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                        C H R O N O   T R I G G E R 
               Chrono Trigger Walkthrough and FAQ version 1.04              
                               By: "A" Tadeo
                           Created: June 23, 2000
                       Date last Updated: August 5, 2000
                    Mail me at: aaron20@edsamail.com.ph
                               ICQ#: 12218741


This Walkthrough/FAQ is created for personal use only. You must not use it 
for anything that gains profit. Specifically Magazines, Game Guides, 
Commercial Web Sites. You're also not allowed to rip off part/s of this 
Walkthrough/FAQ and put it on your own Walkthrough/FAQ. Anyone doing this is 
guilty of "plagiarism", the act of stealing and passing off of ideas and 
words of another as one's own without crediting the source.

You also cannot use this Walkthrough/FAQ as a guide for you to make your own 
Walkthrough/FAQ, you must do everything there is to do in the game yourself 
or have others give info about your game and give them proper credit. You can 
copy the layout though. 

You can put this Walkthrough/FAQ on your non-commercial or non-profit web 
site provided that not a single character has been edited or removed and you 
MUST have permission from me in order to do so. You can also, print a copy of 
the entire walkthrough or a part of it, provided you only use it for personal 
purposes. Remember "You don't have to steal, just ask." ñ B.O.F.III


Hello everyone! Welcome to my very first walkthrough/FAQ. I decided to create 
one for myself for many reasons, I want to prove that I can beat a game 
efficiently, I also want to prove that I can create a good Walkthrough/FAQ, 
and I also want to share to others what I have done and what have I seen so 
far regarding the game. I hope I can create this Walkthrough/FAQ well so that 
you won't get lost in the game. Honestly, I prefer not to play a game from 
the beginning to the end using a walkthrough. Just play the game and if you 
somehow left yourself trapped or stuck in a particular place/event in the 
game, use this guide to help you.

Let's talk about the game itself. In my opinion, Chrono Trigger is the best 
RPG ever to appear in the Super Nintendo Entertainment System Console. It has 
the best sound track of an RPG game in the SNES console. And the storyline of 
the game is excellent. You'll feel you're a part of the game. Each character 
has his/her own story, and time periods as well. The story might not be clear 
at the beginning, but once you play through the game, you'll see how good the 
story square came up with for Chrono Trigger. 

In the game, you'll start off with Crono, a young boy from Truce Village. 
You'll wake up at his house. He will go to Leene's Square to meet his friend 
Lucca. When suddenly destiny calls upon him by receiving the pendant from a 
girl named Marle. Thus, the adventures of Crono and his friends through time 
begins. I won't spoil the rest of the story for you so you'll enjoy the game. 

On last thing, if you find any error at all, wrong places, wrong 
amount/item/equipments' descriptions, grammatical errors, etc., please e-mail 
it to me so I can repair it and post it at once. Thank you and enjoy playing 
Chrono Trigger.


                     I.     Updates/Revisions
           II.    Game Information
                            A. Game Controls         
                            B. Game Menus
                            C. Game Basics
                            D. Character Status
                            E. Status Ailments/Abilities
                            F. Magic and the Elements
                            G. How to get/use Techs
                    III.    Character Information
                            A. Main Characters
                            B. Supporting Characters
                            C. Arch-Enemies
                    IV.     Walkthrough 
                    V.      Endings
                    VI.     Techniques List
                            A. Single Techs
                            B. Dual Techs
                            C. Triple Techs
                    VII.    Weapons 
                    VIII.   Armor
                    IX.     Helmets
                    X.      Accessories
                    XI.     Items
                            A. Normal Items
                            B. Special Items
                    XII.    Enemy List 
                    XIII.   Sealed Chests and Doors
                    XIV.    Shops
                    XV.     New Game+ Information
                    XVI.    FAQs 
                    XVII.   Gameplay Tips
                    XVIII.  Credits  


Version 1.04 (Started: August 5, 2000)
          - New Dual and Triple Techs
          - Armors List Updated
          - New Accessories (Gold and Silver Rocks)
          - Boss: MASA AND MUNE new strategy
          - 300G in Mayor's Manor 1000 AD added
          - Credits updated once more! (Thanks again to everyone!)
          - Minor update on Special Items Section
          - Corrected info about Robo's Magic affiliation
          - Prizes by beating Spekkio included
          - FAQ section updated
          - Weapon List Updated
          - New Gameplay Tip 

Version 1.03 (Started: July 30, 2000)
          - Finally, an info about Save Menu Cursor and Save Battle Cursor
          - 2nd Arris Dome section updated (L+R+A Buttons)
          - Boss: GOLEM TWINS new strategy
          - Cleared minor confusion about Poyozo doll at Crono's House in
            the beginning of the game.
          - New FAQs
          - Credits Section Updated (contributors and readers)

Version 1.02 (Started: July 23, 2000)
          - credits section updated
          - corrected major error on Side Quest 7
          - Included the Black Omen (Side Quest 7)
          - Updated the Monster, Weapons, Armor, Helms, Accessories lists
          - Updated the Shop list
          - New monsters in enemy list

Version 1.01 (Started: July 17, 2000)
          - Finally included the 7 Side Quests info
          - Credits Section updated
          - Updated the Tech List
          - Updated the Monster List       
          - Updated the Item List
          - Updated the Shops List
          - Updated the Weapon/Armor/Helmet/Accessory Lists
          - Added some new Sealed Chest Location
          - Updated the FAQs section
            Check the FAQs, an important info is found there
            Thanks to Carl Dexter for the info.

                              GAME INFORMATION 

                        _______              _______
                       |   L   |            |   R   |
                       ---------     __     ---------
                      /    _    \___|__|___/         \
                     |   _| |_                  X     |
                     |  |_   _|  Sel  Start  Y     A  |
                     |    |_|    __________     B     |
                      \         /          \         /
                       ---------            ---------

Here's a not so perfect but efficient image of the Super Nintendo Controller. 
Here are the descriptions about each button:

     Start Button ñ Start the Game
- Pause the Game during play
     Select Button ñ Toggle Map
     L and R Buttons ñ Scroll down/up in menus respectively
                     - Move Time dial in Epoch
                     - There's a part in the game where you use
                       the L and R buttons to advance to the next
     Directional Pad ñ Move the Characters about
                     - Browse Menus/Inventory
                     - Select Dialogue Options
     X Button ñ Open the Game Menu
     Y Button ñ Change/Arrange Party Members
     A Button ñ Action button (talk, examine, view, etc.)
     B Button ñ Cancel/Run
              - Used in Race against Johnny (booster)

The XYAB buttons will also be used in various mini-games and events in the 
game. If you have a turbo button capable Controller then you have an 
advantage on the different mini-games. I.e. push "A" as fast as you can, 
whereas in a turbo controller, you just have to hold it. 


There are various menus that you can see in the game. Push the X button to 
open the menu. Here are the images of these menus and what they contain and 
do. It'll also explain to you how to use them.

   - The main menu is the little horizontal bar in the middle.

    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
   | A | B | C | D | E | F |
    --- --- --- --- --- --- 

A. Character/Party/Game Information (Picture of Crono)
B. Items 
C. Techs (TEC)
D. Configuration (Image of a Window)
E. Exchange (picture like the ones denoting recycling)
F. Save Menu (Pen and Paper)

   - you can see here some information about your current party. 

  | Char1  LV99 |   ----------   Element |
->| HP  999/999 |  |Picture of|          |
  | MP   99/ 99 |  |character |  Name    |
  |  A200  D210 |   ----------   LEVEL99 |
  |-------------|                        |
  | Char2  LV10 |        Weapon          |
  | HP  210/210 |        Helmet          |
  | MP   18/ 18 |        Armor           |
  |  A120  D 89 |        Accessory       |
  |-------------|                        |
  | Char3  LV50 |   pwr. 90      spd. 16 |
  | HP  850/875 |   hit  24      ev.  20 |
  | MP   27/ 89 |   mag  28     stam. 98 | 
  |  A190  D101 |   M def.            90 |
  |-------------|                        |
  | Time  11:11 |   EXP           332124 |
  |      12232G |   NEXT           14344 |

The 3 boxes to the left are the 3 characters on your party. The arrow point 
to the curently selected character. You can also view the other characters if 
you scroll down. The bottom left box shows the time and the amount of money 
you have. The large box contains information regarding the currently selected 
character. It has information regarding the character's Level, Status, 
Equipments currently equipped, elemental affiliation, and Experience.

If you select a character and pressed the A button, you can change the 
equipments of that character. Just select between the weapon, helmet, armor, 
accessory, what you want to change. After you've selected weapon, for 
example. You'll be shown the different weapons you've acquired that are 
compatible for the character you chose in the left window. You can select 
from the weapon list which one you want to want to equip. As you browse 
through the weapons, the box below will tell you of the abilities of the 
weapons. Example, Crono's Red Katana. The horizontal box that appears below 
will show "Magic + 2" which is an ability given to Crono. Therefore, Crono's 
Magic stat will rise by 2. Also, when you scroll you'll see some stats of 
that character become Blue or Gray. If you put the cursor beside a weapon and 
a stat of your character turns to blue, it means that the weapon where your 
cursor is, is stronger that the weapon currently equipped, so I advise 
pressing A button to equip it. If it turns gray, it means the opposite. It is 
weaker. To return back to the main menu, just press the B or Cancel button.

   - Here, you can see the list of items you currently have in your inventory

 | picture   Use/Move    Organize |
 | Restores 50 HP                 |
 | -> Tonic      :70  ITEM        |
 |    Mid-tonic  :99  ITEM        |
 |    Full Tonic :56  ITEM        |
 |    Ether      :59  ITEM        |
 |    Mid-Ether  :57  ITEM        |
 |    Full Ether :53  ITEM        |
 |    Elixir     :24  ITEM        |
 |    HyperEther :13  ITEM        |
 |    MegaElixir :5   ITEM        |
 |    Heal       :99  ITEM        |

After you open the items menu, the cursor will point to the top item at once. 
You can see in this menu the items and their quantities. You can see at 
second horizontal bar the description about the item that is currently 
selected. If you press the B or Cancel button, the cursor will move to the 
Use/Move option on top. You can then choose beween Use/Move and Organize. If 
you select organize, the items will be arranged in order from items, Weapons, 
Armors, Helmets, Accessories. If you select the Use/Move option, you can 
choose an item and arrange the items yourself. There are 3 kinds of items, 
one that can be used only in battles, one that can be used only out of 
battles, and the other one can be used anytime. There are also the special 
items that are necessary to the story, like Marle's Pendant. To use an item, 
you must press the A button twice. If you pushed the A button once, another 
cursor will appear. If you move the second cursor to another item and pressed 
A, those items will then exchange places. So, that's how the item menu works.

   - In here you can view all the techniques your characters have learned so 
far. You can use some healing techs out of battle also

  |      char1  Lv99  |             |
->| -P-  HP  999/999  | 1    2    3 |
  |      MP   99/ 99  |             |
  |      MP used      |-------------|
  |                   |             |
  |      Char2  Lv99  | Cyclone     |
  | -P-  HP  999/999  | Slash       |
  |      MP   99/ 99  | *Lightning  |
  |      MP used      | Spincut     |
  |                   | *Lightning2 |
  |      Char3  Lv99  | *Life       |
  | -P-  HP  999/999  | Confuse     |
  |      MP   99/ 99  | *Luminaire  |
  |      MP used      |             |
  |           Single Tech           |

Once you've opened the Techs window, the cursor will point to a character. If 
you press left or right on the directional pad, you can view the character's 
Single, Dual and Triple Techs. 1,2,3 Respectively. If you press the A button, 
the cursor will be brought to the Techs on the right box. You will be shown 
the ability and the MP requirement of the currently selected Technique. By 
the way, the ñP- before the character is the picture of that character. 

You can also use some Techs out of battle. For example, Marle's Aura Tech. 
Just select it from the Tech list of Marle and press A to use it. You will 
know if you can use a Tech out of battle if it is colored Yellow. 

A "*" before the Tech denotes that, that specific Tech uses Magic.

- you set set various configurations of the game. 

    |        |    12345678  |
    | A    B | b  Fast Slow |
    |        |    12345678  |
    | C    D | d  12345678  |
    |        |              |
    | E    F | f  Off  1  2 |
    |        | h  Confirm A |
    | G    H |    Cancel  B |
    |        |    Menu    X |
    | I    J |    Dash    B |
    |        |    Map     S |
    |        |    Warp    Y |
    |                       |

You can see many options here. Their description are as follows:

A. Stereo
   - Toggle Stereo Sound On/Off
B. Battle Speed
   - Set the Battle and Message Speed. The lower the number highlighted,
     the faster it is. 
   - to set the Speed, select B from the left box and the cursor will
     go to the b in the right box allowing you to modify the speed
C. Battle Mode
   - Toggle Battle Mode to Wait/Active
   - "Active" mode means that the computer will not wait for you to 
     finish your move. It will continue attacking you even while selecting
     an item. Recommended for Expert players who move fast.
   - "Wait" mode means that the computer will wait for you to finish your
     move. While you're attacking, selecting Items/Magic/Techs, the enemy's
     bar will stop. 
D. Window Color
   - Change the color of the Menu Window
E. Save Menu Cursor
   - The save menu cursor means the cursor will be where you left it when you 
     exit the menu, when it is off and you exit the menus and then re-enter,
     it will have the character menu selected, if it was on and you were in
     another menu when you exited, it will then be that menu.
     (Thanks to Razer107@aol.com for this info)
F. Battle Gauge
   - Select Battle Guage type or turn it off.
G. Save Battle Cursor
   - This is almost the same as the Save Menu Cursor. For example, you used a 
     Tech for Crono. In Crono's next turn, the cursor will be pointing at 
     Tech. In short, it will point to one of the selections in the battle 
     menu which you used in the previous turn. 
     (Thanks to Razer107@aol.com for this info)
H. Control Pad
   - Toggle Standard/Custom Control Pad Configuration
   - The Standard configuration for the Pad is
     Confirm    - A  
     Cancel     - B
     Menu       - X
     Dash       - B
     Map        - S
     Warp       - Y
   - if you select the Custom configuration, you specify your own set
     of configuration
I. Save Skill/Item Cursor
   - Almost the same as the Battle Cursor, except that it will copy the
     items and Tech you used in the previous battle and it will be
     used in the next battle. Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.
J. Skill/Item Info
   - Toggle Skill/Item Info box on/off

   - Here, all you can do is change the party members' arrangement in battle. 
Hence, you can select here who will be the leader of your party. 
   |  char1  LV99     |
   |  HP  999/999 ñp- |
   |  MP   99/ 99     |
   |   A100  D100     |
   |  char2  LV99     |
   |  HP  999/999 ñp- |
   |  MP   99/ 99     |
   |   A150  D 90     |
   |  char3  LV20     |
   |  HP  210/210 ñp- |
   |  MP    1/ 24     |
   |   A 75  D144     |
   |   EXCHANGE       |

It easy to use, just select the character you want to replace and then select 
the other chracter that you want to be exchanged with the first one.

   - Besides from saving, you can see the details of the game. The total 
elapsed time, the # of save you made and the party members that you have when 
you last saved.

    --- ------------------
 ->| 1 |  Info 1          |
   |--- ------------------
   | 2 |  Info 2          |
   |--- ------------------
   | 3 |  Info 3          |
    --- ------------------

   | Era        | character1 info |
   | Time 10:10 | character2 info |
   |     43544G | character3 info |
   | Save #2300 |                 |

To save, just select from the 3 slots available which means that you can save 
up to 3 different games. The info on the upper box tells you where you are in 
the story now. Example, the info one save slot 1 says "The Final Battle", it 
means that you are in the Final Battle of the game. 

The box below will hold info about the save slot where the cursor is. You can 
see the Era, or the time period where it was saved. You can also see the 
Elapsed time, your money, and the number of saves for that particular game. 
On the right hand part of the lower box, the 3 party members you are 
currently using. That's how the save point works/looks.


Here are the basic things you have to do in Chrono Trigger to finish the 
Moving around the world

   - Chrono Trigger is an RPG, so like other RPG, you have to go to places, 
meet new people, seek help from people, defeat the bad guys and emerge 
victorious. The story is so enticing that you may forget to sleep while 
   There are many ways to explore the land. You can walk, teleport, and fly. 
Remember while exploring and moving on through the story, get all the items 
you can see as every one of them will be of help to you. And last but not the 
least, talk to everyone to gain information on what to do next. Do this if 
you got stuck. If you're really stuck even after talking to everyone, use 
this walkthrough.

Attacking/Battle Information

   - Attacking is the most basic thing you have to do in almost every game 
today. In Chrono Trigger there are 2 types of enemies. One that will attack 
you only if you go near them and the other will attack you even if you don't 
want to (i.e. bosses). When the battle menu appears, the battle gauge of each 
character will slowly fill up. Once filled, the character who owns the bar 
will have the opportuniy to attack the enemy (there are cases where you can't 
control your character even the bar is full, refer to the status 
ailments/abilities section later in the walkthrough. When the bar is full, 
you can attack, use a Tech or use an item. After that character's turn, 
his/her battle gauge will be emptied. Be aware that the enemy also has 
his/her/it's own battle guage. Some enemies are so fast that they will attack 
you right from the start of the battle. 
   - there are also many form of attacks that you can do. There are attacks 
that damage only one enemy. There are damage that affects every enemy on 
screen, examples are the Level 2 Magic Attacks. There are attacks that affect 
only enemies in a line. Example, Crono's Slash Attack. It affect enemies 
which form a stright light whatever direction it may be.    


   - Equipments will determine how strong your character can attack, how can 
your characters withstand an attack, and how your characters can inflict 
status ailments at enemies. It is essential in beating the game. So, if you 
happen to be in a Weapon Shop and have lots of Gs, then I suggest you buy 
that item/equipment/accessories. Remember also that some equipments have 
abilities (refer later to the Status Ailments/Abilities section). And the 
most important thing to remember in equipping weapons, armors, helmets, is 
that some of them are compatible to one character only. Example, Crono's 
weapons cannot be used by anyone else. 


   - Items are very important as they assist your battle when your HPs are 
low and there's no healer around. Some items are so important that you can't 
finish the game without it. Example, Marle's Pendant. It will be 
automatically be in your inventory, but imagine if you don't have it. You 
won't be able to reach some important places in the game. 


When you open the menu, select the Character/Party/Game Information menu. 
You'll see here the Status of your character. Keep in mind that Character 
Status is different from Status Ailments/Abilities. Refer to the Game Menu 
section of this walkthrough regarding the different sub-menus. 

Now, in the Character/Party/Game menu, you'll see the different numbers in 
the lower right corner of the right box. You'll see the following:

Pwr.     Spd.
Hit.     Ev.
Mag.     Stam.
M Def.

Pwr. Stands for Power. It determines the character's attacking power using 
his/her weapon.

Spd. Stands for Speed. It determines how fast the Battle guage will fill up. 
The faster the Battle gauge fills, the fast the charcter moves.

Hit. Stands for Hit Rate. It determines the probability of you character's 
attack to hit the opponent. If it says "0", it means that there is 0% chance 
of successfully hitting the enemy, therefore it's a miss. 

Ev. Stands for Evade. It determines the chances of your character to evade 
attacks. If it says "99", it means that your character has a 99% chance of 
evading the attack.

Mag. Stands for Magic Power. It determines how strong your character's Magic 
Spells are. The higher the Magic Power the bigger damage you inflict on 
enemies using Magic. 

Stam. Stands for Stamina. It determines the Physical Defense of your 
character from a physical attack from the enemy.

M Def. Stands for Magic Defense. It determines the Magical Defense of your 
character from a magic attack from an enemy.

Now, you know how strong your character is. Look at the EXP below. It tells 
you the total amount of EXP your character has gained throughout the game. 
Next, means the total no. of experience points needed by your character to 
gain a level, making him/her stronger. 

Take note that if any of these stats are at **. It means that it is already 
in it's Maximum. 

Here are the Maximum Character Status in the game.

Level: 99
HP: 999        MP: 99

Power: 99      Speed: 16
Hit: 99        Evade: 99
Magic: 99      Stamina: 99
Mg Defense: 99

Maximum of Character Status contributed by: 
Brandon Boucher (TheDOORS66@aol.com)


Status Ailments can also be called Abnormal Status in the sense that it makes 
your character do unnecessary moves or even lower the characters ability to 
fight. Status abilities, on the other hand, raises the capabilities of your 
characters during battle. Here are the list of Status Ailments and 

these make your character's life miserable. Aiments will hinder you from 
playing well, especially in battles.

Name        Effect on Character               Cure/Remedy/prevention
Confuse /   A star will show up on top of     
Chaos       The head of the confused party    - Use the Heal item
            member. You'll lose control of    - Equip Status Ailment
            your character but the Battle       protective equipments
            guage will continue filling up.   ñ attack that party member
            When it fills up, the confused      to regain his sanity
            Character will randomly pick 
            One of your characters, or even
            The enemy, then it attacks.

Lock/All    Lock, literally locks your        - Use a memory cap to prevent
            characters Techs and items          it from happening.
            making them unusable. Lock all,
            will lock the Techs and items
            of ALL your party members.

Slow        Slows down the battle guage of    - Cast Haste to negate it
            Your character limiting his/her
            Movements as well as his/her
            Number of turns.

Stop        It stops the battle guage from    - Cast Haste on that character
            filling halting your character's  to regain his speed. (not
            movement/turn.                    yet tested)

Status abilities can help a lot during battle. It raises the Abilities of 
your characters and some alter some aspects of the game to help you. Some of 
them are Magics, but you can find most of them in weapons/armors/helmets and 
especially the accessories.

Name        Effect on Character
Cuts "E"    E stands for element. Example, Fire. If a fire attack is used 
- by "%"  against that character with the Cuts "Fire" by "50%", that 
            character will only obtain half, or 50% of the total damage.
Evade + x   Increases the chances your characters can evade an attack by
Haste       Increases the Speed of your character making him/her, attack
            and turn fast.
Magic + x   Increases the character's Magic Power by x. For the kids, here's
            An example. If you see Magic + 2 then x is equal to 2. It means
            That x will hold the number 2 and therefore raises your 
            character's magic power by 2.
Power + x   Increases the Physical Attack of your character by x.
Speed + x   Increases the Speed of your character by x. This allow your 
            Character to attack fast. He/she will also gain more turns 
            Than the enemy.
Stamina + x Increses the Physical Defense of your character by x. This will
            lower the damage from physical attacks of the enemies.
Vigor + x   The same as Stamina + x
X Evade     Evade is the ability of the character to make an enemy's attack 
            miss. If X is equal to 2, then the Evade Status of the character
            will be doubled.

As with most of the RPGs, Chrono Trigger also involves the Elements. There 
are 4 elements in the game, Fire, Lightning, Water/Ice (counted as 1), 
Shadow. Many enemies, especially bosses, are affiliated with a specific type 
of element. You can beat the enemy easily by using the opposite element 
against it. Example, a Fire elemental enemy, use Ice or Water against them to 
beat them easily. The same also applies for defense, example, you have to use 
a fire elemental armor to defend against a fire elemental attack. Be aware 
that you'll see some enemies where you have to use the same element as they 
have to damage them. And, last but absolutely not the least. There are 
enemies that are impervious to Magic attacks. 

Here's the list of elemental affiliations with the characters in the game.
Crono ñ Lightning
Marle ñ Ice
Lucca ñ Fire
Frog  - Water
Magus ñ Shadow
Robo  - Shadow-like (No Magic abilities)
Ayla  - no Magic abilities, therefore no affiliation

You can learn how to use Magic when you first arrive at the End of Time. The 
Old Man will tell you to visit the room behind him and you'll see Spekkio. 
When you first meet him, he will give your characters' Magic. Then, he will 
ask your party if you want to try your magic. If you want to, you can fight 
him using magic only. Physical attacks are useless. He will have different a 
different fighting level, depending on the level of your party. If the 
highest level of your characters is 20 then, spekkio will be level 20 also 
and will change form every 20th level. I.e. Level 1-19 he will Spekkio, Level 
20-39 he will change into a different monster and will have much stronger 
attacks and defense. Don't worry when you lose, the game will not be over. 
Your HP/MP will be fully restored but you won't get a prize. The prize you 
get depends on the level of Spekkio. I'll try to put up here the different 
levels of Spekkio on the next update. I'll repeat the game again!

When you face an enemy with elemental attribute, you should always use the 
magic which is the opposite of that enemy's element. Example, a monster which 
is aligned to Fire Elemental, use an Ice Magic attack to deal a huge amount 
of damage to it. It's opposite for Defense. If an enemy uses a certain 
elemental magic, for example Ice, if you have an armor, a helmet or an 
accessory that is also Water/Ice affiliated.


Techs or Tecnhiques are different abilities you can use during battle which 
use your MP. When you use a Tech, that character will launch a special attack 
on the enemy but it requires MP to be used. Example, Crono's Luminaire which 
uses up 20 MPs. If you have 19 MP left, you cannot use Luminaire. However, if 
it is 20 and above, you can freely use the Tech. 

Some techs are Magic attacks like Fire, Fire2, Ice , Ice2, etc. Each of the 
characters has his/her own ultimate tech. Crono has Luminaire, Lucca has 
Flare, Marle's is Life2, Magus has the DarkMatter, Frog has Frog Squash, Ayla 
has Triple Kick, and Robo has Shock. I remind you also that majority of these 
ultimate techs consume 20 MPs. Marle's and Frog's use 15 MP and Robo's uses 
17 MP. 

I you want to unlock a Tech of a character, you must do them in order of how 
powerful the Tech is. Example, you cannot unlock fire2 without fire. And, 
each of the Techs can be unlocked by gaining the requires number of TP or 
Tech points during battles. If the TP required drops to 0, you're character 
will learn that Tech right away. 

There are techs that can be combined. 2 Characters can combine their powers 
by using Dual Techs to deal more damage to the enemy. There are also Techs 
that allows all 3 of your party members to combine their power to attack the 
enemies. Some however require a certain item that will activate the Triple 

                          CHARACTER INFORMATION


CRONO (weapon: Swords)
  - the hero of the game. A young boy living peacefully with her mother at 
Truce Village, Guardia Kingdom 1000 AD. Little does he know that his destiny 
was to travel through time and save the world from a mysterious entity. On 
this journey, he'll meet new friends as well as new enemies in his quest to 
reveal the true purpose of this evil entity. 

MARLE (weapon: Bow)
  - Princess Nadia of Guardia Kingdom 1000 AD in real life, accidentally met 
our hero at the festivities at Leene's Square. Her pendant, accidentally 
created a time gate and brought her to another time. Together with Crono, our 
hero, he vows to protect her people and her loved ones. 

LUCCA (weapon: Gun)
  - a very bright and brilliant young scientist. She made the Teleporter that 
accidentally started the journey of our heroes. 

FROG (weapon: Blade)
  - a Noble Man.. Err.. Frog, from the Middle Ages. He was known as Glenn and  
was transformed into a frog by Magus. He then vowed to protect the kingdom as 
Cyrus the Knight is already dead.

AYLA (weapon: Fist)
  - a very strong Woman from the Prehistoric Era. Always up for a challenge 
even how hard it is to protect his people from the Ioka Village as their 
chief. She joins Crono and his friends in fighting the Evil Lavos. 

ROBO (weapon: Arms/Hand)
  - Code name R-66Y, he was fixed by Lucca in the year 2300 AD. Lucca 
modified his chips making him a good robot with emotions. He decides to join 
your group as thanks for fixing him.

MAGUS (weapon: Sickle/Scythe)
  - At first, he will be one of your formidable enemies. Mastered using 
Magic, he will join your group in the later part of the game. Back then, 
during the Dark Ages, 12,000 BC, he was formerly known as Janus. The son of 
Queen Zeal. He was accidentally brought to the Middle Ages and became a 
Villain known as Magus. 


  - King Guardia of the Guardia Kindom in the year 600 AD, 1000 AD 

  - the Queen that was kidnapped back in the Middle Ages. Her abduction 
almost cost Marle's demise.

  - the Guru of Life. He is a master swordsmith able to forge the all-
powerful Masamune Blade. 

  - the Guru of time. He helps your characters by giving advice on where to 
go next. He'll have a very important role concerning Crono near the end of 
the game. I won't spoil it for you.

  - the Guru of Reason. He was brought to the future by Queen Zeal. He 
created the Blackbird and the almighty Epoch which can fly and travel through 

  - she is a warm-hearted woman. The daughter of Queen Zeal. She will help 
anyone who fights for the goodwill of others.

  - also known as Magus. He was brought by her mother, Queen Zeal, to the 
Middle Ages and was known as a villain because of his magical powers.

  - a descendant of Marle in the year 2300 AD. He stands as the chief of the 
people who survived the incident back in 1999 AD.

  - we may call him Ayla's future husband. He tends to create mistakes but 
will be of help to you during your journey through the Prehistoric era.

  - the Brave and Gallant knight of Guardia Kingdom in the middle ages. Slain 
by Magus and changed his friend into a Frog.


  - the ultimate evil in the game. He controls time and sucks up the energy 
of the planet for himself withering the life out of it.  

  - the evil minded Queen of Zeal Kingdom in the Dark Ages. He will wake up 
Lavos in order to gain immortality. But of course, you won't allow it do you?

