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WCW Mayhem
Chris Jericho Movelist FAQ
by "Gruel" Dale Kulas
N64 Version Only
Version 1.0
Latest Revision: October 29, 1999

Contents of FAQ

I.	Introduction

II. 	Chris Jericho Stats

III.	Moves
	a: Both wrestlers standing
	b: Grapple Moves
	c: When opponent is resting at turnbuckles
	d: When opponent is sitting on top turnbuckle
	e: When standing with weapon
	f: When opponent is lying face down
	g: When opponent is lying face up
	h: When standing on ring apron
	i: When grappling on ring apron
	j: When running at opponent
	k: On top of turnbuckle with opponent standing
	l: On top of turnbuckle with opponent laying on mat

IV.	Credits


I. Introduction

	Hey it's me, Gruel again. I didn't feel like writing a whole FAQ 
for WCW Mayhem because the game isn't the funnest to play, but I did 
decide to write a movelist FAQ for my favorite wrestler, Chris Jericho. 

	Just a note. I know all moves can be done by many other buttom 
combinations, but I picked out the ones that I thought were the easiest 
to do.

	If you found any other moves that I don't have in this list please 
e-mail me at with "Jericho list correction" as the 
subject. Thanks and I hope you enjoy my FAQ.


II. Chris Jericho Stats

	Real Name: Chris Irvine
	Raised in: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
	Trained in: Stu Hart's family dungeon
	Major Wrestling organizations wrestled in: Stampede Wrestling, 
	ECW(1995-1996), WCW(1996-1999), WWF(1999-Current)
	Nicknames: "Lionheart," "Y2J"
	Finishing Move: Lion Tamer/Walls of Jericho
	Major titles held: ECW TV Title, WCW Cruiserweight Title(4), WCW 
	TV Title
	Managers/Bodyguards: Ralphus(WCW, September 1998-March 1999), 
	Howard Finkel(WWF, August 1999-September 1999), Curtis Hughs(WWF, 
	September 1999-October 1999)


III. Moves

	a: Both wrestlers standing

	A: Kick
	B: Grapple
	Left C: Special Punch/Kick
	Right C: Change focus on wrestler
	L: Block
	R: Run
	Top C: Pose
	Up or Down + A: Spinning Heel Kick

	b: When in a grapple

	A: Drop Toe Hold
	Up + A: Bodyslam
	Down + A: Powerslam
	B: Hip Toss
	Up + B: Gut Wrencher
	Down + B: Shoulder Breaker
	Left C: Light Punch
	Up + Left C: Hurricarrana
	Down + Left C: Pwerbomb
	R: Irish Whip, Throw Over Ropes(When by ropes)

	c: When opponent is resting at turnbuckle

	A: Bounce Head off turnbuckle
	Left C: Ram opponent against ropes
	Bottom C: Kicks opponent multiple times at turnbuckle
	B: Hoist opponent on top turnbuckle

	d: When opponent is sitting on top turnbuckle

	A: Hurricarranna off top turnbuckle
	B: Punches at head

	e: When standing with weapon

	Left C: Overhead swing
	Bottom C: Side swing
	A: Stab
	B: Drop weapon

	f: When opponent is lying facedown

	A: Kick
	Left C: Elbow Drop
	Bottom C: Roll opponent over, faceup
	B: Pickup Opponent

	g: When opponent is lying face up

	A: knee drop(or drop head in groin area on occasion)
	Left C: Twists neck with leg
	Bottom C: Roll opponent over, facedown
	B: Pick up opponent

	h: When standing on ring apron

	B: Grapple
	L: Block
	B + Direction towards ring: Get back into ring
	B + Direction away from ring: Go onto arena floor

	i: When grappling on ring apron

	A: Jawbreaker

	j: When running at opponent 
	B(repeatedly): Diving Clothesline

	k: On top of turnbuckle with opponent standing

	A: Standing Elbow Drop
	B: Get off turnbuckle

	l: On top of turnbuckle with opponent laying down

	A: Frog Splash
	B: Get off top TB


IV. Credits

This FAQ can be found at:

Special thanks to:

Electronic Arts: For making this game
Chris Jericho: For being the best entertaining wrestler ever!
And for all you guys reading this!

All feedback welcome to with "Mayhem Jericho 
movelist" in subject

Please visit my webpage "DX/NWO Wrestling" at

This FAQ copywright by "Gruel" Dale Kulas, 1999
no other webpage can use this FAQ, unless with granted permission


"I am the ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla" - Chris Jericho on RAW 

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