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ZSNES ZST Save State Hacking Guide for "Breath of Fire 2"
Also Contains Item List and Equipment Catalog
Written & Researched by Ragnarosen (ragnarosen@aol.com)
"Breath of Fire" and all related indicia are registered trademarks of
"Super Nintendo Entertainment System" and "SNES" are registered
	trademarks of Nintendo.
"ZSNES" is a registered trademark of CSoft, and is programmed by
	ZSKnight, _Demo_, and Pharos.


Magic List & Magic Hacking Offsets added 10-30-99, in FAQ Update #2


	To alter the statistics of your characters through hacking into 
your Save State (*.ZST, *.ZS1 - *.ZS9) files, you'll need to get a hex
editor. Try "Hex Workshop" from http://www.bpsoft.com or "UltraEdit" from
http://www.ultraedit.com and open the BOF2 *.ZST files you wish to
work with.


Those new to hex and hex editors can read the following:
  - Typical hex editors display a file with "offsets" on the left of the
screen, "hex values" in the middle, and the "printed garbage" on the right
of the screen.
  - Offsets are the addresses. It may appear like this: 00000000
  - Hex values are the values. They may appear like this: E6 03 20 20 FF
  - The printed garbage is there only so humans can look at it. It's not
very pretty; it won't help you in most cases; don't worry about it.
  - This guide will represent the offsets in this format: #B9
  - The last number (0-9, A-F) in an offset is the COLUMN you need to go
to. So for the offset of #B9, go to the line "000000B0" and the 9th column
to the right.


  - For the different offsets, here's a Quick List of the most commonly
used values:  

"63"		for "99"		used for levels
"FF"		for "255"		used for statistics
"FF 01"		for "511"		used for statistics
"E7 03"		for "999"		used for HP/MP, Max HP, Max MP
"7F 96 98"	for "9,999,999"		used for money or experience
"FF FF FF"	for "16,777,215"	used for Bank money


NOTE: For the two- or three-column HEX VALUES ("E7 03"), the numbers must
be entered "backward" as shown above to work properly.
    - When saving large numbers to computer language, the order of the hex
values are reversed.  If you open Windows Calculator and enter "999" in
decimal form and convert it to hexedicimal form, it will show "3E7" (note
that Calculator will remove any leading zeros).  To use this multi-column
hex value, add any necessary leading zeros (in this case, in front of the
"3") to make even pairs ("03 E7").  Put the number pairs in reverse order
("E7 03") in the BOF2 *.ZST files.
    - THIS DOES NOT MEAN TO REVERSE THE VALUES!  "03 E7" must be entered
as "E7 03", not "30 7E"!  For the basic rule of thumb, number pairs are
entered like this: #2 #1 (or #3 #2 #1 for very large numbers)


Non-Character Offsets:

MONEY: 5C5F, 5C5E, 5C5D
ITEMS: 5C73-5CD2
BANK: 5DE2, 5DE1, 5DE0, 5DDF


Character 1 Offsets:

Name: 5DF3-5DF6
Level: 5DFA
Current HP: 5DFC, 5DFB
Maximum HP: 5DFE, 5DFD
Current AP: 5E00, 5DFF
Maximum AP: 5E02, 5E01
Strength: 5E04
Vitality: 5E05
Agility: 5E07, 5E06
Condition: 5E08
Wisdom: 5E1B
Luck: 5E1C
Experience: 5E23, 5E22, 5E21

Character 2 Offsets:

Name: 5E33-5E36
Level: 5E3A
Current HP: 5E3C, 5E3B
Maximum HP: 5E3E, 5E3D
Current AP: 5E40, 5E3F
Maximum AP: 5E42, 5E41
Strength: 5E44
Vitality: 5E45
Agility: 5E47, 5E46
Condition: 5E48
Wisdom: 5E5B
Luck: 5E5C
Experience: 5E63, 5E62, 5E61

Character 3 Offsets:

Name: 5E73-5E76
Level: 5E7A
Current HP: 5E7C, 5E7B
Maximum HP: 5E7E, 5E7D
Current AP: 5E80, 5E7F
Maximum AP: 5E82, 5E81
Strength: 5E84
Vitality: 5E85
Agility: 5E87, 5E86
Condition: 5E88
Wisdom: 5E9B
Luck: 5E9C
Experience: 5EA3, 5EA2, 5EA1

Character 4 Offsets:

Name: 5EB3-5EB6
Level: 5EBA
Current HP: 5EBC, 5EBB
Maximum HP: 5EBE, 5EBD
Current AP: 5EC0, 5EBF
Maximum AP: 5EC2, 5EC1
Strength: 5EC4
Vitality: 5EC5
Agility: 5EC7, 5EC6
Condition: 5EC8
Wisdom: 5EDB
Luck: 5EDC
Experience: 5EE3, 5EE2, 5EE1

Character 5 Offsets:

Name: 5EF3-5EF6
Level: 5EFA
Current HP: 5EFC, 5EFB
Maximum HP: 5EFE, 5EFD
Current AP: 5F00, 5EFF
Maximum AP: 5F02, 5F01
Strength: 5F04
Vitality: 5FO5
Agility: 5F07, 5F06
Condition: 5F08
Wisdom: 5F1B
Luck: 5F1C
Experience: 5F23, 5F22, 5F21

Character 6 Offsets:

Name: 5F33-5F36
Level: 5F3A
Current HP: 5F3C, 5F3B
Maximum HP: 5F3E, 5F3D
Current AP: 5F40, 5F3F
Maximum AP: 5F42, 5F41
Strength: 5F44
Vitality: 5F45
Agility: 5F47, 5F46
Condition: 5F48
Wisdom: 5F5B
Luck: 5F5C
Experience: 5F63, 5F62, 5F61

Character 7 Offsets:

Name: 5F73-5F76
Level: 5F7A
Current HP: 5F7C, 5F7B
Maximum HP: 5F7E, 5F7D
Current AP: 5F80, 5F7F
Maximum AP: 5F82, 5F81
Strength: 5F84
Vitality: 5F85
Agility: 5F87, 5F86
Condition: 5F88
Wisdom: 5F9B
Luck: 5F9C
Experience: 5FA3, 5FA2, 5FA1

Character 8 Offsets:

