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                   R e a d y   2   R u m b l e   B o x i n g
          FAQ/Move List for the N64 version of Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
  This document is Copyright (C)1999-2000, Dallas Scott. All Rights Reserved.

   The latest version of this FAQ/Move List can always be found at GameFAQs:


=Legal Disclaimer=
This document is Copyright (C)1999-2000, Dallas Scott. All Rights Reserved. 
This document is intended for the sole, private, non-commerical use of it's 
audience. This document may not be: published, copied, edited, altered, sold, 
attempted to be sold, posted on any website, retransmitted, uploaded, posted, 
etc. without the sole consent of the author of himself. Failure to abide by 
these terms is breaking the Copyright Infringment law in the United States 
of America and will result in civil prosecution to any individual, company, 
organization, coropration, incorporation, etc. which can lead up to a $500+ 
fine and/or jail time. This document may only be read and printed by its 
audience, any other activity which is engaged with this document other than 
reading/printing purposes shall result in a civil lawsuit against violators 
and their affiliates engaged in the crime.


Attention all webmasters. If you want to post this document on your website,
please drop me a line at Dallas@DodgerStats.com and let me know: the name of
your website, the URL of your website, the content of your website, and any 
other information I should know about. With my consent, you can post this
document on your website as long as you: give full credit to myself, and you
leave the document unaltered as you see it here to the public. If you post
this document on your website without asking, actions shall be taken. Please,
just ask me, I reply within the hour of asking, it's not too much trouble.


=Table of Contents=
   i. Introduction & Version History
   I. Camera Angles
  II. Moves
 III. Gameplay Modes
  IV. Character Bios
   V. Character Moves
  VI. Hints/Tips/Strategy
 VII. Credits
VIII. Contact Information
  IX. Legal Disclaimer
   X. Closing


=i. Introduction & Version History=
This popular Boxing game has now made it's way onto the Nintendo 64, and it's
badder than ever. When I first began this FAQ/Move List I could find no other
help around on the internet, so I decided to write my own, hence this document.
Not much really to say here, enjoy the game, and may this FAQ/Move List serve
helpful as you play.

Version History:
V1.4 (06/27/2000): Reformatted FAQ. Remember, Michael Buffer is not in the game.
V1.3 (12/22/1999): More moves added. It is now official. Michael Buffer is NOT
                   in the game, so please don't ask me about it anymore. Bobby
                   Meyer e-mailed the company that made R2RBoxing and they have
                   confirmed that he is not in the game.
V1.1 (12/13/1999): Added name of 2nd secret boxer.
V1.0 (12/11/1999): Initial Release.


=I. Camera Angles=
In R2RB there are quite a few camera modes to choose from. Basically this part 
of the FAQ explains each Camera mode and how it looks, so here they are:

Normal View - This is your standard fighting view. As you and your oppenent move 
so does the camera. It is not to close and not to far away from the players, but 
a little pulled back. This is basically your default camera view.

Slow Motion - The reason why I call this "Slow Motion" view is because it makes 
the game more dramatic by making the camera rotate very slowly around the 
characters making it seem very realistic.

Fan View - You are now in the eyes of a typical fan. The Fan View allows you to 
view the match from a spectators eyes. The camera is pulled back outside the 
ring so you get the sensation of what a fan sees during a match.

Slow Motion (Ring) - This is basically the same thing as the "Slow Motion" view 
only that it rotates very slowly around the ring instead of the characters 
themselves. So it is just basically pulled back.

1st Person View (You) - BAM! See the action in the eyes of your own character. 
This camera view is up close and personal with the character you choose and 
shows each punch you take and throw.

1st Person View (Opponent) - This is the same thing as before only the camera is 
in your opponents face rather than yours. These 2 modes are pretty good if you 
want to get a good look at the characters faces, but for beginners I recommend 
you stick with normal view.

Well, those are all the Camera Views. For beginners to the game, stick with 
Normal View. But if you want to try out different things to make the gaming 
environment more dramatic or fun try all the different views.


=II. Moves=
First off here is a NOTE - In this section I list NO MOVES for any character. 
Check the "CHARACTERS MOVES" section for that. Here I describe some tricks while 
fighting, they are pretty basic, but for those new to the game you won't know 
what they are...

R U M B L E ! 
This is a great feature in R2RB! Once you deal out a certain amount of damage to 
your opponent, you will notice a letter appears on the bottom of the screen. 
Your goal here is to spell out the word "RUMBLE" by collecting all the letters. 
Once you do this, press the A and B buttons at the same time and your character 
will yell out and his or her gloves will start glowing which does MAJOR damage 
to your opponent.

Rumble Flurry
This has to do with the Rumble Mode gameplay (See Gameplay types). While playing 
in this mode you have infinite stamina. This is VERY useful! Press C-Down and C-
Right to deal out the dangerous Combo, Rumble Flurry, which your oppenent will 
almost 99.9% of the time not be able to block.

