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  System: Nintendo 64 (Import)
  Developer/Publisher: HAL Laboratory/Nintendo (1999)
  Genre: 3D Action/Fighting
  Players: 1-4

  Special Moves FAQ by Kelvin Koh
  Created: 17th Feb 1999
  Updated: 16th May 1999

  1) Introduction
  2) Basic Control
  3) Characters
  4) Credits


   Smash Brothers is a fun and original action/fighting game by Nintendo
 and third-party developer HAL Laboratory.

   Since the manual do not provide move descriptions, I have decided to 
 write this little guide to the various character's Special Attacks. I hope
 that this guide will be of use to beginners and enable veteran players to
 learn more about their favorite characters.


    When you are asked to PUSH a Direction on the 3D stick, it means to 
 push the analogue stick all the way in the given direction quickly.
    For example:
    "PUSH Forward + A" means to quickly move the 3D stick all the way to the
 extreme forward position then press A together.



 Move - Left/Right
 Jump - PUSH Up (can be repeated; varies with character)
 Down - Duck (PUSH Down to go through certain platforms.)
 Dash - PUSH Forward


 A Button       - Normal Attack
 B Button       - Special Attack
 C Button Unit  - Jump (can be repeated; varies with characters)
 R Button (Z+A) - Throw Enemy/Discard Items 
 L Button       - Taunt
 Z Trigger      - Guard (or for a safe landing before you hit the ground)


 Foward (during Guard) - Escape Roll



   Although there is only one attack button, it can be used with the 3D stick
 to create many different attack variations as shown below.

 Weak Attack      - A
 Strong Attack    - Forward + A
 High Attack      - Up + A
 Low Attack       - Down + A

 Dashing Attack   - Push Forward to dash, then A

 (While Jumping)
 Jumping Attack   - A
 Forward Attack   - Forward + A
 Backward Attack  - Back + A
 Upward Attack    - Up + A
 Downward Attack  - Down + A


   Smash Attacks are powerful attacks which launch your opponents into the
 air. These attacks work well in either finishing off an opponent or when 
 you want to keep your opponents away from you.

 Forward Smash Attack  - PUSH Forward + A
 High Smash Attack     - PUSH Up + A
 Low Smash Attack      - PUSH Down + A


  Each character has 3 unique Special Attacks of his own which can be
 performed by using the following combinations of the 3D Stick with the B
 Button. They usually can be performed while on the ground and in the air.
   For more information on each individual's attack, please refer to the 
 Characters section.

 Special Attacks
 - B
 - Up + B
 - Down + B


 Each character has 3 Special Attacks. The name of the move (translated from
 the manual where applicable) is first shown, followed by the accompanying
 Hits    - This indicates the number of hits the move can do on an opponent. 
 Dmg     - The approximate damage in % of the move (shown in brackets).
 Rating  - This rates the usefulness of the move on a scale of 1 - 5 stars*.
 Command - Shows how the move is performed.
 Info    - Some extra information on the move.

 What you are about to read are all based on my own personal opinions.



 Hits (Dmg): 1 (5%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press B

   Mario throws a slow-moving fireball that bounces across the ground. It 
 moves according to the contours of the platform.
   The fireball will dissipate after travelling a certain distance.

 Hits (Dmg): 9 (15%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press Up + B

   Mario does a quick jump upwards with a rising multi-hitting uppercut.
 However, you have almost no control over Mario once the move ends, so
 there is always the danger of falling off if you perform it close to
 the edges.

 Hit/Damage: Multiple (14%)
 Rating: *****
 Command: Press Down + B

   Mario will start spinning on on the spot and connect with nearby opponents 
 for plenty of hits.
   This move can affect multiple enemies and is good for clearing crowds.


 Hits (Dmg): 1 (11% - 27%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press B to wind-up then B or A to punch.
        (Press Left/Right or Z to store the charged-up power for later use.)

   Donkey Kong begins winding up for a power punch that sends your opponents
 flying. During the wind-up, Donkey Kong is unable to move around, and is
 vulnerable to all sorts of attacks. The move is also very slow to execute
 and has an average range, but the damage done is very high.
   It is best to power up the move and use the Z button to store the power
 periodically until you want to unleash it.

 Hits (Dmg): 1 (8%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press Up + B

   Donkey Kong starts spinning with his arms outstretched. This move is a
 good way to clear crowds, but it has certain downfalls.
   The move only hits once and DK will continue spinning for quite a while.
 This leaves him completely open to attacks.
   When performed in the air, this move will enable DK to 'hover' in the air
 for quite a long time, enable him to recover easily if he gets launched into
 the air.

