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WCW/NWO World Tour
Character Moves: Chris Benoit
by Victor Broccoli
Copyright 1998
Contact for distribution rights
As many of you are going out and buying and/or renting
WCW/NWO Revenge, it will draw comparisons to World Tour.
As you may not have played it for a long time, I have
taken time out to type out all the character moves for
specific characters. It saves printer paper and not
having to go through the annoying characters. So,
here's Chris Benoit's moves.
Punching and Kicking Moves:

Elbow to the body: Tap B when close
Knee: Tap B when far
Chest slap: Up + Tap B when close
Roundhouse kick: Up + Tap B when far
Charging shoulder: Hold B
Drop Kick: Up + Hold B
Weak Front Grapples (Tap A while in front of wrestler)

Clothesline: A
Head Butt: Up + A
Body Slam: Down + A
Arm twist and elbow: B
Snap Suplex: Up + B
Butterfly Suplex: Down + B
Corner Crunch: A (while grappling in corner)
Bang head on turnbuckle: B (while grappling in corner)
Weak Rear Grapples (Tap A while behind a wrestler)

Back Breaker: A
Side Suplex: B
Strong Front Grapples (Hold A while in front of wrestler)

Gut Wrench Suplex: A
Twist Back Drop: Up + A
Tombstone: Down + A
Standing Clothesline: B
Belly to Belly Press: Up + B
Power Bomb Press: Down + B
Avalanche Suplex: A (while in corner)
Dragon Steiner: Up + A (while in corner)
Strong Rear Grapples (Hold A while behind a wrestler)

Reverse Brain Buster: A
German Suplex: B
While opponent is running

Arm-Drag Takedown: Tap A
Monkey Flip: Up + Tap A
Hip Toss: Hold A
Spinebuster: Up + Hold A
When opponent is on the mat face up

Side headlock: A when near head
Boston Crab: A when near legs
Stomp: B
When opponent is on the mat face down

Camel Clutch: A when near head
Leglock: A when near legs
Elbow Drop: B
While on top rope

Diving headbutt: (while opponent is down)
Cross body block: (while opponent is standing)
Special Moves (Strong grapple and tap stick)

Power jack: (front strong grapple)
Full nelson suplex: (rear strong grapple)
E-Mail VicHowl@aol.com to add moves and
to send any comments.

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