Name: 5FB3-5FB6
Level: 5FBA
Current HP: 5FBC, 5FBB
Maximum HP: 5FBE, 5FBD
Current AP: 5FC0, 5FBF
Maximum AP: 5FC2, 5FC1
Strength: 5FC4
Vitality: 5FC5
Agility: 5FC7, 5FC6
Condition: 5FC8
Wisdom: 5FDB
Luck: 5FDC
Experience: 5FE3, 5FE2, 5FE1

Character 9 Offsets:

Name: 5FF3-5FF6
Level: 5FFA
Current HP: 5FFC, 5FFB
Maximum HP: 5FFE, 5FFD
Current AP: 6000, 5FFF
Maximum AP: 6002, 6001
Strength: 6004
Vitality: 60O5
Agility: 6007, 6006
Condition: 6008
Wisdom: 601B
Luck: 601C
Experience: 6023, 6022, 6021


Character Magic Spell Offsets (added in FAQ Update #2, 10-30-99):
Each character can hold as many as 32 spells

Hero: 6033-6052
Bow: 6053-6072
Rand: 6073-6092
Katt: 6093-60B2
Nina: 60B3-60D2
Jean: 60D3-60F2
Sten: 60F3-6112
Spar: 6113-6132
Bleu: 6133-6152


Magic Identifier Digits

(NOTE: All previously unavailable spells, which are the ones with des-
	criptions, cost 0 AP and have the caption "Use this during the fight."
	unless otherwise indicated)
(NOTE: Spells with the () symbol means that Ragnarosen has not figured out
	their effects, so e-mail him if you find them out and you WILL be
	credited in a future update to this FAQ)
(NOTE: The only new spell that's worth getting is GrndBeef (#45), although
	some of the new spells would reeeeally be useful if they worked on
	the right targets, if you know what I mean)

01: Cure 3
02: S.Boom
03: Cure 1
04: CurePsn
05: Typhoon
06: Drain
07: Fireball
08: Woodstep (Same as Spar's "Tree Attack" skill, but only causes damage in
	jungle-type battlefields)
09: ShortAP (It says it takes all your AP but when you use it, a display
	message says "TooWeak" and does nothing, you end up losing no AP)
0A: Spark
0B: Cure 4
0C: Cure X
0D: Heal
0E: Renew
0F: Renew X
10: Dispell (Same as Deathevn's "Disappear!" skill, it nullifies both
	sides' auxilliary defensive magic)
11: Katomana (It allows you to choose one allied target, and then it
	causes 0 damage)
12: Def-UpX
13: Def-Up
14: Ag-Up
15: Atk-Up
16: Shield
17: Idle
18: Hush
19: Def-Down
1A: Ag-Down
1B: Pwr-Down
1C: Sap
1D: Smoke
1E: Warp
1F: Exit
20: TimeWarp
21: Boombada
22: Flame
23: Cold
24: Freeze
25: Hail
26: Thunder
27: Bolt X
28: Tornado
29: Bomb
2A: Missile
2B: 8.0
2C: RotBrth (Causes "Zombie" on all ALLIES, no initial damage; since it
	targets your allies, don't use it)
2D: Angel
2E: Death
2F: Cure 2
30: FirPuppy
31: IcePuppy
32: T.Puppy
33: FireDrgn
34: IceDrgn
35: T.Drgn
36: G.Drgn (AP MAX, same visual effect as "G.Drgn" spell used by the
	Hero, but freezes the game)
37: G.Drgn
38: Zombie (Normal-damage physical attack, sometimes causes the "Zombie"
	condition. You'll know if it does by the text message that reads
39: Flrmagic (Same as Spar's "The Flower Bloomed!" skill, but only
	causes the "Idle" condition on all enemies in open field-type
3A: Ctcsbomb (Same as Spar's "Cactus" skill, but only causes damage in
	desert-type battlefields)
3B: Petrify ()
3C: Psn.Atck (Normal-damage physical attack, sometimes causes the "Poison"
	condition. You'll know if it does by the text message that reads
3D: Psn.Brth (Causes "Poison" on all ALLIES, no initial damage; since it
	targets your allies, don't use it)
3E: Mindblst ()
3F: SwtBrth (Causes "Sleep" on all ALLIES, no initial damage; since it
	targets your allies, don't use it)
40: Curse (Causes "Curse" on one enemy, no initial damage)
41: FireBrth (Nothing happens)
42: ColdBrth (Nothing happens)
43: Chopchop (1/3-damage physical attack on one enemy)
44: Dice (1/2-damage physical attack on one enemy)
45: GrndBeef (Normal-damage physical attack on all enemies, a very good
	choice for no AP, sort of like "Slash-All" skill from FF7)
46: Horror (Causes "Sleep" on all ALLIES, no initial damage; since it
	targets your allies, don't use it)
47: Psn.Chop (Causes "Poison" on all ALLIES, no initial damage; since it
	targets your allies, don't use it)
48: Spore ()
49: Spore ()
4A: Herb (One ally recovers 40 HP, same effect as the item, without
	using the item)
4B: Recover ()
4C: IdiotLzr (All allies forget the last few spells on their list, same
	as Aruhamel's "There, forget your magic!" skill; since it
	targets your allies, don't use it)
4D: Hunt ()
4E: Whodini (Same as Spar's "Green Energy" skill, but only recovers 32
	HP for all allies in open field-type battlefields)
4F: Anfini ("All of (Hero)'s strength," the same skill used by the Hero
	when fighting Deathevn, and when used in a non-Deathevn battle,
	has a 100% chance of escaping from the battle)
50: BoneLzr (Nothing happens)
51: Anfini ("I can not use it")
52: Absorb (Same as Deathevn's "Be God's Power!" skill, but instead of
	absorbing the ENEMY's HP and AP and giving it to the allies, it
	absorbs the ALLIES' HP and AP and gives it to the enemy, so don't
	use it)
53: Anfini (Nothing happens)


Item List:

You can hold up to 48 items. The numbers on the list (00, 01, 02... FF)
	determine the type of the item, but the following numbers
	determine how the item is USED:

01: As Item (Items with "(Holds 9)" after their names can also have 02
	through 09) or Accessory
11: As Weapon
21: As Armor, Shield, or Helmet

The items are clearly marked as "Item," "Accessory," "Weapon," "Armor,"
	"Shield," or "Helmet." For example, if you want a FastShoe (an
	accessory) and then a SokletAR (a helmet), then input this code
	at Offset #5C73: "4001 B821" The "40" represents the FastShoe,
	the "01" represents its use as an accessory, the "B8" represents
	the SokletAR, and the "21" represents its use as a helmet. If
	you don't understand, e-mail me or contact me through ICQ.