Basic Moves
Of course, besides each characters "Special Move" they all have a basic set of 
moves such as various types of punches, jabs, uppercuts, etc. It is always good 
to use these, but if you're looking to do some real damage try combos, and 
"Special Moves" to finish off an opponent.


=III. Gameplay Modes=
Arcade Mode
The Arcade Mode consists of just plain ol' fighting and nothing else. While in 
other gameplay modes you fight for prizes, money, and to further your characters 
abilities, in Arcade mode there is NONE of that. Just a fight and nothing else.

Championship Mode
Here's what you've been lookin' for! Money, Prizes and Strength, oh my! In 
championship mode, you fight opponents and when you win your character will gain 
money and prizes which enable him/her to gain more Strength.

   Training (Championship Mode)
   This is still part of the Championship mode, but it's what takes place 
   before you hop into the ring. Of Course when your characters start out they 
   are _very_ un-skilled. That is what training mode is for. Here's what you 
   will be doing:

      Hit the Ball!
      This is rather easy, and gives the player a sensation of the 
      controls for the game. All you have to do is push the correct
      button right when the little Ball on top of it does. 

      Punching Bag
      Just follow what the directions say. If they say to Sway left,
      do it. If they say sway right, do it. This can be very difficult
      for some. Just try to alternate your punches to keep that bag

      In this training game, you have POWER but not a lot. Just make
      sure alternate your punches and keep that little punching 
      bag moving.

      BIG Bag 
      This is the last training for a bit. You get a certain amount of 
      time so be quick! Follow the instructions you receive on the 

      Training Complete!
      After training is done, you will see a screen with a bag on it
      and show your training value percent and rating. You can either
      set the training value to "Automatic" or "Manual" While with 
      Automatic you can get up to 100% but with Manual you can WAY
      more if you work hard. It's up to you. If you think you are 
      good at manual work, choose Manual, otherwise, if you just 
      like to take it easy and let the AI do it for ya, choose 
      Automatic, but that might lower your rating.

      Other Training
      There are also some other training modes besides the basic ones.
      You can choose the "Weight Lifting" training which sound pretty
      easy but it's not. No your controller isn't going to magically
      weight 2 tons and make you lift it, but instead you must press 
      the A button to start the weight, and stop it as close as you 
      can to the white line.
      Other Training (#2)
      Another Training mode you can try out is Vitamin and Mass 
      Nutrition training. This doesn't involve ACTUAL training but
      it does cost you some dough. 

   P R I Z E   F I G H T S 
   Whew, now that your character is a little built up, it's time to 
   get into the ring! This is one way to get some $$$ and is mandatory
   if you want your character to get any stronger. A REALLY FUN way 
   to make some quick cash is to BET on your boxer. The maximum amount
   you can bet is $20,000 but remember if you lose the match, your out
   that much cash.

   Title Fights
   This is the 2nd way you can earn some money and get a shot at the 
   Championship. After you pass the 10 ranks you'll face the champ.
   You'll also get a secret boxer. This is just another way to 
   make some money if you need some.


=IV. Character Bios=
Boris Knokimov
Age: 30
Weight: 220 lbs.
Reach: 73" (6' 3")
Height: 6' 3"
Boris is strong and has a great fighting style. He is a good character to use in 
the beginning of gameplay.

Butcher Brown
Age: 23
Weight: 232 lbs.
Reach: 83" (7' 3")
Height: 5' 9"
He may be short, but boy is he tough! A 7' reach gives him a GREAT advantage 
over mostly all of his opponents.

Afro Thunder 
Age: 21
Weight: 120 lbs.
Reach: 70" (6')
Height: 5'7"
Just goes to show you that skinny people _can_ fight! Only a mere 120 pounds, 
Afro has a HUGE energy supply which is a GREAT advantage over opponents.

Salua Tua
Age: 33
Weight: 358 lbs.
Reach: 77" (6' 7")
Height: 6' 0"
Mr. Sumo himself. This guy is huge. Although he may be slow due to his weight, 
but that is all made up for with his massive Strength!

Angel "Raging" Rivera
Age: 23
Weight: 155 lbs.
Reach: 71" (6' 1")
Height: 5' 9"
This is proabably the most "Average" boxer you will find. Just the right size 
for boxing.

Tank Thrasher
Age: 26
Weight: 290 lbs.
Reach: 80" (7')
Height: 6' 4"
A little on the heavy side, but nevertheless Tank is one mean boxer. He doesn't 
really care about his own safety, but rather on getting rid of others'.

Selene Strike
Age: 24
Weight: 130 lbs.
Reach: 80" (7')
Height: 6' 2"
One of the 2 women in R2RB, Selene may seem on the skinny side but her reach is 
great. She is also a little on the slower side as well.

