

|1.  Introduction|

    This is my first Save State hacking document.  In order to use this
document you need:
a.  Zsnes emulator
b.  Final Fantasy 3 rom  (The one I used FF6us.FIG so it should work on
                          all FF3 roms and if it does not e-mail me and
                          tell me where you got your rom and I will try
                          to correct this document for other versions)
c.  A save state with the characters that you want to alter in it.
d.  A hex editor.  I am using HexWorkShop. You can get it if you want
    at www.bpsoft.com.
e.  Some knowledge of the hex number system for I will not teach it in
    this document.

    Now on to the hacking.

|2.  Version|

Version 1.0
  - Character offsets up to Sabin
  - Gold offset
  - Item offsets and Item Digits
  - Magic offsets for Characters up to Sabin

Version 1.1
  - Changed E-mail address in title area for it had an extra _ in it
  - Added Banons Character offsets Banon does not have magic so he
    has not offsets for it
  - Added # of steps

Version 1.2 FINAL
  - Added Character offsets up to Gau.
  - Added magic offsets up to Gau.
  - Since I released the first version of this two programs that do the
    same and are easier then hexing a docment have been relased on this
    same game.  You can get one at www.zophar.net the other at 
  - If they used any of my info then I am glad that people have seen 
    something that I have done in my spare time and if they didn't then
    I am still glad at how many people have e-mailed me with responsed 
    to this guide.  Untill I get more time and a computer that is not 
    the familys and is just mine I will not make anymore FAQ's so until
    then (probably later this year or this summer) look for more from

|3.  Gold Offsets|

     I dont know what the max for the gold is in this game but if you 
want alot of money then use 9,999,999. <==With that much money you 
should not run out.

2473  gold

In that offset if you want to have 9,999,999 gold then put 7f9698 in 
the offset above.


  This is how many steps you have taken in the game.  I was told that
the number of steps you take affects how much damage Strago does with
his mind lores.  To edit this just start at offset 2479 and try the 
same hex numbers as for the gold.

2479  steps taken

|4.  Stat digits|

    For the stats of the characters you will need a couple hex bytes to
make it easier.
  FF = 255 For stats                 C8 = 200 For speed
  63 = 99 For level and # of items   E703 = 999 For magic points
  0F27 = 9999 For Hit Points         

The reason that I suggust using 200 for speed rather than 255 is that 
if it is on 255 you will see no difference in speed but with 200 you do
see a difference in speed.

|5.  Character Offsets|

    These are the offsets for the characters.  I have only included the
first offset for each thing.  Current hp takes up 2 bytes so in hex it
would look like 0F27.  So if you start out at the first offset (which I
have listed for you) and just type in the amount you want then you 
should be fine.  Any questions or problems E-mail me at 

221B  level
221C  current hp (must be same as max)
221E  max hp
2220  current mp (must be same as max)
2222  max mp
2224  exp.
222D  vigor
222E  speed
222F  stamina
2230  magic power
2232  weapon
2233  sheild
2234  helmet
2235  armor
2236  relic #1
2237  relic #2

2240  level
2241  current hp (must be same as max)
2243  max hp
2245  current mp (must be same as max)
2247  max mp
2249  exp.
2252  vigor
2253  speed
2254  stamina
2255  magic power
2257  weapon
2258  sheild
2259  helmet
225a  armor
225b  relic #1
225c  relic #2

22af  level
22b0  current hp (must be same as max)
22b2  max hp
22b4  current mp (must be same as max)
22b6  max mp
22b8  exp.
22c1  vigor
22c2  speed
22c3  stamina
22c4  magic power
22c6  weapon
22c7  sheild
22c8  helmet
22c9  armor
22ca  relic #1
22cb  relic #2

22d4  level
22d5  current hp (must be same as max)
22d7  max hp
22d9  current mp (must be same as max)
22db  max mp
22dd  exp.
22e6  vigor
22e7  speed
22e8  stamina
22e9  magic power
22eb  weapon
22ec  sheild
22ed  helmet
22ee  armor
22ef  relic #1
22f0  relic #2

228a  level
228b  current hp (must be same as max)
228d  max hp
228f  current mp (must be same as max)
2291  max mp
2293  exp.
229c  vigor
229d  speed
229e  stamina
229f  magic power
22a1  weapon
22a2  sheild
22a3  helmet
22a4  armor
22a5  relic #1
22a6  relic #2