01: Herb (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores 40 HP to one character
02: HelpBL (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores 100 HP to one character
03: Extract
	ITEM: Restores maximum HP to one character
04: Van.Ext
	ITEM: Restores 120 HP to all characters
05: LifePl (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores life to one character with full HP
06: MoonDrop
	ITEM: Restores maximum HP/status to all characters
07: Antdt (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Cures Poison status
08: WFruit (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores 20 AP to one character, lose 20 HP
09: Vtmn (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Cures Curse status
0A: TearDr (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Cures Zombie status
0B: CureAl (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Cures all negative status
0C: WiseBL (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores 100 AP to one character
0D: Stamina
	ITEM: Increases one character's Vitality by 1
0E: LuckCndy
	ITEM: Increases one character's Luck by 1
0F: PwrFood
	ITEM: Increases one character's Strength by 1
10: Dinker
	ITEM: Increases one character's Agility by 1
11: MisoSoup
	ITEM: Increases one character's Wisdom by 1
12: GutsBL
	ITEM: Increases one character's Guts by 1
13: Cond.Up
	ITEM: Increases one character's Condition by 1 degree
14: F.Spice
	ITEM: Casts "Flame" when used in battle
15: ShaveIce
	ITEM: Casts "Freeze" when used in battle
16: Frizbee
	ITEM: Casts "S.Boom" when used in battle
17: Medicate
	ITEM: Casts "Atk-Up" when used in battle
18: Gold
	ACCESSORY: Bait for Maniro
	Can be used by: The Hero
19: Smoke (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Decreases battle encounter rate
1A: DivideBL
	ITEM: Counteracts character Shamanization
1B: TreePole
	ACCESSORY: Fishing pole, found in the Gate Church
	Can be used by: The Hero
1C: StickRod
	ACCESSORY: Better fishing pole, sold in HomeTown
	Can be used by: The Hero
1D: DluxPole
	ACCESSORY: Even better fishing pole, found in SimaFort
	Can be used by: The Hero
1E: CharmRod
	ACCESSORY: Best fishing pole, found in an Inn near Evrai
	Can be used by: The Hero
1F: Worm (Holds 9)
	ACCESSORY: Bait for small fish
	Can be used by: The Hero
20: Shrimp (Holds 9)
	ACCESSORY: Bait for large fish, sinks slowly
	Can be used by: The Hero
21: Urchin (Holds 9)
	ACCESSORY: Bait for medium-sized fish, sinks quickly
	Can be used by: The Hero
22: G8Bait (Holds 9)
	ACCESSORY: Bait for all types of fish
	Can be used by: The Hero
23: Srdine (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores 40 HP to one character
24: Mckrl (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Does nothing
25: Bait (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Reduces HP to 1 (don't use this!)
26: Tuna (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Cures Poison status
27: Minnow (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores 20 AP to one character, lose 20 HP
28: Unagi (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores 100 HP to one character
29: Snper (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Cures all negative status
2A: PileWm (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores maximum HP to one character
2B: Chkn (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores 100 AP to one character
2C: Meat (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores 100 HP to one character
2D: Tendon (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores 20 AP to one character, lose 20 HP
2E: Beef (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores 40 HP to one character
2F: Liver (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Cures Poison status
30: Roast (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores maximum HP to one character
31: Egg (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores life to one character with full HP
32: SprRib (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Restores maximum HP to one character
33: Charcoal
	ITEM: Does nothing
34: DeadSoup
	ITEM: Casts "Death" when used in battle
35: P.Pourri
	ITEM: Casts a random attack magic when used in battle
36: Biscuit
	ITEM: Casts "CureX" and "Def-UpX" when used in battle
37: Octopus
	ITEM: Casts "Atk-Up" when used in battle
38: PanPizza
	ITEM: Casts "Pwr-Down" when used in battle
39: GoldBar
	ITEM: Sell for 12000 zenny, no other use
3A: FireRock
	ITEM: Casts "Fireball" when used in battle
3B: KmikzeBL
	ITEM: Casts "Typhoon" when used in battle
3C: Shaker
	ITEM: Casts "8.0" when used in battle
3D: IceChunk
	ITEM: Casts "Hail" when used in battle
3E: Tolen (Holds 9)
	ITEM: Used in the Othello game
3F: HeroBT