 Hit/Damage: 1 (8%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press Down + B (Ground only)

   Donkey Kong hammers on the ground and sends nearby opponents up into the
   You can use this to set up your opponent for more damaging attacks if they 
 do not anticipate your next move on their way down.


 Hits (Dmg): 1 (8%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press B

   Link throws his Boomerang which spins forward for a short distance before
 returning to him. It is a slow-moving projectile whose flight path can be 
 affected by obstacles. It is possible to control the travel direction and
 range of the boomerang with the 3D stick as you push the B Button.
   The Boomerang also does some damage if it hits on its way back. You may 
 want to surpise your opponents by throwing the Boomerang slightly over their
 heads such that it will hit them on its return.

 Hits (Dmg): 1 (12%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press Up + B

   Link performs a spinning slash that covers a very large radius and sends
 opponents flying.
   This is a great move for getting yourself out of a mess and does a good
 amount of damage.

 Hit/Damage: 1 (8%), 2 (15%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press Down + B
          (then Down + B again or A to throw the bomb.)

   Link takes out a Bomb which can be throw at your opponent. The Bomb's
 explosion is fairly large, powerful and launches your opponents into the
 air. While Link is holding the Bomb in his hand, he can still move arond
 and perform other Special Attacks and actions. Just note that the Bomb
 will begin to glow and will finally explode by itself after a period of
   If you throw the Bomb by pressing [Down + B], the Bomb will explode on
 impact. However, if you throw the Bomb using the A Button, you can direct 
 it using the 3D Stick. The Bomb will explode if it hits the ground, but if
 it touches an opponent, it will harmlessly bounce off him and explode when
 its time is up.
   Be careful when you perform this move, because you can be hurt by your own


 Hits (Dmg): 1 (3% -20%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press B to charge up then B or A to fire.
        (Press Left/Right or Z to store the charged-up power for later use.)

   Samus begins charging up her arm cannon. The size and strength of the 
 beam will increase with time, and will stop when it is at it maximum.
 At maximum power, the beam shot is large and very powerful.
   During the charge-up, you can choose to fire immediately, or store the
 power you have accumulated by pressing Left/Right or the Z Trigger. You
 can then power up the beam shot periodically before firing it when the time
 is right.

 Hits (Dmg): 14 (14%)
 Rating: *****
 Command: Press Up + B

   Samus rolls into a tiny ball and spins very rapidly in mid-air for a multi-
 hitting attack. This move is very quick and can hit several enemies at once. 
 It also does a good amount of damage, and it is very difficult for your
 opponent to hit you when you are so small.

 - BOMB -
 Hit/Damage: 1 (7%)
 Rating: **
 Command: Press Down + B

   Samus spins into a ball again and drops a little Bomb directly below her.
   The Bomb's small size makes it not easy to score a hit on your opponent,
 and its explosion does not really cover a big area.
   This move is not very useful on the ground because the Bomb is placed 
 over the spot where you are standing. However, you can perform the move 
 while jumping over your opponents to drop the Bomb over their heads!
   Unlike Link's Bomb move, you can't be injured by your own Bombs!


 Hits (Dmg): 1 (5%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press B

   Yoshi sticks out his tongue and tries to swallow your opponent. If it
 connects, Yoshi will lay an egg containing your opponent in it.
   This leaves your opponent stunned until he breaks out of it. In the
 meantime, you can attack him for more damage.

 Hits (Dmg): 1 (14%)
 Rating: **
 Command: Press Up + B
      (use the 3D Stick and B Button to adjust the direction/range of the egg)

   Yoshi takes out an egg and tosses it into the air. The egg itself will
 dissipate during its downward fall.
   This move is mainly used to attack opponents who are on a higher platform.
 However, the egg travels rather slowly and it is pretty difficult to aim it
   Depending on how you press the B button and the direction you use on the 3D
 Stick, you can adjust the range & direction of the thrown egg. Tapping the B 
 button lightly will make Yoshi toss the egg at a very low height, and it will 
 drop back onto the ground in front of him.
   You can also use the 3D Stick to throw the egg diagonally into the air to hit
 air-borne opponents or time it such that it lands on an opponent on the ground.

 Hit/Damage: 1 (14%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press Down + B

   Yoshi will jump forward and perform a quick dive-bomb. When performed in 
 the air, Yoshi will immediately dive-bomb downwards without any delay.
   Therefore, this move is best used while jumping so that you can target
 your opponents yourself. It does a good amount of damage and sends your
 opponent flying.


 Hits (Dmg): "A Button" 1 (8%); "B Button" 1 (5%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press B to suck in your opponent,
          then press A to spit him out for damage
            or press B to copy his 'B Button' Special Attack
          (Press L if you want to discard the copied ability.)