  - the Assistant of Queen Zeal. He likes stabbing persons in the back. He's 
only waiting for the Queen to go so that he will own the kingdom. 

  - the leader of the Reptites in the Prehistoric Era. He told every reptite 
that they must destroy the apes/humans to prove that they are much more 

  - the generals of Magus in the middle ages. Loyal to magus, they are given 
abilities strong enough even to match Cyrus. 


At the title screen select a new game. Or, if you already finished the game 
select the New Game+ Option (for more information about this, head to the New 
Game+ Information section of this Walkthrough/FAQ). After selecting, you will 
be asked what battle mode you want. Select active if you want challenge. The 
enemies here will not wait for you to finish your move. If you want a more 
strategic battle, select the Wait Battle Mode. This will allow you to make 
your move first before the enemy does. After selecting the Battle Mode. Name 
our Hero. For the sake of the Walkthrough, let's use his default name, Crono.


The start of the game will bring you to Crono's room. After Crono wakes up, 
head down the stairs. Crono's Mom will forget your friends name. For this 
walkthrough, let's use her default name, Lucca. Talk to Crono's Mom again 
before leaving the house for 200G allowance. Exit Crono's House to the World 


Go southwest a little to one of the houses, and enter the Mayor's Manor. You 
can learn about Weapons and Items, save points, use of shelters, Techniques 
or Techs, and tips about how the battle system works and how to use the 
buttons by speaking to the different people here. Before leaving the manor, 
take the Tonic in a chest in the lower floor and take the money (100G) inside 
the chest on the second floor. Don't forget to talk to the man in the middle 
TWICE and he'll give you 300G. (Thanks to Brandon Boucher for the info) 
Return to World Map.


You may visit the other houses to gain more info or just talk. Then, head to 
the north of Crono's house to Leene's Square.

There are A LOT of things that you can do here in Leene Square. Upon 
entering, you may be wondering why you couldn't talk to a few characters who 
are running around (they are busy racing against each other so they won't 
bother talking to you). There are also stalls here that sell items, 
equipment, and accessories. Also, remember that the currency that Leene 
Square uses is silver points. You can obtain silver points by winning them 
from the different fun mini-games.

First of all, don't talk to anyone yet and head north to the next section of 
Leene Square. Walk up to the girl that is running around Leene's Bell. Upon 
bumping into her, check up on her first then take the pendant. Talk to her 
and let's name her Marle, which is the her default name. Return her pendant 
and let her join you. Upon joining, you can now have fun in Leene Square. 
Note: don't talk to anyone yet.

Here are the mini-games that you may play here at Leene's Square which 
includes the rules and the requirements in playing.

1. Ring the Bell!
     Found in the SouthWestern portion of the first section of Leene's 
     Square. Your goal is to time it right that Crono can ring the bell.
     If you win, you'll receive 1 Silver Point. Note that this is the 
     second easiest game here at Leene's Square.

2. Guess the Winner!
     It can be found in the first section of Leene's Square. Talk to the
     person standing in the blue tent which is to the right of the fountain
     In the middle. He will let you guess who will be the winner in the next
     race. The racers' name are, G.I. Jogger (G.I. Joe), Steel Runner 
     (Armored Knight), Green Ambler (Alien), and Catalack (a Cat!). If you 
     try to talk to him while the race is going on, he will not entertain
     you. Wait for the race to finish before talking to the man. If you win
     the man will give you 20 Silver Points as a prize. It's hard to guess
     who the winner is, right? Notice the old man near the Starting Line?
     He will guess who the winner will be in the next race. He will sometimes
     be wrong but most probably, he will make a correct guess. So, if you're
     tired of guessing, talk to the old geezer BEFORE A RACE for a hint. 

3. Norstein Bekkler's Lab
     Located in the eastern portion of the first section of Leene's Square.
     It is in a large pink tent with a skull at the entrance. This place is 
     pure fun. First, select the amount of silver points you want to bet.
     10, 40, or 80 Silver Points can be placed as bet.

     At 10 Silver Points, you get to play a game where you must find a 
     certain person among the 3. They are Vicks, Wedge, and Piette. They will
     change places fast. To have an advantage, memorize 2 persons only. 
     Example, watch Vicks and Wedge's movement. When the clown asks you where
     Vicks or Wedge, you'll be able to identify the 2. The one whom you
     didn't follow his movement will be Piette. If you win, you'll get a 
     Poyozo Doll to use as decoration for Crono's House. Note that these
     Poyozo Dolls play a major role in the late part of the game. It does not
     necessarily mean that the Poyozo Dolls in Crono's house will play that
     important part, you will eventually encounter more Poyozo Dolls on the
     way. Note also, that the Poyozo Dolls on the second floor of Crono's 
     house will change the music if you examine it. Tip: Pick the Soldier
     that is farthest from the two. Credit goes to Brandon Boucher.

     At 40 Silver Points, you get to play a mimic game. All you have to do     
     is to Mimic or Copy the movement of the clone using the designated
     buttons, L=Left Arm, R=Right Arm, Y=Laugh, A=Surprise. If you managed
     to mimic everything, you'll win a Clone of Crono that you can use also   
     to decorate Crono's House. Take note that this Clone will play a MAJOR
     role in the game. If you think hard you'll know it. 

     At 80 Silver Points, you get to play a Push the monster game. Your goal
     in this game is to prevent your character, who is hanged just above a
     flame, and push the 3 coins to be able to put monsters into the door at
     the back. It's very challenging. You're pushing the coins at the same
     time preventing your character from being fried. If you see a blue light
     Appear at your left side, examine it to raise the rope a bit, then 
     continue pushing those monsters back. If you win, you'll get a cat.
     These cats will be brought to Crono's House. You can win as many cats 
     as you want. When you go to Crono's house, you'll see all the cats 
     you've won roaming around the house.

4. Soda Guzzling Contest
     This is found in the eastern portion of the second section of Leene's
     Square. Your goal is to drink up 8 cans of Soda within a certain time
     limit. Press the A button as fast as you can to drink the cans. Turbo
     enabled controller have the advantage here. All they have to do is to
     hold the A button, therefore making this game the easiest one. If you
     managed to drink the 8 cans, you'll receive 5 Silver Points.

5. Beat Gato!
     In the second section of Leene's Square, head all the way to the west
     past the old man until you reach Lucca's Demo Robot, Gato. This mini-
     game will train your characters in battle. If you managed to beat Gato,
     which I'm sure you will, you'll receive 10 Experience Points and 15
     Silver Points. All you have to do is to attack! If you lose, play 
     Another game! Just kidding. :)   

Now, back to the walkthrough. After you've played these mini-games, you can 
visit the Tribal Dance. It is located to the NorthEast of the second section 
of Leene's Square. You can push the buttons to make your characters dance, 
laugh, and even surprise them.

Now, there are certain things at Leene's Square that you can do that will 
affect a certain event later in the game. You can do them in any order you 
want, but this is the best way, I think.

1. Go to Melchior (Weapons Merchant and Swordsmith in the first section of 
Leene's Square) who is near a woman. Talk to the woman first then talk to 
Melchior. He'll sell his items to you then he will ask if you could persuade 
Marle into selling her pendant. Say NO! 

2. In the western area of the 2nd section, you'll see and old man walking and 
a pack of lunch/food on a table. Don't ever take it. Just leave it there 
because you might actually be tempted to get it.

3. Head to the Eastern area of the 2nd Section, you'll find a girl who lost 
her cat. Remember a cat near the old man? Examine it and you'll hear a mew. 
It will then follow you wherever you go. Lead it to the girl then talk to 
girl and she'll be glad to have her cat back.

Back to the main story. Head to the fountain at the center of the 1st section 
of Leene's Square. Talk to the girl sitting there. After talking to her, it 
will be announced that Lucca and her dad finished their invention. Go north 
to the 2nd section. Head north. Upon reaching the stairs to the 3rd section, 
Marle will tell you that she wants to buy some candies. While she is buying 
the candies, don't push a single button. In other words, don't even try to 
move away from her while she is busy buying the candy. This certain event 
will also affect the same event in the later part of the game (the one I 
talked about a while ago regarding those 3 things you need to do). Then, 
after buying the candies head north to the 3rd section. Upon reaching the 3rd 
section, you'll see the introduction of Taban about their invention, the 
teleportation device (wow! I ought to have one!). Upon regaining control of 
your characters, talk to Lucca. You will be asked by her to try out their 
invention. Step into the left pod. All goes well (by the way, you can try and 
try the device to your hearts' content). Then talk to Marle. When Marle tries 
the device something wrong happens. Her pendant reacts to the device and a 
portal or a gate will appear and will suck her into it. Upon regaining 
control of Crono, step into the left pod and take the pendant. Crono then 
decides to follow Marle to find out what happened to her. Lucca tells Crono 
that she will follow them later after she discovers what caused this event. 
Crono will be sucked into the gate and will travel through time! Now the real 
adventure of Crono will begin!

   Power Glove

Upon exiting the gate, you will be greeted by 3 imps. You can easily beat 
them w/ normal attacks. No problem at all. Head northwest to the next 
section. You will meet a batch of 2 Imps. It's easy. There are also items 
that can be found in this area. A Tonic and a PowerGlove. When you see imps 
playing, just pass through them quietly. Don't go near them and they'll not 
attack you. Just head south to exit to the World Map. You'll see that the 
place is different from your time, 1000 AD because you're in 600 AD!


You can visit the residents of Truce Village. You can buy equipments/item 
from the Market. You can also see Lucca's ancestors in one of the residences 
here. You can see them forging Leene's Bell (w/c you saw at Leene's Square 
1000 AD). After talking to the villagers and buying anything you want, head 
to the Guardia Forest just south of the Castle.

NOTE: Don't go to the bridge as you can't pass through here yet. Also, don't 
go to the cathedral yet.

   Power Tab

There are also many item's here. At the first intersection, head left. At the 
next intersection, w/c is almost right after the first one, head to the lower 
path. There are two shining dots here. The Northern one contains a Power Tab 
as for the southern one, you'll just invite 2 Roly riders. After getting the 
Power Tab head back to the intersection and take the upper path. Don't mind 
the left path of the first intersection, it will meet with the north path of 
the second intersection. While walking, you'll notice 2 bushes that are 
moving. The one on the right will house a monkey-like monster w/c will give 
you a shelter. You can always exit to the World Map and return here and get 
another shelter from him and as many time as you like. The other moving bush 
has monster in it. So ignore it, or fight it for EXP. Next, continue on until 
you come to another intersection where one path is to the north and the other 
to the east. Head to the north, the east past only contains a sealed chest. 
Exit to the World Map.

   Bronze Mail

Upon entering the castle the guards will stop you when suddenly a familiar 
person will come and lets you pass (it's so obvious who she is). In the 
throne room, talk to King Guardia XXI. He will give you permission to sleep 
in the Knight's Quarters which is to the left of the entrance then go down 
the stairs you'll see. The other path will lead you to the kitchen. After 
resting, if necessary, head to the throne room and take the right path up to 
the Queen's Room. On your way up, you'll see a chest with a Tonic. Upon 
reaching the Room of the Queen, talk to the guard and he will give you access 
to the room. Take the chest with an Ether first then, head to the queen and 
talk to her. Then, Marle will feel something then she will disappear! She 
ceases to exists!

After Marle disappears, head down to the throne room. On the way, you'll meet 
with Lucca. She will tell you that Marle is actually Princess Nadia of the 
Guardia Kingdom in 1000 AD. And she was mistaken as Queen Leene therefore the 
King stopped the search for the real Queen Leene w/c is actually held captive 
somewhere. Lucca explains that Marle disappeared because Queen Leene will be 
killed by the hostage-takers because they will think that the King has no 
more interest in rescuing the Queen in which the king only mistook Marle for 
her. So Marle do not exist anymore (whaaa!). So your mission now is to look 
for the missing Queen Leene to save both her and Marle. Before leaving the 
castle, be sure to take a rest at the Knight's Quarters. Also, to the left of 
the throne room, there's a set of stairs leading to the Kings room. On the 
way, you'll find a chest with 100G, then you'll see a sealed chest w/c you 
can't do anything right now, and finally a bronzemail in the King's room. You 
may now exit to the World Map.


There nothing much here as you have been here already. Just take another 
shelter then head south and exit to the World Map.

   Revive           Power Tab       Shelter
   3 Tonics         100G            Iron Sword
   Maiden Suit      Speed Belt      Mid-Ether
   2 Ethers         Defender
   Steel Saber      Heal

In the World Map, head west to another forest which, fortunately, you can 
pass freely. Enter the Cathedral. Upon entering, it seems like the ordinary 
church with nuns. But observe the statements of those nuns, they're not nun-
like at all. Speak to them all then examine the shining dot at the altar 
which is the coral pin of the real Queen Leene. Then, the nuns reveal 
themselves as Naga-ettes and will attack your party. After you beat them, 
another will come in to surprise Lucca. A Frog will then come to Lucca's 
rescue. Go with him and name him Frog. After joining, check the organ to open 
a passageway. Upon entering, ignore the door to your north and head left. Get 
the 2 chests with Revive and Tonic. Enter the next door you see then head up 
the stairs and enter the room right after the stairs. Get the MaidenSuit, 
Tonic, and Ether. Then examine the egg-like thing on the left of the room w/c 
is a Naga-Ette Bromide. 3 Henches will attack you. Beat them then exit the 
room. Don't go down the stairs, head right then up to a chest with 
SteelSaber. Head left to the spikes and examine the skull to the left. The 
spikes will be removed and you can now enter the door. Talk to the guard then 
take the Shining Power Tab. Exit the room then head back the stairs and go 
down. Don't enter the door, go left past the Main Hall Way. Head up the next 
set of stairs. Enter the first door you see and talk to all 3 of the 
creatures here. Talk to them until the Diablos leaves the room to go to 
Magus' Statue. Follow it. Upon entering a room, talk to the king, the 
soldier, and the queen. After talking to them, get the chests for 100G and 

Head to the right door to enter Magus' statue. Get the chests for SpeedBelt 
and Defender Accessories. Leave the 2 rooms. If you try to leave the room of 
the king, they'll turn to Gnashers and attacks you. Head down the stairs and 
pass through the Main Hallway and enter the dor on top. In the next room, use 
the Save Point. Head up the stairs, don't enter the door and head left. Get 
the Chest for a shelter then use the stairs down. Enter the door. In the next 
room, (with bats) don't examine the Skull because it will invite 2 more bats. 
Enter the north door. Move on and get the Tonic and Heal inside the chests. 
Continue left then down one room wherein you'll see another room with a 
skull. Examine it to lower the spikes. Then, head down one room and go up the 
stairs. Take the door in the middle (I suggest you save). Defeat the monsters 
and take the chest for an Iron Sword. Examine the organ to reveal a room on 
the north side of this area which is beside a note. You can take any of the 2 
stairs to reach that door. Upon entering the door, you'll reach another 
hallway. Follow it then use the Save Point. Enter the Door. Meet the first 

Boss:  YAKRA
HP:  900-1000 
EXP: 50
TP:  5
G:   600

To Beat him, use Crono and Frog's Dual Tech X Strike to deal a big damage to 
him. Use items with Lucca to heal everyone. If everyone's HP goes down, Let 
everyone use Tonics then continue on with X Strike until he dies.

/ Please take note that the HP of the bosses are my estimates only, I  \
/ computed the total damage I did to the boss until it died. So, these \
/ HPs are enough to beat that particular boss.                         \

After beating him, get the right chest for a Mid-Ether. Check the other chest 
which contains the real Chancellor. Talk to Queen Leene Afterwards then 
you'll be back automatically to Guardia Castle.


You'll start off in the throne room with the King, Queen, and the Chancellor. 
After Frog leaves, talk to Queen Leene. She'll ask you about Marle. Return to 
where Marle disappeared. After Marle reappears, answer her back with the 
"Wrong!" Option. I think it also affects a future event. After Marle joins 
you, go back to the throne room and talk to everyone to hear their reactions 
about Marle. Then, exit and you'll see Frog. After Frog leaves (again), take 
a time to rest in the Knight's Quarters for free. Then, exit the Castle to 
the World Map.


Again, take the Shelter from the monster! Exit to World Map. It's now time to 
return to the present time.


Go to Truce Canyon and go to where the portal is. Lucca will show off his 
gate key that can open these portals so it can be used if needed. You'll then 
teleport back to Leene's Square 1000 AD.


Once back, Lucca will leave and Marle will ask you if you can escort her 
home. After regaining control of your chacaters, you can play with the games 
as much as you want, then afterwards exit to the World Map.


You'll find new equipments here to buy them if you have the G. Exit to the 
World Map.

   300 G

Head to the Mayor's Manor and talk to the Mayor on the second floor. He will 
not only give you hints but also a small amount of 300G. Return to World Map 
and go to Guardia Forest.

   Power Tab

Here, you'll not see the Monster that carries a shelter. You'll face some new 
enemies here also. There some new items here also. In the place where you 
found 2 shining dots, a new Power Tab can be found shimmering near the trees 
to the left. You can now exit to north because there aren't any more items 

   3 Ethers         1500G
   3 Mid-Tonics
   Bronze Mail
   2 Shelters
   Lode Sword

Upon entering you'll be greeted with a very cold greeting from the Chancellor 
of this castle. He will think that you kidnapped the princess. You will be 
detained and taken to court. In this court scene, your verdict will be based 
on what you did to the princess and the people at Leene's Square. Remember 
those things that would affect a future event? This is that particular event. 
Again, your verdict will be based on a couple of things:

1. After you bump into Marle, check on her first before taking the pendant.
2. Don't talk Marle into selling her pendant to Melchior (equipment shop).
3. Don't take the old man's pack of food.
4. Bring the kitty back to the young girl.
5. Wait for Marle to finish buying her candies.

When the Chancellor asks you who started it, tell him it was you. Then when 
he asks you if you were tempted with her fortunes, tell him "no" and "not at 
all". With this, you'll be proven innocent. But it's just the same if you 
were guilty. Here's what will happen. If you are innocent you'll be given a 
maximum penalty of 3 Days Solitary Confinement (the Chancellor with stir up 
the system and tells the guard that you will be executed even if you are 
innocent. He wants Crono dead). If you are proven guilty you'll be detained 
and executed within 3 days. 

In the detention cell, you'll find a cup which will restore your all your HP 
and MP. If you are innocent, there will be a pack which will contain an 
ether. You can also use the Save Point. Now, don't go near the door. Just 
stand still and WAIT for three days to pass. If you irritate the guards they 
will attack you and you're free but you will only be able to meet Lucca 
before the Boss. If you wait for 3 days, you will be brought to the execution 
room. When the guillotine is ready, Lucca will come in and save you. You can 
now use Lucca until you reach the boss. She can gain EXP so the boss will 
become easier. Here's the description of the 2 ways on how you can reach the 

1. If you break you way out
   After defeating the Guards, leave the detention hall. You'll arrive at a 
place where there are 4 stairs. First, don't mind the 2 enemies here just 
pass by them. Just head to the lower right stairs the continue on until you 
see a guard. Beat him and examine the switch to open the room. You'll find 
Mid-Tonic x2, Ether x2. Leave the area and return to the 4-stair room. On 
your way out, you'll see Omnicrone. Just deal a certain amount of damage (218 
HP) to him and he'll escape. Then, move on and beat those 2 Blue Shields to 
gain access to the 2 stairs. The strategy is simple, wait for them to show 
their bodies then slash away with your sword. Don't go to the upper left 
stairs because you'll only have a fight here. So, head to the upper right 
stairs. On the small bridge, you'll be attacked by 2 guards. They're easy. 
Beat them and move on until you reach an intersection. Head left and beat 
another Guard to enter the execution room. Help the man in the Guillotine and 
he'll tell you about his shop at Truce Village. Then, get the chest (Mid 
Tonic) and examine the switch to the north to open the door. Move north and 
get the chest for a Bronzemail. You will be attacked by 2 Decedents. Beat 
them then return to the intersection and head north. Move on until you reach 
the second 4-stair room. Head to the lower-left stair first and get the chest 
with a shelter in the right room. Head back to the 4-stair room and beat the 
Blue Shields again. Head to the upper left stair and exit through the hole in 
the second room. You'll now be at the walls of the castle. You can now reach 
the chest, in which its room cannot be opened, for a shelter. There will be 
another hole in the ground. Get in and get the chests below for a Lode Sword 
and 1500G. You can return up by examining the wall where you climbed down. 
After getting the chests, return to the second 4-stair room. Head to the 
upper right exit now. Move on until you are saved by Lucca. You can now see a 
save point and the Manual which gives info about your next boss. Read it then 
SAVE. Go to "Continuation (Trial)"..

2. If you waited for 3 days to pass
   If you waited for 3 days, you will be taken to the execution room. Just 
before you are executed, Lucca comes and saves the day. Upon regaining 
control of your characters, get the chest for a BronzeMail. Head down to the 
next room and save the man from the Guillotine. He'll tell you about his shop 
at Truce Village. Next, get the chest for a Mid tonic then leave the 
execution room. In the intersection, head left first. Move on until you reach 
a 4-stair room. Don't worry about the upper left stairs. You'll only see an 
enemy there. Now, beat those 2 Blue Shields. The lower left stairs will lead 
you to the detention cell of Crono. You can restore your HP/MP by using the 
cup and save the game! Next, return to the 4-stair room and head down the 
lower-right stairs. Move on until you see a door. Beat the guard and open the 
door. Inside, you'll see 4 chests with Mid-Tonic x2, Ether x2.  Return all 
the way to the execution room. On the way, you'll have to fight Omnicrone. 
Just deal exactly 218 HP damage to him and he'll escape. When you reach the 
intersection near the execution room, head north. Move on until you reach the 
second 4-stair room. Head to the lower-left stair first and get the chest 
with a shelter in the right room. Head back to the 4-stair room and beat the 
Blue Shields again. Head to the upper left stair and exit through the hole in 
the second room. You'll now be at the walls of the castle. You can now reach 
the chest in which its room cannot be opened for a shelter. There will be 
another hole in the ground. Get in and get the chests below for a Lode Sword 
and 1500G. You can return up by examining the wall where you climbed down. 
After getting the chests, return to the second 4-stair room. Head to the 
upper right exit now. Move on until you see a save point and the Manual which 
gives info about your next boss. Read it then SAVE.

Continuation (Trial)...
After saving and using a Shelter if necessary, head up the stairs you see. On 
the way, the ground will shake. Move on and meet the Boss:

Dragon Tank HP: 300 
Head HP:        700 
Grinder HP:     700 
EXP: 40
G :  500

Destroy the head first as it has the ability to restore HP to all parts of 
the Tank. Destroying will will ease the battle. Kill the grinder then the 
body. You cannot use Lucca's Fire Techs as it will be use if the head is 
still there. You can use Crono's Cyclone to damage every part of the Tank 
making it a bit easier to beat.

After destroying the tank, the bridge will collapse. Don't worry, the 
chancellor will lend you a hand. Move on. Get the chest along the way, it 
contains shelter. When you see 2 guards, walk past them then head to the 
entrance of the castle. The guards will stop you, but eventually Marle will 
reason out to her father and joins you in leaving the castle.


After entering the forest, the guards will quickly catch up with you. They 
got you cornered and there's no way out except to the right. Run to the right 
and you'll see a gate. Just before you get captured again, examine the gate 
and you be able to escape.


You'll arrive at an unfamiliar place which is advanced in Technology. Your 
party will notice that you're now in the future. There's nothing to do here 
so leave the Dome and exit to the World Map. And head south and enter Trann 
Dome. Take into consideration that if you stay too long on the world map, 
your characters' HP will slowly deteriorate until it becomes 1. So, if you 
think you already spent too much time on the World Map, go inside into any of 
the domes then come back out to prevent HP loss. 


You can buy items and equipments here. You can also use the Enertron which 
will recover your HP and MP completely. Use it as you please. After doing 
these, there's nothing else left to do so leave the Dome.

LAB 16 (2300 AD)
   Lode Sword
   Lode Bow

Head north in the world map past Bangor Dome and enter Lab 16. There are a 
few items here. Just beware of the rats, they will steal Tonics from you if 
it touches Crono while running/walking. You can get a Berserker when you go 
all the way to the left after entering the Lab entrance near Bangor Dome. On 
the way, you'll see a chest containing another Lode Sword. Now, move on. 
Again, you'll see another chest which is in the way of a running rat. Time it 
right that you reach the chest right after the rat runs the opposite way. 
You'll get a Lode Bow for Marle. Move on and you'll meet a group of shadows. 
After you beat the 3 Shadows, ignore the big plant-like creature and head 
south to get the chest for an ether. Now, move on and head North East. You'll 
have to fight the Mutant that you'll see here. After beating it, exit to the 
World Map.

   2 Mid-Ethers

Head to the Arris dome and enter. You'll see a small group of people inside. 
Their leader is the Old Man Doan. After talking to the people, save and buy 
from the kid if necessary. You may also use the Enertron to save shelters. 
Now, speak to Doan and he'll tell you that they cannot get the food from 
below because of the robots. Head to the ladder you see which is in the 
middle of the room. Upon entering, you'll see 2 consoles wherein the one to 
the right is shining. Ignore it for now and climb up the ladder to the left. 
There's a very simple maze here. You have to cross the steel planks to get to 
the other side. When you see a rat, ignore it for now. Here's the direction 
where you should go through the planks to reach the top if ever you didn't 
get it. First intersection, right. second Intersection, up. Third 
intersection, right then fourth intersection, up. On the fifth, turn left. 
Sixth Intersection, left. Seventh intersection, head up. Eighth intersection, 
head right then finally, head north. You'll reach a room with an alarm. 
Continue walking/running north and you will be stopped by another boss:

Boss:  GUARDIAN and 2 BITS
Guardian HP: 1300
Bit HP:      200 each
EXP:   300
*TP:   -
G:     1000

Try to kill the 2 bits first as they will launch massive attacks like the 
Ampli Fire attack. When you beat the 2 bits, the Guardian will start a 
countdown. When it reaches 0, the 2 bits will re revived. He's not easy at 
the same time not hard. In short, average dificulty. You can beat them by 
physical attacks and Single or Dual Techs.

* - because my party members have complete Single Techs therefore the amount of 
TP gained is not shown. I'll include this in the next update.

After beating the Guardian, head north. Your party will see a deceased man. 
After regaining control of your characters, examine the man again and you 
will now know that the rat which was at the Steel Planks is not a statue. Get 
the chest for a Mid-Ether. Head back to the Planks. You'll see the rat. Now, 
try to run as fast as you can and catch it. When you think it's near enough, 
hit the A button to catch it. He will tell you that, to gain access to the 
door way back in the entrance (the place with 2 consoles), stand in front of 
the shining console, hold the L and R buttons then press A. Now, go back 
there and do it. When the new path comes up, you can now enter the right 
door. Upon entering, don't go up to niether of the ladders instead, head 
north past the monsters to reach a chest with a Mid-Ether. Now head back and 
walk down the stairs to the left. At the end, walk down the stairs. Move on 
until you see another set of stairs. Walk up the stairs and head north to a 
door. In here, you can actually take any path you like whether take the 
stairs or take the right route. When you reach the first Proto 2 (the robot, 
not the spider looking ones), head left and walk up the stairs. Move on until 
you enter a room with a monitor and a console. Lucca will operate it and 
you'll see the location of the other gate. You will also be shown the Day of 
Lavos 1999. When the characters talk to each other, select "Okay!". Once 
outside the monitor room, you'll see another console to your right. To reach 
it, head to the place where you saw the first Proto 2 then go north ignoring 
the ladder. Upon reaching it, use the LR + A button code you used to enter 
this place. It will make a path to the sealed door but you can't do anything 
as of now but when you come back here later, you won't have to do it anymore. 
Now, head back to where Doan was. He'll be amazed that you survived below. 
You will give him the seeds you found from the deceased man and he will give 
you a Bike key you can use later at Lab 32. Use the enertron, save or buy 
items if necessary, then head out to the World Map.

   Rage Band
   Bolt Sword

If you want to make it easier when you come back here later I suggest you 
head left to the Sewer Access. You have to activate the bridge here so that 
you can have easy access later. Inside, a guard will pass by. After regaining 
control, head left, defeat the enemies and get the chest for 600G. Then, head 
all the way to the left until you see a scene with two frogs talking to each 
other. Follow them down the ladder. Below, head right. You will see a cat. If 
you examine it, you'll have to fight 3 Nereids. Move on. You'll then see a 
can and a trash bin. If you examine either of them, you'll fight 4 Nereids. 
Next, you'll see a slice of cheese. If you examine it, you'll have to fight 2 
Nerieds and a rat. Move on. Next, you'll see a save spot. If you examine it, 
you'll fight 3 Nereids. Finally, climb up the stairs. Above, you'll see a gap 
between a bridge and another bridge to your left. Ignore the bridges and head 
north. You'll see a slight opening in between the wall. Go through here to 
reach a switch which will open the opposite door. Head back then up. Continue 
pressing the Up Key until Crono Stops. You'll now be able to head right. When 
you see that Crono stops, head down through that door. You'll see another 
scene with the 2 frogs. Anyway, just head right then up to get a Rage Band 
from the chest. Now head right to meet:

Mini-Boss:  KRAWLIE
HP:    550
EXP:   100
*TP:   - 
G:     500
Item:  Mid-Ether

He is so easy. You can beat him with your eyes closed while pressing the A 
button continuosly.