	ACCESSORY: Increases Strength by 10
	Can be used by: Everybody
40: FastShoe
	ACCESSORY: Increases Agility by 10, also increases rate of
		"Lead-Off Attacks"
	Can be used by: Everybody
41: DmndBR
	ACCESSORY: Decreases success rate of "Death" aimed at wearer
	Can be used by: Everybody
42: SkullBR
	ACCESSORY: Increases success rate of "Death" aimed at enemy
	Can be used by: Everybody
43: WiseHoop
	ACCESSORY: Increases Wisdom by 10
	Can be used by: Everybody
44: Collar
	ACCESSORY: Increases battle encounter rate
	Can be used by: Bow, Katt
45: HolySF
	ACCESSORY: Decreases battle encounter rate
	Can be used by: Everybody
46: WindBR
	ACCESSORY: Increases Agility by 10
	Can be used by: Everybody
47: LoveBR
	ACCESSORY: Restores 1 HP with every step taken on the field
	Can be used by: Everybody
48: GutsBT
	ACCESSORY: Increases Guts by (unknown)
	Can be used by: Everybody
49: KramerBR
	ACCESSORY: Prevents "Zombie" status
	Can be used by: Everybody
4A: D.Earing
	ACCESSORY: Prevents "Sleep" status
	Can be used by: Everybody
4B: LifeBR
	ACCESSORY: Restores 1 HP with every step taken on the field,
		also decreases success rate of "Death" aimed at wearer
	Can be used by: Everybody
4C: IronBR
	ACCESSORY: Increases Defense by 10
	Can be used by: Everybody
4D: Charm
	ACCESSORY: Prevents "Curse" status
	Can be used by: Everybody
4E: ShinyBR
	ACCESSORY: Prevents almost all negative status
	Can be used by: Everybody
50: DreamBR
	ACCESSORY: Decreases success rate of "Death" aimed at wearer
	Can be used by: Everybody
53: 1 Z <Dummy Item>
54: 100 Z <Dummy Item>
55: 1000 Z <Dummy Item>
56: 10000 Z <Dummy Item>
57: OwlFruit
	ITEM: Use to attract the elusive monster, Uparupa
58: Cake
	ITEM: Made of cooked whalemeat, also known as "Kujira Manju"
5B: Mirror
	ITEM: Necessary for the event where you have to go inside the
		Queen of Tunlan's body
5C: BoyDR
	WEAPON: Attack +3
	Can be used by: Sten, The Hero
5D: ShortBW
	WEAPON: Attack +3
	Can be used by: Bow
5E: BronzeSD
	WEAPON: Attack +8
	Can be used by: The Hero
5F: FalseBW
	WEAPON: Attack +6
	Can be used by: Bow
60: TreeST
	WEAPON: Attack +4
	Can be used by: Katt
61: HexadST
	WEAPON: Attack +8
	Can be used by: Katt
62: RevetKN
	WEAPON: Attack +10
	Can be used by: Rand
63: IvyWP
	WEAPON: Attack +30
	Can be used by: Spar
64: SilverDR
	WEAPON: Attack +14, Holy Damage
	Can be used by: Sten, The Hero
65: MagicRG
	WEAPON: Attack +17
	Can be used by: Nina, Bleu
66: KingSD
	WEAPON: Attack +28, Ice Damage
	Can be used by: The Hero
67: LongRP
	WEAPON: Attack +26
	Can be used by: Jean, The Hero
68: LongSD
	WEAPON: Attack +16
	Can be used by: The Hero
69: BusterSD
	WEAPON: Attack +50
	Can be used by: The Hero
6A: CrossBW
	WEAPON: Attack +22
	Can be used by: Bow
6B: TwinBW
	WEAPON: Attack +30, Attacks Twice
	Can be used by: Bow
6C: BronzeST
	WEAPON: Attack +25
	Can be used by: Katt
6D: QuartrST
	WEAPON: Attack +33
	Can be used by: Katt
6E: IronKN
	WEAPON: Attack +18
	Can be used by: Rand
6F: BurnKN
	WEAPON: Attack +18, Fire Damage
	Can be used by: Rand
70: WizardRG
	WEAPON: Attack +26
	Can be used by: Nina, Bleu
71: FireRG
	WEAPON: Attack +35, Fire Damage
	Can be used by: Nina, Bleu
72: WoodenDR
	WEAPON: Attack +10
	Can be used by: Sten
73: MothDR
	WEAPON: Attack +32
	Can be used by: Sten, The Hero
74: NinjaDR
	WEAPON: Attack +42, Luck +5
	Can be used by: Sten
75: ShortRP
	WEAPON: Attack +16
	Can be used by: Jean
76: StockRP
	WEAPON: Attack +38
	Can be used by: Jean
77: FlameSD
	WEAPON: Attack +37, Fire Damage, Casts "Flame"
	Can be used by: The Hero
78: StarrSD
	WEAPON: Attack +68
	Can be used by: The Hero
79: DamageSD
	WEAPON: Attack +92
	Can be used by: The Hero
7A: BreakSD
	WEAPON: Attack +91
	Can be used by: The Hero
7B: DragonSD
	WEAPON: Attack +125, Fire Damage
	Can be used by: The Hero
7C: KingOfDR
	WEAPON: Attack +66, Defense +3, casts "Def-Up"
	Can be used by: Sten, The Hero
7D: GoblinSD
	WEAPON: Attack +78
	Can be used by: The Hero
7E: EmpireSD
	WEAPON: Attack +160, Lightning Damage, Casts "S.Boom"
	Can be used by: The Hero
7F: ElmoreSD
	WEAPON: Attack +52, Holy Damage, all stats but Strength +2
	Can be used by: The Hero, Jean
80: FireBW
	WEAPON: Attack +42, Fire Damage
	Can be used by: Bow
81: AutoBW
	WEAPON: Attack +38, Attacks All Enemies
	Can be used by: Bow
82: IceBW
	WEAPON: Attack +70, Ice Damage
	Can be used by: Bow
83: BusterBW
	WEAPON: Attack +86, Casts "Bomb"
	Can be used by: Bow
84: DeathBW
	WEAPON: Attack +90
	Can be used by: Bow
85: WonderRP
	WEAPON: Attack +32, Holy Damage
	Can be used by: Jean
86: SnakeST
	WEAPON: Attack +75
	Can be used by: Katt
87: HeatST
	WEAPON: Attack +43, Fire Damage
	Can be used by: Katt
88: BirchST
	WEAPON: Attack +58, Ice Damage
	Can be used by: Katt
89: ThndrST