Jet "Iron" Chin
Age: 20
Weight: 150 lbs.
Reach: 78" (6' 8")
Height: 5' 8"
The youngest one of all. Jet has great jabs, chops, and backhands. He also has 
excellent speed.

Rocket Samchay
Age: 23
Weight: 165
Reach: 78" (6' 8")
Height: 6' 2"
A former kickboxer, but that does him no good in boxing. However, he is 
very good with his hands as well as his feet.

"Furious" Faz Motar
Age: 28
Weight: 230
Reach: 76" (6' 7") 
Height: 6' 5"
This Saudi Arabian guy may be pretty slow, but that is made up for with his 
great power.

Lulu Valentine
Age: 21
Weight: 105
Reach: 64" (5' 4")
Height: 5' 2"
The 2nd woman boxer in the game as well as the smallest boxer I've ever seen. 
which makes her quick on her feet and able to take out anyone.

"Big" Willy Johnson
Age: 108 
Weight: 175
Reach: 72" (6' 2")
Height: 5' 10"
This guy is 108 and boxing!? He has traveled the oceans for a century
just to come and compete in R2RB.

J.R. Flurry
Age: 21
Weight: 160
Reach: 71" (6' 1")
Height: 6' 3"
This guy is really fast. He does seem a little conceited but all boxers 
are like that.


Kemo Claw
Age: 34
Weight: 120
Reach: 99" (8' 9")
Height: 7' 1"
This guy is huge. He has an almost 9' reach! Great competitor.

Bruce Blade
Age: 25
Weight: 243
Reach: 78" (6' 8")
Height: 6' 5"
This guy is a dirty fighter, but a good one. Notice the padding on his head?

Nat Daddy
Age: 25
Weight: 265
Reach: 100" (9')
Height: 6' 9"
This guy is very tough! With a 9' reach. He is also from Las Vegas, 
Nevada and has tremendous power.

Damien Black
Age: 500
Weight: 250 lbs.
Reach: 105" (9' 5")
Height: 7' 3"
The oldest strongest, longest reachable character in the game!

Well, those are the 17 boxers in the game. Now on to the moves...


=V. Character Moves=
Special Moves:

Boris Knokimov
Superior: Back + C-Up
Reigning Axel: Forward, Back + C-Up
Delta Axel: Forward + C-Down, C-Up, C-Left (In Rumble Mode)

Butcher Brown
Brute Disaster: Back + C-Up
Total Disrespect: Back + C-Left, C-Down, C-Right
Scrape the Gutter: C-Up, C-Left, C-Left

Afro Thunder
Uptempo: C-Left (Tap Repeatedly)
The Supa Stoopid Funky Punch: Back, Forward + C-Up
Sucka Punch: Back, Back + C-Up (Tap up 3x to make it stronger)

Salua Tua
Porkchop: Back, Forward + C-Up
Gut Buster: Forward, Back, Forward + C-Right
Monster: Down + C-Down, Forward, Back + C-Left

Angel "Raging" Rivera
Lowrider: Forward, Back + C-Right
Ghetto Blaster: Back, Forward + C-Left
Salsa: Forward + C-Down, Back, Forward + C-Left

Tank Thrasher
Blitz: Back + C-Left
Crash Test Left: Forward, Forward + C-Left
Crash Test Right: Forward, Forward + C-Up

Selene Strike
Rush: Forward, Forward (Must be back)
Superwoman: Back, Forward + C-Left
Cold Shoulder: Back, Back, Forward _ C-Down

Jet "Iron" Chin
Firecracker: Back + C-Up
Arch Protest: Back + C-Left
Giving Orders: Forward, Back + C-Up

Rocket Samchay
Rocket Launcher: Forward, Back + C-Left
Right Elbow Smash: Back, Forward + C-Left
Left Elbow Smash: Back, Forward + C-Up

"Furious" Faz Motar
Urban Attack: Up, Down (or Vice Versa) + C-Left
Whirlwind: Forward, Forward, Back + C-Left
Oasis: Forward, Forward, Back + C-Left, Forward + C-Up

Lulu Valentine
Triple Upper: Back, Back, Forward + C-Up
Spinning Assault: Back + C-Left
Backhand: Forward, Back + C-Up

"Big" Willy Johnson
Clockwork: Forward, Forward, Back + C-Left
Stealing Props: Up, Down (or Vice Versa) + C-Left
Time Out: Up, Down (or Vice Versa) + C-Left, C-Left

J.R. Flurry
Knuckle Driver: Back, Back + C-Down, C-Right, C-Down, C-Up
Hard Driver: Forward, Back, Forward + C-Left
Bait Driver: Forward, Back, Forward + C-Down, C-Right, C-Down, C-Up