* - Because my party members have complete Single Techs, the amount of TP 
gained is not shown. I'll include this in the next update.

After beating Krawlie, move on until you see a ladder. Go past it fast and 
get the chest for a Bolt Sword. Then, press the switch to fill the gap and 
the bridge will now be accessible. Now, don't go back to climb the ladder. 
Instead, cross the bridge you just activated and you'll notice that you've 
been here already. Now head all the way back to the ladder which you used to 
enter this area and exit to the World Map. Note: The ladder at the end will 
send you to the World Map but it is on a remote island. You can find the 
Keeper's Dome and the Death Peak there. But you don't have to go there yet.

LAB 32 (2300 AD)
   Race Log

Now, head north to Lab 32. In the lab, head north and examine the Jet Bike 
(you will automatically use Doan's Bike key on it). You will be attacked by 4 
Proto 2s. fortunately, Johnny will come and stop the robots from attacking. 
Instead, he'll challenge you to a race through Lab 32. you must beat him in 
order to reach the end of Lab 32. Here's a tip. You can just sit back and 
watch until you are close enough to the finish line and push that B Button 
for a speed boost. You only have 3 boosts and you must use it only if you are 
in front of Johnny. He will always try to stay in front of you so watch out. 
Again, if you win, you'll be at the end of Lab 32. but if you lose, don't 
worry. You can always challenge him to the race or you can ignore him and 
just walk/run through Lab 32. I recommend walking because you'll gain 
experience in the process and an item along the way. You can get the race Log 
item which will record the scores you get every time you race Johnny. At the 
start of the race your score will start from 0 and will increase during the 
race. But, if you managed to stay in front and not allow Johnny to even get 
beside you, when he bumps your back you'll receive points. But if Johnny is 
in your front and you bump into him, you'll lose points. Anyway, once you 
reach the end in any manner you like, exit to the World Map.


In the World Map, don't go to the factory yet. Head to Proto Dome first. 
Inside just move on and use the Enertron if you like. When you see a Robot, 
Lucca will repair it. Then, you can name R66-Y as Robo (any name will do, 
we'll just use Robo for the sake of the walkthrough). Then, you'll tell him 
that you need to get to the gate to be transported back to 1000 AD. He will 
agree to help you in turn for fixing him. Choose from Marle or Lucca who will 
stay behind. As for me, I left Lucca the first time I played because Marle 
has Curative Magic. Once Robo joins your party, leave Proto Dome and head to 
the Factory up north.

   Titan Vest
   Hammer Arm
   Plasma Gun

Inside, examine the console that you'll see there and Robo will deactivate 
the laser in front of the conveyor belts so that you can continue on. Kill 
the acid that shows up. Use the conveyor belt and use the left elevator. 
Below, there is a save point. You can also head north to a chest containing a 
shelter. After beating the Acid and Alkalines, examine the computer to open 
the hatch right below the chest and reveal a ladder. Head down. Move on until 
you see a laser. Enter the door that you see. You can pass through the wall 
on the left to reach the chest containing another Titan Vest. Then, head 
right for another chest containing a more powerful arm for Robo, the Hammer 
Arm. Now, examine the computer beside the 4 lasers. It will deactivate all 
lasers in the factory. But you have to survive the fight against acids and 
alkalines. Now head to the elevator to the right of this area. If you select 
up, you'll be brought to the floor with the save point you saw earlier. Save 
if you want to then head to the lowest floor. Here, ignore the ladder to your 
left. It will lead you back to the computer room where you turned off the 
lasers. So follow the hallway north. There is a locked door. There is also a 
chest containing a Plasma Gun for Lucca. To open the door you have to press a 
sequence of buttons. The clue is "Zabie". If you pronounce it, you'll see 
that it is equivalent to the buttons "XABY". So punch X,A,B,Y. The door will 
open. Head north then push the switch. The emergency system will activate. 
You're so lucky that you weren't trapped in. After regaining control of your 
characters, use the ladder as the elevetors are shut down. On the way, you 
will encounter robo's past friends. These robots will beat up robo pretty 
badly. Now you have to fight all 6 of them. Together, they are a single boss.

HP:   300 each
EXP:  480
*TP:  -
G:    600

It's not that hard. Just use Crono's Cyclone to damage more Robots in one 
turn. If you have Marle, have her attack but let her heal the both of them if 
their HP runs low. If you have Lucca, use her flame attacks and if your HPs 
are low, let her use Tonics or Mid Tonics.

* - Because my party members have complete Single Techs, the amount of TP 
gained is not shown. I'll include this in the next update.

After you beat them, whoever is in your party will get robo and you will 
automatically go to Proto Dome. You'll actually see you party members carry 
Robo to Proto Dome. 


Lucca will repair Robo once more then Robo will officially join your party. 
The door is now open and your party will now use the Gate.


You will arrive in an eerie and dark place. Move on through the door and 
you'll meet up with the an Old Man. He'll tell you that you are at the end of 
time. And that happened because you are in a group of 4. Only a group of 3 
can use the gate at a time. He'll also tell you that the pillars of light you 
saw a while ago connects to different times. After regaining control of your 
characters, you may restore you HP/MP if you examine the shining dot near the 
save point. Don't try to use the other shining dot as this one leads directly 
to the last boss of the game, LAVOS. I'm absolutely, perfectly, undoubtedly 
sure that you are not prepared to fight him (unless you're in the New Game+ 
mode or you played for DAYS leveling up your characters to 99). Let's move 
on. Head back to the pillars of light. On the way, the Old Man will call your 
attention. Talk to him and he'll tell you to take a peek on the next room. 
Inside, you'll find Spekkio the Master of War. His form will depend entirely 
upon your levels, more to that later. Talk to him and if he asks you a 
question, answer "Strong!". He'll the tell you more about Magic. That it was 
used years before Crono's time. He'll teach you how to use Magic if you WALK 
around the room clockwise 3 times. WALK, don't hold the run button. After 
walking around 3 times, talk to him again and he'll give you the power of 
magic. Crono/Lightning, Lucca/Fire, Marle/Ice, Robo can't use Magic but 
Spekkio will tell him that his laser attacks have a little Shadow Magic. Then 
he'll ask you if you want to try it out. If you win, you'll receive items. 

Here are the items you can get by beating him:

Level 1 ñ 19     Special Refresher: 1 Magic Tab, 5 Ethers
Level 20 ñ 29    Choice: 1 Magic Tab, 5 Mid Ethers
Level 30 ñ 39    Healthy Choice: 1 Magic Tab, 5 Full Ethers
Level 40 ñ 98    Graceful: 1 Magic Tab, 1 Speed Tab, 1 Power Tab 
Level 99         Cheerful: 10 Magic Tabs, 10 Speed Tabs, 10 Power Tabs,
                 and 10 MegaElixirs
(Thanks to Brandon Boucher: TheDOORS66@aol.com for the info)

If you didn't win, don't worry, your HP/MP will be restored. After fighting 
him, return to the Old Man and talk to him. He'll tell you that you have to 
go to your own time first to be able to change what you want. So go to the 
light pillars and go to Pillar #6 to Medina Village 1000AD. Here's the sketch 
of the Pillars:

  #1    #2    #3

  #4    #5    #6
  #7    #8    #9

Locations and Time:
1 - ?
2 ñ Tyran Fortress (65,000,000 BC)
3 ñ Truce Canyon (600 AD)
4 ñ Mystic Mountains (65,000,000 BC)
5 ñ Proto Dome (2300 AD)
6 ñ Medina Village (1000 AD)
7 ñ Leene's Square (1000 AD)
8 ñ Earth Bound Island (12,000 BC)
9 - ?


You'll be transported to a residence of a Mystic in Medina village. When you 
try to exit, the Mystic will tell you that there is a man who lives west of 
their place. So head out to the World Map.


Go to Medina Square in the middle of the village. Here you'll learn fact 
about what happened years ago in the war of the Mystics vs. humans. Just came 
here to learn, that's all. The game won't be exciting without the story 
right? Go back to World Map again.

   Speed Tab
   Magic Tab

Go to the Elder's House. First, get the shining speed Tab in the kitchen. 
Now, go to the second floor of the house to get a shining Magic Tab on the 
desk. Then, head back out to the World Map. If you want to sleep at Medina 
Inn, you have to fight the hench and the diablos first. Pay 200 G afterwards.


When you enter the Market, the Mystics will attack you then they will allow 
you to buy from them. But look at that Price, it's unbelievable. I've got 
outrageous prices. All the Equipments are at Maximum, 65,000G EACH. The Tonic 
is at 2,440G, Revive at 48,800G! I guess this is random, or the battle might 
have an effect. If you're so strong that you can beat the two with one slash 
each (i.e. New Game+), the higher the price will be. If you're quite weak and 
took a few hits, the price will be loewr. I've seen also some of the prices. 
The Tonic is at 470G, 1100G. I suggest that you don't buy anything because 
you can't afford it. Just head back out to the World Map.

   Mid Ether

Go to the Forest ruins, which is like a triangle to the north. Just get the 
chest with a Mid Ether then head back out to the world map.


Go all the way to the east to Melchior's Hut. You'll notice that he is the 
weapons merchant at Leene's Square when you started the game, if you don't 
know him. You can buy weapons from him at reasonable prices. After buying 
weapons, if necessary, go north to Heckran Cave.

   2 Ethers
   Magic Scarf
   Mid Ether

Upon entering, 2 henches will attack you. After beating them, move on until 
you see a ladder. Climb down the ladder and get the Ether inside the chest. 
Continue heading down then move on. On the way, you'll be attacked by a Jinn 
Bottle and 3 Octoblushes. After beating them, move on. 2 Tempurites will 
attack you on the way. If you observe carefully, you'll notice that most of 
them are insusceptible to physical attacks so use Magic instead. When the 
path splits in to 2, head to the south. Fight 3 RolyPolys and get the chest 
but just before you do that, you'll be attacked by 3 Cave Bats. Get that 
Magicscarf after beating them. Return back to the intersection and take the 
upper path. Take another chest that contains a Mid Ether. Move norht until 
you reach another chest which contains an Ether. Now head south. Defeat the 4 
Tempurites and head south to the next area. Now fight agianst 4 more 
Rolypolys. Now head left and fight those Cave Bats. Now enter the passageway 
you see. Fight another batch of enemies with a Jinn Bottle and 3 Octoblushes. 
Move on. You'll see a black chest here but you can't do anything to it now so 
enter the passageway to the north. When you reach the waterway, head right. 
You'll eventually reach a ladder. Climb up and use that save point. Prepare 
yourself to battle against:

HP:   2200
EXP:  250
TP:   10 
G:    1500

He's a little hard. Physical attacks won't do good so stick to your magic. 
When he tells you to attack him, don't. Just stall for a moment until he 
stops that attacking pose. If you attack him during his pose, he will counter 
attack with Water Wave which you don't want to happen. You can beat him on 
your first try though. Just keep on healing.

After beating him, Lucca suggests that you use the Gate at Leene Square. So 
head north until you see a small pool of water. Jump in. You will be 
transported near Lucca's House through a giant whirlpool. Go to Lucca's 

   Taban Vest

Go to the second floor of the house using the right stairs. Talk to Lucca's 
Mom. Wait until Taban comes in and gives his earnings to Lucca's Mom. After 
he leaves, return to the Living room and talk to Taban. He will give Lucca a 
special armor he made himself. The Taban Vest. Return to the World Map.


Go to Leene's Square and use the Gate where Lucca's invention is. You'll end 
up at the End of time. Note that you will always pass through here whenever 
you use ANY of the gates.


Here, you can retore your HP/MP, Save and change party members. You will also 
notice that pillars #3 and #7 are now accessible. Use pillar #3 to Truce 
Canyon 600 AD.


Leave Truce Canyon. In the World Map, you'll notice that Zenan Bridge is now 
complete. But there seems to be a problem so enter Zenan Bridge. Here, talk 
to the Knight Captain and he'll ask you if the rations from the castle are on 
the way. So, go to Guardia Castle. Remember to take that free Shelter on 
Guardia Forest.

   Power Tab

Upon entering, head to the right at once and down the stairs to the Kitchen. 
Find the chef who is running all around. Talk to him then take the somewhat 
camouflaged chest beside the pot for an ether. Now head back to the entrance. 
On the way, the chef will call you and will give you the Jerky so that you 
can give it to the army fighting at Zenan Bridge. You'll also be given a 
power tab! Now head back out to the world map and head to Zenan Bridge. 
Again, get that shelter from the monster in the forest. This will be the last 
time I shall remind of this. You can stock up on as many shelters as you 
want, just keep on leaving and coming right back in the forest.

   Gold Helm

Once there, give the Jerky to the Knight Captain. Suddenly, one of the 
soldiers will come and tell the Captain that Magus' troops are breaking 
through. After regaining your characters, talk to the Captain and tell him 
that you agree to help them. He will give you a Gold Helm after agreeing. Now 
head left to the bridge and prepare for battle. Here, you'll be introduced to 
Ozzie, Magus' general. He'll summon 2 deceased and you'll have to fight them. 
To make the battle short, attack Ozzie instead. He'll loose his control over 
the deceased and will run away. After that, head left for another fight, now 
with 3 Deceased. Beat them, and prepare yourself for a boss.

Upper Body HP:  1300
Lower Body HP:  1000
EXP:   350
TP:    10
G:     1500

He's not that hard. I simply attacked the upper part of his body. But beware! 
After you beat the upper body, he'll use MP Buster which will steal ALL MPs 
from one of your party members. For the lower body, it can tolerate physical 
attacks better than the upper body. So, use Marle's Ice Magic to deal a good 
amount of damage. After you beat both of the parts, you win! Duh!

After beating Zombor, continue moving left and you'll exit to the world map 
in the Village of San Dorino. You can but items from the Market also if you 
need them. Go to the Elder's House.


After you enter, you'll eavesdrop on the chief and a man named Toma talking 
about a "Rainbow Shell" which can create reflective armors that are very  
strong against magic.  Now, return to the World Map and head to the 


Talk to the people here if you like. You'll find a shining dot in the drawer 
but it is locked. Remember this place. Exit to the World Map for now.

   2 Mid Ether

Go to Fiona's Village in the middle of the desert. Talk to her then take the 
2 chests for 2 Mid-Ethers. Return to the World Map again.

   Mid Tonic
   Magic Scarf

Now go south a bit then head left through the trees and enter the Cursed 
Woods. In Cursed woods, you can find a Mid-Tonic, a Shelter inside 2 chests. 
Now, head all the way to the north and move behind the bush where a frog came 
out. Enter it, it is a ladder. Below, you'll see Frog. Talk to him a couple 
of times until he says "The hero I am not, I can do naught". Now go to the 
pot on the upper right portion of Frog's place. Examine it go get another 
MagicScarf. Head back out to the World Map.

   Power Tab

You can go to the Market which is right beside the Inn. You can buy an armor 
and a helmet here. You can also find a shining Power Tab to the left. Get it 
then head back out to the World Map.


You can also head to the different houses to learn more info about Tata, the 
supposed Legendary Hero with the Medal. After learning that he moved north, 
return to the World Map and head north to Denadoro Mountains. Note, don't go 
to the Magic Cave yet because you don't have the Masamune. We'll go there 

   Ether          600G
   2 Revives      2 Mid Tonics
   500G           Silver Stud
   4 Mid Ethers   Silver Erng
   300G           Magic Tab
   Shelter        Broken Masamune
   Hero Medal

Bring Lucca with you. You'll need her fire magic in this place. Upon reaching 
a ladder, you'll see a kid who is being chased by a Goblin. After beating the 
goblin an Ogan will come and attack you. With the hammer, his defenses rises 
both physically and magically, but if you use any of Lucca's Fire Magic, the 
hammer will burn and you now have a helpless little goblin. Climb the ladder. 
In this area, there's a sleeping goblin. Don't come near him. Instead, move 
up slowly until the Goblin is lined up with Crono so you can get the chest to 
the left. Here's the diagram if you need it:

    Chest ----------- Crono ----------- Sleeping Goblin

After aligning the three, push the left button on the Direction-pad to reach 
the chest on the left for an ether. Now, head to the top of the ladder and do 
not go down. Walk left then head south until you reach the area where you saw 
the kid. You'll now be able to get that chest on the ledge for a Revive. Now 
head north again. Fight the goblin if you like. If you examine the Goblin he 
will continue to sleep, but when go continue north, a free lancer with throw 
a stone to the goblin to wake him up. You have to fight them now. After 
beating them, head north and cross the wooden bridge you see. Then, climb up 
the next ladder you see. Defeat the 2 Goblins and take the chest for 500G. 
Cross the wooden bridge to your right. Now, walk doen SLOWLY and when you see 
a goblin running, time it right that you don't get caught by it. Head up the 
ladder and continue to the next area. When the path splits into two, take the 
upper path first and take the chest for a Mid-Ether. Return to the 
intersection and head right. Take the chest you see for a Revive. Now, head 
up the ladder. Get another chest for a Gold Helm. Head up the ladder and 
continue heading left. When the path splits into 2, head to the lower path 
first, climb down the ladder and get the chest for a Mid-Tonic. Head all the 
way up the left to enter the area with a big waterfall. Climb up the two 
ladders here onto the next area. Don't forget to get that Mid-Ether on the 
way. Btw, the free lancer that throws stones at you will give you an 
accessory. Take a look at the accessories section. In this new area, head up 
another ladder and get the chest for 600G. Now prepare you characters for 4 
continuous fight. It means that, right after you beat a batch of enemies, 
you'll have to fight the next batch right away. First batch, Ogan and Goblin. 
Second Batch, Ogan and Free Lancer. Third batch, Ogan and Goblin again. 
Fourth Batch, Ogan and 2 Free Lancers. After that fight, head left to the 
next area. Here, get the chest right away for 300G. Head north. After beating 
the Free Lancers and the Bell bird, get the chest you see for a Mid-Tonic.

Now if you want, you can get a few extra, but VERY HELPFUL items. In the 
river, if you head south, you'll see a large waterfall. If you're washed away 
by the waterfall, you'll end up in a new area with one chest. But, there is 
another way to get an extra chest. So follow, my instructions carefully. 
First, go to the center of the river. WALK down slowly, little by little and 
head to the waterfall. When the huge waterfall starts to pull you in, push 
the left button on the Directional-pad and run until you are pulled in by a 
small waterfall. Let this small waterfall pull you in and Jump in the 
waterfall. You'll reach a chest with the SilverStud w/c will Cut the MP usage 
of any Magic/Tech of the character it is equipped with. Example, if Crono can 
use Luminaire, the Ultimate magic, he uses 20 MPs which is 20% of the MAX MP 
he can have. But if you equip him with the SilverStud, he will use only 10 MP 
or 10% of the MAX MP he can have w/c is 99. If you you're thinking that 
there's a GoldStud, you're correct, it can be obtained later in the game. It 
cuts MP use by 75%. Now, back to the Walkthrough.

After getting the SilverStud, head towards the cliff and jump off the ledge. 
You'll land on another area and you can get a chest for a SilverErng. It will 
increase your Maximum HP by 25%. Example:

If Crono has 500 HPs, if you equip him with the SilverErng, his Maximum HP 
will be raised by 25%, w/c is 125. So, his Maximum HP will become 625.

After getting these accessories, head north through the woods and you'll be 
brought to another area. Then, in this area head north right away. You'll be 
back to the place where you fought 4 times in a row. Fortunately, you don't 
have to fight them again. When you reach the river where you jumped off the 
waterfall, head north and all the way to the left, and get the chest past the 
ladder for a Mid-Ether. Climb down the ladder and head to the next Area. 
Here, cross the wooden bridge and you'll see a monster that look like 
Spekkio. Talk to him 4 times and he'll give you a Magic Tab. Move on to the 
next area. Here, you'll finally find a Save Point. Save and Restore HP/MP 
then head down the ladder on the left. Get another chest for a Mid-Ether then 
continue heading down. Head down another set of ladders and go right to 
another area. Here, you'll see a short ladder. Climb down and they will jump 
once you reach the end of the ladder. Get the chest you see for a Shelter. 
After beating the enemies, head north through a cave-like opening. Head north 
towards the sword and the kid will stop you. If he asks you if you want the 
Masamune, tell him yes. He'll call his brother Masa. Then, Masa and Mune will 
test you and will engage your party.

Boss:  MASA and MUNE
Masa HP: 1000
Mune HP: 1000
Exp:  400
TP:   4
G:    400

They are easy. Just keep on attacking them using physical attacks and Techs 
that do physical damage. If one of them goes down, so is the other. After you 
beat them you'll have to fight:

Strategy by: Brandon Boucher (TheDOORS66@aol.com)

Just concentrate on attacking one of them. It will save your characters HP as 
well as it will save you time. You don't have to attack the other one at all. 

Boss:  MASA and MUNE (combined)
HP:  3500
Exp: 500
TP:  10 
G:   1500

He is pretty tough. You MUST have a healer in your party. Use items with one 
of your characters or if you have Marle, make her the healer. Use your 2 
other members to attack and use dual techs if possible.

After you proved your worth to the 2, you can now retrieve the broken 
Masamune. You now have to find who will fix it then. After retrieveing it, 
Masa and Mune will transport you to the Base of the Mountain. I'm just so 
glad I will not have to go through the entire mountain again. You'll be 
transported to the World Map. If you think carefully, you'll remember that 
Melchior, the Swordsmith in Medina Village 1000 AD, is good a sword 
craftsmanship. But first, go to Tata's House in Porre. Talk to Tata, the kid 
you saw in Denadoro Mts., and he'll tell you that he only got it from FROG 
who dropped the Medal. Everybody called him hero so he kept it. After talking 
to him, he'll give it to you. Now return the Medal to the rightful owner, 


Go to Cursed woods and talk to Frog. He'll recognize the Medal. After telling 
you that he has no right to wield the Masamune, he'll move and you shall 
notice the pot is now glittering. Examine it and you'll see the other half of 
the Masamune Blade. You will then discover that the word "roichlem" is 
written. It's Melchior! :) Now leave the cursed woods and go to Truce Canyon 
and teleport to the End of Time.


Now, do what you should always do here. Restore HP/MP, change party members 
if necessary and save. After that, use pillar #6 to Medina Village 1000 AD. 
When you reach 1000 AD, head to Melchior's Hut.


Talk to Melchior. He'll be surprised that you have the Masamune Blade. He 
will then tell you to get Dreamstones which is not around anymore for a long 
time. Did you guess it? Yup. You have to go to the prehistoric era to get it. 
So go to the Residence and use the gate. Do the thing you normally do at the 
End of time then finally, use pillar #4 to Mystic Mountains 65,000,000 BC.

   Third Eye
Right after you are teleported, you'll fall right away. There will be 
reptites roaming around and they will attack your patry. The technique in 
beating these reptites is for you to use Lightning Attacks. After beating 
these Reptites, more will come your way. But then, a cave-woman will come and 
beat some of the reptites. All leftovers are for you to deal with. After 
beating them, the woman will return and introduce herself. Her name is Ayla. 
After some talking, she tell's you to follow her to her village, Ioka. 
Quickly, follow Ayla. On the way, you'll see a green chest. Take the first 
one for a Berserker. When you have returned to the World Map, head east to 
see the village. You'll see 4 huts. Enter the Lower Right Hut first. You can 
talk to the woman here if you want to drink some sweet water which will 
replenish your HP and MP. Next, you can visit the Upper right hut and trade 
your G and your items (specifically the petals, fangs, horns, and feather) 
here are the items you can trade for and the quantity you need. Remember that 
you must have Ayla join your party first.

Item/Equipment   Requirements
Ruby Gun         = 3 Petals and 3 Fangs
Sage Bow         = 3 Petals and 3 Horns
Stone Arm        = 3 Petals and 3 Feathers
Flint Edge       = 3 Fangs and 3 Horns
Ruby Vest        = 3 Fangs and 3 Feathers
Rock Helm        = 3 Horns and 3 Feathers

Note: If you are in need of these items, head to the hunting Range North of 
Ioka Village. If it rains, quickly roam around the Hunting Range and find 
that Nu (Blue Monster) it'll give you a good quantity of all items. All 
enemies here have items here are the items that you can get from a certain 

Group of Amphibite, Croaker, Rain Frog = 2 Feathers, 2 Fangs and 2 Horns
Group of Ion and Anion = 2 Petals and 2 Feathers
Nu = 3 of every trading item (as a bonus, he'll give you a Third Eye)

Let's Continue. One of the people in this hut will sell you a Tonic, Mid-
tonic, and Heal. Now, head to the chief's hut. Talk to Ayla and the scene 
will automatically be brought to the Jurrasic Party! You can talk to anyone 
here. To continue the story. Speak to your party members, including Ayla, 
until Ayla offers you the Jurrasic Soup. When you regain control of Crono, 
talk to your party members and drink the soup. Talk to your party members 
again until Ayla bring up the topic regarding the Red rock. She will then 
challenge you to a soup race. Gulp as many soup as many you can by tapping 
the A button as fast as you can. If you lose to her, start again until you 
win. After you win you'll a good night sleep. But when you wake up, you'll 
notice that your Gate Key is missing. The footprints on the ground suggest 
that Reptites are the crooks. Your party will then agree to meet Ayla. In 
Ayla's hut, wake her up. She'll join you in your search of the Gate Key. When 
you leave, you can now trade your petals, etc. for equipments. The items and 
their requirements are written above. You can go to the lower right hut and 
the man in the middle will give you a Tonic. Now, go to the lower left hut 
and talk to everyone here to know where to go next. Now, head south of the 
village and enter the Forest Maze.

FOREST MAZE (65,000,000 BC)
   3 Mid Tonics
   2 Revives
   2 Mid Ethers

After entering the Forest Maze, you'll see Kino. He'll tell you that he took 
the Gate Key because he is jealous. Then, he'll also tell you that the 
Reptites took it away from him. So, to get to the Reptites Lair, follow the 
footsteps and go through any path available to get extra items. If you 
somehow isn't able to cross to another part, use a vine as a ladder if you 
see one or use the fallen trees as bridges. Just follow the footsteps and 
you'll never be lost. On the way, you'll find chests which contain, Mid-Tonic 
x3, Revive x2, Mid-Ether x2, Shelter, Heal. After Following the footsteps, 
you'll exit to the world map near the Reptite Lair. Enter the Lair.

REPTITE LAIR (65,000,000 BC)
   2 Mid Ethers
   Ruby Vest
   2 Full Tonics
   Rock Helm
   Full Ether

Inside, head through the cave to the right to the next area. In this area, 
you'll see evilweevils raoming around and digging holes. If you want 
treasure, wait until all Evilweevils, the blue shark-like monsters, have 
finished digging. For your information, once an Evilweevil digs, he'll 
disappear from the area mainly because it fell down the hole. Now, after 
waiting for them to finish. There will be 5 holes in the ground. Don't worry 
about it because these are at random. The holes lead to different rooms/route 
below, but the ultimate goal here is to arrive in a big room filled with 
reptites running crazy around. There are 4 routes to take. Example, if you 
take route 1, you'll be passing through a set of rooms unique to route 1. It 
means that, the hole in route 1 leads to a different path from the holes in 
route 2, 3, and 4 and vice-versa. In short, you can take any route you like 
to reach the big room. Each route has different treasures in it. Here's 
something interesting, you can actually get ALL of the treasures and pass 
through ALL routes. It means that you can pass through route 1 and after you 
reached the big room, you can actually go back to the room where the 
evilweevils are digging and take another route.  I'll exlpain how later. 
Here's the graph of the routes you can oass through. So, if you want to use 
route #2, jump in the hole created by the EvilWeevils which is to the North 
Easternmost. If you want to use route 3, jump in the hole which is on the 
South Westernmost. I you don't know which route is which, I have a graph of 
the rooms of the routes after you jump in from the first holes. Note that if 
the EvilWeevils didn't dig the holes properly, i.e. They dug holes wherein 
the holes they created can't give you access to the route you want to take. 
If this happens, head out to the world map and re-enter the Lair.

 ------------- -------------
|             |             |
|   Route 1   |   Route 2   |
|             |             |
 ------------- -------------
|             |             |
|   Route 3   |   Route 4   |
|             |             |
 ------------- -------------

Here are the different infos about each route, refer to this mini-guide about 
the enemies and treasures you can get:

Route 1:

In the first room, you'll have to fight 2 EvilWeevils in order to jump down 
the hole. Take note that you always have to defeat the enemies first before 
jumping down the holes. In the next room, you'll face a Megasaur. To weaken 
it, use Crono's Lightning magic. Then attack it continuously until it dies. 
Head down the hole. You've now reached the big room! Skip routes 2, 3, and 4 
and Go to The Big Room.

Route 2:

In this room, you'll have to fight 2 EvilWeevils and 2 Fly Traps. After 
beating them, get the chest for a Mid-Ether then jump down the hole. Here, 
you'll have to fight a Fly trap and 2 EvilWeevils. Get the chest for a Ruby 
Vest. Head down the hole to reach the Big room! Skip routes 3 and 4 and go to 
the Big Room.