	WEAPON: Attack +62, Lightning Damage, Casts "S.Boom"
	Can be used by: Katt
8A: RiotST
	WEAPON: Attack +90
	Can be used by: Katt
8B: MeowST
	WEAPON: Attack +135
	Can be used by: Katt
8C: CloakKN
	WEAPON: Attack +25
	Can be used by: Rand
8D: BlastKN
	WEAPON: Attack +32, Casts "Bomb"
	Can be used by: Rand
8E: KaiserKN
	WEAPON: Attack +56
	Can be used by: Rand
8F: FinalKN
	WEAPON: Attack +48, Raises chance of "Toasted"
	Can be used by: Rand
90: HushRG
	WEAPON: Attack +43, Casts "Hush"
	Can be used by: Nina, Bleu
91: StormRG
	WEAPON: Attack +68, Lightning Damage, Casts "Thunder"
	Can be used by: Nina, Bleu
92: AmberRG
	WEAPON: Attack +74
	Can be used by: Nina, Bleu
93: ImortlRG
	WEAPON: Attack +83, Wisdom +5, Casts "Renew"
	Can be used by: Nina, Bleu
94: GradeDR
	WEAPON: Attack +68
	Can be used by: Sten, The Hero
95: NorthDR
	WEAPON: Attack +63, Ice Damage
	Can be used by: Sten
96: ChuckDR
	WEAPON: Attack +66
	Can be used by: Sten
97: BananaDR
	WEAPON: Attack +70, Fire Damage
	Can be used by: Sten
98: ShadowDR
	WEAPON: Attack +86, Casts "Idle"
	Can be used by: Sten
99: DemonDR
	WEAPON: Attack +110
	Can be used by: Sten
9A: PierceRP
	WEAPON: Attack +50
	Can be used by: Jean
9B: ThndrRP
	WEAPON: Attack +65, Lightning Damage
	Can be used by: Jean
9C: EmblemRP
	WEAPON: Attack +79
	Can be used by: Jean
9D: ThornWP
	WEAPON: Attack +41
	Can be used by: Spar
9E: WacWP
	WEAPON: Attack +10
	Can be used by: Spar
9F: DoubleWP
	WEAPON: Attack +61
	Can be used by: Spar
A0: NatureWP
	WEAPON: Attack +76
	Can be used by: Spar
A1: 9-TailWP
	WEAPON: Attack +81
	Can be used by: Spar
A2: NoTwinRP
	WEAPON: Attack +122, Holy Damage, all stats but
		Strength +5, Casts "Angel"
	Can be used by: Jean
A3: BrassST
	WEAPON: Attack +56, Casts "Cure1"
	Can be used by: Katt
A4: CrsntSD
	WEAPON: Attack +84
	Can be used by: The Hero, Jean
A5: HolyRP
	WEAPON: Attack +95, Holy Damage
	Can be used by: Jean
A6: TigerSD
	WEAPON: Attack +63, Defense +5, Casts "Cure2"
	Can be used by: The Hero
A7: SilcerDR
	WEAPON: Attack +90
	Can be used by: Sten
A8: SoleSD
	WEAPON: Attack +28, Holy Damage, Wisdom +20, Raises
		chance of "Toasted"
	Can be used by: The Hero, Jean
A9: HandKN
	WEAPON: Attack +5
	Can be used by: Rand
AA: FalseRG
	WEAPON: Attack +5
	Can be used by: Nina, Bleu
AB: WorthRG
	WEAPON: Attack +52, Casts "Death"
	Can be used by: Nina, Bleu
AC: BrassSD
	WEAPON: Attack +72
	Can be used by: The Hero
AD: GlassDR
	WEAPON: Attack +76, Raises chance of "Toasted"
	Can be used by: The Hero, Katt
AE: LopOffWP
	WEAPON: Attack +10, Raises chance of "Toasted"
	Can be used by: Spar
AF: Fork
	WEAPON: Attack +1
	Can be used by: Everybody
B3: Bum'sCL
	ARMOR: Defense +2, Weight 2
	Can be used by: Everybody
B4: HolyRB
	ARMOR: Defense +8, Weight 4, Holy Resist
	Can be used by: Everybody except Rand
B5: LeotrdCL
	ARMOR: Defense +6, Weight 3
	Can be used by: Katt, Nina, Bleu
B6: SuedeAR
	ARMOR: Defense +6, Weight 5
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Rand, Sten, Jean
B7: RangerCL
	ARMOR: Defense +8, Weight 2
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Sten
B8: SokletAR
	HELMET: Defense +16, Wisdom +5
	Can be used by: Everybody except Rand
B9: MystryHT
	HELMET: Defense +20
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Katt, Sten, Jean
BA: SaladBwl
	HELMET: Defense +2
	Can be used by: Everybody
BB: RistBand
	SHIELD: Defense +1
	Can be used by: Everybody except Spar
BC: SteelAR
	SHIELD: Defense +3
	Can be used by: Everybody
BD: SilkGL
	SHIELD: Defense +7
	Can be used by: Katt, Nina, Spar, Bleu
BE: BronzeSH
	SHIELD: Defense +6
	Can be used by: The Hero, Sten, Jean
BF: IronSH
	SHIELD: Defense +10
	Can be used by: The Hero, Rand, Sten, Jean
C0: Shorts
	ARMOR: Defense +2, Weight 1
	Can be used by: The Hero, Katt
C1: Backlaw
	SHIELD: Defense +8
	Can be used by: Everybody
C2: CharmSH
	SHIELD: Defense +14
	Can be used by: The Hero, Rand, Sten, Jean
C3: GuardSH
	SHIELD: Defense +26
	Can be used by: Everybody
C4: BronzeHT
	HELMET: Defense +5
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Rand, Sten, Jean
C5: GlassRG
	HELMET: Defense +4
	Can be used by: Everybody except Rand
C6: KnightHT
	HELMET: Defense +8
	Can be used by: The Hero, Sten, Jean
C7: CrmsnRB
	HELMET: Defense +10
	Can be used by: Everybody except Rand
C8: RoyalHT
	HELMET: Defense +12, Holy Resist
	Can be used by: Nina, Jean, Bleu
C9: NationHT
	HELMET: Defense +15, Fire Resist
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Sten, Jean
CA: MoonMask
	HELMET: Defense +18, Fire/Ice Resist
	Can be used by: Sten
CB: ChainML
	ARMOR: Defense +12, Weight 6
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Katt, Sten, Jean
CC: IronAR
	ARMOR: Defense +22, Weight 9
	Can be used by: The Hero, Sten, Jean
CD: WiseRB
	ARMOR: Defense +18, Weight 4, Lightning Resist