   Kirby begins to suck his opponent in. When he has sucked an opponent into
 his mouth, you can either press A to spit him out for damage, or press B to
 copy his B-Button Special Attack. If you choose to copy your opponent's 
 Special Attack, Kirby will now don a piece of his opponent's outfit and his
 B Button move will be that of his opponent's.
   This is quite an interesting move and depending on whose move you copy,
 you can end up with a very useful move.
   If you have a change of mind and would like to discard the move, simply 
 press the L button. You can now use this move again on your opponents.

 Hits (Dmg): 2+1 (11%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press Up + B

   Kirby takes out a sword and does a rising slash, followed by a downward
 slice which releases a short-range ground projectile when Kirby reaches the
   This move hits multiple times and your opponents will get stuck in one
 huge combo should they get caught by the rising slash.
   However, since the duration of the move is pretty long, your opponents will
 have a good chance to get back at you if you miss.

 - STONE -
 Hit/Damage: 1 (22% while jumping)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press Down + B

   Kirby turns into stone, granting him with some limited invincibility.
 This does not do any damage, and if you perform this on a slope, Kirby will
 begin to slide down.
   When performed in the air, Kirby turns into stone and falls quickly and
 heavily onto the ground. If anyone gets in the way, this move will do lots
 of damage (about 22%) and launches your opponents into the air.


 Hits (Dmg): 1 (4%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press B

   Fox fires a thin laser beam that travels for a long distance before dissi-
   The move is very quick and fast to pull off. You can use this to catch 
 your opponents unawared.

 Hits (Dmg): 1 (12%)
 Rating: **
 Command: Press Up + B
          (Use the Stick to direct the move.)

   Fox will first begin to power up then launches himself up into the air.
 You can use the stick to determine the travel direction when Fox is powering
   This move is Fox's most powerful move, but the damage is only average, and
 it takes quite a while to pull off. Best do this from afar and direct it
 towards your opponent. Another way to better make use of this move is to 
 perform the move in the air and direct it towards unwary opponents who are
 fighting on the ground.

 Hits (Dmg): 1 (5%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press Down + B

   Fox turns on a shield that can relect almost any projectiles with a 1.5 
 increase in the projectile's power. This includes the various character's 
 projectile moves, and also items (like Shells).
   You can also leave the Reflector on for as long as you like by holding 
 down the B button when you perform the move. However, if you guard against
 projectile for too long, the Reflector will be destroyed and Fox will be
   When not used to relect projectiles, you can perform this move when you
 are surrounded to push your way out.


 Hits (Dmg): 1 (6%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press B

   Pikachu will fire an electricity bolt that skims across the ground. It
 travels and adjust to the terrain until it reaches an edge. This is one of
 the slower projectile moves, but it does slightly more damage than the

 Hits (Dmg): n/a
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press Up + B
  (Use the 3D Stick to determine the travel direction of the move.
   Can be performed twice in a row.)

   Pikachu charges up and zips forward very quickly for a short distance. 
 This move does not do any damage, but it is useful for surprise attacks or 
 recovering out of the air.
   This move can be directed using the stick, and can be performed twice in
 succession by quickly inputting a second direction on the stick once the 
 move ends the first time.
   However, it is sometimes very difficult to see where you are going, and
 you might just fall to your death.

 Hits (Dmg): 1 (10%), 2 (28%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press Down + B

   Pikachu will call down a lightning bolt that strikes him, injuring all
 nearby opponents. This move is very powerful and scores 2 hits if your
 opponents are very close to you.
   However, if there is a platform above you, the lightning bolt won't be
 able to reach Pikachu. This lightning bolt can still cause about 10% damage
 to opponents who are directly above you, though.
   Another way to make use of this move is to perform it while jumping 
 forward. If you time it right, the lightning bolt that comes down will miss
 Pikachu and strike anyone below him.



 Hits (Dmg): 1 (5%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press B

   Luigi throws a fireball that goes straight. It can bounce off the sides of
 walls which get in the way. The fireball will dissipate after travelling a
 certain distance.

 Hits (Dmg): 1 (2% or 25%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press Up + B

   Luigi does a rising punch which is very similar to that of Mario's. However,
 this move only does 1 hit when it connects. If you perform this move very close 
 to your opponent, there will be a burst of flames and the damage inflicted on 
 your opponent will be very high (25%)! (If the move barely hits your opponent,
 the damage will be only 2%.)
   Like Mario's Super Jump Punch, you have no control over Luigi when he recovers 
 from the motion of the jump-punch, so watch where you land!