Route 3:

In the first room, fight an Evilweevil and a flytrap. Get the chest for a 
Mid-Ether afterwards. Jump down the hole. In here, another pair of EvilWeevil 
and a Fly Trap. Get the chest for a Full Tonic and jump down the hole. Voila! 
The Big room! Skip route 4 and go to the Big Room.

Route 4:

I the first room, you'll fight an EvilWeevil and a Fly Trap. Then, get the 
chest for a Full-Tonic. Jump down the hole.  You may be familiar to this 
room. It is the same as the second room in route #2. The enemies here are 2 
EvilWeevils and a Fly Trap, and the chest contains the Ruby Vest. Jump down 
the hole to the Big Room!

The Big Room:

Here in the Big room, you'll see those running Reptites, defeat them for EXP. 
Then, there are 2 Reptites guarding 2 chests. The lower chest contains a Rock 
Helm and the upper ones contains a Full Ether. After getting the treasures, 
leave through the north east exit. Here, you'll have to fight the Winged Ape 
and a Shitake. After beating them, head north. You'll have to fight another 
batch of monsters. After beating them, you can take the left cave-like 
opening and it will bring you back to where the Evilweevils dug holes. You 
can therefore, take another one of the routes. You can always use any route 
as many times as you like to gain exp or G. But remember that, on the way, 
you'll meet up with a winged ape and you must beat him in order to jump the 
hole to reach the EvilWeevil room.

If you want to go to the exit of the Reptite lair, move straight ahead and 
don't enter the cave that will bring you back to the evilweevil room. You'll 
encounter a Megasaur and 2 Reptites. After beating them, a save point will 
show up to the right. Save and use a shelter if necessary then head up the 
stairs to the north. You'll meet Azala, the leader of the Reptites. You can 
answer him with any choice when he asks you. Then, he will call..

HP:  4000
Exp: 500
TP:  10
G:   0

He is hard. First, you have to shock him with Crono's Lightning Magic. Then, 
pummel him with Ayla's Techs and Crono's Attacks/Techs. Have the other 
character heal. After a while, he will release his electrocution to your 
party doing big damage. Heal right away and repeat all the steps and you'll 
beat him eventually.

After beating Nizbel, Azala will give you back your Gate Key. After receiving 
the key, you will automatically be taken back to Ayla's Hut. After saying 
goodbye, return to the Mystic Mountains.


In the mountains, all you have to do is to go all the way up until you see 
the Gate in the middle. So, stand to the edge of the cliff, right over the 
gate, and jump down. You'll automatically be brought again to the End of 
Time. Do what you usually do here and use pillar #6 to Medina Village 1000 
AD. Then go to Melchior's Hut.


Melchior will be shocked to see you holding the Masamune and a Dreamstone. 
After giving these to him, he will make the sword. Lucca will also help 
Melchior. After the Masamune is done, it will be given to you. Then, head 
back to the residence and use the Gate. At the End of time, use pillar #3 to 
truce Canyon 600 AD. When you arrive at Truce Canyon, exit to the World Map 
and go directly to the Cursed Woods.


Here, go to Frog's place. After giving him the Masamune, there will be some 
Flashbacks about Cyrus. You'll see what happened to Cyrus way back with 
glenn. They will also give you a clue who really Frog was. But you probably 
know it right now :) Anyway, the next morning, Frog will wake your party up. 
You'll then decide to go straight to Magus' Castle. Now return to the world 
map and head directly to the mountain, west of Fiona's Villa. Enter the Magic 


Here, you'll see another flashback about Cyrus and Frog, errÖ Glenn. You'll 
see the actual incident that made Glenn into Frog. After the flashback, Frog 
will use the Masamune to open a path to the Magic Cave. You'll be 
automatically brought inside the Magic Cave. You'll see a small bat following 
you. Don't worry about it.. for now. Here, just move on until you fight 5 
Gremlins. To kill these Gremlins, which are nearly impervious to physical 
attacks, use Level 2 Magic attacks to kill them instantly. Remember also that 
they are absolutely fast. After killing them, a second batch will appear. 
Now, head up the ladder you see. Examine the dead soldier. A note will give 
clues on the ability of the Juggler in Magus' Castle. Exit north. You'll now 
be in a different place in the World Map. Use a shelter to prepare you for 
the battles to come. Save, then enter Magus' Lair.

   4 Mid Ethers   2 Mist Robes   Magic Scarf
   2 Shelters     Dark Mail
   Slasher        Doom Finger
   2 Barriers     Speed Belt   
   2 Magic Tabs   Revive

Once inside the actual castle itself, you'll see 2 paths to take. One to the 
left and one to the right. Take the left one first. Note that you can already 
take the chest here without worrying about the enemies around. So, on the 
way, get the Mid-Ether, then at the end, get another Mid-Ether and a shelter. 
Don't forget to talk to EVERYONE here. Now, return back to the intersection 
and take the right path. You'll see 4 kids surrounding the chest. Just like 
in the other path talk to EVERYONE again. You can't get the chest yet so move 
on. On the way, you'll get another mid-ether. After talking to everyone, 
return to the intersection. You'll notice that a Save Point suddenly 
appeared. Examine it and Ozzie will appear. He then informs you about Slash, 
the swordsman, and Flea, the Magician. And he'll also tell you that you have 
to beat all 100 monsters in the castle. The first batch contains of 2 Vamps 
and 4 Henches. By the way, these henches are much more stronger that the 
Henches you fought at the Cathedral. After beating the first batch, you have 
2 choices. The left path leads to Slash and the right ones lead to Flea. For 
this walkthrough, let's head for Slash first so go left.

As Ozzie have told you, you have to defeat ALL 100 monsters so exterminate 
any enemies that you see. The first batch in the left path consists of an 
Omnicrone and 4 Decedents. (monster count = 11) I'm adding this monster count 
so that we can count how many monsters you have terminated so far and will 
also serve as a guide to the completion of 100 monsters. Let's continue. 
After beating this batch, head north and fight another batch consisting of 
the same monsters as before. (monster count = 16). After beating them, head 
north. Talk to the woman in the middle and it will initiate a fight with 5 
Decedents (monster count = 21). After beating them, you'll face:

Boss:  SLASH
First Part HP:  3000
Second Part HP: 5000
Exp:  500
TP:   10
G:    1500
Item: Slasher

He has two parts you have to deal with. His first form is not that hard. Your 
attacks will deal a decent amount of damage whether if it is a physical or a 
magical attack. After dealing about 3000 HP of damage to him, he'll get his 
sword. This is the second part of the fight. With the sword, his physical 
defense will greatly rise almost making him invulnerable to physical attacks. 
So, use magic! But beware, he has an attack called "Yes Indeed!" which 
slashes one of your party members dealing a huge amount of damage. To beat 
him, use the 2 most powerful magic users in your party and have the other one 
heal. Be patient ;)

After beating him, get his sword, the Slasher, and use the Save Point that 
appears. Now, head back to the intersection (you don't have to fight those 
monsters on your way back, they are not counted) and take the right path. If 
you can evade the enemies, go on.

In this path, talk to kids around the chest. Tell them that you want the 
treasure. They will transform into 4 shadows. (monster count = 25). After 
beating them, you can get the chest for a Barrier. Next, you'll find Taban 
and it will attack your party. It consists of 2 Henches (purple), 2 Vamps and 
a sorcerer. The sorcerer drains any magical attack you use so stick to 
physical attacks. (monster count = 30). Head north and you'll meet Leene. It 
will turn into a batch of monsters again which consists of the same monsters 
as the previous one. (monster count = 35). Head north again and meet Crono's 
Mom. Talk to her and she'll turn into another batch of monsters which 
consists of the same monsters as the previous batch. (monster count = 40). 
After beating the monsters, continue north. In here, you'll meet up with 
Flea? Hmm.. something fishy going on around here.

Boss:  FLEA?
HP, EXP, TP, G:  0

This flea is almost pathetic, in the sense that, he is so weak. But when you 
defeat it, it will cast MP buster on the one who killed it therefore reducing 
that party member's MP to 0. Now meat the real Flea! The one flying around 
you all the time.

Boss:  FLEA
HP:   3500
EXP:  500
TP:   10
G:    1000

This is the real flea and don't under estimate him, I mean her, whatever. As 
you know he/she is a magician, magic attacks is inefficient, so stick to 
Crono and Frog's Techs. She'll also confuse your party members so use the 
item Heal to cure it. Have your other character heal.

After beating flea, she'll leave behind a shining Magic Tab. Now, return to 
the intersection and you'll notice that another save point appeared. Touch it 
and you'll be transported to another part of the castle. In here, you'll a 
barrage of enemies. The first batch consists of 2 purple henches. (Monster 
count = 42). The next batch consists of 2 Purple Henches and 2 Grimalkins. 
(monster count = 46). The Third batch consists of 2 Purple Henches and 2 
Sorcerers. (monster count = 50). The fourth batch consists of 2 Purple 
Henches, 2 Grimalkins and 2 Sorcerers. (monster count = 56). Then, you'll see 
Ozzie. Get the chest first for a Mist Robe. Then, talk to Ozzie. He'll call 
Slash and flea but realized that you already dumped them. He'll then escape. 
Follow him. In this room, you'll see falling blades. Time it so that you run 
or walk past them right after they are lifted from the ground. After passing 
through 2 blades, get the chest for a Dark Mail. Move on. When you reach 
Ozzie, he will escape again. Get the chest for a Doomfinger. Now head north. 
You'll see a couple of monsters here. Beat them all. The first batch of 
enemies consists of 3 vamps, a Roly, and a juggler. The next one, with a Roly 
and a Juggler. (monster count = 63). In the next room, you'll see Ozzie but 
beware! The ground here has so many holes. When you fall on one of them, 
you'll reach a large room. You'll have to fight all 6 of the decedents here. 
There are also chest here which contain a Barrier, Shelter, Mid-Ether, and a 
Lapis. There is also a Magic Tab in the Lower Right corner of the room. Now, 
for the Save Points. 2 of these Save points will actually attack you! I think 
it's the only game that you are able to fight Save Points. They only have 10 
HP so it's a piece of cake. The other one of the Save point will be a real 
one. And the last one will transport you back to the room with holes. If you 
fall down for the second time onwards, you don't have to fight the decedents 
anymore. But the Save Points will be randomly arranged so it's up to your 
luck to find out which is the real save point and the teleporter. Be reminded 
that right in front of Ozzie is one of the holes. After you reach Ozzie, 
he'll run away again. Head north. In this area, you'll fight roly Bombers, 
Outlaws and the Jugglers. If you attack the Jugglers, it's Physical defense 
will be activated, you should then use magic. After that, it's magical 
defense will be activated and you can use physical attacks and vice versa. 
There are 7 monsters here. (monster count = 70). Head north. You'll be 
fighting 2 batches of monsters here. The first batch consists of 2 Groupies 
and 2 Outlaws. Next, 2 Outlaws and 2 Jugglers. Finally, 4 Jugglers. (monster 
count = 82). Ozzie will escape again, but get the chest first for a Speed 
Belt. Follow Ozzie. In here, you'll fight another barrage of monsters. The 
first batch has 2 Outlaws. The second one has a Juggler and 2 Outlaws. The 
next one has a Juggler, 2 Outlaws and 2 Flunkys. (monster count = 92). Move 
on and get the chest for a Revive. In the next screen, you'll see Ozzie. Take 
the chests first for a Mist Robe and a MagicScarf to be sure. During your 
fight with him, his protection cannot be pierced so attack the chains one by 
one and he'll eventually fall to his doom. After that 2 save points will 
appear. The one to the right is a real save point, and the one to the left 
will transport you to Magus' Place. On the stairs, you'll fight 6 Vamps. Beat 
them and go through the door below. (monster count=98!). Where did the 2 go? 
They are Slash and Flea! Making it 100 all in all! Ozzie was right! Anyway, 
Magus' room will be dark. Just move forward and the blue flames will light up 
and you'll reach Magus at the end.

Boss:  MAGUS
HP:   6500
EXP:  1500
TP:   15
G:    3000

Magus is really hard. Everytime you attack him, his Magic Barrier will 
change. Example, you have Crono, Frog and Lucca in your party and his barrier 
is Lightning. All you have to do is to use any Lightning Magic and it will 
deal a good amount of damage to Magus. His barrier will then change. Just use 
the element of his barrier against him. If he uses a barrier wherein you're 
party members doesn't have, just use physical attack to force him to change 
his barrier. After you've dealt a certain amount of damage, he will start 
risking to cast a spell. It's now time to KILL him with any attack you wish. 
You'll beat him in a short while.

After beating Magus, a large Gate will appear. After getting sucked by it, 
you'll end up in Crono's House with Marle. I don't understand yet why this 
happened. But, Crono and the party was actually sent to the Mystic Mountains 
and was rescued by Ayla and taken to Ayla's Hut in 65,000,000 BC. The next 
morning, Kino will come in. Then suddenly, one of the villagers will come and 
tell Kino that the North woods is burning. So head out to the World Map. Save 
and Restore your HP/MP is if necessary and head north to Laruba Ruins. It is 
the ruins surrounded by trees and is directly west of the Hunting Range. 
You'll see Ayla and an Elder there. Ayla asked permission to use the Dactyls 
so head out to the world map again after regaining control of your characters 
and head further north to the Dactyl's Nest. But before you go there, visit 
the Ioka Trading Hut if you have enough trading items. They have new 
equipments now.

IOKA TRADING HUT (65,000,000 BC)

There are new equipments that can be traded here for the Petals, Fangs, Horns 
and Feathers:

Item/Equipment   Requirements
Dream Gun        = 3 Petals and 3 Fangs
Dream Bow        = 3 Petals and 3 Horns
Magma Hand       = 3 Petals and 3 Feathers
Aeon Blade       = 3 Fangs and 3 Horns
Ruby Vest        = 3 Fangs and 3 Feathers
Rock Helm        = 3 Horns and 3 Feathers

After trading, head to the Dactyl's Nest.

DACTYL'S NEST (65,000,000 BC)
   Mid Ether
   Mid Tonic
   Meso Mail

Inside, just continue heading north until you see a ladder made of wood. Get 
the chest you see for a Mid-Ether. Move on and on the way you'll find another 
chest containing a Mid-tonic. Continue and climb another set of Wooden ladder 
and turn right to the next screen. In here, move along and climb all wooden 
ladders. Get the chest on the way for a Meso Mail. When you reach the top of 
Dactyl's Nest, you'll see Ayla. Go talk to her. You'll voluntarily help her 
at Tyrano Lair then after that, she'll call in 2 more Dactyl's for you. 
Select the character you wish to join you and Ayla. You'll now be able to fly 
in the world Map using the Dactyl's. The controls are simple. Push Right, 
Left, Down, Up on the Direction-pad and you will move Right, Left, Down, Up 
respectively. To land, just push the A button on a clear surface. You'll 
can't land on trees and mountains, the same goes for bodies of water too. To 
ride it, just walk towards it then push the A button. Let's continue. Land 
first and restore your HP/MP and then save. To get to the Tyrano Lair, go to 
Ioka village and head directly to the east. You'll see a structure on top of 
a small mountain. Land on the clearing on top of the mountain and enter the 
Tyrano Lair.

TYRANO LAIR (65,000,000 BC)
   Mid Ether    2 Full Ethers
   Full Tonic   Cerra Topper
   Meso Mail

Inside, move forward and you'll see 2 skulls. The one to the right is open so 
go there first. Head down the ladder to the next screen. In here, beat the 
Purple reptites then push the switch to the right of the door to free Ayla's 
Villagers. Head to the right and go down the ladder. Beat the reptites and 
you'll see Kino inside the Cell. The switch is not woprking so talk to Kino. 
Ayla will desperately try to break the door and fails. She will actually open 
it later. When you regain control of your characters, return first to Kino's 
Cell and talk the Egg which contains a Mid-Ether. Now, follow Kino. He will 
open the previously closed Skull in the room where you first came in. Go 
through the newly opened skull and climb up the ladder. In here, you'll see 2 
switches. When you step on them, the monsters will drop in the holes. There 
are 2 doors here. The left door is slightly to the lowerleft of the left 
switch and the right door is slightly to the lower right of the right switch. 
Take the door on the right. Move on until you come to a room with 2 eggs. 
Inspect the left one first and you'll receive a Full-tonic. The, inspect the 
right one and you'll fall to the room. Beat the enemies then head outside, 
you'll notice that you're inside the cell where the Villagers you saved 
where. Head to the left and back up to the room with 2 skulls and go through 
the left skull again. Above, push the switches again to trap the enemies that 
are here. Now, head to the lower left door. You'll arrive in a dark room. 
There are a couple of trasure eggs here to get. First, head north and you'll 
see 2 eggs. Get the one to the left first for a Tonic. Now head south and 
you'll see another 2 eggs. Get the one at the lower right to get the 
CerraTopper. Now, you can get the upper left one this way, it's the best way 
I can guide you to get it. You can see that the ground has squares in it 
right? Now, head all the way to the north until you see the 2 eggs again. 
Stand in the square just below the egg where you got the Tonic. Push the 
right button until Crono can't get any further. Move 7 squares to the south 
then walk/run to the right. You'll be teleported a bit south of the egg. Get 
the egg for a Revive. Now for the upper right most egg. Stand to the square 
just below the Egg where you got the Revive. Move south 1 square, then east 3 
squares. Now, run/walk to the south and you'll be teleported to the upper 
rightmost chest for another Meso Mail. After getting all the treasures, head 
to the upper left of the room and climb up the steps. In the next screen, 
head south to the door. Outside, head to the right. Go in the open door. 
Inside, you'll find 2 switches. The one to the left will open the skull but 
will also summon 2 monsters. The one to the right will open the Skull only. 
After opening the skull, head north and push the switch. Head back outside 
and you can now enter the middle door. Inside the middle door, you'll find 
Nizbel at the entrance. You won't have to fight him yet. After talking to 
him, pass through him. You can pass by him through his left or right side. 
I'm sure you'll get it. Now, save and restore HP/MP is necessary. Head north 
and Nizbel will come up to you and attack.

HP:   6500
EXP:  880
TP:   15
G:    0

When you use lightning attacks, Nizbel's defenses will decrease. But, if you 
attack him physically, his defenses will rise again. Beware also if he 
releases his electrocution energy. It deal a very big damage to all of your 
chacters. One strategy is to have Crono use lightning attacks, then let the 
strongest of the two remaining characters attack physically. It would 
probably be Ayla. Now, have the third one heal you party. Just continue 
alternating between Crono and your attacker. You'll kill him efficiently that 
way. Important Note. Don't attack him physically continuously. His defenses 
will rise and rise if you do that.

After beating Nizbel, you may want to go back to the Save Point and refresh 
your characters, then save. Move on until you reach the wall of the Tyrano 
Lair. The door in the middle will be closed for now, so go to the far right 
and enter the door. You'll see 3 switches here. Push the upper switch that 
will make a save point appear. Use it if necessary. Next, push the lower left 
switch to activate the holes. Then, press the lower right on to see monsters 
fall to their deaths. Then, head to the skull and examine it's mouth to open 
it. Go through it and get the chest for a Full Ehter. Push the switch and the 
middle door back at the outer wall will open. Inside the middle door, you'll 
see Azala himself. He will go through the door to the north. Prepare your 
character for a very challenging battle. But first, get the 2 chests on both 
sides of Azala's throne for a Full-Ether and another CerraTopper. Head north 
and you'll see Azala with his pet, the Black Tyrano.

Azala HP:  2600
Tyrano HP: 11000
EXP:  1800
TP:   25
G:    0

Here is a battle which you may actually never forget. First beat Azala by 
using physicall attacks and Lightning Magic. He has a strong defense so it 
will take time to beat. When Azala dies, he'll cast Azala Break which will 
take down your HP. Now, you'll have to concentrate on the monsters. Physical 
attacks will be useless. Wait until he lower his defense and use your 
characters most powerful Techs. If the countdown reaches 0, he'll attack and 
regain his defense. You'll have to wait again. Always heal your party members 
right after any attack by Azala or Black Tyrano. You may not beat the duo in 
your first try. But try again and you'll succeed eventually.

After beating them, some scenes will be shown. You'll see how Lavos arrived 
on earth at 65,000,000 BC. When you regain control of your characters, head 
back to the village and buy any items you may need and retore all your HP/MP 
then finally, save. Head back to the Lair Ruins.

LAIR RUINS (65,000,000 BC)

When you enter the ruins, your party will see that there is a Gate. They will 
conclude that Lavos' immense energy disrupts time, therefore, creates gates. 
Use the Gate and you'll be transported to..

CAVE (12,000 BC)

Leave the Cave and return to the world map. You'll see snow and you'll also 
notice that you are in 12,000 BC where Magic is a part of life to everyone. 
In the World Map, head to the east until you reach the SkyWay.
To use it, just step on the circle inside. You'll be tansported to a Land 
Bridge on a floating Island. Go to the structure you see on the right which 
is Enhasa.

ENHASA (12,000 BC)

In here, you can talk to people to gain information about the Kingdom of 
Zeal. There is a shop in the lower left part of enhasa. If you head to the 
upper left, a boy with a cat will tell you that one of your party members 
will perish. If you think well, you'll know who will it be. I won't spoil it 
for you. You'll also see a Spring of Recovery here which will replenish your 
HP/MP. Head back out to the world map and use the Northern Land Bridge. 
You'll be teleported to another Skyway. After reaching the skyway, head out 
to the world map and head north. Enter the skyway you will find here. You'll 
arrive in another part of the Kingdom of Zeal. Go to Kajar.

KAJAR (12,000 BC)

Talk to all the people here. You can buy items from the Nu. Now, you'll 
notice there a shining dot on the upper right of Kajar. To get it, enter the 
door to it's left. In the next room, examine the southern walls and you'll 
get the Speed Tab on the other side. Talk to everyone, including the Nu on 
the north part. It will say something like "Water summons windÖ wind makes 
fire dance". After that, head out to the world map and go left to Blackbird.


In the blackbird, head north and you'll see 2 guys there. Then, Dalton will 
come in and will tell you something about what the prophet said. After 
regaining control of your characters, head out to the world map and return to 

KAJAR (12,000 BC)
   Black Rock

Now, you can do something here. Remember the clue that the Nu gave you? 
"water summons wind.. wind makes fire dance". So let's get the water 
elemental first. Go to the upper left portion of Kajar. Examine one of the 
books there and the Water elemental will show up. Then, head to the lower 
right portion of Kajar where the spring of Recovery is. Examine the book on 
the table and it will summon the wind elemental. Now, head to the Nu who 
sells items. Check the book on the counter and it will summon the fire 
elemental. You'll see a door appear on your right. Enter it. You'll see a 
Poyozo Doll. Examine it and get the Black Rock. Read also the book on the 
upper left of this room. Now, return to the world map. Enter the cave to your 
right and move on until you reach the Zeal Palace.

   Magic Tab

In here, go first to the Nu walking in the middle. Scratch his back and 
you'll discover the Nu's Scratch point. After laerning this, go back to Kajar 
and talk to the Nu that is facing the bookshelf on the upper right room. 
After scratching him, he'll give you a Magic Tab. Now, return to Zeal Palace. 
Inside, head to upper rightmost room and you'll enter a room with 2 more 
doors. Go through the right one. You'll see Janus and Schala. After Schala 
leaves, follow her. Return back 2 screens. Then, head left and you'll see a 
set of stairs that will enable you to go through the middle room. By the way, 
if you pass through the front, you'll be blocked by 2 creatures just like 
Masa and Mune. Now, head to the middle door. You'll see Schala use her 
pendant on the door. It will open and Schala will go in. Crono tries to use 
the pendant of Marle but it won't work. Talk to the 2 girls here and they 
will tell you how to make your pendant glow. Head back out to the main room 
and head left and you'll see a Nu guarding the door. Just examine the Nu and 
it will move away from the door. Enter it. It leads to the Mammon Machine. 
When you reach the Mammon Machine, examine the red shining dot in the middle. 
The pendant will now glow. Head back to the middle room and use the pendant 
on the door schala went in. When you reach the throne room, the prophet will 
tell the queen that you are the ones he prophecized. Dalton will summon a 
Golem but you can't beat it if your level is low. In New Game+ mode, it's a 
piece of cake.

Boss:  GOLEM
HP:   6000
EXP:  1000
TP:   35
G:    2000

He is very very hard on your first try. He will copy everything you do. If 
you wish to beat him, use your character's STRONGEST Techs. You willmost like 
to lose on your first game though.

Either way, if you lose or win, you'll still be captured by Dalton. You'll 
will be kept in the Mammon Machine. Schala and Janus will then save you but 
the prophet will come and threatens to kill you but schala will come again to 
your rescue. You will then show the prophet how you came here. You will use 
the Gate and Schala will forever shut the gate down. You'll arrive back at 
65,000,000 BC. When you arrive there, use the Dactyl's and return back to 
Ioka Village. Save and restore HP/MP is necessary. By the way, the sweet 
water is gone now so you have to use a Shelter from now on. After doing that, 
head back to Mystic Mts. And use the Gate.


Here, talk to the Old Man. He'll give you a hint about the Wings of Time 
which will enable you to go to any time period you want while flying. Save 
here and use the pillar #5 to Proto Dome 2300 AD.


Once you arrive, immediately head out to the World Map. Go back to Arris 
Dome. Don't forget that you have to pass through Lab 32 again.

   Power Tab    Charm Top   
   Gold Erng    2 Full Ethers
   Hit Ring     Wallet
   Elixir       Magic Tab
   Lumin Robe   Gold Stud

Head to the basement. Head to the Sealed door at the end. You'll now be able 
to open it with the pendant. Inside, you'll find a shining Power Tab in the 
middle. Get the chests inside. You'll find a GoldErng. It will raise your HP 
by 1/2! If your HP is 500, it will become 750. You'll also get a Hit Ring 
which will add 10 to your hit rate! Finally, you'll get an elixir and a Lumin 
Rode, w/ Magic Defense +5, from the 2 chests. After getting these cool items, 
head back out to the World Map. Pass through Lab 16 and head to Bangor Dome. 
Open the Sealed door there. You'll get a charm top, a Full Ether and a 
Wallet. Then, head to Trann Dome and open the sealed door there for a shining 
Magic Tab, a Gold Stud and a Full ether. After getting these treasures, head 
all the way to the Sewer Access which is just a bit south of Lab 32. Enter 
it. If you visited this place a while ago, you'll now be able to go to the 
other ladder that leads to another part of the World Map. If you didn't visit 
it before, here's how. If you've finished it already, skip the sewer access 
guide and head straight for the Keeper's dome.

(Note: I you haven't used the console when you first came here, here's what 
you have to do, there are 2 consoles right, go to the console on the right, 
Press and Hold L and R buttons then press A to examine the console. A path 
will open to the right enabling you to reach the door.)


Head left to Sewer access. You have to activate the bridge here so that you 
can have easy access later. Inside, a guard will pass by. After regaining 
control, head left, defeat the enemies and get the chest for 600G. nead head 
all the way to the left until you see a scene with two frogs talking to each 
other. Follow them down the ladder. Below, head right. You will see a cat. If 
you examine it, you'll have to fight 3 Nereids. Move on. You'll then see a 
can and a trash bin. If you examine either of them, you'll fight 4 Nereids. 
Next, you'll see a slice of cheese. If you examine it, you'll have to fight 2 
Nerieds and a rat. Move on. Next, you'll see a save spot. If you examine it, 
you'll fight 3 Nereids. Finally, climb up the stairs. Above, you'll see a gap 
between a bridge and another bridge to your left. Ignore the brigdes and head 
north. You'll see a slight opening in between the wall. Go through here to 
reach a switch which will open the opposite door. Head back then up. Continue 
pressing the Up Key until Crono Stops. You'll now be able to head right. When 
you see that Crono stops, head down through that door. You'll see another 
scene with the 2 frogs. Anyway, just head right then up to get a Rage Band 
from the chest. Now head right to meet:

Mini-Boss:  KRAWLIE
HP:    550
EXP:   100
*TP:   - 
G:     500
Item:  Mid-Ether

He is so easy. You can beat him with your eyes closed while pressing the A 
button continuosly.

* - Because my party members have complete Single Techs, the amount of TP 
gained is not shown. I'll include this in the next update.

After beating Krawlie, move on until you see a ladder. Go past it fist and 
get the chest for a Bolt Sword. Then, press the switch to fill the gap and 
the bridge will now be accessible. Now, don't go back to climb the ladder. 
Instead, cross the bridge you just activated and you'll notice that you've 
been here already. Now head all the way back to the ladder which you used to 
enter this area and exit to the World Map. Note: The ladder at the end will 
send you to the World Map but it is on a remote island. You can find the 
Keeper's Dome and the Death Peak.


Once you enter, you'll see a Nu. You can talk to it but it will have an 
error. Head to the back part of the Dome and you'll see a Sealed Door. Enter 
it. You'll see various shining dots around. It will tell you about Belthasar, 
the Guru of Time and also about Lavos. At the end, enter another Sealed Door. 
Head all the way north and your characters will have a dialogue. Now, try to 
leave the room. A nu will push some kind of a device into the Wings of Time. 
It will tell you that it is Belthasar's Memory that is talking to Crono and 
his party. After that, name the "Wings of time". The default name is Epoch.