22f9  level
22fa  current hp (must be same as max)
22fc  max hp
22fe  current mp (must be same as max)
2300  max mp
2302  exp.
230b  vigor
230c  speed
230d  stamina
230e  magic power
2310  weapon
2311  sheild
2312  helmet
2313  armor
2314  relic #1
2315  relic #2

2265  level
2266  current hp (must be same as max)
2268  max hp
226a  current mp (must be same as max)
226c  max mp
226e  exp.
2277  vigor
2278  speed
2279  stamina
227a  magic power
227c  weapon
227d  sheild
227e  helmet
227f  armor
2280  relic #1
2281  relic #2

23b2  level
23b3  current hp (must be same as max)
23b5  max hp
23b7  current mp (must be same as max)
23b9  max mp
23bb  exp.
23c4  vigor
23c5  speed
23c6  stamina
23c7  magic power
23c9  weapon
23ca  sheild
23cb  helmet
23cc  armor
23cd  relic #1
23ce  relic #2

|Secondary Characters|

These are characters that you only have for one part of the game.  
Banon and wedge have the same offsets so later in the game you will 
have to edit them again when you get Banon.

231e  level
231f  current hp (must be same as max)
2321  max hp
2330  vigor
2331  speed
2332  stamina
2333  magic power
227c  weapon
227d  sheild
227e  helmet
227f  armor
2280  relic #1
2281  relic #2


2422  current hp (must be same as max)
2424  max hp
2421  level
2433  vigor
2434  speed
2435  stamina
2436  magic power
242A  exp.
2438  weapon
2439  sheild
243a  helmet
243b  armor
243c  relic #1
243d  relic #2

2422  current hp (must be same as max)
2424  max hp
2421  level
2433  vigor
2434  speed
2435  stamina
2436  magic power
242A  exp.
2438  weapon
2439  sheild
243a  helmet
243b  armor
243c  relic #1
243d  relic #2

2447  current hp (must be same as max)
2449  max hp
2446  level
2458  vigor
2459  speed
245a  stamina
245b  magic power
244f  exp.
245d  weapon
245e  sheild
245f  helmet
2460  armor
2461  relic #1
2462  relic #2

|6.  Item digits|

     The items in this game are listed in a weird way.  First you have 
the items hex number.  Then in a totaly different area you have how the
ammount of that item.  Confused?  I was when I was looking for it.

Ex.  you want a dirk 00 as your first item.
you would put 00 at offset 247c then 01(for one dirk) in offset 257c.
Get it now?

247c  first item
a57a  last item

257c  first item amount
267a  last item amount

00  dirk
01  mithril knife
02  guardian
03  air lancet
04  thiefknife
05  assassin
06  man eater
07  sword breaker
08  graedus
09  valiant knife
25  imperial
26  kodachi
27  blossom
28  hardened
29  striker
2a  stunner

0a  mithril blade
0b  regalcutlass
0c  rune edge
0d  flame sabre
0e  blizzard
0f  thunder blade
10  epee
11  break blade
12  drainer
13  enhancer
14  crystal
15  falchion
16  soul sabre
17  ogre nix
18  excalibur
19  Scimiter
1a  illumina
1b  ragnarok
1c  atma weapon

1d  mithril pike
1e  trident
1f  stout spear
20  partisan
21  pearl lance
22  gold lance
23  aura lance
24  imp halbred

2b  ashura
2c  kotetsu
2d  forged
2e  tempest
2f  murasame
30  aura
31  strato
32  sky render

33  heal rod
34  mithril rod
35  fire rod
36  ice rod
37  thunder rod
38  poison rod
39  pearl rod
3a  gravity rod
3b  punisher
3c  magus rod

3d  chocobo brsh
3e  davinci brsh
3f  magical brsh
40  rainbow brsh

41  shuriken
42  ninja star
43  tack star

44  flail
45  full moon
46  morning star
47  boomerang
48  rising sun
49  hawk eye
4a  bone club
4b  sniper
4c  wing edge

4d  cards
4e  darts
4f  doom cards
50  trump
51  dice
52  fixed dice

53  metalknuckle
54  mithril claw
55  kaiser
56  poison claw
57  fire knuckle
58  dragon claw
59  tiger fangs

5a  buckler
5b  heavy shld
5c  mithril shld
5d  gold shld
5e  aegis
5f  diamind shld
60  flame shld
61  ice shld
62  thunder shld
63  crystal shld
64  genji shld
65  tortoise shld
66  cursed sheild
67  Paladin Sheild
68  force sheild

