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      / _____________ \     ____      ____         __          ________     __       __
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      \_______________/                         ####, ###, ,###, ,####
                                                #   # #  # #   # ##
    Faust's Super Smash Bros. FAQ               ####  ###' #   # '###, 
    Domestic N64                                #   # #'#, #   #    ## ##
    Version 1.4   6/22/99                       ####' # '# '###' ####' ##

     In this update: "Corrected" Item Switch code.
         E-Mail: kmfdm@technonet.com
         Web Page: http://www.gamingwest.com

             Yes, I am very aware this guide sucks compared to others...
             I put a LOT more work into my Samus Aran FAQ, so check it out.
             Kinda sad when a FAQ based on a single character is 3 times the
             size of a FAQ based on the entire game. :)

   /           \ 
  (             ) SECRET CHARACTERS
  (             ) OTHER SECRETS

     All of these codes have been confirmed by me. The
     only one im unsure of is the Item Switch code.
  | The 4 Secret Characters...  \____________________________________________________
  |------------------------------                                                    \
  |----- Jigglypuff -----------------------------------------------------------------|
  | Simply beat the game on any difficulty, with any amount of lives.                |
  |----- Captain Falcon -------------------------------------------------------------|
  | Beat the game on any difficulty, with any amount of lives, with the "Speed       |
  | King" bonus, which is gotten if you beat the game under 20 minutes.              |
  |----- Ness -----------------------------------------------------------------------|
  | Beat the game on Normal, with 3 lives, without continuing. Despite               |
  | Smashbrothers.com saying it must be on Hard, I have gotten mail stating          |
  | that it works on Normal.                                                         |
  |----- Luigi ----------------------------------------------------------------------|
  | Complete all of the Bonus Practice 1 games with the 8 original characters.       |
  | The Secret Mushroom Kingdom Level  \_____________________________________________
  |-------------------------------------                                             \
  | Beat the game with all 8 original characters on any difficulty with any          |
  | amount of lives. Also, you have to play on all 8 standard levels in VS.          |
  | Item Switch...  \________________________________________________________________
  |------------------                                                                \
  | Oh man has this code given me a headache. I have been e-mailed about 5           |
  | different ways to do it, and have tested them all. The only one that             |
  | seemed to work with any regularity is the playing vs. mode 50 times one          |
  | (even though I did specifically count sometimes and it would not give me         |
  | it at 50 sometimes...). Anyways, I have had it with this code, so am just        |
  | making this one final update to it, then will most likely never touch this       |
  | FAQ again.                                                                       |
  | Sound/Music Test...  \___________________________________________________________
  |-----------------------                                                           \
  | Beat all bonus rounds with every character including secret characters.          |

   /              \ 
  (                ) MARIO  - DONKEY  KONG - LINK -  SAMUS  ARAN
  (                ) LUIGI - CAPTAIN  FALCON - NESS - JIGGLYPUFF

   === MARIO ===
         B   - Fireball
             Shoots his classic fire flower induced fire ball.
         U+B - Super Jump Punch
             Cheesy Shoryuken(Street Fighter move of course) rip-off.
             He jumps and does a upwards punch.
         D+B - Mario Tornado
             He spins, doing continues damage. Good move on large
             enemies like the Hand and Giant D.K.

   === DONKEY KONG ===
         B   - Giant Punch
             He winds his fist up... then BAM, huge punch!
         U+B - Spinning Kong
             He spins his fist, in a spinning lariet type move. In
             the air it acts sort of like a mini-copter and you fly
             up a little.
         D+B - Hand Slap
             He slaps the ground, shaking opponents, and damaging
             those near.

   === LINK ===
         B   - Boomerang
             Link throws his boomerang. It can hit coming back as
             well of course.
         U+B - Spin Attack
             Link spins, knocking opponents away. In air can be
             used to jump even higher...
         D+B - Bomb
             This puts a bomb in Link's hand. Press "D+B" again to
             throw it forward, with an explosion on impact. Press
             "A" to throw it so it will land and go off in a second
             or two. Also, the "A" throw is angled down somewhat more.