***Instructions on using the Epoch***

In the world map, the A button will let Crono Hop Aboard or Climb out of the 
Epoch. The Y button will open the Time Selection screen where you can select 
the time period in which you want to go. In this screen, use the L and R 
buttons to select the time period. Then, press A to select.

After getting the Epoch, head to the Dark Ages, 12000 BC.

DARK AGES (12,000 BC)

When you arrive, the Cave to the north has the Sealed Gate. If you try also 
using the Skyway, it won't work. So head all the way to the upper left and 
enter the Terra Cave.

TERRA CAVE (12,000 BC)
   Power Tab

Inside, you'll see the village of Algetty. The people here don't have magic 
so they were banished here. When you reach the people, the first cave you'll 
see will house a person who sells good Equipment. If you have enough G, try 
to upgrade your weapons. After buying equipments, continue heading down. 
There will be a cave wherein you can sleep for free. When you reach the Save 
Point, Save! Head to the Cave opnening to the right. In here, get the Power 
Tab on the lower right. Head north. You'll have to fight 2 beasts. They are 
just like east bosses. After beating them, head north and beat another pair. 
At the end you'll meet the real boss.

Boss:  MUD IMP and 2 BEASTS
Blue Beast HP: 4500
Red Beast HP:  4500
Mud Imp HP:    1000
EXP: 954
TP:  26
G:   2600

These 3 are hard. The Mud Imp is fast and it will use the 2 beasts and 
charges at one of you characters. Heal your characters often because once 
BOTH beasts attack at the same time, your character's HP, might drop to 0. To 
beat it, use Fire elemental attacks on the blue beast and Ice/Water Elemental 
on the Red one. You can use any magic on the Mud imp. If you really spent 
time to gain a lot of TPs, if you have Luminaire, just use it at least 3 
times to end the fight easily.

After beating the boss, climb up the chain to Mt. Woe.

MT. WOE (12,000 BC)
   Lode Vest      Shelter
   2 Shields      Time Hat
   3 Barriers     Ruby Knife
   2 Lapis
   2 Full Ethers

In here, you'll have to fight Bantam Imps on your way. Once you beat it, 
you'll have to fight the Stone Imp. There are also Rubbles which will use 
it's Lock All ability on the first move. It will disable ALL your Techs and 
Items. Now, back to the walkthrough. After beating the first batch of Bantam 
Imps, head north first and cross the chain. Fight the rubble if you want, 
note that it has 1000 EXP and a mid-ether but no TPs. After beating the 
rubble, head south first and get the Lode Helm from a chest. Return to the 
place where you fought the Bantam Imps. Cross the chain to the left. Fight 
another batch of Bantam Imps on the way, then cross the chain onto the next 
section. Here, head right then up. Beat the Gargoyles and head up again. 
You'll see a Save Point. Restore all your characters' HP/MP then save. Move 
on. When you see a Chain to the right, go there and get the Lode Vest and a 
Shield Item. Then, head left and collect the treasures. You'll get a Barrier, 
and a Lapis. Right after you get the Lapis, head right and you'll see another 
chain which is just above the save point. Cross the chain. Move on until you 
see a chest with a Barrier. Cross the Chain to the right to move on to the 
next section. In here, get the chest fist for another Lapis. Head right and 
beat the 4 Man Eaters. There will be 2 chains here. Head to the right chain 
first and get the chests for a Barrier and a Full Ether. Now, head to the 
other chain and move north. When you see the Rubble, head south and get 2 
chests with a Shield and a Shelter. Head north, then cross that chain. You'll 
arrive in a save point so, prepare your characters then save. Head up the 
chain to the next section. In here, get the Chest for a Time Hat. After 
getting the time hat, cross the chain and get another chest for a full Ether. 
Restore HP/MP and use the most powerful weapons for your characters. You 
should prepare before climbing the north chain because there is a very tough 
boss ahead. After climbing the chain, examine the crystal. Then, to your 
surprise, here comes..

Giga gaia HP: 10000
Hands' HP:    2000
EXP:  3000
TP:   30
G:    3000

He is TOUGH. To beat him, use techs to destroy the ARMS first. These 2 arms 
deal a very big amount of damage to your characters. If your level is low, at 
around 15 below, there is a probability that you'll get killed with one hit. 
You can also use Level 2 Magic to Damage every part of Giga Gaia. Once the 
arms are gone, give Giga Gaia a beating. Beware, if you can finish him off 
fast, he'll restore both of his arms and you'll have trouble again, removing 
them. On my very first meeting with giga Gaia, I have to restart around 3-4 
times before I actually beat him.

After beating Giga Gaia, the guru of Life will be freed. It's Melchior! Then, 
the mountain will crumble and it will collapse. You'll be automaticaly be 
brought to Algetty. There will be a scene here with Melchior talking to 
Schala. Dalton comes in and captures Schala. Once you regain control of your 
characters, talk to Melchior. He will give you the Ruby Knife that you must 
use to destroy the Mammon Machine. Now, go back to where you slept for free 
and sleep again to restore the HP/MPs you've lost against Giga Gaia. Then, 
head all the way up and exit to the world map. Then, head all the way to Zeal 
Palace using the now accessible Skyways and Land Bridges.


Once you arrive here, go straight to the middle room. The 2 creatures which 
look like Masa and Mune is now gone and you may pass through without having 
to go around again. Head to the Throne room and you'll fight Dalton.

HP:  3000
EXP: 1000
TP:  30
G:   2500

He is easy. But, be careful. Always use your characters most powerful Tech 
because he will counter you with the Orb attack which brings down your 
characters HP by a half. So, always heal after an Orb Attack. He will escape 

After beating Dalton, a gate will appear. Use it. You'll arrive in the Ocean 

   Aeon Suit     Star Sword
   Rune Blade    Shock Wave
   Aeon Helm     Demon Hit
   Kaiser Arm    Elixir
   Sonic Arrow

In the first section, you'll see a save point. Use it then, move forward and 
you'll see Mune. A scene will follow with Schala and the Queen at the Mammon 
Machine. Now, head south to the next section. Here is a big room with 8 
doors. To the North, NorthEast, East, SouthEast, South, SouthWest, West, 
NorthWest. There are also treasures scattered around the area. You'll get an 
Aeon Suit and a Rune Blade.

I'll explain the enemies here. There are 3 types of scouts, the Scouter which 
can be beaten by Lightning Damage, the Blue Scout which can be beaten by 
Water/Ice Magic, and the Red Scout which can be beaten by Fire. There is also 
this Jinn and Barghest. Barghest is the one that keeps on moving around. Kill 
him first and the defenses of Jinn will deteriorate.

Back to the Walkthrough, In the big room, head to the North East door. Step 
on the switch and fight a Jinn and a Barghest. After beating them, exit to 
the lower right door. In here fight another batch of monsters then get the 
Aeon Helm in the chest. Now, there will be 2 doors to the left. Take the one 
heading straight to the left and you'll arrive again in the Big room. You 
will notice that you have been in the East Door. The next destination is the 
South East door. In there, get the chest you see for a Kaiser Arm. Head left 
to the switch. It will raise a bridge to give you access to the South door 
back in the big room. After switching it on, head left first and get the 
chest there for a Sonic Arrow. Head back to the Big Room. To get the Star 
Sword, take the North West room. Step on the switch and beat the Jinn and the 
Barghest. Take the lower left door. Fight another batch of enemies here then, 
take the chest for a Star Sword. Take the Right door. You're back in the big 
Room. Now, head to the South West Door. Take the chest here for a ShockWave 
then head south. You'll be back where you switched on the bridge. Don't go 
all the way to the south, instead, head left and stay beside the wall and run 
around until you can't run anymore. You'll see a chest in a small room. There 
is a opening somewhere in the diagonal wall. Once you get it, you'll receive 
a Demon Hit from the Chest. Head back to the Big room and enter the South 
door. In here, take the ladder to the left. In this area, just continue 
moving down the ladders and fighting enemies until you reach Masa. He will 
say something then a short scene of Schala and company will follow. Head down 
the ladder then use the Save Point. Head to the south door. Beat the enemies 
here then examine the shining dot. Now for some Elevator Action. You'll fight 
3 batches of enemies here one after the other. The frist batch is a Jinn and 
a Barghest and Thrashers. The next one has 2 Mages, 2 Lashers and a Scouter. 
And the last batch has 2 Scouters, 2 Blue Scouts and 2 red Scouts. After the 
elevator stops, head to the north door. There are 2 door here. Take the right 
one first. Beat the scouts and press the switch. Do the same thing on the 
left door. Head out and push the switch in the middle to reveal a door 
beneath the flames. Enter that door. In here, get the Elixir from the chest 
and Use that Save Point! After preparing head north to face..

HP:  6000 each
EXP: 2000
TP:  70
G:   4000

They are so hard that I have to restart 5 times before beating it. It will 
copy anything you do to them so make sure you use Techs. Physical attacks are 
almost useless against them. They will use the Ability that they copied to 
you and it will surely be a big damage. Not to mention that BOTH of them can 
use the Iron Orb which reduces your HP to 1|2 . Try and try again if you 
fail, try every way you can.

Easier way to beat GOLEM TWINS by: TheLaser (thelaser@xmission.com)

You may know that the twins will mimic you moves therefore, you can 
manipulate the battle. First off, Include Lucca in your party. Equip everyone 
with fire resisting armors (specifically, Red Mail or Ruby Vest). When the 
battle begins, have Lucca cast Fire 2 on the Golen Twins, they will counter 
with a Fire Attack but you will mostly likely to receive very little damage 
because of your armor. Then, wait for everyone to fill their battle gauge, 
including Lucca. Have your 2 other characters use their most powerful attacks 
then finally Lucca, with her Fire 2 again. Just try to be fast enough so as 
the Golem Twins will not use it's Iron Orb attack. 

After beating the Golems, Dalton will try to summon the Golem Boss but has 
more things to do. When you regain control of your characters, head back and 
SAVE. You don't want to repeat everything do you? Now, continue heading north 
until you see a Nu. Head north and meet the Mammon Machine. Crono will use 
the Ruby Knife which will turn into a sword. Schala tells you that it won't 
do any good. Then, all of a sudden, Lavos appears before you. He can't be 
beaten here on your first play. I'll try later if you can beat Lavos here 
after I reached around Level 90. After Lavos beats you, the prophet will 
reveal himself as Magus. He can't do anything to Lavos also. Schala will try 
but will be stopped by her mother. Now, Lavos will try to kill all of you. 
When you regain control of Crono, head towards Lavos. Crono will be 
disintegrated. Lavos will then emerge out of the ground and destroy the 
entire Zeal Kingdom. All floating island will fall down to the ocean. After 
these scenes, you'll wake up inside a house in the last village. After 
talking to the elder, save then head out to the World Map. There are 3 huts 
of the Last Village. Enter the northern most one and you'll see a Nu which 
sells items. After the Nu leaves you can get the Magic Tab on the upper left. 
Now, head back out to the World Map and go to the Commons. Talk to the elder 
at the end and see Dalton's soldiers come in. Dalton will eventually Capture 
all of you. When you wake up you'll be in Dalton's Ship.

BLACK BIRD (12,000 BC)

Your party will notice that the equipments and items have been taken away 
from you. So, you're last resort here is to get Ayla. She is the only 
character that can fight the enemies. If she is not in your party and you got 
into a battle, you will not win without weapons because you can't attack. 
Now, head up the ladder and your character will be shocked by what they will 
see. After that, head back and one of your party members will tell you that 
there is a breeze in the place he/she is standing. It's because there is a 
Ventilation hole up there. Now, I'll tell you how to get back the Items, 
Equipments and money.

First, head south to the door and act sick. The guard will come and will be 
beaten by Ayla. Now, head out the door. Go left into another door and you'll 
see a chest which contains all your money. 1 down 4 to go. Leave the room and 
head all the way to the north. You'll arrive in another section. After 
beating the 2 Bashers, you'll see 2 doors. Take the left one and you'll see 
the chest containing all of your items. 2 down 3 to go. Leave the room and 
head all the way to the north and climb the ladder there. You'll be at the 
ducts. Head all the way to the right and you'll see a shining Magic Tab. When 
you can't run right anymore, head south, when you can't run south any more, 
head right then up. Now, run back and stop at the first intersection. Head 
south to the next intersection. Here, head left and climb the first ladder 
you see. You'll arrive where they kept your equipments. Hurray! You got one 
character's equipment back. 3 down 2 to go. Climb back up and head left. Move 
on and climb down the ladder at the end. Climb another set of stairs down and 
you'll arrive in a main room. Head right and enter the door guarded by 2 
Bashers. In the room, you'll get another chest for the equipments of one of 
your characters! 4 down 1 to go. Now, leave the room and climb up the ladder 
which is just beside the door. In the ducts head left and stop in the 
intersection. Head south to another intersection then stop. Head south again 
to another intersection. Head left and climb down the ladder you'll see. 
You'll arrive in the last chest. Hurray! You got everything back! Now, head 
back up the Air ducts. Head right to the intersection. Now head all the way 
down until you reach the last Ventilation hole. Examine it to see Dalton with 
the Epoch. Head up to the intersection. Head north again to another 
intersection. Head north AGAIN to the next intersection. Head left and and 
enter the first Ladder you'll see. You'll arrive at the first room you've 
seen on the blackbird. Use the Save Point. After saving, head back up the Air 
duct, not the ladder. On the air ducts, Head right and move on until you 
reach an intersectoin. Head north to another intersection and head north once 
more. Head right and enter the first ladder you'll see. In this room, exit to 
the south door. Then, use either of the 2 conveyor belts to go south. You'll 
see 2 rooms below. Take the left one. Enter the door inside then take the 
single ladder up. You'll arrive on the wings of the Blackbird. Head to the 
lower leftmost part of the wings and you'll have to fight the Golem Boss.

HP:   14000
EXP:  2500
TP:   0
G:    2000

He's the easiest boss in the game, why? Because he won't even attack you. All 
you have to do is to attack him physically to save MP and items. Don't worry 
about counter attacks. He is so scared of Heights to move.

After beating the golemboss, you'll see Dalton take off in the now-flying 
Epoch. You're characters will jump to the Epoch engaging Dalton.

HP:   3000
EXP:  2500
TP:   - 
G:    2000

He is not that hard. Just use your characters' most powerful Magic. Use dual 
Techs if they're available and it will finish him off quickly.

After beating Dalton, He'll summon GolemBoss. Since you already beaten that 
Golem, he'll not be able to summon it. Dalton will fall off the Epoch to meet 
his death. One of your character will then tell you to hit the Y button. 
Press it and it will fire beams towards the BlackBird. The Blackbird will 
crash. Now, your characters will land near the commons. Go there and talk to 
everyone and some of them will tell you abou the stranger who passby who is 
now at the north cape. Head back out to the World Map. Head north and circle 
around the mountain. Head to the north westernmost area and enter the Cape.

NORTH CAPE (12,000 BC)
   Dark Scythe

Head to the north and examine the shining dot there. You'll see Magus. He'll 
tell you more about himself then. After the scenes which show that Magus is 
actually Janus, he'll ask you if you want to fight him. If you want to fight 
him, you'll gain EXP, and the equipment Magus has, but you won't get Magus to 
join your party. If you don't wish to fight him, when you try to leave, he 
will come and join you. It's weird, but you can actually rename him. After he 
joins you, head back out to the world map. As Magus sugested, use the Epoch 
to go to the End of Time. But before you do, the Undersea Palace, a.k.a. 
Black Omen, will emerge out of the sea. After the scene, head to the end of 

   Chrono Trigger

Talk to the Old Man. After speaking to him, try to board the Epoch and he 
will call you. Go back and talk to him again. He will give you the Chrono 
Trigger which may be able to return Crono back. You party will also notice 
that he is actually Gaspar, the Guru of Time. Now, board the Epoch and head 
to 2300 AD and enter the Keeper's dome.


In here, pass through the Sealed Door. On your way, look out for a shining 
Magic Tab. Now, talk to the Nu at the end. It'll tell you that "Death Peak" 
has the power to restore life. But, in order to do so, you need an exact 
clone. So, head back to 1000 AD and win a Crono Clone in Leene Square's 
Norstein Bekkler's Lab Game.


The Norstein Bekkler's Lab is found on a Big Tent on the right side of the 
first section of Leene's Square. If you haven't played here before, I 
provided the rules (w/c is also written near the beginning of the 
walkthrough) below:

Norstein Bekkler's Lab
     Located in the eastern portion of the first section of Leene's Square.
     It is in a large pink tent with a skull at the entrance. This place is 
     pure fun. First, select the amount of silver points you want to bet.
     10, 40, or 80 Silver Points can be placed as bet.

     At 10 Silver Points, you get to play a game where you must find a 
     certain person among the 3. They are Vicks, Wedge, and Piette. They will
     change places fast. To have an advantage, memorize 2 persons only. 
     Example, watch Vicks and Wedge's movement. When the clown asks you where
     Vicks or Wedge, you'll be able to identify the 2. The one whom you
     didn't follow his movement will be Piette. If you win, you'll get a 
     Poyozo Doll to use as decoration for Crono's House. Note that these
     Poyozo Dolls play a major role in the late part of the game. Note that
     the Poyozo Dolls on the second floor of Crono's House will change the
     music if you examine it.

     At 40 Silver Points, you get to play a mimic game. All you have to do     
     is to Mimic or Copy the movement of the clone using the designated
     buttons, L=Left Arm, R=Right Arm, Y=Laugh, A=Surprise. If you managed
     to mimic everything, you'll win a Clone of Crono that you can use also   
     to decorate Crono's House. Take note that this Clone will play a MAJOR
     role in the game. If you think hard you'll know it. 

     At 80 Silver Points, you get to play a Push the monster game. Your goal
     in this game is to prevent your character, who is hanged just above a
     flame, and push the 3 coins to be able to put monsters into the door at
     the back. It's very challenging. You're pushing the coins at the same
     time preventing your character from being fried. If you see a blue light
     Appear at your left side, examine it to raise the rope a bit, then 
     continue pushing those monsters back. If you win, you'll get a cat.
     These cats will be brought to Crono's House. You can win as many cats 
     as you want. When you go to Crono's house, you'll see all the cats 
     you've won roaming around the house.

After you've won a Crono clone, it will be delivered to Crono's House so go 
there. Talk first to Crono's Mom then get the clone. Head back out and board 
the Epoch. Go back to 2300 AD and enter the Keeper's Dome once more. Talk 
again to the Nu and it will now use 3 Poyozo dolls to help you climb Death 
Peak. After that, switch off the Nu and head out to the World Map and go to 
Death Peak.

   Magic Ring    Vedic Blade
   Wall Ring     Memory Cap
   Giga Arm
   Star Scythe

At the Death Peak, the wind will eventually push you down the Mountain. Now, 
that there are Poyozo Dolls it is easier to go up. First, examine the first 
Poyozo Doll you see and it will turn into a tree. When the wind is strong 
just stay behind it and you won't fall down. When the wind calms down, RUN up 
to the other tree and stay behind it whatever happens. When the wind calms 
again, RUN up and you'll reach the next area. In here, walk to the left until 
you see a ladder. Don't climb up yet. Head left a bit more to find a Magic 
ring. Head up the ladder now. Move to the right until you reach the next 
section. In this area, you'll notice that the path splits into 2. One to the 
north and the other to the south. Take the south first to reach a Save Point. 
There is also a chest w/ a Wall ring. Now, head back to the intersection and 
head north. Enter the cave-like opening. Inside you'll find, Lavos Spawn.

HP:  4000
EXP: 747 
TP:  0
G:   500
Item: Elixir

The spawn is not that hard if you will not attack the shell. Whatever you do, 
always attack the head only in any way you want.  

After beating the Spawn, take the Giga Arm from the Chest. If your HP/MP are 
very low, head back to the save point. Now, Head north past the place where 
you fought the Spawn. You'll be outside again. Head right and you'll arrive 
at another part of the cave. Get the chest you see for a BraveSword. Then, 
head south. You'll arrive on a cliff wherein below you is the save point you 
saw earlier. Head north and examine the shining dot there. It will open a 
cave below. Head back to that Save point and head north and enter the newly 
opened Cave. Inside, climb the series of Ladders and get the StarScythe on 
the way. Etner the cave to the north and you'll fight another Lavos Spawn. 
After beating the Spawn, head left and you'll see a Poyozo doll in the next 
area. It will tell you to be carefull because if you slip, you'll return back 
at the start of the Death Peak. If you fall, you'll be back to the First Save 
Point. Now, if you successfully passed the bridge, you'll arrive in another 
section. Get the chest you see for a Vedic Blade. Keep on moving and you'll 
eventually come up to another one of those Poyozo Dolls. It will tell you to 
push the shell, climb the shell. You'll know what this means later. Head down 
the ladder to the left then move on. You'll reach the Third Lavos Spawn. 
After beating the spawn, the shell will remain. Now, PUSH the shell to the 
right until you can't push it anymore. Then, push it north. When you can't 
push anymore, examine the shell and you'll climb up. After climbing up, get 
the chest to right for a Memory Cap. Head north afterwards and you'll reach 
the summit of the Death Peak. The leader of your party will use the Chrono 
Trigger. It will shatter and will bring your party back to the exact time 
where Crono disintegrated. Examine Crono and you'll exchange the Clone for 
him. After that, Crono will be revived and is brought to the Death Peak for a 
touching scene. You will be brought automatically to the End of Time.


In here, talk to Gaspar. He will tell you that you can go and Beat Lavos 
himself now by examining the shining dot in the bucket. You can also visit 
different peoples/event that will empower you to beat Lavos.

1. In the middle ages, a woman's sheer determination brings a forest back to 
2. A fugitive in the Middle Ages, Ozzie, maintains an evil hideout
3. There's a task to be done in the future, where machinery originated
4. And there's a very special stone that can shine its light on each 
generation, from the distant past to the far future
5. there's the ghost of a lofty knight, slain by Magus in the Middle Ages, 
who haunts the present
6. There's an object in the middle ages that sparkles like a rainbow
7. One of you is close to someone who needs help, find this person.. fast.

You can do these side quests to get the Ultimate Weapons of your characters. 
You can just bypass them and use the bucket to fight Lavos at once. If you 
want to do the side-quests, skip the Lavos strategy and you'll see the side-
quests there. Note that you can do these side-quests in any order. And after 
you've done the side quests or any other thing, use this strategy when you 
decide to fight Lavos.

If you decide to fight Lavos without completing the Side-quests, here's the 
Strategy (the ending you'll see will be ending #1):

Final Boss: LAVOS
When you fight Lavos for the first time in the game he will copy the 
abilities of previous bosses you've met in the game. Also, you'll be allowed 
to restore your party's HP/MP after each boss he mimics. 

Here are the bosses he will mimic. Note that everything is copied, including 
the HP, attack, defense, abilities of the boss.

Dragon Tank  w/ head and grinder
Guardian  w/ 2 bits
Zombor -both upper and lower body
Masa and Mune  joined
Tyrano w/ Azala
Giga Gaia  w/ both hands

After beating his mimic of giga Gaia, you'll now have to fight Lavos himself. 
Just use your character's most powerful Techs. I.e. Crono's Luminaire, Ayla's 
Triple Kick, etc. it has 10,000 HPs.

After beating Lavos, it's head will disappear and you will enter it's shell. 
You'll see a gate which lead back to the end of time and a save point. If you 
wish to fight lavos, don't hesitate to use a shelter. If you don't want to 
fight him yet, use the gate to return back to the end of time to prepare your 

**Inside Lavos**

Continue moving north and you'll see the real Lavos. It has 2 hands that will 
deal the worst damage you've ever seen so use a Tech that will attack both 
hands at the same time. 

First form:
Right Hand HP: 9000
Left Hand HP:  8000
Body:         20000

To beat him, try to destroy the right hand first as it will restore the HP of 
the body. Then head gfor the left arm. When the body is the only one left, 
use your party members' most powerful attacks/techs.  

**True form**

Right Bit:  35000
Left Bit:   3500
Body:       3000

All you have to do here is to use physical attacks/techs on the left bit. 
Then, attack the right bit to lower it's defense. Once the defense is 
lowered, use a powerful attack/magic that will damage both lavos and the bit. 
Once the left bit and lavos dies, the right bit has the ability to revive 
them. So, the real thing to do here is to beat up the right bit. If you did 
kill the right bit first, both bits will die including lavos himself and you 
have finished the game!

"In the middle ages, a woman's sheer determination brings a forest back to 

For this side quest, head to Fiona's Villa in 600 AD.


Talk to Fiona then to her husband. They will tell you about the Desert Cave 
that houses hungry monsters. Fiona wants to plant the seedling but with the 
monsters lurking about, she can't do anything. So, lend a hand and beat those 
monsters in the desert cave which is like a spiral in the world map a bit 
south of Foina's Villa.

   Lapis          Muscle Ring    HyperEther
   Elixir         Memory Cap
   2 Full Ethers  Full Tonic   
   Aeon Suit      5000G
   Power Tab      Aeon Helm

Upon entering the sunken desert head to the middle and you will fall down to 
the desert cave. Take note that the monsters here are very strong. Get the 
chests in this section for a Lapis, Elixir, Full Ether, and Aeon Suit. There 
is also a shining Power Tab to the right of the upper leftmost chest. In this 
section, you can find a ladder to the south and a cave entrance to the north. 
The cave entrance will lead you to the exit. So, go down the ladder to the 
south. In the next area, the ground will shake. After seeing the skeleton, 
you're free to move, I suggest getting the items here as they can help you in 
your next fight. Get the Muscle Ring in the middle, then Memory Cap, Full 
Ether, Full Tonic, 5000G, Aeon Helm and a HyperEther inside the chests 
scattered around. Now, try to guess where the skeleton will appear. It will 
choose from the 4 corners in this area. When you see it rise from the sand, 
quickly ran up to it and fight!

Upper Body HP:  5000
Middle Body HP: 1500
Lower Body HP:  5000
EXP:  2600
TP:   100
G:    2000

Use Frog's water attacks or Marle's ice attacks on retinite. It will lower 
his defense greatly. Now, use PHYSICAL attacks on the upper body as it is the 
part of retinite's body that can steal HPs from your characters. After 
beating the upper body, go for the middle part. It has low HP so it can be 
deafeated using normal attacks. Now, the Legs. First, you have to cast water 
magic on it to weaken it. Then, use PHYSICAL attacks. It's defense will rise 
again after your attack, so cast water again. Do this until you destroy the 

After you beat retinite, one of your characters will tell you to inform Fiona 
about your success in defeating the monsters in the cave.


Now, get Robo is you don't have him in your party. Go talk to Fiona and she 
will tell you that she wishes to live longer to see the seedlings grow. Robo 
will then volunteers to help Fiona. Allow him to help. When you return to the 
World Map, you'll see Robo plowing the fields. You can't wait for Robo for 
centuries so board the Epoch and go to 1000 AD.


You'll now see the House of Fiona turning into a Shrine. Enter it. You'll see 
nuns inside. One of them sells powerful helmets. I suggest you go buy one if 
you have the money. After buying if necessary, head to the north and you'll 
see the remains of Robo. Examine it. You will then be taken to an automatic 
camp scene.


In this scene, your characters will talk about Lavos and the Time Gates. 
After the talking, one of your characters will suggest going to sleep. The 
screen will fade. When it shows up again, you'll gain control of Lucca only. 
Go to the right and you'll see a Red Gate. You'll arrive at a very familiar 

   Green Dream
   Taban Vest
   Taban Helm

After arriving at Lucca's House, you can view the note on the floor. Now, 
head down the ladder. Below, enter the door to the north. You'll see a note 
on the table. It contains the password for a machine Lucca's Dad built. The 
password is Taban's wife, Lara. Now exit this room and enter the other door 
which is to the south. You'll encounter a shocking sight. Lucca's Mom got her 
skirt stuck on the conveyor belt. So, you have to enter the password. Go to 
the shining dot on the machine. Examine it and you will be asked the 
password. Press 'L', 'A', 'R', 'A' buttons in order and the machine will 
stop. After that rescue scene, enter the red gate once more. You'll meet 
Robo. Talk to him and you'll be given an awesome Accessory, the Green Dream. 
It will revive the character to whom it is equipped if he/she ever dies. But 
it can only be used once. It'll disappear after its first use.

You'll be automatically taken to the world map. Take a visit to Lucca's 
House. Talk to Taban and he'll give the ultimate defense armor and helmet of 
Lucca. The Taban Vest and Taban Helm. That ends the First Side Quest.

"A fugitive in the Middle Ages, Ozzie, maintains an evil hideout."

For this side quest, you have to go to Ozzie's Fort in 600 AD. To make it 
easier to go there, because it is in a remote island, board the Epoch and go 
to Medina Village of 1000 AD. Fly to Medina Square. The Epoch should be right 
above Medina Square. Then, use the Epoch to head back to 600 AD. When you 
arrive at 600 AD, you'll be right on top of Ozzie's Fort. Disembark the Epoch 
and enter the Fort. Be sure to prepare your characters, you'll know what I 
mean later.

   Full Ether   Gloom Cape
   Dash Ring    Gloom Helm
   Sight Cap
   Doom Sickle

Upon entering, you'll see Great Ozzie. Note that if you have Magus, there 
will be extra dialogue between them. Magus was their Master after all. Now 
head north, Ozzie will be there again and so is Flea as Flea Plus. You have 
to fight him.. err.. her.. whatever. Use the opposite strategy for Flea. For 
your convenience here it is.