	Can be used by: Nina, Spar, Bleu
CE: IronML
	ARMOR: Defense +20, Weight 6
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Katt, Sten, Jean
CF: QuickCL
	ARMOR: Defense +27, Weight 0
	Can be used by: Bow, Sten
D0: BreathAR
	ARMOR: Defense +25, Weight 3, Holy Resist
	Can be used by: Everybody except Rand
D1: OceanRB
	ARMOR: Defense +27, Weight 4, Ice Resist, Wisdom +3
	Can be used by: Nina, Spar, Bleu
D2: SilverAR
	ARMOR: Defense +40, Weight 12
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Sten, Jean
D3: FrozenAR
	ARMOR: Defense +43, Weight 15, Ice Resist
	Can be used by: The Hero, Sten, Jean
D4: MagmaAR
	ARMOR: Defense +35, Weight 15, Fire Resist
	Can be used by: The Hero, Sten, Jean
D5: WindRB
	ARMOR: Defense +47, Weight 2, Lightning Resist, Agility +10
	Can be used by: Katt, Nina, Bleu
D6: EarthAR
	ARMOR: Defense +44, Weight 15, Lightning Resist
	Can be used by: The Hero, Sten, Jean
D7: BraveAR
	ARMOR: Defense +60, Weight 6, Strength +5
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Katt, Sten, Jean
D8: Bandana
	HELMET: Defense +1
	Can be used by: Everybody
D9: BlndedAR
	ARMOR: Defense +52, Weight 26
	Can be used by: The Hero, Jean
DA: RainbwRB
	ARMOR: Defense +61, Weight 4, Fire/Ice Resist 
	Can be used by: Katt, Nina, Spar, Bleu
DB: SacredSH
	ARMOR: Defense +74, Weight 12, Holy Resist, Prevents
		almost all negative status
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Sten, Jean
DC: CrmsnCL
	ARMOR: Defense +64, Weight 6, Fire Resist, Casts "Drain"
	Can be used by: Everybody except Rand
DD: DragonAR
	ARMOR: Defense +78, Weight 0, Fire Resist
	Can be used by: The Hero
DE: LifeAR
	ARMOR: Defense +80, Weight 25, Restores 1 HP with
		every step taken on the field
	Can be used by: The Hero, Sten, Jean
DF: NinjaML
	ARMOR: Defense +70, Weight 0
	Can be used by: Sten
E0: MamothCL
	ARMOR: Defense +69, Weight 18, Ice Resist
	Can be used by: Rand, Katt
E1: MotherRB
	ARMOR: Defense +66, Weight 8, Holy Resist, Casts "Cure1"
	Can be used by: Everybody except Rand
E2: JahAR
	ARMOR: Defense +17, Weight 9, Fire Resist
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Katt, Sten, Jean
E3: HeroAR
	ARMOR: Defense +71, Weight 16, Strength +5
	Can be used by: The Hero, Sten, Jean
E4: Noe'sRB
	ARMOR: Defense +70, Weight 4, Fire/Holy Resist
	Can be used by: Katt, Nina, Bleu
E5: WisdomRB
	ARMOR: Defense +42, Weight 2, Holy Resist, Wisdom +5
	Can be used by: Everybody except Rand
E6: WhiteSH
	SHIELD: Defense +26
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Sten, Jean
E7: FlameSH
	SHIELD: Defense +18, Fire Fesist
	Can be used by: The Hero, Sten, Jean
E8: IceSH
	SHIELD: Defense +26, Ice Resist
	Can be used by: The Hero, Sten, Jean
E9: BlndedML
	SHIELD: Defense +28
	Can be used by: Everybody
EA: BlndedSH
	SHIELD: Defense +33
	Can be used by: The Hero, Rand, Jean
EB: GiantSH
	SHIELD: Defense +27, Casts "Def-Up"
	Can be used by: Rand
EC: StarSH
	SHIELD: Defense +36
	Can be used by: The Hero, Rand, Sten, Jean
ED: HolySH
	SHIELD: Defense +43, Casts "Shield"
	Can be used by: Everybody except Rand
EE: DragonSH
	SHIELD: Defense +52, Fire Resist
	Can be used by: The Hero
EF: ElemntAR
	SHIELD: Defense +1, Fire/Ice/Lightning Resist
	Can be used by: Everybody
F0: MedusaSH
	SHIELD: Defense +55, Casts "Atk-Up"
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Rand, Sten, Jean
F1: ShinyHT
	HELMET: Defense +30, Holy Resist
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Sten, Jean
F2: SunMask
	HELMET: Defense +25, Fire Resist
	Can be used by: Everybody except Rand
F3: SilverHT
	HELMET: Defense +22, Lightning Resist, Prevents
		almost all negative status
	Can be used by: Katt, Nina, Spar, Bleu
F4: DragonHT
	HELMET: Defense +32, Fire Resist
	Can be used by: The Hero
F5: KingHT
	HELMET: Defense +30
	Can be used by: The Hero, Jean
F6: SpiritRB
	ARMOR: Defense +12, Weight 0, Fire/Lightning/Holy Resist
	Can be used by: Everybody (including Rand)
F7: StoneAR
	ARMOR: Defense +28, Weight 50
	Can be used by: Rand
F8: SlashGL
	SHIELD: Defense +15, Strength +8
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Katt, Sten, Jean
F9: ThndrGL
	SHIELD: Defense +27, Lightning Resist
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Katt, Sten, Jean
FA: ArmyGL
	SHIELD: Defense +41, Strength +8
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Katt, Sten, Jean
FB: GoldAR
	ARMOR: Defense +31, Weight 42
	Can be used by: The Hero, Jean
FC: MightyAR
	ARMOR: Defense +30, Weight 10
	Can be used by: The Hero, Bow, Sten, Jean
FD: DemonSH
	SHIELD: Defense +10, Holy Resist, Casts "Drain"
	Can be used by: The Hero, Rand, Sten, Jean
FE: Napkin
	ARMOR: Defense +1, Weight 0
	Can be used by: Everybody
FF: Plate
	SHIELD: Defense +1
	Can be used by: Everybody