Kemo Claw
Warcry: Back, Forward + C-Left
Arrowhead Punch: Back, Back + C-Left
Shaman Punch: Back, Back, Forward + C-Up

Bruce Blade
Corkscrew Blade: Back, Forward + C-Left
Sit Down: Back, Back, Forward + C-Up
Disrespect: Forward, Forward, Back + C-Up

Nat Daddy
Jackhammer: Back, Forward + C-Up
Dropping Bombs: Back, Back, Forward + C-Left
Dump Truck: Back, Back, Forward + C-Up, C-Right

Damien Black
???: Left, Left, C-Up
BlackHeart Spear: Left, Right, C-Up
???: Left, Right, C-Left


=VI. Hints/Tips/Strategy=
Don't Button Mash
R2RB isn't the type of game where you can just push a whole bunch of buttons and 
win. You are going to have to learn moves and try to remember them and be the 
biggest and best boxer there ever was.
Re-Gain health!
When you knock your opponent down, you will see him/her trying to get back up. 
While they are struggling press the A, B, or any of the C buttons repeadetly and 
you will re-gain lost heatlh!

Be careful when betting. If you think or know you're gonna lose a match, then 
don't go and bet 20 K on it. However, if you've been fighting for a while and 
think you can, by all means bet it all!

Don't forget to block
The Bob and Weave is a good technique to learn if you want to win any titles. 
First give your opponent a jab then block or try and avoid them as much as 

Watch the Stamina!
Always remember to keep an eye on your stamina meter. Otherwise, if it is near 
empty and you try to do a finishing move, it will do very little damage to your 
opponent. Always let the meter fill up if you are running low.

=VII. Credits=
I would like to thank the following people/companies:

Jakob(OTACON120@webtv.net) - Gave me moves for Damien Black.

Bobby Meyer - Informed me that Micheal Buffer is NOT a secret character, also 
gave me Bio for Damien Black.

Gary (Pokemaniac) - Gave me a new move for Damien Black.

Shawn13184 - Gave me 1 of Damien Black's moves.

NP Magazine - For some of the moves I couldn't get.

Jeff 'CJayC' Veasey - Owner of GameFAQs, for posting this and my other FAQs, 
and for running GameFAQs!

Myself - For typing this up ^_^


=VIII. Contact Information=
Before sending me any e-mail, I have specified certain guidelines you
must follow. I receive far too much e-mail a day that is nonsense, so
please follow all guidelines if you expect a response from me.

Here are the types of e-mail I will not accept:

* SPAM - Get Rich Quick Scams, Home Loans, any Advertisements.
* Chain Letters - Letters trying to break records, etc.
* l33t Speak - ! d0n'+ w/\n+ l33t $p3/\k 3-m/\!L
* Unconstructive Criticism - Saying my FAQs suck with no reasoning, etc.
* Hate Mail - Same as unconstructive criticism.
* "Rude" mail - Demanding you be credited for something, etc.
* QAA - Questions Already Answered in this FAQ won't be answered.

Here are the types of e-mail I will accept:

* Contributions - Want to contribute something to this FAQ?
* Praise Mail - Praise on any of my FAQs.
* Questions - I accept FAQ questions, or general FAQ writing questions.
* Suggestions - Want to suggest something for my FAQ(s) or writing style?
* Comments - Any positive OR negative comments are accepted.
* Other - If you just feel like chatting, drop me a line.


=IX. Legal Disclaimer=
This document is Copyright (C)2000, Dallas (Dallas@DodgerStats.com). It is 
intended for the sole, private, non-commerical use of it's audience. This
document may not be: published, copied, edited, altered, sold, attempted to
be sold, posted on any website, retransmitted, uploaded, posted, etc. without
the sole consent of the author of himself. Failure to abide by these terms is
breaking the Copyright Infringment law in the United States of America and
will result in civil prosecution to any individual, company, organization,
coropration, incorporation, etc. which can lead up to a $500+ fine and/or
jail time. This document may only be read and printed by its audience, any
other activity which is engaged with this document other than reading/printing
purposes shall result in a civil lawsuit against violators and their affiliates
engaged in the crime.


Attention all webmasters. If you want to post this document on your website,
please drop me a line at Dallas@DodgerStats.com and let me know: the name of
your website, the URL of your website, the content of your website, and any 
other information I should know about. With my consent, you can post this
document on your website as long as you: give full credit to myself, and you
leave the document unaltered as you see it here to the public. If you post
this document on your website without asking, actions shall be taken. Please,
just ask me, I reply within the hour of asking, it's not too much trouble.

=X. Closing=
This FAQ now comes to a close. I'd like to give my thanks out to all
of you many readers who have read this, and I want to give a big 
thanks to Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for posting this FAQ and for running the
best darn gaming site on the web today.

Please support the author of this FAQ by visiting his website at:




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