HP:  3500
EXP: 2000
TP:  20
G:   2000

If you remember, when you fought Flea back at Magus' Castle, you have to use 
physical attacks right? Well, now use your most powerful Magic Attacks. Use 
Crono's Luminaire, if you have it, 3 times to beat Flea in a short period of 

After you deal 3500 HP damage Flea will escape. Follow Flea to the north. In 
this room, you'll see Ozzie. He'll summon 2 monsters which, unfortunately, 
too bad for him because they fell on the conveyor belts that will bring them 
to their doom. Now, head north. Here, you'll find Ozzie again and the 
comebacking Super Slash.

HP:  2500
EXP: 2000
TP:  20
G:   2000

He's so easy. Just use any Tech you want. I did a Fire Zone by Crono, Lucca, 
Robo, and he's dead in one turn.

After beating Slash, head north. You'll see a Blade controlled by Ozzie. 
Don't get the chest yet. Afterwards, an Imp will come in and because of his 
stupidity, he fell for the trap. After Ozzie escapes, you're free to get the 
Full Ether from the chest. You can also get Magus' most powerful weapon, 
armor and helm in a secret room here, the Doom Sickle, Gloom Cape and Gloom 
Helm respectively. Here's the diagram: (try to enter the area where the arrow 
is) Thanks to ~The Silent One~ (silent_one@mailandnews.com) for this info. 

|                         |
|                         |
|                         |
|           --------------
|          |       ^
|          |       ^
|          |       

After getting the equipments, exit this room and head north once more. Now, 
you'll face all three, Ozzie, Slash and Flea,  and they are hard to beat.

Great Ozzie: 5000
Flea Plus:   3750
Super Slash: 3750
EXP: 7500
TP:  80
G:   4000

They are hard to beat if they are complete, so beat Slash first because he is 
the one causing the most damage among the three. Also take note that they 
will counter attack with triple techs, namely Bat Impulse and Delta Force and 
I'm sure you don't want that to happen. So, first, beat Slash using any 
attack, either physical or magical. Then, beat Flea. Then finally, beat Ozzie 
and don't give him a chance.

After beating the Trio, get the chests for a Dash Ring and a Sight Cap. Now, 
head north. You'll meet Ozzie at the end. He will be inside a protective 
barrier and you can never do any damage to it (with the exception of 
cheating). So, attack the switch behind him. He will outsmart you by placing 
a trap below you. If you attack the switch you'll fall down to the place 
where you fought the trio. So, head back to Ozzie. After the fight begins, a 
cat will come in and throws the switch to the trap which is below Ozzie. He 
will fall down and will never be seen again, ever. Now, head back out to the 
world map. Now, with Ozzie defeated, head to 1000 AD right away. When you 
arrive, go to the Forest Ruins again. The place with a blue pyramid.


Inside, head to the top and the pendant will glow. A Nu will appear and will 
give you one of the treasures of the Guru of Reason. The left chest contains 
a Safe Helm and the right chest contains a Swallow which is a weapon for 
Crono. The Safe Helm is preferrable as it will reduce the physical damage to 
you by 1/3. The Swallow is a strong weapon for Crono but there are other 
weapons that are stronger so you really do not need the weapon, go for the 
Helm. (Thanks to ~The Silent One~ for the info). Now, head back out to the 
world map.


If you visit the houses in Medina Village, you'll notice that the Mystics 
here are so peaceful. Because you beat Ozzie back in 600 AD, all the Mystics 
have changed for the good. If you visit the Market here, where you found the 
shop with outrageous prices, everything will have a 20% discount now! Humans 
and Mystics finally live together in peace.

"There's a task to be done in the future, where machinery originated."

For this side quest, you have to go to the future, 2300 AD, and visit a new 
place called Geno Dome. To reach Geno dome, here's a strategy. Go to Porre 
Village in 1000 AD. Now, head all the way to the right until you see a new 
village which is Choras. Now, travel to 2300 AD. You shall find the Geno Dome 
there. It looks like the Factory when you view it from the world map. Get 
Robo in your party and put him in the lead of your party then enter.

   2 Full Tonics  MegaElixir     Vigil Hat
   50000G         15000G         Terra Arm
   Speed Tab      2 Full Ethers  Crisis Arm
   Elixir         Power Tab
   2x Lapis       Hyper Ether

Inside, have Robo examine the panel. The computer will welcome Robo, but not 
in a nice way. The door that leads to the exit will be sealed and there's no 
turning back now. So, head to the room to the north. In this room, you'll 
find a large conveyor belt. You'll fight a sequence of enemies here. First 
are 2 Debuggests. Use Crono's Lightning Magic to make short work of them. The 
next would be 2 Proto 4s. Followed by 4 Debuggests. Followed by 2 debuggests 
and 2 Proto 4s. Finally, 4 Debuggests and 2 Proto 4s! Whew, that was tough. 
Now, head north and enter the door. Just above the door, you'll see a large 
terminal and a switch. Let's call it Terminal 1 for the sake of the 
walkthrough. If you press the switch the terminal will open. So, press it. 
Robo can enter inside right? Now, you have to charge Robo to active the 
terminal so head left. You'll see 2 debuggests. Beat them. Then, go up. 
You'll see a Proto Robot that won't allow you to go near the chest and the 
Poyozo doll. So, head right and go up once you see a path going north. Don't 
go through the white door, we'll go there later. Defeat the 3 Proto 4s you'll 
find here. Then get the chest for a Full Tonic. Now, examine the computer to 
the right. It will give you information about the Doors and how to open them, 
how to change the direction of the conveyor belt on the right, the robot that 
guards the figurine or the Poyozo Doll and how to get rid of it, and finally 
it will tell you also about the importance of the 2 Poyozo Dolls found in 
this place. To the left of the computer is the terminal where you can charge 
Robo. Let's call it the Charge Terminal for the sake of the walkthrough. Now, 
it will open after you beat the Proto 4s so, enter it and you will see Robo 
surrounded by sparks. Right after charging, head to Terminal 1 you saw 
earlier and put Robo inside. The door on the left will open up so that you 
can enter. Inside you find a chest with a Full Tonic and another chest for a 
whopping 50000G! After getting these, return to the Charge Terminal. Don't 
charge Robo, instead, head left and enter the white door. You'll see another 
terminal here. Let's call it Terminal 2. It is closed right? So head north 
and beat the 4 Laser Guards. At the end, you'll see 3 switches. There is a 
combination of the switches that will open up Terminal two. The code is, from 
left to right, the color of the switch should be Red, then Green, then Red. 
You will now be able to use Terminal 2. Now, head back to the Charge Terminal 
and charge up Robo. After charging Robo up, quickly run to Terminal 2. You'll 
be able to enter the door to left of the terminal. So, go there and get that 
Poyozo Doll. There is also a Speed Tab here. Examine the green circle and 
you'll get it. Now to get the other Doll, head back to Terminal 1 and go 
right. You'll see a Debuggest but you don't have to fight it, just go around 
it. Now, you can see a door which leads to an elevator, a path to the north 
and a shining dot which is the Dust Chute. The Dust Chute will lead back to 
the first room in Geno Dome. You can leave Geno Dome but you have to repeat 
everything again once you return back. So, head to the path to the north. 
Enter the white door there and get the Elixir and the Lapis. After getting 
them, you'll have to fight 3 Proto 4s. Now head back and enter the room to 
the left of the Dust Chute. Use the elevator to go up. Above, you will 
finally find a Save Point. Restore your characters' HP/MP then save. Now go 
back down again. I saved first to replenish my party's HP/MP. Head to the 
north path and when you see the white door again, don't enter it, instead, 
run up the conveyor belt. When you see a laser blocking your way to the 
right, head to the left and you'll see Terminal 3. Push the switch to open it 
up. But, if charge up Robo, you won't be able to activate Terminal 3 because 
Robo's charge will disappear before you even reach the terminal because the 
conveyor belt is running down. So, to reverse the conveyor belt, use the 
elevator in the room to the left of the chute. When you reach the save point, 
head south. Beat the 2 Laser Guards then take the chest in the corner for a 
Lapis. Now, head west and you'll see a door with lasers. Turn the switch to 
remove the lasers and get the chst inside for a MegaElixir. After getting the 
item, leave this room and continue heading left. When you see a ladder, go 
down from it. After climbing down, keep on walking until you see a chest 
which contains 15000G. After getting the chest, head north and enter the 
white door. You'll reach a place with conveyor belts carrying humans! Your 
party wants to save them but even Robo can't do anything. In this room, head 
all the way to the right and you'll notice a door below. Head south and 
you'll reach a place with a chest containing a Full Ether. Now, head back to 
the Save Point. Use it if necessary. Now, head to the white door. Right after 
you enter a red room, take the shining Power Tab in the right corner. 
Continue heading north to the next room. You'll meet 2 Proto 4s and 2 Laser 
Guards. After beating them, head through the door to the north. You'll arrive 
an elevator which will take you to the right of the large conveyor belt near 
Terminal 3. In this place, you'll see 2 green arrow to your left. One is 
pointing to the right, and the other points to the left. Walk to it and 
you'll reach the other side of the conveyor belt. Now, you'll notice a switch 
here. To activate it, walk/run south until your party stops then head right. 
You can now activate this switch, which is fortunately the switch to reverse 
the large conveyor belt. You can now charge up Robo and activate Terminal 3. 
Now, go left then north and then right to be back on the other side of the 
conveyor belt. Do not enter the white door to the elevator, instead, head 
south, beat the enemies and activate the switch to turn of the laser blocking 
the conveyor belt. This way, you don't have to go through the elevators again 
to reach the charge terminal. Now, run down the conveyor belt and charge Robo 
at the charge terminal. Run as fast as you can to reach Terminal 3 to open 
the door to left gaining access to the second guard robot. But before guiding 
the Robot to the one which is guarding the Poyozo Doll, get the 2 chests for 
a Hyper Ether and a Full Ether. Now, guide the Robot to the first robot that 
you saw earlier who guards a chest and the second Poyozo Doll. To do this 
just walk and let the robot follow you. It's the same thing when you guided 
the cat to the girl back at Leene's Square at the beginning of the game. When 
you successfully brought the 2 robots to face each other, they will short 
circuit and you can now get a Vigil Hat from the chest and the Poyozo doll. 
Having both of the 2 Poyozo dolls, you can now get to the Mother Brain. To go 
there, head back to the Save Point. Head south and go left. Robo will be 
shocked at what he will see. His friend, Atropos insists that you kill your 
friend but Robo is a good robot and won't hurt good people. So, Robo will 
have to deal with Atropos Alone.

HP:  6000
EXP: -
TP:  -
G:   -
Item: Ribbon

With only Robo to fight her, you'll only have a few attacks in your arsenal. 
The best way to beat Atropos is to have Robo use his most powerful Techs. If 
Robo runs low in HP, use healing items then continue attacking. She is not 
that hard and you can beat her on the first try.

After Robo beats Atropos, her ribbon will increase robo's speed by 3 and 
Magic Defense by 10! It's time to pay a visit to that Mother Brain. Head to 
the left. You'll see the ladder again, except now, don't go down and continue 
moving left. Then head north and fight 6 Laser Guards. Head north once again 
and beat another batch of 6 Laser Guards. Now, put the Poyozo Dolls on the 
Green circles by examining them. The door in the middle will now open up. Go 
through it. You'l meet the Mother Brain. It will still try to persuade Robo 
to come back but Robo's artificial emotions won't allow him. So, you have to 
deal with the Mother Brain once and for all.

Mother Brain's HP:   4000
Displays' HP (each): 300
EXP: 3000
TP:  40
G:   3000

Once the fight has started, quickly destroy the 3 displays behind the mother 
brain as it will give 1000+ HP to the Mother Brain. They are not hard at all. 
Just use a Level 2 Magic and the 3 displays will vanish. Then, as with other 
bosses, use your characters' most powerful Techs to beat the Mother Brain in 
no time at all.

After Mother Brain disappears, Robo will examine a shining dot and he will 
receive the most powerful Arms in the game. The Terra Arm and the Crisis Arm. 
You'll then be automatically taken back to the world map. That's the end of 
this side-quest!

"And there's a very special stone that can shine its light on each 
generation, from the distant past to the far future."

For this side quest, you need to find the Sun Palace in the year 2300 AD. To 
get there, go to Arris Dome. Don't disembark the Epoch yet. Then, head north 
and you'll see an Island with a mountain. Disembark the Epoch and enter the 
Sun Palace. But before going there, be sure to give your party members fire 
protective armors as your next opponent is a fire based entity.


Upon entering, head north and examine the shining dot. Then, the Son of Sun 
will arrive and attacks.

HP:  2500
EXP: 3800
TP:  40
G:   2000

He is one of the hardest and weirdest enemies in CT. You have to guess which 
among the flames is the one that is associated with the Son of Sun himself. I 
mean that, one of the flames is real and if you managed to attack the real 
one, the Son of Sun will accumulate damage. If you are low in level and you 
have no fire protection, then you're done for. His fire attacks are extremely 
powerful. Well, being the Son of Sun sure is HOT. To beat him, just guess 
which among the flames receive damage. After a couple of turns, the Son of 
Sun will shuffle the flames therefore forcing you to guess again. This battle 
might be a long and tedious one so be prepared and be patient. You'll 
eventually kill him. It would also be easier if you have fire protection.

After that battle, head all the way to the north and examine the Son of Sun. 
It will reveal the Moon Stone which you have to recharge to gain energe once 
more. As they say, it would take aeons. So, common sense comes into play, go 
back to 65,000,000 BC.

PRE-HISTORIC ERA (65,000,000 BC)

Now, to reach the place where you have to put the Moon Stone, head to the 
Dactyl's Nest and fly west until you see a small island with a mountain. 
Enter the cave and examine the shining dot at the end. Leave the Moon Stone 
and leave the mountain. Board the Epoch and go to 2300 AD.

SUN KEEP (2300 AD)

When you arrive, enter Sun Keep again. This time, the Moon Stone is gone so 
head back to 1000 AD.

SUN KEEP (1000 AD)

The stone isn't here either. One of your party members will have a feeling 
that the Stone was stolen from this time period. To make sure, head back to 
600 AD.

   Power Tab

The Stone is still here! So definitely, it was stolen at 1000 AD. Before 
leaving, take the shining Power Tab which is a bit to the left of the stone. 
Now, head back to 1000 AD.


Go to Porre, you notice one of the houses in here is shining! So, it must be 
a hint that the Stone is there. Go to the house. You notice that the Mayor 
won't say anything about the Stone. The people around house despise the Mayor 
for his greedy attitude. Before leaving the House, go to the second floor and 
take the chest for a Shelter, don't take the sealed chests yet, you have to 
make a decision later. Now, exit to the world map. Now, go to Snail Stop 
which is directly to the east of the Manor. Buy the Jerky for 9900G! It's 
outrageous but you have to. Now, head to 600 AD.


Go to the elder's house and talk to the housewife. Give the Jerky to her, in 
short, don't sell it. She promises that her descendants will be as sharing as 
you are. So, go back to 1000 AD. Before doing that, you have to make a 
decision here. If you want a White Vest and a Black Vest, and a White and a 
Black Mail, examine the two sealed chests and don't take the contents. If you 
take the chests, you'll only receive a White and Black Vest which is inferior 
to the Mails.


Go to the Mayor's manor. The attitude of the Mayor is opposite now. The 
people of the house praise his good attitude. Talk to the Mayor and he'll 
give you the Sun Stone. Now, go to the second floor and take the Black Mail, 
the White Mail and the Shelter. Note that you will only receive both Mails if 
you examined them back at 600 AD and you did not take it's contents. After 
getting the Sun Stone, you have to put it back on the Sun Keep. To find it, 
just head east of the Forest ruins in Medina.

SUN KEEP (1000 AD)

Leave the Moon Stone here as it is not yet recharged. Now, head to 2300 AD.

SUN KEEP (2300 AD)
   Wonder Shot
   Sun Shades

When you reach the Moon Stone which is now the Sun Stone, if Lucca's with 
you, she'll think of a way to make a weapon. If you don't have her, head 
outside and get het into your party. Lucca will be amazed at the power it 
contains then afterwards, you'll be taken to Lucca's House. She will then 
make the most powerful weapon that she can wield. The Wonder Shot. Then, 
Taban will come in and will give to you the Sun Shades which is derived also 
from the Sun Stone. Now, there is another man that can forge this stone. 
Melchior. If you finished the quest for the rainbow shell, go to Guardia 
Castle 1000 AD, talk to Melchior and he will forge the Sun Stone into the 
PrismSpecs and also most Powerful weapon Crono can use, the Rainbow. 
Otherwise, finish the Rainbow Shell Quest first. It's now the end of this 
side quest!

"There's the ghost of a lofty knight, slain by Magus in the Middle Ages, who 
haunts the present."

For this side quest, you need to go to the Town of Choras in 600 AD which is 
directly East of Porre.

   Toma's Pop

In this town you can now buy the Mid-ether from the market. After buying, if 
necessary, go to the CafÈ which is below the Inn. Talk to Toma here, he's at 
the bar. Remember that you eavesdropped on him and the mayor of Porre way 
back? When you talk to him, you'll get Toma's Pop. He'll tell you to pour it 
in his gravestone when you come back. After getting the item, talk to the man 
drinking in one of the tables. He'll tell you that his tools were stolen. He 
needs the tools oto repair the holes at the northern ruins which is the goal 
of this side-quest. Now head back out to the world map. To get his tools, go 
to Choras in 1000 AD.


In here, go to the Inn and talk to the man drinking there. He'll tell you 
that you can get his tools from his wife. So go to the residence and talk to 
his wife. She will give you his tools. Now that you've got the tools head to 
600 AD.


When you arrive at 600 AD, go to the CafÈ and talk to the man again. He will 
accept the tools and heads off to his residence. Head out to the world map 
again and go to the residence. Talk to the man and he'll call his workers and 
heads off to the ruins. Leave the residence and head to the Northern Ruins at 
the North east of Choras.


Upon entering, the man and his workers will tell you that they cannot 
continue working because of the monsters. So, you have to cleanse the area 
first. There are two doors here. Take the left one first. Beat the Sentries 
here. Beware that when you beat a sentry, it will use grudge against you or 
use the dreaded MP Buster which will steal ALL MPs of a character. After 
beating ALL of the enemies here, head back to the entrance but don't leave 
yet. Enter the door to the right. Beat all the skeletons you see here. After 
cleaning the area, head back to the residence. They will agree to fix the 
ruins for 2000G pay them and return to the ruins.

Before returning back, take Frog with you. Upon entering, take the door to 
the left. You can now reach the grave of Cyrus. When you reach the grave, 
Cyrus will appear then a short dialogue will commence. After that, the 
Masamune will break into 2 again. Masa and Mune. They decided go give more 
power to the Masamune blade so they merge again and thus a new and more 
powerful Masamune Blade is made. After this, leave the Ruins again and talk 
to the repairmen again and pay 2000 G. Now, head to the ruins and use the 
right door right after you enter. You now have access to the places blocked 
by the holes before. Examine the 3 Sealed Chests here and DO NOT take the 
contents. Beware also of the Defunct and the Base, they are the worst enemies 
here in the ruins. If you can't beat the defunct, the base will fuse with the 
defunct creating a departed, which do a very very big amount of damage. Need 
I say more? They have a very high defense too. After examining the sealed 
chests, head back out to the world map and use the Epoch to go to 1000 AD.

   Hyper Ether
   Magic Tab
   Moon Armor or Nova Armor
   Shiva Edge or Kali Blade
   Valkerye or Siren

Go to the Ruins which is now named the Hero's Grave. On the left side you can 
get a Hyper Ether and a shining Magic Tab near the grave of Cyrus. Now, head 
back near the entrance and take the right door. You can get powerful 
equipments like the Moon Armor, a Shiva Edge for Crono and Marle's most 
powerful weapon, the Valkerye. There is an elixir on the chest also. Now, you 
may notice that the equipments that you got are upgrades of the contents of 
the sealed chest which means that when you return some time in the past, the 
normal items will still be stored there. So, head back to 600 AD and take the 
equipments again. You can get the Nova Armor, Kali Blade, and Siren. You can 
also get the Elixir and the Hyper Ether from the chests located inside Hero's 
Grave. After you got everything you have finished this quest!

"There's an object in the middle ages that sparkles like a rainbow."

For this side-quest, head to Choras Village in 600 AD which is directly to 
the east of Porre.


Go to the CafÈ and talk to Toma at the bar. Remember that you've eavesdropped 
on him and the mayor of Porre way back? After talking to him, he'll give you 
his Pop. He wants you to pour it on his grave when he dies. So, head back out 
to the world map and use the epoch to go to Choras in 1000 AD.


Go to the northwest of the village and you'll see the West cape. Enter it. At 
the end, you'll see the Grave of Toma Levine. Examine it to pour his pop. 
Toma will appear and will tell you about the Giant's Claw which is to the 
Northwest of this place. To make it easy, return to 600 AD and head to the 
northwest of where Toma's grave is supposed to be and you'll find the Giant's 

   Sight Cap        Lapis
   3 Power Tabs     Frenzy Band
   Full Ether
   Blue Rock
   Zodiac Cape

Upon entering, you'll see Toma's note. After examining and reading it, head 
south to the door. You'll reach a very familiar room. Your character will 
recognize that this was the Tyrano Lair where you fought with Azala back in 
65,000,000 BC. After the dialogue, continue heading south to the door. In 
this next area, you'll find a chest and a door to the left and a ladder 
below. Examine the chest first. A Gigasaur and 2 Leapers will appear. To beat 
them, and any other dinosaurs, use Crono's Lightning magic to decrease their 
defenses then you are allowed to attack. After beating them, examine the 
chest again for a Sight Cap. Now, go down the ladder. Head to the door on the 
far right. You'll reach a room with 3 switches and a skull. First, switch the 
one on the top to reveal a Save Point. Then, push the left switch among the 2 
on the bottom to open the floors. Then, push the right one and some monsters 
will fall down. Now, this maybe crazy but you have to jump down the hole too. 
Below, you'll meet 2 Fossil Apes. Beat them. In here, push the left switch 
first. The mouth will open so go there. Get the shining Power Tab here. Head 
all the way to the south and enter the door. Don't push the right switch as 
it will only invite enemies. When you reach the next area, you'll notice a 
shining dot on the right. To get it, head right and go down the ladder you 
see. Then, head right and get the Power Tab. Now, head all the way to left 
past the ladder and get the chest for a Full Ether. Now, head up the ladder 
and go left. Move along until a Fossil Ape and 2 Leapers attack you. Beat 
them, then get the chest for the Blue Rock. Now, head south to the door. On 
the other side, head right until you see 2 ladders. Go down the one below. 
Now, head all the way to the left to get a partially hidden chest that 
contains a Zodiac Cape. Then, head right a bit and go down the Ramp. You'll 
see another ladder here. But before you go down that ladder. Head all the way 
to the right to get yet another chest that contains a Lapis. Now head left 
and go down the ladder. You may be wondering why you did not use the long 
ladder on top. It's because it lead you back to where you came from. Let's 
continue, after going down the ladder, head left and enter the door. In here, 
beat the enemies you see. Head north. You'll see 2 skulls here. Enter the one 
on the left, taking note of the shining dot on the right side, then head up 
the ladder. In this area, there 2 enemies on both sides. Just activate the 2 
switches here and the monsters will fall. There are 2 doors to the south. 
Enter the left one first and get the Frenzy Band inside. Head out and enter 
the other door which is to the right. Move along until you find an egg. 
Examine it and you'll fall down. You'll arrive in another familiar place, 
which is the jail for the Ioka Villagers. When you reach the door, head to 
the left first to get the shining dot back where the 2 skulls were which 
contains a Power Tab. Return back to where the jail is and head all the way 
to the right and go down the ladder. Finally, a Save Point. I suggest you use 
it because your characters maybe weak right now after all that fighting. 
After using the save point, head left and activate the switch beside the 
door. Head all the way to the north and you'll meet a very familiar being. 
It's Tyrano. Try to get past it, but it will stop and fight you as Rust 

HP:  25000
EXP: 3800
TP:  40
G:   2000

In the beginning of the fight, Tyrano will start counting down from 5. At 
this moment, use the most powerful Single Techs of your characters. Do not 
use Dual or Triple Techs as it's damage is lesser than each of the single 
techs combined. He's so hard to beat at levels 30 below.

After beating Rust Tyrano, you can finally head north and get the rainbow 
shell. Your party will try to carry it but it's too heavy so one of you 
suggests that you seek help from Guardia Castle. When you regain control of 
your characters, just walk/run south and the screen will fade. You'll be 
taken automatically to the throne room of Guardia Castle. After the Kings 
orders the Knight Captain to get the shell, talk to everyone in the throne 
room then leave the castle. Outside, board the Epoch and go to 1000 AD.


Upon disembarking the Epoch, add Marle to your party, then enter the castle.

   3 Hyper Ethers
   2 Elixirs
   2x Lapis
   Yakra Key
   3 Prism Helms or 1 Prism Dress

Inside, Marle will be greet by a kind-hearted Chancellor. He'll tell you 
about her Father and her Mother. Then, he asks you to visit your father who 
is in trial for selling the treasures of the kingdom. Now, all the paths will 
be sealed so head right and you'll see 2 doors. The one on the left has 2 
stairs. Take the stair leading up. On the way, take the chest for a Hyper 
Ether. The second one will be locked so continue moving. At the end, talk to 
the guards and Marle will blast her way through to the court room. You'll see 
the chancellor frame the King. Marle will be taken away because of 
interrupting the trial. One of you will suggest finding the Rainbow Shell. 
So, head back to the 2 doors and take the right one. You'll see that the 
guard is down and was attacked by the monsters. Head right then up, beat 
those pathetic monsters. One simple attack can kill 'em. On the second batch 
on enemies, get 3 among the 5 chests for a Hyper Ether, an Elixir, and a 
Lapis. You can't get the two because they are blocked. Contnue heading north. 
At the end you'll see the Rainbow Shell. Get the 3 chests here for a Hyper 
Ether, an Elixir, and a Lapis. You can't get the others as they are blocked 
and you can't reach them. Examine the Rainbow Shell and you'll get a letter 
from Queen Leene. Marle then takes the Prism Shard as proof of the existence 
of the Rainbow Shell in the Castle. Go back to the Court Room but the 2 
Guards won't let you enter. Marle has something in her mind. In the court 
room, the King is charged guilty of selling the treasure. But Marle suddendly 
bursts in from behind and blew the chancellors plot. The chancellor has no 
other choice but to fight as the decendant of Yakra. He is Yakra XIII.

HP:  19000
EXP: 3500
TP:  -
G:   2000
Item: MegaElixir

He is quite hard. He will attack with Chaos which will confuse your 
characters if they have no protection against status ailments. And, when you 
damaged him by 10000 he will begin attacking you with much stronger attacks. 
All you have to do is to have Marle be the healer because she has a complete 
set of Curative Magic, then have the other 2 characters attack Yakra with 
their most powerful Tech. Beware also because after you beat him he'll 
unleash his final attack that damages all your characters by 200+. So keep 
your HPs above 300 as much as possible.

After you beat Yakra, you'll see a very touching scene between Marle and her 
Father. As they are talking take note of the location of the shining dot that 
appeared. After that, you'll be taken to the throne room when Melchior 
suddenly comes in. He will tell you that he will make equipments from the 
Rainbow Shell. But before going to the Ranbow shell, head to the court room 
first and examine the shining dot. You'll get the Yakra Key. On the way, 
you'll see the Chest you bypassed a while ago. Examine it and the Yakra Key 
will be used to free the real chancellor. Now, head to the Rainbow Shell. 
Talk to Melchior and he will let you choose between 1 Prism Dress which has 
Maximum Defense and 3 less-effective Prism Helms. As for me, I chose the 
Prism Dress as it has the Maximum Magic Defense for a female character. 
That's the end of this side-quest.

"One of you is close to someone who needs help, find this personÖ fast."

Error here. Sorry about what I posted the last time. I told you that this was 
connected to Side Quest #6. But in fact, it isn't. Side Quest 7 actually 
refers to Zeal, Magus' mother and the Black Omen. Here's the guide on the 
Black Omen. It was formerly the Ocean Palace which rose from the ground. You 
can find it floating in the time periods, 12,000 BC, 600 AD, 1000 AD, and 
2300 AD. To enter the Black Omen just fly the Epoch towards it. When, the 
name Black Omen appears, press Action.

BLACK OMEN (12,000 BC: 600 AD: 1000 AD: 2300 AD)
   4 MegaElixirs    Power Seal
   30000 G          4 Speed Tabs
   Magic Seal       White Rock
   2 Elixirs
   Vigil Hat 

Right after you arrive on the Black Omen, you'll see a shining dot. If you 
examine it, it will let you board the Epoch. Now, head north, beat those 
Laser Guards and enter the door. You'll see Queen Zeal. She'll talk a bit 
then summon the Mega Mutant which you have to fight.

Upper Body:  5000
Lower Body:  5000
EXP: 900
TP:  50
G:   1500

He is rather easy. Just use any Tech to attack him. He will inflict your 
characters with status ailments most of the time. But, now you might have 99 
Heals to restore status, so this is not a problem.