69  leather hat
6a  hair band
6b  plumed hat
6c  beret
6d  magus hat
6e  bandana
6f  iron helmet
70  coronet
71  bard's hat
72  green beret
73  head band
74  mithril helm
75  tiara
76  gold helmet
77  tiger mask
78  red hat
79  mystery veil
7a  circlet
7b  regal crown
7c  diamond helm
7d  dark hood
7e  crystal helm
7f  oath veil
80  cat hood
81  genji helmet
82  thornlet
83  titanium

84  leather armor
85  cotton robe
86  kung fu suit
87  iron armor
88  silk robe
89  mithril vest
8a  ninja gear
8b  white dress
8c  mithril mail
8d  gaia gear
8e  mirage dress
8f  gold armor
90  power sash
91  light robe
92  diamond vest
93  red jacket
94  force armor
95  diamond armor
96  dark gear
97  tao robe
98  crystal mail
99  czarina gown
9a  genji armor
9b  imps armor
9f  moogle suit
a0  nutkin suit
a1  behemeth suit
a2  snow muffler

a3  noise blaster
a4  bio blaster
a5  flash
a6  chain saw
a7  dibilitator
a8  drill
a9  air anchor
aa  autocrossbow

ab  fire skean
ac  water edge
ad  bolt edge
ae  inviz edge
af  shadow edge

b0  goggles
b1  star pendent
b2  peace ring
b3  amulet
b4  white cape
b5  jewel ring
b6  fair ring
b7  barrier ring
b8  mithril glove
b9  guard ring
ba  running shoes
bb  wall ring
bc  cherub down
bd  cure ring
be  true knight
bf  dragoonboots
c0  zephry cape
c1  czarina ring
c2  cursed ring
c3  earrings
c4  atlas armlet
c5  blizzard ring
c6  rage ring
c7  sneak ring
c8  pod bracelet
c9  hero ring
ca  ribbon
cb  muscle belt
cc  crystal orb
cd  gold hairpin
ce  economizer
cf  thief glove
d0  gauntlet
d1  genji glove
d2  hyper wrist
d3  offering
d4  beads
d5  black belt
d6  coin toss
d7  fakemustache
d8  gem box
d9  drgon horn
da  merit award
db  momento ring
dc  safety bit
dd  relic ring
de  moogle charm
df  charm bangle
e0  marvel shoes
e1  back gaurd
e2  gale hairpin
e3  sniper sight
e4  exp. egg
e5  tintinabar
e6  sprint shoes

e7  rename card
e8  tonic
e9  potion
ea  x-potion
eb  tincture
ec  either
ed  x-either
ee  elixer
ef  megalixer
f0  fenix down
f1  revivify
f2  antidote
f3  eydrop
f4  soft
f5  remedy
f6  sleeping bag
f7  tent
f8  green cherry
f9  magicite
fa  super ball
fb  echo screen
fc  smoke ball
fd  warp stone
fe  dried meat

|7.  Spells|

    Ah spells.  Before this document you had to go through and earn 
Magic points but now if you put FF in each offset below then you will
have every magic spell in the game!  Lucky for you that I found this.

Ex.  Terra you want all magic for
put ff in each offset between and including 2682 to 26b6

2682  first magic spell
26b6  last spell

26b7  first magic spell
26ec  last spell

2759  first magic spell
278e  last spell

278f  first magic spell
27c4  last spell

2733  first magic spell
2758  last spell

27c5  first magic spell
27fa  last spell

26ed  first magic spell
2722  last spell

28d3  first magic spell
2908  last spell

|8.  Credits|

I would like to give credit to a couple different people.

The Staff of SquareSoft (www.squaresoft.com)
   For making this great game.
The Staff of BPSoft (www.bpsotf.com) 
   For making hexworkshop
Gamefaqs (www.gamefaqs.com)
   For having an awsome site with the most game docs that I know of
The team of Zsnes (www.zsnes.com)
   For making the Best emulator out the for the Snes

|9.  Copyright info|

   This document is (c) copyright of Draco_Star 1999-2000.  This 
document and any part of this document is for public use only and can 
not be sold reproduced or copyed.  Hexworkshop is a (tm) tradmark of 
BPSoft. Final Fantasy 3 is a (tm) trademark of SquareSoft. 

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