* * *   E Q U I P M E N T   C A T A L O G   * * *

Hex	Name		Power

AF	Fork		1
5C	BoyDR		4
5E	BronzeSD	8
64	SilverDR	14
68	LongSD		16
67	LongRP		26
66	KingSD		28
A8	SoleSD		28
77	FlameSD		37
69	BusterSD	40
7F	ElmoreSD	52
7C	KingOfDR	56
94	GradeDR		58
AC	BrassSD		62
A6	TigerSD		63
AD	GlassDR		66
7D	GoblinSD	68
78	StarrSD		68
79	DamageSD	82
A4	CrsntSD		84
7A	BreakSD		91
A2	NoTwinRP	122
7B	DragonSD	125
7E	EmpireSD	160


Hex	Name		Power

AF	Fork		1
5D	ShortBW		3
5F	FalseBW		6
6A	CrossBW		22
6B	TwinBW		30
81	AutoBW		38
80	FireBW		42
82	IceBW		70
83	BusterBW	86
84	DeathBW		90


Hex	Name		Power

AF	Fork		1
A9	HandKN		5
62	RevetKN		10
6E	IronKN		18
6F	BurnKN		18
8C	CloakKN		25
8D	BlastKN		32
8F	FinalKN		48
8E	KaiserKN	56

Hex	Name		Power

AF	Fork		1
60	TreeST		4
61	HexadST		8
6C	BronzeST	25
6D	QuartrST	33
87	HeatST		43
A3	BrassST		56
88	BirchST		58
AD	GlassDR		66
89	ThndrST		68
86	SnakeST		75
8A	RiotST		90
8B	MeowST		135


Hex	Name		Power

AF	Fork		1
AA	FalseRG		5
65	MagicRG		17
70	WizardRG	26
71	FireRG		35
90	HushRG		43
AB	WorthRG		52
91	StormRG		68
92	AmberRG		74
93	ImortlRG	83

Hex	Name		Power

AF	Fork		1
5C	BoyDR		4
72	WoodenDR	10
64	SilverDR	14
73	MothDR		32
74	NinjaDR		42
7C	KingOfDR	56
94	GradeDR		58
95	NorthDR		63
96	ChuckDR		66
97	BananaDR	70
98	ShadowDR	86
A7	SlicerDR	90
99	DemonDR		110

Hex	Name		Power

AF	Fork		1
75	ShortRP		16
67	LongRP		26
A8	SoleSD		28
85	WonderRP	32
76	StockRP		38
9A	PierceRP	50
7F	ElmoreSD	52
9B	ThndrRP		65
9C	EmblemRP	79
A4	CrsntSD		84
--	FolyRP*		95
A5	HolyRP		95
A2	NoTwinRP	122
* a nonexistant weapon created by Ray Greer


Hex	Name		Power

AF	Fork		1
9E	WacWP		10
AE	LopOffWP	10
63	IvyWP		30
9D	ThornWP		41
9F	DoubleWP	61
A0	NatureWP	76
A1	9-TailWP	81

Hex	Name		Power

FE	Napkin		1
B3	Bum'sCL		2
C0	Shorts		2
B6	SuedeAR		6
B4	HolyRB		8
B7	RangerCL	8
CB	ChainML		12
F6	SpiritRB	12
E2	JahAR		17
CE	IronML		20
CC	IronAR		22
D0	BreathAR	25
FC	MightyAR	30
FB	GoldAR		31
D4	MagmaAR		35
D2	SilverAR	40
E5	WisdomRB	42
D3	FrozenAR	43
D6	EarthAR		44
D9	BlndedAR	52
D7	BraveAR		60
DC	CrmsnCL		64
E1	MotherRB	66
E3	HeroAR		71
DB	SacredSH	74
DD	DragonAR	78
DE	LifeAR		80

Hex	Name		Power

FF	Plate		1
BB	RistBand	1
EF	ElemntAR	1
BC	SteelAR		3
BE	BronzeSH	6
C1	Backlaw		9
BF	IronSH		10
FD	DemonSH		10
C2	CharmSH		14
F8	SlashGL		15
E7	FlameSH		18
C3	GuardSH		26
E6	WhiteSH		26
E8	IceSH		26
F9	ThndrGL		27
E9	BlndedML	28
EA	BlndedSH	33
EC	StarSH		36
ED	HolySH		43
FA	ArmyGL		44
EE	DragonSH	52
F0	MedusaSH	55

Hex	Name		Power

D8	Bandana		1
BA	SaladBwl	2
C5	GlassRG		4
C4	BronzeHT	5
C6	KnightHT	8
C7	CrmsnRB		10
C9	NationHT	15
B8	SokletAR	16
B9	MystryHT	20
F2	SunMask		25
F1	ShinyHT		30
F5	KingHT		30
F4	DragonHT	32


Hex	Name		Power

FE	Napkin		1
B3	Bum'sCL		2
B6	SuedeAR		6
B4	HolyRB		8
B7	RangerCL	8
CB	ChainML		12
F6	SpiritRB	12
E2	JahAR		17
CE	IronML		20
D0	BreathAR	25
CF	QuickCL		27
FC	MightyAR	30
D2	SilverAR	40
E5	WisdomRB	42
D7	BraveAR		60
DC	CrmsnCL		64
E1	MotherRB	66
DB	SacredSH	74

Hex	Name		Power

FF	Plate		1
BB	RistBand	1
EF	ElemntAR	1
BC	SteelAR		3
C1	Backlaw		9
F8	SlashGL		15
C3	GuardSH		26
E6	WhiteSH		26
F9	ThndrGL		27
E9	BlndedML	28
ED	HolySH		43
FA	ArmyGL		44
F0	MedusaSH	55

Hex	Name		Power

D8	Bandana		1
BA	SaladBwl	2
C5	GlassRG		4
C4	BronzeHT	5
C7	CrmsnRB		10
C9	NationHT	15
B8	SokletAR	16
B9	MystryHT	20
F2	SunMask		25
F1	ShinyHT		30


Hex	Name		Power

FE	Napkin		1
B3	Bum'sCL		2
B6	SuedeAR		6
F6	SpiritRB	12
F7	StoneAR		28
E0	MamothCL	69


Hex	Name		Power

FF	Plate		1
BB	RistBand	1
EF	ElemntAR	1
BC	SteelAR		3
BE	BronzeSH	6
C1	Backlaw		9
BF	IronSH		10
FD	DemonSH		10
C2	CharmSH		14
C3	GuardSH		26
EB	GiantSH		27
E9	BlndedML	28
EA	BlndedSH	33
EC	StarSH		36
F0	MedusaSH	55


Hex	Name		Power

D8	Bandana		1
BA	SaladBwl	2
C4	BronzeHT	5


Hex	Name		Power

FE	Napkin		1
B3	Bum'sCL		2
C0	Shorts		2
B5	LeotrdCL	6
B4	HolyRB		8
CB	ChainML		12
F6	SpiritRB	12
E2	JahAR		17
CE	IronML		20
D0	BreathAR	25
E5	WisdomRB	42
D5	WindRB		47
D7	BraveAR		60
DA	RainbwRB	61
DC	CrmsnCL		64
E1	MotherRB	66
E0	MamothCL	69
E4	Noe'sRB		70