 Hit/Damage: 1 (12%)
 Rating: **
 Command: Press Down + B
   Luigi will spin quickly on the spot while rising a little. This is also similar 
 to Mario's move, but it's not as effective because its does only 1 hit and your
 opponent will be able to attack you once they recover.


 Hits (Dmg): 1 (20%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press B

   Captain Falcon throws a flaming forward punch that covers a fairly large
 hit area. It is a very powerful move that sends your opponents flying!
   However, it takes quite a while to pull off and you are wide open to your
 opponent's attacks when the move begins.
   This move is not really useful when you are fighting one-to-one. Try 
 to catch unexpecting opponents with this move by performing from a distance
 since the Captain jerks forward as he punches.

 Hits (Dmg): 1 (15%)
 Rating: **
 Command: Press Up + B

   This is actually a throw move. Captain Falcon jumps upwards, and if he
 grabs his opponent, he will spring off the victim who will get hurt by an 
   This move is mainly used to attack enemies who are above you or on a higher
 platform. Otherwise, you'll have to perform this move very close to your

 Hits (Dmg): 1 (12%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press Down + B

   Captain Falcon will perform a flying kick that travels forward for quite
 a distance. This is a very useful move and you can use it to hit your
 opponents if they are all standing together as a group.
   Just be careful when performing this because there is always the danger
 of flying off the platform you are on.
   When performed in the air, the Falcon Kick goes diagonally downwards.


 Hits (Dmg): 1 (10%)
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press B

   Purin draws back her tiny arm and throws a short forward punch. This
 move is pretty slow and has a short range.
   Besides using this as an attack, it can also be used in mid-air several
 times to recover since the move launches you forward slightly.

 - SING -
 Hits (Dmg): n/a
 Rating: **
 Command: Press Up + B

   Purin begins to sing, creating sound waves around herself. This move will
 put any nearby opponents to sleep, and you can attack them during this period
 until they wake up.
   However, the range of this move is very short, and you have to be almost
 touching your opponents in order for this move to hit!

 - SLEEP -
 Hit/Damage: 1 (14%)
 Rating: *
 Command: Press Down + B

   Purin will fall asleep and wake up after a while. During this period, she is
 completely open to attacks, which makes this quite a useless special move.
   However, this move does do some damage and sends your opponent flying when it
 begins, but the range is extremely short. It is very difficult to get a hit 
 on your opponent unless they are standing still right in front of you.


 - PK FIRE -
 Hits (Dmg): 8 (16%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press B

   Ness shoots out a small and pointed projectile that will burst into a
 column of flames on impact. The projectile is quick but has a short range.
   A direct hit will trap the victim for quite a while, inflicting lots of 
 damage. Furthermore, you can even walk right up and attack your helpless 
 opponent for even more damage! The burning fire column is tall and can 
 damage multiple opponents.
   When performed in the air, Ness fires the projectile diagonally downwards.
 If it hits, the bursting fire column will appear in mid-air and will slowly
 'float' to the ground.

 Hits (Dmg): 1 (5%)
 Rating: ****
 Command: Press Up + B
          then use the 3D Stick to control the thunder bolt.

   Ness will release a thunder bolt from the top of this head, which you can
 manually control, while he stands still and 'concentrate'.
   With this move, you can set up some neat surprise attacks by guiding the
 thunder bolt through strange flight paths and catch your opponents when they
 least expect it. With this, you can also attack opponents who have been
 launched into the air and prevent them from returning back to the arena!
   You can even hit yourself with the thunder bolt and, depending on where you
 get struck, you can propel yourself into the air. (Unlike the others who have
 a 'rising' or hovering [Up + B] move, this is his way of recovering in mid-
 air.) While Ness is being propelled by the impact of the bolt, he is also able
 to inflict damage on anyone who is in the way.
   Just take note that Ness is completely vulnerable to all attacks when he is 
 performing the move, and when you perform this while jumping, it is more risky
 as he might fall to his death if you do not hit him with this own thunder bolt
 at the right angle at the right time.

 Hit/Damage: n/a
 Rating: ***
 Command: Press Down + B

   Ness will create a barrier which can absorb projectiles to lower his
 Damage Percentage! This works for most projectiles, including certain items
 (such as the Fire Flower).



     This FAQ was written by Kelvin Koh.
      (e-mail: kelkwl@mbox4.singnet.com.sg)
    The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at:

    If anyone has any comments, information, or if you have found a mistake, 
 please feel free to e-mail me. Also, if you intend to post my FAQ, feel 
 free to do so, but please inform me first.

         FAQ Copyright 1999 by Kelvin Koh. All rights reserved.

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