   === SAMUS ARAN ===
         B   - Charge Shot
             Press "B" to charge up, press it again in the middle
             of charging to shoot the shot "as is", or wait till
             it is finished and you get a large shot, that you can
             move around and aim before you shoot.
         U+B - Screw Attack
             Awesome move, that jumps and hits enemies chiseling
             away at their life.
         D+B - Bomb
             Samus drops the bombs she had in the Metroid series,
             mainly used to drop from the air on enemies below as
             you are falling.

   === YOSHI ===
         B   - Egg Lay
             Yoshi lashes out with his tongue, sucking the enemy in
             then laying them out as an egg, disabling them for a
         U+B - Egg Throw
             Yoshi throws an exploding egg in an arch.
         D+B - Bomb
             Drops straight down, if on the ground he will jump up 
   === KIRBY ===
         B   - Swallow
             Swallow the enemy and steal their "B" move.
         U+B - Final Cutter
             Kirby Jumps up, and comes down with a sword, and when
             he lands a shockwave comes out of the sword.
         D+B - Stone
             Do this in mid-air and Kirby turns to a stone brick 
             and drops straight down. While stone is invulnerable to
             everything but throws.

   === FOX ===
         B   - Blaster Shot
             Fox shoots a laser. Very quick firing rate.
         U+B - Fire Fox
             Fox "charges up" briefly and then blasts off in the
             direction of your choice.
         D+B - Reflector
             Knocks projectiles back at the shooter.

   === PIKACHU ===
         B   - Thunder Shock
             Pikachu shoots a bolt of thunder, that goes up and down
             most walls. In air it is shot diagnoly.
         U+B - Quick Attack
             I may just be an idiot, but I have yet to get this move
             to do any damage... however it is without a doubt the
             best of the "triple jump" moves in the game.
         D+B - Thunder
             A large thunder bolt strikes Pikachu knocking away any
             surrounding enemies. An AWESOME move.

   === LUIGI ===
         B   - Fireball
             Shoots a green fire ball that goes straight, ignoring
             gravity. It also rebounds off walls.
         U+B - Super Jump Punch
             Same as Mario's.
         D+B - Luigi Tornado
             Same as Mario's.
         B   - Falcon Punch
             Powerful punch. Slow, but damage more than makes up
             for it.
         U+B - Falcon Blast
             Jumps up, if he grabs someone he will knock them a
             pretty good distance away.
         D+B - Falcon Kick
             If used on the ground, it does a flaming slide, if
             used in mid-air he does a flaming downward kick.

   === NESS ===
         B   - PK Fire
             Shoots a little bolt out, and if it hits causes a
             continuous column of fire that does damage.
         U+B - PK Lightning
             Launches a lightning bolt that is controllable by
             the player. If you hit Ness, it will launch him a
             very long distance away, which is good for getting
             back on to land. If when launched, Ness hits an
             opponent it does severe damage, and Ness takes none.
         D+B - Absorbing Shield
             Any projectiles are absorbed by the shield giving
             Ness back life equal to the damage it would have

   === JIGGLYPUFF ===
         B   - JiGgLy Punch!
             Does a small little punch. Decent, but not good enough
             for a "B" move...
         U+B - Sing
             Jigglypuff sings, putting surrounding enemies to sleep!
         D+B - Sleep
             Jigglypuff falls asleep himself, and any enemy touching
             him during the beginning of it gets knocked a huge

     THE END FOR NOW... And as I said above, I know this FAQ sucks... :)


           Faust (kmfdm@technonet) . Author(Me)
           WonderPanX@aol.com      . Correction on Ness Code
           MonXXLatH@aol.com       . Correction on Mushroom Kingdom Code

           Thanks to all the people who e-mailed me about the Item Switch
           Code. I got WAY too many mails about it to list them all here
           though, sorry. :(

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