After beating the Mega Mutant, head north then right. In this area, head 
north. You'll meet 2 Goons on the way. Continue heading north and you'll see 
a Save Point to your right. But before that, you have to fight 2 Synchrites 
and a Martello. After the fight, use the save point. After saving, continue 
heading north to the next area. In here, head north. Beat the panels on your 
way. In the next area, you'll have to fight the Boss Orb and his 2 side 
kicks. Head north, beat the enemies then head left at the very top. In this 
area, fight your way to the north. You'll reach a teleporter at the end. Use 
it. Head south and you'll reach an elevator. Examine the shining dot on the 
left. The elevator will start to go down. You'll fight enemies here. First, 2 
Cybots which almost looks like Gato at Leene's Square. Next, 4 Ruminators. 
Then, the elevator will stop. Head north through the door. In this area, beat 
the Boss Orb and the 2 Sidekicks. After beating them, head right then up. 
You'll another batch of Boss Orb and side kicks. Keep on moving until you see 
a ladder. Don't go up yet. Head right and get the chest for a MegaElixir. 
Now, head up the steps and go left first to get another chest containing 
30000G! Now head north. After you beat the enemies, the path will split into 
2. Take the right one. Get the chest for a Magic Seal. Now, head north to the 
door. In the next area, get the 2 chests you see for an Elixir and a Vigil 
Hat. Head a bit north and you'll see a save point. Take the 2 chests for a 
Nova Armor and a Megaelixir. Then, use the save point. Head north first, past 
the 2 Nus and get the chests for a Haste Helm and a MegaElixir. Now, the left 
Nu will sell you items that can restore your HPs and MPs. The right Nu will 
offer you the ride back to the Epoch if you want to leave this place. If you 
decide to go on, examine the wall to the north and a door will appear. Enter 
the door. Move on and you'll encounter a Tubster. Now head north. Fight your 
way through until you see Ruminators running at the top. Try to get the chest 
for a Zodiac Cape then head right to where the ruminators are going to. Now, 
move on and fight your way through. Get the chest on the way for a 
MegaElixir. Move on to the next area. In this area, get the chest for a Power 
Seal. Continue heading south. After you fight a Cybot and a Martello, there's 
a partially hidden chest at the lower right at the very bottom. Get it for a 
Speed Tab. Head to the lower left door to the next area. Get the chest past 
the door for another Speed Tab. Then, go through the door. In here, there's a 
teleporter in the middle so use it. This next area is quite big. So, here how 
to get through. Head left at the first intersection then continue moving past 
the statue in the middle until the next intersection. Head south first for a 
chest containing an Elixir. Now, head all the way to the north until you can 
go any further. Use the steps on the right. Go all the way to the right the 
head north. Get the chest that you see here. It contains a Speed Tab. Then, 
get the other chest for a MegaElixir. Move on to the door. You'll see a save 
point in the next area. Use it, I insist. When you head north, you'll face..

Upper Body:  7000
Lower Body:  6000
EXP: 1500
TP:  80
G:   2000

He is not that hard. Just use your characters' most powerful techs. If you 
remember, he inflicts status ailments to your party when giga was still mega. 
Now, he will drain your MPs during the battle. Just use items to restore HP 
or MP and you'll beat him for sure. And most of all, don't use physical 
attacks as they are not effective against him.

After you beat Giga Mutant, head back to the save point and use it. Now head 
all the way to the north to a teleporter. You'll reach another elevator. 
You'll fight 4 Ruminators then 2 Cybots. After the elevator stops, head north 
to the door. Keep on moving, fighting enemies on the way, until you reach the 
very top door. Go in. You'll fight 4 Panels. After you beat them, a Save 
point will appear. Get the chest above the steps first for a Speed Tab. Then, 
use the save point. Head to the right steps and go north. You'll meet..

Upper Body:  6500
Lower Body:  1000
EXP: 2000
TP:  100
G:   3800

He is hard the third time around. The upper body is weak against Magic, but, 
the lower body will drain any magic attack you use on it. So, use Magic 
attacks on the upper part and physical attack in the lower part. Also, the 
upper part will drain 1000+ HP from the lower part.

After beating Terra Mutant, get the chests for a MegaElixir and the White 
Rock. I suggest you go back and use the save point. Head all the way to the 
north and you'll meet..

HP:  10000
EXP: 2450
TP:  ?
G:   2500

He is harder that the Spawns at Death Peak. He has much more powerful attacks 
that the 3 lavos spawns at Death Peak combined! Just use Single Techs that 
affect one enemy on the head. Whatever you do, don't attack the shell. It 
will coutner with a powerful attack against all your characters. Just attack 
the head and you'll be safe.

After you beat the spawn, continue heading north. You'll arrive in a place 
where there are 5 Panels, after you beat them, a save point and a door will 
appear. Use the save point first. Head north and you'll meet..

HP:  13000
EXP: -
TP:  -
G:   -
Item: MegaElixir

Her first attack, the Hallation, will drop all your characters' HP to 1 so 
heal right away. Then, use your characters' Most powerful single Techs. 
She'll also use Hallation frequently so be ready to heal anytime.

After you beat Queen Zeal, you'll be taken to another battle with the Mammon 

HP:  16000
EXP: -
TP:  -
G:   -

The mammon machine is not that hard. It increases its defense everytime you 
use physical attacks. So, use Magic attacks. It will increase the attack 
power of the Mammon machine but you can deal a decent amount of damage 
instead of using physical attacks until it will be useless against it.

After you beat the Mammon machine you'll be taken to yet another battle. This 
time, it's serious.

Boss:  ZEAL
HP:  20000
EXP: -
TP:  -
G:   -

She is tough! If you use magic on the hands, it will counter attack with MP 
Buster, which will reduce your MP to 0, and the Life Shaver, which will 
reduce your HP to 1. So, make sure 2 of your characters are efficient at 
healing. To beat her easier, attack only the head with Single Techs that 
affect one enemy only. This way, the hands won't be able to counter attack. 
She does Hallation though. :)

Right after the fight, again, you'll see Lavos himself. You have to fight him 
at once as this is the beginning of the End. For the strategy, refer to the 
Lavos strategy right before Side Quest #1. That's it for the 7 Side Quests. 


Ending #1: You can trigger this ending by the following condition/s:
           - you examined the Bucket at the End of Time right after
             Crono returned to Life.

     In this ending, you'll wake up at Crono's House. A soldier will come in 
and tells Crono that he has to carry out his sentence at the castle. You'll 
then be automatically brought to Guardia Castle. Marle will defend you but, 
the king already knows what you did throughout time. All your friends will 
come from the different eras you've been. Kino from the pre-historic, Doan 
from the future and King Guardia XXI from the Middle Ages. Your execution 
will be lifted and you can join the final night of the festival at Leene's 
Square. At Leene's square, there will be a parade wherein Crono and Marle 
will join. When you regain control of your characters, head to where Lucca's 
inventoin it. One by one, all the characters will return to their respective 
times. You'll see the princess kiss the frog here! After everyone leaves, 
Crono's cats will come and enter the gate. The number of cats depends on how 
many you've won from Norstein Bekkler's Lab at Leene's Square. Then, Crono's 
mom will go after them and will be trapped in the gate. You then have to go 
and find her. Meanwhile, a soldier will come in and tell you that Marle is 
needed by her father. Go to where Leene's Bell is and the king will introduve 
to you the Nadia's Bell which will replace the old Leene's Bell. Marle, 
senses adventure again because Crono's Mom is lost in time. They'll leave the 
king and travel through time again in search for Crono's Mother. Then, the 
credits will start to show up. You'll see in the background the Epoch 
visiting many places. Including also all the time periods where you traveled 
on your journey and the respective characters that you've met there. Then, 
the Epoch will fly away. That's one of the beautiful endings of Chrono 
                             TECHNIQUES LIST

Here, you'll see the complete list of the Single, Dual and Triple Techs of 
the characters in the game. Name is, of course, the name of the Tech. 
Description, tells you what does that particular Tech do. MP used is the 
minimum MP required to use the Tech. Effects, means how many enemies are 
affected by the tech.

A "*" Before the name of the Tech means that it is a Magical Tech. 


Name         Description                    MP used  effects
Cyclone      Spin-cut Nearby enemies           2     Spin Area
Slash        Slash Attack                      2     Enemies in line
*Lightning   Lightning Attack                  2     Single enemy
SpinCut      Attack Damage x2                  4     Single enemy
*Lightning 2 Strike enemies with lightning     8     All enemies
*Life        Bring ally back to life           10    Single Ally
Confuse      Attack enemy with confuse 4x      12    Single enemy
*Luminaire   Ultimate Damage on enemies        20    All enemies

Flame Toss   Hit enemies with fire             1     Enemies in line
Hypno Wave   Put enemy to sleep                1     Single enemy
*Fire        Fire Attack                       2     Single enemy
Napalm       Damages enemies in bomb area      3     Blast Area
*Protect     Increase physical defense of      6     Single Ally
             An Ally
*Fire 2      Fire Attack                       8     All enemies
Mega Bomb    Damages enemies in bomb area      15    Blast Area
*Flare       Strongest Fire Attack             20    All enemies

Aura         Restore a few HPs of an Ally      1     Single Ally
Provoke      Confuse enemy                     1     Single enemy
*Ice         Ice Attack                        2     Single enemy
*Cure        Restore more HPs of an Ally       2     Single Ally
*Haste       Cuts Ally's wait time by 1/3      6     Single Ally
*Ice 2       Ice Attack                        8     All enemies
*Cure 2      Heal all Ally's HP                10    Single Ally
*Life 2      Revive and Fully Restore HP of    15    Single Ally
             a dead Ally

Kiss         Restore a few HPs of an Ally      1     Single Ally
             and cure Status Ailments
Rollo Kick   RolloKick an enemy                2     Single enemy
Cat Attack   A savage Cat Attack               3     Single enemy
Rock Throw   Stone an Enemy                    4     Single enemy
Charm        Steal from Enemy                  4     Single enemy
Tail Spin    Damage enemies w/ Tail Spin       10    Spin Area
Dino Tail    Dinosaur Tail Attack              10    All enemies
             the lower the HP Ayla has,
             the higher the damage is
Triple Kick  Damage enemy w/ Triple Kicks      20    Single enemy

*Lightning 2 Strike enemies with lightning     8     All enemies
*Fire 2      Fire Attack                       8     All enemies
*Ice 2       Ice Attack                        8     All enemies
*Dark Bomb   Damages enemies w/ Dark bomb      8     Bomb Area
*Magic Wall  Increase Ally's Magic defense     8     Single Ally
*Dark Mist   Damages enemies w/ Dark Mist      10    All enemies
*Black Hole  Power of Life/Death               15    All enemies
*Dark Matter Black Magic Damage                20    All enemies

Slurp        Restore Ally's HP (some)          1     Single Ally
Slurp Cut    Snag and Slash enemy              2     Single enemy
*Water       Damage enemy with water           2     Single enemy
*Heal        Restore Allies HP (more)          2     All Allies
Leap Slash   Leap Slash an enemy               4     Single enemy
*Water 2     Water Attack                      8     All enemies
*Cure 2      Restore Ally's HP (full)          5     Single Ally
Frog Squash  Low HP = Greater Damage           15    All enemies

Rocket Punch Punch enemy                       1     Single enemy
Cure Beam    Restore Ally's HP (some)          2     Single Ally
Laser Spin   Laser Spin enemies                3     All enemies 
Robo Tackle  Tackle enemy                      4     Single enemy
Heal Beam    Heal all Ally's HP (some)         3     All Allies
Uzzi Punch   Hit enemy with multi-punch        12    Single Enemy
Area Bomb    Damage enemy w/ Melt Beam         14    Single Enemy
Shock        Damage enemy w/ Max Shock         17    All enemies

* Alphabetical Order

Antipode     Attack enemies with      Marle  = 2     All enemies    
             Antipode                 Lucca  = 2 

Antipode 2   Attack enemies with      Marle  = 8     All enemies    
             Antipode 2               Lucca  = 8

Antipode 3   Attack enemies with      Marle  = 8     All enemies    
             Antipode 3               Lucca  = 20

Aura Beam    Restore Allies' HP some  Robo   = 2     All Allies
                                      Marle  = 1

Aura Whirl   Restore Allies' HP some  Crono  = 2     All allies
                                      Marle  = 1 

Beast Toss   Hurls one enemy          Robo   = 12    Single enemy
                                      Ayla   = 4

Blade Toss   Hits one enemy with      Robo   = 3     Single enemy
             Blade Toss               Frog   = 2

Blaze Kick   Burn enemy with Blaze    Ayla   = 20    Single enemy
             Kick                     Lucca  = 8 

Boogie       Inflicts "SLOW" on all   Ayla   = 4     All enemies
             enemies                  Robo   = 4

Bubble Hit   Attack enemy with        Ayla   = 2     Single enemy
             Bubble Hit               Frog   = 2

Bubble Snap  Hits one enemy with      Robo   = 4     Single enemy
             Bubble Snap              Frog   = 2

Cube Toss    Attack enemy with        Ayle   = 4     Single enemy
             Cube Toss                Marle  = 8

Cure Wave    Cures all Ally's HP -all Robo   = 3     All allies
                                      Frog   = 5

Double Cure  Restore all Ally's HP    Frog   = 5     All allies
             (some)                   Marle  = 5

Drill Kick   Attack enemy w/ Drill    Crono  = 2     Single enemy   
             Kick                     Ayla   = 2 

Falcon Hit   Crono's Falcon Hit       Crono  = 4     Enemies in line
                                      Ayla   = 4 

Flame Kick   Burn enemy with Flame    Ayla   = 2     Single enemt  
             Kick                     Lucca  = 2  

Fire Punch   Burn enemies with fire   Robo   = 1     All enemies
             Punch                    Lucca  = 2

Fire Sword   Fire Sword Attack        Crono  = 4     Single Enemy  
                                      Lucca  = 2 

Fire Sword 2 Fire Sword Arrack        Crono  = 12    Area    
                                      Lucca  = 8 

Fire Tackle  Burn enemy with Fire     Robo   = 4     Single enemy
             Tackle                   Lucca  = 8

Fire Whirl   Burn enemy with Fire     Ayla   = 10    Single enemy   
             Whirl                    Lucca  = 8 

Fire Whirl   Flame Whirl Attack       Crono  = 2     Whirl Area
                                      Lucca  = 1 

Frog Flare   Ultimate 2x Damage       Lucca  = 20    All enemies
                                      Frog   = 15

Glacier      Massive Ice Attack       Marle  = 8     All enemies    
                                      Frog   = 8

Ice Sword    Ice Sword Attack         Crono  = 4     Single enemy
                                      Marle  = 2 

Ice Sword 2  Ice Sword Attack         Crono  = 12    Area
                                      Marle  = 8 

Ice Tackle   Attack enemy with        Robo   = 4     Single enemy
             Glacier                  Marle  = 2 

Ice Toss     Attack enemy with        Ayla   = 4     Single enemy
             Ice Toss                 Marle  = 2

Ice Water    Attack enemies with      Frog   = 2     All enemies    
             Ice Water                Marle  = 2 

Line Bomb    Bomb enemies on a line   Frog   = 4     Enemies in line
                                      Lucca  = 15

Max Cyclone  Crono's Max Cyclone      Crono  = 4     Spin Area
                                      Robo   = 3 

Red Pin      Burn enemy with Flame    Frog   = 4     Single Enemy
             Slash                    Lucca  = 2

Rocket Roll  Rocket roll Multi attack Crono  = 2     Single enemy
                                      Robo   = 3 

Slurp Kiss   Heal all Ally's HP(some) Ayla   = 1     All allies
             and Status Ailments      Frog   = 1

Spin Kick    Spin Kicks an enemy      Ayla   = 2     Single enemy
                                      Robo   = 4

Spire        Attack enemy w/ spire    Crono  = 8     Single enemy
                                      Frog   = 4 

Super Volt   Super Volt Attack        Crono  = 8     Single enemy
                                      Robo   = 17

Sword Stream Attack enemy with        Crono  = 4     Single enemy
             Sword Stream             Frog   = 2 

Twin Charm   Steal from enemy         Ayla   = 4     Single enemy
                                      Marle  = 1

Volt Bite    Attack enemy w/ VoltBite Crono  = 2     Single enemy   
                                      Ayla   = 3 

X Strike     Attack enemy w/ X strike Crono  = 2     Single enemy
                                      Frog   = 2 

* Alphabetical order

3D Attack    Delta Attack             Crono  = 2     Single enemy
                                      Ayla   = 20
                                      Frog   = 2

Arc Impulse  Attack w/ Ice Slash      Crono  = 4     Single enemy
                                      Marle  = 8
                                      Frog   = 4

Dark Eternal Ultimate Dark Bomb       Lucca  = 8     All enemies
                                      Magus  = 20
                                      Marle  = 8

Delta Force  Elemental Damage         Crono  = 8     All enemies
                                      Lucca  = 8
                                      Marle  = 8

Delta Storm  Elemental Damage         Crono  = 8     All enemies
                                      Lucca  = 8
                                      Frog   = 8

Final Kick   Attack w/ Final Kick     Ayla   = 20    Single enemy
                                      Marle  = 8
                                      Crono  = 8

Fire Zone    Crono's Fire Zone        Crono  = 4     All enemies
                                      Lucca  = 8
                                      Robo   = 3

Gatling Kick Attack w/ Gatling Kick   Ayla   = 20    Single enemy
                                      Crono  = 8
                                      Lucca  = 8

Grand Dream  Physical attack with     Frog   = 15    All enemies
             New Masamune             Marle  = 15
                                      Robo   = 3

Lifeline     Revive/Restore Allies    Crono  = 2     All allies
             once                     Marle  = 15
                                      Robo   = 3

Omega Flare  Ultimate Laser           Lucca  = 20    All enemies
                                      Magus  = 8 
                                      Robo   = 3

Poyozo Dance Damage w/ ? Magic and    Lucca  = 1     All enemies
             Chaos                    Marle  = 1 
                                      Ayla   = 10

Spin Strike  Damage w/ Whirl Jump Cut Frog   = 4     All enemies
                                      Robo   = 4 
                                      Ayla   = 10

Twister      Attacks all enemies with Ayla   = 10    All enemies
             a Twister                Crono  = 2
                                      Robo   = 3 


Here are the weapons that can be found in the game w/ complete description. 
The attack column is the base attack power of the weapon. The Abilities 
column contains the different status abilities of the weapons.

Name           Where to buy/get              attack  Character  Abilities
Wood Sword     With Crono in the beginning       3     Crono   none
Iron Blade     - Sold at Melchior's Hut          7     Crono   none 
               - Sold at Medina Village
Steel Saber    - Found at Cathedral 600 AD      15     Crono   none
               - sold at Truce Village market
                 right before Crono's
                 execution onwards
Lode Sword     - Sold at Melchior's Hut         20     Crono   none     
               - Guardia Castle Detention           
               - Lab 16
Bolt Sword     Found at Sewer Access            25     Crono   none
Red Katana     Sold at Melchior's Hut           30     Crono   Magic + 2
#Flint Edge    Ioka Trading Hut                 40     Crono   none
Slasher        Get from Slash when you          43     Crono   Speed + 2
               first meet him at Magus' lair
##Aeon Blade   Ioka Trading Hut                 70     Crono   none
Demon Edge     - Sold at Medina Market 1000AD   90     Crono   1.5X damage
               - Found at Terra Cave                            to magical
Swallow        Found at Forest Ruins 1000AD    145     Crono   Speed + 3
Kali Blade     Found at Northern ruins         150     Crono   none
Shiva Edge     Found at Hero's Grave           170     Crono   4x Damage at
Rainbow        Get from Melchior after you     220     Crono   70% Critical
               receive the Rainbow Shell                       Hit Rate
Hide Bow       With Marle in the beginning       -     Marle   none
Iron Bow       sold at Truce Village market     15     Marle   none
               before Crono's execution
Lode Bow       Found at Lab 16                  20     Marle   none
Robin Bow      Sold at Melchior's Hut           25     Marle   none
#Sage Bow      Ioka Trading Hut                 40     Marle   none
##Dream Bow    Ioka Trading Hut                 60     Marle   none
Comet Arrow    Terra Cave                       80     Marle   none
Siren          Found at Northern Ruins         140     Marle   Random "stop"
Valkerye       Found at Hero's Grave           180     Marle   none
Air Gun        With Lucca when you get her       5     Lucca   none
Auto Gun       Sold at Trann Dome               15     Lucca   none
Plasma Gun     Found at Factory 2300 AD         25     Lucca   Random "stop"
                                                               On Machines
#Ruby Gun      Ioka Trading Hut                 40     Lucca   none 
##Dream Gun    Ioka Trading Hut                 60     Lucca   none
MegaBlast      Terra Cave                       80     Lucca   none
Wonder Shot    Lucca's House after Sun Stone   250     Lucca   Damage varies
               Side quest
Bronze Edge    With Frog when you get him        6     Frog    none
Iron Sword     Found at Cathedral 600 AD        10     Frog    none
Flash Blade    Terra Cave                        -     Frog    none
Masamune       The quest for the masamune       75     Frog    none
^Masamune      After Cyrus' Side Quest         200     Frog    none
               at Northern Ruins
Rune Blade     Found at Ocean Palace           120     Frog    none
Crisis Arm     Found at Geno Dome                1     Robo    Attack changes
                                                               Below 10 HP
Tin Arm        With Robo when you get him       20     Robo    none
Hammer Arm     Found at Factory 2300 AD         25     Robo    none
#Stone Arm     Ioka Trading Hut                 40     Robo    none
Doom Finger    Found at Magus' Lair             50     Robo    none
##Magma Hand   Ioka Trading Hut                 70     Robo    none
Megaton Arm    Terra Cave                        -     Robo    none
Kaiser Arm     Found at Ocean Palace           120     Robo    none
Terra Arm      Found at Geno Dome              150     Robo    none
Fist           With Ayla when you get her.       -     Ayla    none
               It's the only weapon she has     
Dark Scythe    With Magus when he joins you    120     Magus   none
Star Scythe    ?                               150     Magus   none
Doom Sickle    Found in a secret place in      160     Magus   Attack up
               Ozzie's Fort                                   when ally falls

# These items are for trading only. You have to trade 2 types of items for 
items at the Ioka village trading hut in 65,000,000 BC. And you must give 3 
of each type of item, making it 6.

## It is the same Ioka Trading hut as the "#"s but these items will appear on 
your second visit to 65,000,000. Specifically, after beating Magus in his 

^ Frog's masamune will be upgraded in the side quest of Cyrus at the Northern 
ruins in 600 AD.


The armors that you'll see in the list below are the armors that you may find 
in the game. It will tell you the name, location, Defense Power, Status 
Abilities, and the character/s that can use it. As you may know, some armors 
cannot be worn by every character. 

Name           Where to buy/get            Defense  Character  Abilities
Hide Tunic     With Crono in the beginning     5    everyone   none
Karate Gi      Sold at Leene's Square         10    everyone   none
Bronze Mail    With Frog when you get him     16    males      none
Maiden Suit    Found at Cathedral             18    females    none
Iron Suit      Sold at Trann Dome             25    everyone   none
Titan Vest     With Robo when you get him     32    everyone   none
Taban Vest     - Given by Taban in Lucca's    33    Lucca      Speed + 2/
               house right after you                           Fire guard up
               beat Heckran
               - Given by Taban after the
               First side quest
Taban Suit     Talk to Taban 3x in Lucca's     ?    Lucca      Speed + 3/
               House, 1000 AD                                  Fire guard up
Gold Suit      Sold at Porre Market 600 AD    39    everyone   none
Ruby Vest      - With Ayla when she joins     45    everyone   cuts "fire"
                 You                                           by 50%
               - Ioka Trading Hut
Dark Mail      Found at Magus' Lair           45    males      Mg Defense +5
White Vest     Found at Porre Village,        45    everyone   Absorbs 50% of
               Mayor or Elder's house                          Lightning hits
Black Vest     Found at Porre Village,        45    everyone   Absorbs 50% of
               Mayor or Elder's house                          Shadow hits
Meso Mail      Found at Dactyl's Nest         52    everyone   none
Mist Robe      Found at Magus' Lair           54    females    none
Lumin Robe     - Medina Village               63    females    Mg Defense +5
               - behind sealed door at
                 Arris Dome
Flash Mail     Medina Village                 64    males      none
White Mail     Found at Porre Village,        70    everyone   Absorbs
               Mayor's Manor 1000 AD                           Lightning hits
Black Mail     Found at Porre Village,        70    everyone   Absorbs
               Mayor's Manor 1000 AD                           Shadow hits
Aeon Suit      - Found at Ocean Palace        75    everyone   none
               - Also at Sunken Desert
Ruby Armor     Ioka Trading Hut (near the     78    everyone   Cuts "Fire" by
               end of the game)                                80%
Zodiac Cape    Found at Giant's Claw          80    females    Mg Defense +10
Nova Armor     Found at Hero's Grave          82    males      protect status
Gloom Cape     Found at Ozzie's Fort          84    Magus      none
Moon Armor     Found at Hero's Grave          85    males      Mg Defense +10


The helmets that you'll see in the list below are the helmets that you may 
find in the game. It will tell you the name, location, Defense Power, Status 
Abilities, and the characters that can use it. As you may know, some of them 
cannot be worn by every character.

Name           Where to buy/get            Defense  Character  Abilities
Hide Cap       With Crono at the beginning     3    everyone   none
Bronze Helm    Sold at Leene's Square          8    everyone   none
Iron Helm      Found at Trann Dome            14    everyone   none
Beret          Sold at Market in Porre        17    females    none
Gold Helm      - given by Knight Captain      18    males      none
                 at Zenan Bridge after you
                 give the Jerky to him
               - Found at Denadoro Mts.
Rock Helm      - With Ayla when she joins     20    everyone   none
               - Ioka Trading Hut
Cerra Topper   Found at Tyrano Lair           23    everyone   none
Taban Helm     Given to Lucca after the       24    Lucca      Mg Defense +10
               First Side quest
Glow Helm      - Medina Village               25    males      none
               - Found at Terra Cave
Lode Helm      Found at Mt. Woe               29    everyone   none
Time Hat       Found at Mt. Woe               30    everyone   prevents
Memory Cap     - Found at Death Peak          30    everyone   prevents
               - Found at Sunken Desert                        "Lock"
Sight Cap      - Found at Ozzie's Fort        30    everyone   prevents          
               - Found at Giant's Claw                         "Chaos"
Aeon Helm      - Found at Ocean Palace        33    everyone   none
               - Found at Sunken Desert
Vigil Hat      - Found at Geno Dome           36    everyone   Protects
               - Found inside Black Omen
Safe Helm      Found at Forest Ruins(1000 AD) 38    everyone   Cuts physical
                                                               Damage by 1/3
Prism Helm     Found at Guardia Castle after  40    everyone   Def. +9 /
               Rainbow Shell Quest                             locks status
Gloom Helm     Found at Ozzie's Fort          42    Magus      Protect Status 


The accessories listed below are the accessories that you may find in the 
game. It will tell you the name, location and its' Status Abilities. In 
contrary, they can be worn by any character but some of them may be rendered 
useless. Example, the Rocks that is needed to invoke Triple Techs with Magus. 
If you do not have Magus in your party, it will be useless. 