Hex	Name		Power

FF	Plate		1
BB	RistBand	1
EF	ElemntAR	1
BC	SteelAR		3
BD	SilkGL		7
C1	Backlaw		9
F8	SlashGL		15
C3	GuardSH		26
F9	ThndrGL		27
E9	BlndedML	28
ED	HolySH		43
FA	ArmyGL		44


Hex	Name		Power

D8	Bandana		1
BA	SaladBwl	2
C5	GlassRG		4
C7	CrmsnRB		10
B8	SokletAR	16
B9	MystryHT	20
F3	SilverHT	22
F2	SunMask		25


Hex	Name		Power

FE	Napkin		1
B3	Bum'sCL		2
B5	LeotrdCL	6
B4	HolyRB		8
F6	SpiritRB	12
CD	WiseRB		18
D0	BreathAR	25
D1	OceanRB		27
E5	WisdomRB	42
D5	WindRB		47
DA	RainbwRB	61
DC	CrmsnCL		64
E1	MotherRB	66
E4	Noe'sRB		70


Hex	Name		Power

FF	Plate		1
BB	RistBand	1
EF	ElemntAR	1
BC	SteelAR		3
BD	SilkGL		7
C1	Backlaw		9
C3	GuardSH		26
E9	BlndedML	28
ED	HolySH		43


Hex	Name		Power

D8	Bandana		1
BA	SaladBwl	2
C5	GlassRG		4
C7	CrmsnRB		10
C8	RoyalHT		12
B8	SokletAR	16
F3	SilverHT	22
F2	SunMask		25


Hex	Name		Power

FE	Napkin		1
B3	Bum'sCL		2
B6	SuedeAR		6
B4	HolyRB		8
B7	RangerCL	8
CB	ChainML		12
F6	SpiritRB	12
E2	JahAR		17
CE	IronML		20
CC	IronAR		22
D0	BreathAR	25
CF	QuickCL		27
FC	MightyAR	30
D4	MagmaAR		35
D2	SilverAR	40
E5	WisdomRB	42
D3	FrozenAR	43
D7	BraveAR		60
DC	CrmsnCL		64
E1	MotherRB	66
DF	NinjaML		70
E3	HeroAR		71
DB	SacredSH	74
DE	LifeAR		80


Hex	Name		Power

FF	Plate		1
BB	RistBand	1
EF	ElemntAR	1
BC	SteelAR		3
BE	BronzeSH	6
C1	Backlaw		9
BF	IronSH		10
FD	DemonSH		10
C2	CharmSH		14
F8	SlashGL		15
E7	FlameSH		18
C3	GuardSH		26
E6	WhiteSH		26
E8	IceSH		26
F9	ThndrGL		27
E9	BlndedML	28
EC	StarSH		36
ED	HolySH		43
FA	ArmyGL		44
F0	MedusaSH	55


Hex	Name		Power

D8	Bandana		1
BA	SaladBwl	2
C5	GlassRG		4
C4	BronzeHT	5
C6	KnightHT	8
C7	CrmsnRB		10
C9	NationHT	15
B8	SokletAR	16
CA	MoonMask	18
B9	MystryHT	20
F2	SunMask		25
F1	ShinyHT		30


Hex	Name		Power

FE	Napkin		1
B3	Bum'sCL		2
B6	SuedeAR		6
B4	HolyRB		8
CB	ChainML		12
F6	SpiritRB	12
E2	JahAR		17
CE	IronML		20
CC	IronAR		22
D0	BreathAR	25
FC	MightyAR	30
FB	GoldAR		31
D4	MagmaAR		35
D2	SilverAR	40
E5	WisdomRB	42
D3	FrozenAR	43
D6	EarthAR		44
D9	BlndedAR	52
D7	BraveAR		60
DC	CrmsnCL		64
E1	MotherRB	66
E3	HeroAR		71
DB	SacredSH	74
DE	LifeAR		80


Hex	Name		Power

FF	Plate		1
BB	RistBand	1
EF	ElemntAR	1
BC	SteelAR		3
BE	BronzeSH	6
C1	Backlaw		9
BF	IronSH		10
FD	DemonSH		10
C2	CharmSH		14
F8	SlashGL		15
E7	FlameSH		18
C3	GuardSH		26
E6	WhiteSH		26
E8	IceSH		26
F9	ThndrGL		27
E9	BlndedML	28
EA	BlndedSH	33
EC	StarSH		36
ED	HolySH		43
FA	ArmyGL		44
F0	MedusaSH	55


Hex	Name		Power

D8	Bandana		1
BA	SaladBwl	2
C5	GlassRG		4
C4	BronzeHT	5
C6	KnightHT	8
C7	CrmsnRB		10
C8	RoyalHT		12
C9	NationHT	15
B8	SokletAR	16
B9	MystryHT	20
F2	SunMask		25
F1	ShinyHT		30
F5	KingHT		30


Hex	Name		Power

FE	Napkin		1
B3	Bum'sCL		2
B4	HolyRB		8
F6	SpiritRB	12
CD	WiseRB		18
D0	BreathAR	25
D1	OceanRB		27
E5	WisdomRB	42
DA	RainbwRB	61
DC	CrmsnCL		64
E1	MotherRB	66


Hex	Name		Power

FF	Plate		1
BB	RistBand	1
EF	ElemntAR	1
BC	SteelAR		3
BD	SilkGL		7
C1	Backlaw		9
C3	GuardSH		26
E9	BlndedML	28
ED	HolySH		43


Hex	Name		Power

D8	Bandana		1
BA	SaladBwl	2
C5	GlassRG		4
C7	CrmsnRB		10
B8	SokletAR	16
F3	SilverHT	22
F2	SunMask		25



GameFAQs, for posting this and other video game hacking guides I made
Ray Greer, author of Prima Publishing's Official BOF2 Strategy Guide
Ben Siron, author of the most comprehensive BOF2 FAQ/walkthrough on the Web



Brain Lord
Breath of Fire 2
Dragon Quest III Reprise
Dragon Warrior III
Dragon Warrior IV
Final Fantasy IV
Mystic Ark (Sequel to "The 7th Saga")
Paladin's Quest
Phantasy Star IV (In Progress)
Pokemon (Red/Blue USA Versions Only)
Secret of Evermore
Seiken Densetsu 3
Terranigma (PAR Codes Only)


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