Name           Where to buy/get                     Abilities/Effects
Bandana        With Crono at the beginning          Speed + 1
Ribbon         With Marle when she joins            Strike + 2
Power Glove    Found at TruceCanyon 600 AD          Power + 2
Sight Scope    With Lucca when you get her          Shows enemies' HP
Berserker      -                                    Auto Attack. Hit Rate
                                                    and defense up
Rage Band      Found at Sewer Access                50% Counter Attack rate
Defender       With Robo when you get him           Vigor + 2
Magic Scarf    - Heckran Cave                       Magic + 2
               - Magus' Lair
Silver Stud    Denadoro Mountains 600 AD            Cuts MP usage by 50%
Silver Erng    Denadoro Mountains 600 AD            Raises Max HP by 25%
Power Scarf    With Ayla when you ger her           Power + 4
Third Eye      Nu at Hunting Range 65M BC           Evade x2
Speed Belt     Found at Magus' Lair                 Speed + 2
Black Rock     Found at Kajar                       Invokes Triple Tech
                                                    "Dark Eternal"
Blue Rock      Found at Giant's Claw                Invokes Triple Tech
                                                    "Omega Flare"
White Rock     Found at Black Omen                  Invokes Triple Tech
                                                    "Poyozo Dance"
Silver Rock    Found at Burnt Village               Invokes Triple Tech
               65,000,000 BC                        "Spin Strike"
Gold Rock      Found at Denadoro Mts. Have Frog     Invokes Triple Tech
               Catch a stone from the Free Lancer   "Grand Dream"
               That throws rocks at you. One of 
               Them is the Gold Rock. Note that
               Frog's Masamune must be upgraded
               First, meaning, you have to beat
               Side Quest #5
Gold Erng      Found behind sealed door at          Raises Max HP by 50%
               Arris Dome
Hit Ring       Found behind sealed door at          Strike + 10
               Arris Dome
Charm Top      Found behind sealed door at          "Charm" Power up
               Bangor Dome    
Wallet         Found behind sealed door at          Turns EXP into G
               Bangor Dome
Gold Stud      Found behind sealed door at          Cuts MP usage by 75%
               Trann Dome
Magic Ring     Found at Death Peak                  Magic + 6
Wall Ring      Found at Death Peak                  Magic Defense + 10 
Muscle Ring    Found at Sunken Desert               Vigor + 6
Green Dream    Given by Robo at the end of the      One-time Autoreanimate
               First side quest
Dash Ring      Ozzie's Fort (600 AD                 Speed + 3
Sun Shades     Lucca's House after Sun Stone        increases Attack power
               Side Quest
Blue Rock      Found at Giant's Claw                Invokes triple tech
Frenzy Band    Found at Giant's Claw                80% counter attack rate
Power Seal     Found at Black Omen                  Power and Stamina + 10
Magic Seal     Found at Black Omen                  Magic and Mg Defense + 5
Prism Specs    Forged by Melchior at Guardia        Ups attack power to the 
               Castle after getting the Sun Stone   max
Amulet         With Magus when he joins you         Protects Status



Name           Effect                          Price
Tonic          Adds 50 HP                       10G
Mid Tonic      Adds 200 HP                     100G
Full Tonic     Adds 500 HP                     700G
Ether          Adds 10 MP                      800G
Mid Ether      Adds 30 MP                        -
Full Ether     Adds 60 MP                        -
Elixir         Fully restore the HP/MP of a      -
Hyper Ether    Fully restore the MP of a         -
MegaElixir     Fully restore the HP/MP of        -
               the entire party members
Revive         Brings dead ally back to life   200G
Heal           Cure different Status Ailments   10G
Shelter        Fully restore HP/MP of entire   150G
               party members at save points    
               and the world map  
Barrier        Cuts Magic damage by 1/3          -
Shield         Cuts Physical damage by 1/3       -
Power Tab      Adds 1 to the power of the        -
Magic Tab      Adds 1 to the magic of the        -
Speed Tab      Adds 1 to the speed of the        -
Lapis          Restore 200 HP to the entire      -

These items are vital in story of the game. You won't even finish the game 
without some of them.

Name           Description  
Race Log       Records your scores in Johnny's Racing
Bike Key       Key to activate the Jet Bike in Lab 32
Gate Key       Invented by Lucca so that you can use the Gates Freely
Pendant        Marle's Pendant. Opens Sealed Chests and Doors
Jerky          Used thrice in the game. The first one is given to
               the troops in Zenan Bridge 600 AD. The other one will
               be given to the King by Marle as a present. Next one will be
               given to the woman in Mayor's House in 600 AD as to the 
               completion of the Sun Stone side quest.
Dream Stone    Stone used to forge the Masamune Blade
Chrono Trigger Used to bring back a loved one lost in time
Clone          Crono's Clone to be used at the Death Peak
Ruby Knife     Used to destroy the Mammon Machine
Toma's Pop     Given by Toma in Choras. Pour it at his grave
Prism Shard    Evidence of the existence of the Rainbow Shell
Yakra Key      Key to unlock the chest where the chancellor is
Tools          Needed by the workers in Choras to repair the Ruins
Moon Stone     When charge beneath the sun for aeons, it becomes the 
               Sun Stone
Sun Stone      A stone imbued with the power of the Sun

                                ENEMY LIST

Here are the enemies that you will encounter on you journey throughout the 
game. They are listed in alphabetical order. (Please note that I haven't 
placed the Location and the Charmed items yet. I'll add them on the next 
update. Also included in the next update are the enemies in side quests, and 
the Black Omen.)


Name of Enemy 
   | HP:       |   TP:      | EXP:       |
   |  G:       | item:  

HP is the total Hit Points or life of the enemy. TP is the amount of Tech 
points you'll receive after beating it. EXP is the experience gained by your 
characters. G is the amount of money given to you by defeating that monster. 
Loc is the location where you can find that particular monster. Charm is the 
item you'll get when you charm the enemy using Ayla. Item, are the items that 
you may receive after beating the enemy.

If you see "?"s, this means that I haven't seen them yet. I'll identify them 

   | HP:      10  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     33  |
   |  G:      20  | item:  none

   | HP:    1050  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    804  |
   |  G:    1100  | item:  Shield

   | HP:       9  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     45  |
   |  G:      40  | item:  none

   | HP:     100  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:      ?  |
   |  G:       ?  | item:  none

   | HP:     152  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     72  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  none

Avian Chaos
   | HP:       ?  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:      4  |
   |  G:      18  | item:  Tonic

Avian Rex
   | HP:     327  |   TP:     3  |   EXP:    129  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Feather

Bantam Imp
   | HP:     250  |   TP:    12  |   EXP:    348  |
   |  G:     850  | item:  none

   | HP:     450  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:      ?  |
   |  G:     400  | item:  none

   | HP:     150  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    377  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  none

   | HP:     830  |   TP:     5  |   EXP:    204  |
   |  G:     450  | item:  none

   | HP:       ?  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:      3  |
   |  G:      15  | item:  none

Bell Bird
   | HP:      94  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     27  |
   |  G:     100  | item:  Heal

   | HP:    1350  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:      ?  |
   |  G:       ?  | item:  Barrier

Blue Eaglet
   | HP:      16  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:      3  |
   |  G:      32  | item:  Heal

Blue Scout
   | HP:     300  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    234  |
   |  G:     250  | item:  none

Blue Shield
   | HP:      24  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:     11  |
   |  G:      45  | item:  Tonic

Boss Orb
   | HP:     850  |   TP:     0  |   EXP:      0  |
   |  G:     750  | item:  none

   | HP:      89  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:     26  |
   |  G:       ?  | item:  Heal

   | HP:     100  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:     81  |
   |  G:      45  | item:  none

   | HP:     192  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    378  |
   |  G:       ?  | item:  none

Cave Ape
   | HP:     436  |   TP:     3  |   EXP:    123  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Fang

Cave Bat
   | HP:     108  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     28  |
   |  G:      40  | item:  none

   | HP:      80  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     15  |
   |  G:      35  | item:  none

   | HP:     100  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:      ?  |
   |  G:       ?  | item:  none

   | HP:    1800  |   TP:    16  |   EXP:    728  |
   |  G:     750  | item:  Hyper Ether

   | HP:    1024  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    452  |
   |  G:     450  | item:  Shield

   | HP:     110  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     52  |
   |  G:      70  | item:  none

   | HP:      67  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     12  |
   |  G:      90  | item:  none

   | HP:    1450  |   TP:    18  |   EXP:    518  |
   |  G:     700  | item:  none

   | HP:    1650  |   TP:    16  |   EXP:    832  |
   |  G:    1150  | item:  none

   | HP:      50  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     10  |
   |  G:      70  | item:  Revive

   | HP:     160  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:     18  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  none

   | HP:     158  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     81  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Feather

   | HP:     390  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:    239 |
   |  G:     210  | item:  none

   | HP:     900  |   TP:    10  |   EXP:    575  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  none

Fly Trap
   | HP:     316  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     86  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Petal

Fossil Ape
   | HP:    1800  |   TP:    15  |   EXP:    533  |
   |  G:     450  | item:  Lapis

   | HP:     110  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     39  |
   |  G:     125  | item:  none

   | HP:     260  |   TP:     6  |   EXP:    216  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  none

   | HP:    2250  |   TP:    15  |   EXP:    784  |
   |  G:     450  | item:  Barrier

   | HP:      90  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:      8  |
   |  G:      40  | item:  none

   | HP:     210  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     26  |
   |  G:     300  | item:  none

   | HP:     146  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     32  |
   |  G:      80  | item:  none

Gold Eaglet
   | HP:     400  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     57  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  2 Feathers

   | HP:    2800  |   TP:    15  |   EXP:    850  |
   |  G:     800  | item:  Elixir

Green Imp
   | HP:      16  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:      4  |
   |  G:      24  | item:  Tonic

   | HP:     110  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     51  |
   |  G:      70  | item:  none

   | HP:     120  |   TP:     3  |   EXP:    114  |
   |  G:     180  | item:  none

   | HP:     390  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:    128  |
   |  G:     170  | item:  none

   | HP:      60  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:     10  |
   |  G:      70  | item:  Tonic

   | HP:      49  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     11  |
   |  G:     135  | item:  none

Hench (purple)
   | HP:     180  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     93  |
   |  G:     200  | item:  none

   | HP:       ?  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:      3  |
   |  G:      16  | item:  Tonic

   | HP:    1000  |   TP:    15  |   EXP:    408  |
   |  G:     600  | item:  Lapis

Imp Ace
   | HP:      54  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:     11  |
   |  G:      45  | item:  none

   | HP:       1  |   TP:    10  |   EXP:    378  |
   |  G:    1000  | item:  none

   | HP:     152  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     72  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  none

   | HP:     450  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:      ?  |
   |  G:     400  | item:  Lapis

Jinn Bottle
   | HP:      97  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:      ?  |
   |  G:       ?  | item:  none

   | HP:     452  |   TP:     3  |   EXP:    128  |
   |  G:     220  | item:  none

   | HP:     160  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     42  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Petal

   | HP:     500  |   TP:     0  |   EXP:    378  |
   |  G:     300  | item:  none

Laser Guards
   | HP:     400  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    346  |
   |  G:     120  | item:  none

   | HP:     666  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    318  |
   |  G:     250  | item:  none

   | HP:     800  |   TP:    10  |   EXP:    312  |
   |  G:     360  | item:  Shield

   | HP:     950  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    444  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  none

   | HP:     582  |   TP:     0  |   EXP:    427  |
   |  G:     500  | item:  Ether

Mad Bat
   | HP:      18  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:      6  |
   |  G:      75  | item:  none

   | HP:     480  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    190  |
   |  G:     550  | item:  Lapis

Man Eater
   | HP:     260  |   TP:     6  |   EXP:    253  |
   |  G:     750  | item:  none

   | HP:    1245  |   TP:    10  |   EXP:    554  |
   |  G:     400  | item:  none

Meat Eater
   | HP:      75  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:      ?  |
   |  G:       ?  | item:  none

   | HP:     830  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:    147  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Fang

Metal Mute
   | HP:    1980  |   TP:    16  |   EXP:    685  |
   |  G:    1100  | item:  none

   | HP:     400  |   TP:    15  |   EXP:    348  |
   |  G:     550  | item:  none

   | HP:     300  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     22  |
   |  G:      30  | item:  none

   | HP:      60  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:      8  |
   |  G:      80  | item:  none

   | HP:     138  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:     22  |
   |  G:     200  | item:  none

   | HP:    1234  |   TP:    30  |   EXP:    248  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  All trading items

   | HP:      80  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:      ?  |
   |  G:       ?  | item:  none

   | HP:     130  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:      ?  |
   |  G:       ?  | item:  none

   | HP:     146  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     32  |
   |  G:      80  | item:  none

   | HP:     218  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     22  |
   |  G:      55  | item:  Ether

   | HP:     182  |   TP:     3  |   EXP:    104  |
   |  G:      90  | item:  none

   | HP:    1875  |   TP:    12  |   EXP:    800  |
   |  G:     550  | item:  none

   | HP:      99  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:      7  |
   |  G:      35  | item:  Ether

Proto 2
   | HP:     128  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:     22  |
   |  G:      50  | item:  none

Proto 4
   | HP:    1024  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    477  |
   |  G:     800  | item:  Barrier

Rain Frog
   | HP:     100  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:      ?  |
   |  G:       ?  | item:  none

   | HP:      45  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:     18  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  none

   | HP:    1450  |   TP:    18  |   EXP:    518  |
   |  G:     700  | item:  none

Red Scout
   | HP:     300  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    234  |
   |  G:     250  | item:  none

   | HP:      92  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     72  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Petal

Reptite (purple)
   | HP:     336  |   TP:     4  |   EXP:    126  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Mid Tonic

   | HP:      24  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:      3  |
   |  G:      25  | item:  Tonic

Roly Bomber
   | HP:      99  |   TP:     3  |   EXP:     72  |
   |  G:      25  | item:  Tonic

Roly Poly
   | HP:      50  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     31  |
   |  G:      50  | item:  Mid Tonic

Roly Rider
   | HP:      30  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:      5  |
   |  G:      40  | item:  none

   | HP:     515  |   TP:   100  |   EXP:   1000  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Mid Ether

   | HP:    1500  |   TP:    18  |   EXP:    422  |
   |  G:     400  | item:  none

   | HP:     196  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     42  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Horn

Save Point
   | HP:      10  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:    114  |
   |  G:     100  | item:  none

   | HP:     300  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    234  |
   |  G:     250  | item:  none

   | HP:    1280  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    467  |
   |  G:     400  | item:  Full Ether

   | HP:       1  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     14  |
   |  G:      50  | item:  none

   | HP:     250  |   TP:     3  |   EXP:     94  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Petal

   | HP:     158  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     87  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Petal

Side Kick
   | HP:    1250  |   TP:   100  |   EXP:    500  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  none

   | HP:     220  |   TP:     3  |   EXP:    110  |
   |  G:     220  | item:  Mid Ether

Stone Imp
   | HP:     300  |   TP:    12  |   EXP:    348  |
   |  G:     850  | item:  none

   | HP:    2250  |   TP:    12  |   EXP:    755  |
   |  G:     900  | item:  Hyper Ether

   | HP:     150  |   TP:     1  |   EXP:     26  |
   |  G:      30  | item:  none

   | HP:      88  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     32  |
   |  G:      45  | item:  none

   | HP:    1090  |   TP:     4  |   EXP:    259  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  none

   | HP:     666  |   TP:     8  |   EXP:    318  |
   |  G:     250  | item:  none

   | HP:    2000  |   TP:    20  |   EXP:    850  |
   |  G:     800  | item:  none

   | HP:     700  |   TP:    50  |   EXP:    750  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Mid Ether

   | HP:     120  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:     58  |
   |  G:      70  | item:  none

   | HP:     257  |   TP:     7  |   EXP:    243  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  none

Winged Ape
   | HP:     450  |   TP:     2  |   EXP:    123  |
   |  G:       0  | item:  Fang

Yodu De
   | HP:      24  |   TP:     ?  |   EXP:     11  |
   |  G:      90  | item:  Tonic

                         SEALED CHESTS AND DOORS

There are several Sealed Chests and Doors that are scattered through places 
through time. Here are the locations of the ones that I've discovered.

          Truce Inn        Guardia Forest      Magic Cave
          Arris Dome       Trann Dome          Bangor Dome
          Keeper's Dome    Heckran Cave        Elder's house in Porre

          Forest Ruins 600 AD           Guardia Castle
          Northern Ruins or Hero's Grave 600 and 1000 AD (3 chests)
          Mayor's manor, Porre Village (2 chests)

If you have seen a Sealed chest or door, please e-mail it to me so that I can 
put it up. 

Here's a Tip. If you find a sealed chest in 600 AD. Examine it first but 
don't get it. Instead, head to 1000 AD to get the more powerful versions of 
the equipments/items. Then, head back to 600 AD to get the original item. 2 
Items in 1 chest. Very neat! (thanks again to ~The Silent One~ for the info)


Here's the complete list of the different shops you'll find throughout the 
game. There are also some shops that change their stuff if you travel through 

Listed according to appearance:

Leene's Square  - 1000 AD

     Item Stall
          Tonic              10G
          Heal               10G
          Revive            200G
          Shelter           150G

     Equipment Stall
          Karate Gi              300G
          Bronze Helm            200G

     Melchior's Weapon Shop
          Iron Blade              350G
          Lode Sword             4000G

Truce Village ñ 600 AD

          Iron Blade              350G
          Dart Gun                800G
          Karate Gi               300G
          Bronze Helm             200G
          Tonic                    10G
          Heal                     10G
          Revive                  200G
          Shelter                 150G

Trann Dome ñ 2300 AD

     Man Selling items
          Autogun                1200G
          Iron Suit               800G
          Iron Helm               500G
          Tonic                    10G
          Mid Tonic               100G
          Heal                     10G
          Revive                  200G
          Shelter                 150G

Arris Dome ñ 2300 AD

     Kid near the Save Point
          Autogun                1200G
          Iron Suit               800G
          Iron Helm               500G
          Tonic                    10G
          Heal                     10G
          Revive                  200G
          Shelter                 150G

Medina Village ñ 1000 AD

     Medina Inn                 200 G / night

          Glow Helm      Iron Blade       Steel Saber
          Demon Edge     Lumin Rode       Flash Mail
          Tonic          Mid Tonic        Full Tonic
          Heal           Revive           Shelter

     You may be wondering why I didn't put up the prices. It is because
     the prices here are at random. Remember that the Mystics here hate
     humans so they will set a VERY UNFAIR price at random. Sometimes, 
     you'll get a Tonic for 500G! and sometimes it will reach up to
     2000+G! If you have a lot of money, and I do mean a lot, buy them as
     the equipments here are quite good. 

     Melchior's Hut
          Red Katana             4500G
          Robin Bow              2850G
          Plasma Gun             3200G
          Hammer Arm             3500G
          Titan Vest             1200G
          Tonic                    10G
          Mid Tonic               100G
          Revive                  200G
          Shelter                 150G

Dorino Village ñ 600 AD

     Dorino Inn                  50 G / night

          Tonic                    10G
          Mid Tonic               100G
          Heal                     10G
          Revive                  200G
          Shelter                 150G

Porre Village ñ 600 AD

     Porre Inn                   20 G / night

          Gold Suit              1300G
          Beret                   700G
          Tonic                    10G
          Mid Tonic               100G
          Heal                     10G
          Revive                  200G
          Shelter                 150G

Ioka Village ñ 65,000,000 BC

     One of the persons in the northeastern hut
          Tonic                    10G
          Mid Tonic               100G
          Heal                     10G

     Ioka Trading Hut (Old Man)
          - it's a bit different here. You can only get the items/equipments
            if you trade 3 petals, fangs, horns, or feather and combining it
            with 3 pieces of another type. 

     First Visit at Ioka Trading Hut  
          Ruby Gun         = 3 Petals and 3 Fangs
          Sage Bow         = 3 Petals and 3 Horns
          Stone Arm        = 3 Petals and 3 Feathers
          Flint Edge       = 3 Fangs and 3 Horns
          Ruby Vest        = 3 Fangs and 3 Feathers
          Rock Helm        = 3 Horns and 3 Feathers

     Second Visit (Right after beating Magus in his lair)
          Dream Gun        = 3 Petals and 3 Fangs
          Dream Bow        = 3 Petals and 3 Horns
          Magma Hand       = 3 Petals and 3 Feathers
          Aeon Blade       = 3 Fangs and 3 Horns
          Ruby Vest        = 3 Fangs and 3 Feathers
          Rock Helm        = 3 Horns and 3 Feathers

Zeal Kingdom ñ 12,000 BC

          Tonic                    10G
          Mid Tonic               100G
          Full Tonic              700G
          Heal                     10G
          Revive                  200G
          Shelter                 150G
          Ether                   800G

     Nu in Kajar
          Tonic                    10G
          Mid Tonic               100G
          Full Tonic              700G
          Heal                     10G
          Revive                  200G
          Shelter                 150G
          Ether                   800G

Algetty Village ñ 12,000 BC

     Man in Terra Cave
          Demon Edge            17000G
          Comet Arrow            7800G
          Mega Blast             9800G
          Megaton Arm           15000G
          Flash Blade           18000G
          Lumin Robe             6500G
          Flash Mail             8500G
          Glow Helm              2300G
          Tonic                    10G
          Mid Tonic               100G
          Full Tonic              700G
          Heal                     10G
          Revive                  200G
          Shelter                 150G
          Ether                   800G

Commons ñ 12,000 BC

     Nu in Last Village
          Tonic                    10G
          Mid Tonic               100G
          Full Tonic              700G
          Heal                     10G
          Revive                  200G
          Shelter                 150G
          Ether                   800G

Fiona's Shrine ñ 1000 AD

          Sight Cap             20000G
          Memory Cap            20000G
          Time Hat              30000G
          Vigit Hat             50000G

Choras ñ 600 AD

     Choras Inn                   10 G / night

          Tonic                    10G
          Mid Tonic               100G
          Full Tonic              700G
          Heal                     10G
          Revive                  200G
          Shelter                 150G
          Ether                   800G
          Mid Ether              2000G

Black Omen

          Mid Tonic               100G
          Full Tonic              700G
          Mid Ether              2000G
          Full Ether             6000G
          Hyper Ether           10000G

                          NEW GAME+ INFORMATION

In Chrono Trigger, there is what you call the New Game+ Mode. When you beat 
the game and completed all the side quests (the seven people/places Gaspar 
told you before going to Lavos). There are also speculations that, all you 
have to do is to get all the characters in the game, including Magus, to join 
your party. Please let me know what happened to your game. Tell me if you 
tried not to complete the side quests and got the New Game+ Mode.

About the New Game+ Mode. After you beat a game (defeated the final form of 
Lavos), when you return to the title screen and pressed Start or A button, 
you can select a saved game or start a new one right? Well, now, there is a 
new option on top which is the New Game+. When you select the New Game+ mode, 
you'll begin again in the game, but, all your experience, items, equipments 
will be just the same as you beat the previous game. This will make the next 
game easier. Also, not all items and equipments will be restored. The items 
and equipments that are considered vital to the story will disappear. 
Example, the Masamune Blade, Bike Key, etc.


1. Where can I find this Walkthrough/FAQ?

   This walkthrough/FAQ will be updated and posted mainly at 
http://WWW.GAMEFAQS.COM. You can also see an updated copy of this walkthrough 
on the following site/s. Note that I gave permission to the sites below so 
that they can publish my work in its original and unaltered form. 


2. I have the Chrono Trigger and I've got a clone of Crono and I want to  
revive him. I talked to Gaspar (Guru of Time) many times but the Nu in the 
Keeper's Dome kept on telling me the instructions on how to use the Epoch. He 
doesn't give any information reagarding the Death Peak so that I can revive 
Crono. How will I make the Nu talk about Death Peak and finally revive Crono?

If there is an Epoch in the Keeper's Dome at this point in the game, you're 
screwed--you've managed to accidentally trigger one of the few 
story-affecting bugs in the game. What triggers this bug is leaving the Epoch 
inside the Keeper's Dome before going to the Ocean Palace. After the Ocean 
Palace is destroyed, the Epoch gets moved to the island where the survivors 
of Zeal are. But if the Epoch was previously in the Keeper's Dome, it also 
remains there, resulting in *two Epochs*. The presence of the (duplicate) 
Epoch inside the Dome prevents the Nu from doing what it's supposed to do, 
and you can't revive Crono at all.

MAJOR credit goes to CDXTER2000@AOL.COM for giving me this info. It will 
surely inform others about this unusual bug.

3. How often can you update the FAQ?

This is the question which do not have an exact answer. An update will be 
made if there are certain infos that needs to be included. Like the side 
quests and updates of various sections of this walkthrough/FAQ like the 
Weapons, Helmets, Armors, etc. I'm still going to school and I only have 
limited time per day to make updates/revisions of this walkthrough. But, I'll 
always make sure that if there's a new info, I'll update this walkthrough/FAQ 
right away.

4. In my first visit to the End of Time, Spekkio told me to run around the 
room clockwise 3 times. I did it but nothing happens?

Here's what you should do, Start from the door and start walking, don't run, 
AROUND the room clockwise 3 times. While you're walking, stay as close as 
possible to the walls. Then, talk to Spekkio. He will then start to teach you 

5. In the Death Peak, I can't use the Poyozo Doll to pass through the strong 
winds. When I it turned into a tree I stayed behnid it and the wind still 
blew me away. How can I pass through then?

First, make sure there's a Poyozo Doll on the way (If you don't see the 
Poyozo Doll, go back to Keeper's Dome again and make sure it is the quest to 
bring back Crono). Now, when you reach the Poyozo Doll, it will turn into a 
tree, stay exactly in the middle of it and I kept on RUNNING towards the tree 
when the wind is strong and it won't blow you away and you will be able to go 
to the next tree.

6. What will you do next and what do you plan to include on your next update?

Well, I have a TON of things to do. I will repear the entire game again. I'll 
get info about the Charmed Items for all enemies, also the Tech Points, 
Experience, Gs that I missed for some of the enemies, including their 
respective locations. Identify the contains of the different sealed chests 
and doors in the game. Discover new endings to the game. Then, finally, 
update this Walkthrough/FAQ again.


                              GAMEPLAY TIPS

1. Whenever you pass by the Guardia Forest in 600 AD, always examine the 
moving bush with a Monkey-like creature to receive a free Shelter every time 
you visit there. 

2. When you see a Save Point, Save your game always. You'll never know 
when/where the next save point will be. If your HP/MP is low, about 10% left, 
don't hesitate to use a Shelter.

3. When you're in a new town/village, take time to buy the new 
weapons/armors/helmets that are sold. Each new/stronger weapon will guarantee 
an easier adventure. 

4. When you encounter a new enemy, check it's elemental affinity. Then attack 
it with the opposite of it's elemental. It will make the battle shorter and 

5. Whenever you are in 65,000,000 BC, always use Lightning Magic first as 
they will significantly lower the defense of Dinosaurs. 

6. If you have Ayla and her Charm ability, try to charm each new opponent you 
face. Whether it's a boss or not, you may never know what will come to you.


- Thanks to Square for making this great RPG! It made me play my SNES more 
than my PSX. 

- Thanks to the readers of this walkthrough/FAQ. This won't be called such 
without anyone using it. Thanks very much!

- Thanks to my Sis for waiting patiently for me while I'm typing. 

- Very Special thanks to "The Silent One" for ALL the infos he gave me. Every 
bit of them is helpful. Here are all of them:
   1. Corrected me for the error about Side Quest 7. I posted last time that
      Side Quest 7 was connected with Side Quest 6. He told me it is actually  
      Zeal, Gaspar was talking about. Therefore, Side Quest 7 is the 
      Black Omen
   2. Pointed out error on the Tech List.
   3. Told me where to get the Ultimate equipment for Magus
   4. Told me that I missed the part on how to get Crono's Ultimate weapon,
      the Rainbow.
   5. Corrected my info about the Sealed Chests. I forgot that you should
      examine the chest first in 600 AD without getting the contents then
      get the more powerful versions of it in 1000 AD.
   6. Explained to me why the Safe Helm is preferrable than Crono's Swallow
      in the Forest Ruins near Medina Village 1000 AD

- Very Special thanks goes to Brandon Boucher (TheDOORS66@aol.com) for his 
great infos about the following:

  1. Masa and Mune Strategy 
  2. Reminding me about Magus' equipments back at North Cape 12,000 BC
  3. Told me about the 300G in Mayor's Manor 1000 AD
  4. Reminding me about using Charm against enemies
  5. Contributed Maximum Character Stats in the game
  6. Told me about the prizes you can win when you beat Spekkio at the
     End of Time
  7. Cleared to me that Robo has NO magic abilities at all. His abilities
     is just shadow-like. 

- Special thanks goes to TheLaser(thelaser@xmission.com) for reminding me 
about the L+R then A buttons that will be used for the consoles in Arris 
Dome, explained to my why the GolemTwins is actually not hard (bcause I 
stated that it was the second hardest boss in the game). Help me clear a 
minor confusion about the Poyozo Dolls in Crono's House. He also encouraged 
me to keep on working hard for this walkthrough/FAQ.  

- Special thanks also goes to Carl Dexter (Cdxter2000@aol.com) for giving me 
info about the Duplicate Epoch Bug during the quest of bringing Crono back to 
life. Whoa! What a spoiler.

- Special thanks also goes to ~blueshirt_32 (blueshirt_32@yahoo.com) for his 
contribution for the Dual and Triple Techs. I wasn't able to get these new 
techs on the previous update. 

- Special thanks to Kyle Engleson (kengy5@hotmail.com) for his info about the 
Gold and the silver Rock. This also includes the 2 triple Techs these rocks 
enable. Also, for reminding me to include Crono's Rainbow in the weapons 

- Special thanks to Drew (akalakcole@uswest.net) for her info about the 
armors that I've missed

- Special thanks goes to Razer107@aol.com for sharing his info about the Save 
Menu Cursor and the Save Battle Cursor. Now I understand what those mean.

- Thanks also to Mr. Ben Struble for his praise for this Walkthrough/FAQ. I 
appreciate it very much. It drives me to do more!

- People who sent questions applicable for the FAQ Section, thank you:
Alejandro Mendoza (alejandroponchiloco@hotmail.com)
Robert Dufresne (rad_crackhead90@hotmail.com)

- And last but absolutely not the least, thanks to GameFAQs where you can 
view and download this walkthrough/FAQ. CjayC deserves all the credits given 
to him. Congratulations!

These are all that I would like to thank as of now. Any suggestions, 
comments, additions, etc. will be duly credited to you once you've submitted 
one to me through my e-mail address written at the very top of this 
Walthrough/FAQ.  Thank you very much!

                              Chrono Trigger?
             is a registered trade mark of SquareSoft, co. Ltd.

               Super Nintendo Entertainment System? (SNES)
                  is a registered trade mark of Nintendo

                    The Chrono Trigger Walkthrough/FAQ
                           ©Copyright June 2000
                                "A"  Tadeo

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