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   Quake for n64FAQ/Walkthrough by Blue Shadow (Blueshadow64@aol.com) V1.4 
 This document Copyright 2000 by Blueshadow (Chris fox) 
         This is my very first Walkthrough.  So I am not that experienced, (so 
no BAD comments, just good ones) I will try to make this a very good 
FAQ/Walkthrough. One reason I wrote this FAQ/Walkthrough is that I am trying 
to get experience in FAQ writing.   Another reason is that this game was in 
the request board so I did it.   You can email me questions about the game and 
I WILL answer them to my best ability (Email address is at the top).  I will 
try to complete this FAQ/Walkthrough in less then 2 weeks or in 2 weeks.

V1.4 8/7/00 

1.Revision History
2.My Review of Quake 
3.Walkthrough (done in normal difficulty mode) *  
4.Tips for HARD mode and NIGHTMARE mode * 
5.Weapons *
6.Enemy Guide * 
7.Cheats *
8.Credits * need people to put in it!

Stuff with * means I need to finish them 

V1.0 7/11/00
-I finished My Review
-I started the Walkthrough (I got level 1-2 done)
V1.1 7/12/00
-I added a secret to level 1
-I finished the level 3 walkthrough
V1.2 7/13/00
-I fixed a few things
V1.3 7/21/00
-Changed my email address!
-Completed some of the level 4 walkthrough
V1.4 8/6/00
-Added to my review
-Fixed some things

2.MY REVIEW OF QUAKE (N64 version)
         Quake in my opinion is pretty fun but I also think Quake gets pretty 
old pretty fast.  It Always comes down to find that key, unlock that door, 
exit the level then do it again.  Compared to today's First Person Shooters 
like Perfect Dark, (awesome game) Turok 2, (hard and it has very good 
graphics) and Quake 2 (for that matter, it has way better graphics than the 
original Quake and has a 4-player multiplayer mode, which is very fun).  But 
Quake is still fun to play.   Also I love to get the enemies in fights it is 
very fun (if you didn't know you could do it well you CAN do it because I have 
done it).  All you do is get an enemy to shoot you but dodge it and make it 
hit another enemy and the enemy that got hit will attack the enemy that hit 
it.  GAMPLAY IS 7.2 OUT OF 10.0
         The Graphics in Quake are pretty good.  But they are sometimes blurry 
and it is hard to see the enemies sometimes.  Also the graphics under water 
are not good I thought it was hard to navigate under water (it's so jaggy.)  
But the enemies are well detailed if you can see them but they are kind of 
shaky.   The weapons in the game are pretty good looking to but the weapons 
don't have that much animation to them.  GRAPHICS IS 6.9 OUT OF 10.0
         The Sound in Quake is awesome.  Everything blows up, roars, shoots, 
and dies good.  I think the sound in the game is its best quality.   The guns 
shoot like real guns.  When you hit a wall or something with the axe it sounds 
just like it would sound in real life.   The sound isn't that good though 
again compared to games nowadays but it is a very OLD game so it really isn't 
that bad.  The music in the game isn't that bad to.  SOUND IS 8.6 OUT OF 10.0
         Quake has A LOT of levels in it but like I said earlier the levels 
are kind of boring.  There are a few boss battles in Quake to.  But when they 
come you think it's a normal level and I know that from personal experience.   
One time I ran into a level (a boss level, I didn't know it was a boss level) 
so I went into the battle arena and I didn't know what to do and I didn't know 
what the hell what shooting me.  Then I finally looked in the middle of the 
level and saw what was shooting me something big a boss.   Also the 
multiplayer levels are fun to play but it's only up to 2 players.   LASTING 
APEAL IS 7.6 OUT OF 10.0

OVERALL 6.9 out of 10.0 

3.WALKTHROUGH Note I will put WEAPONS and KEYS in capitals. 
                   Level 1 The Slipgate Complex 
         First go straight until you get to the opening.  Then turn right and 
go up tell it says you can jump up here. Then jump up there and look to the 
right then shoot the wall.   It will open and you will find a secret area and 
some shotgun shells.  Now jump from there and go to the opposite side but 
don't jump in it like before.  Turn right and go forward and it will say you 
can jump across well jump across.  Get the shotgun shells and go right then 
you will see some armor get it.  Then you go back to where it said you can 
jump across.  Then go through the door there (it will open automatically) and 
you will see your very first enemy (oh joy) kill him.

   Now go down the elevator and you will come to an area with 1 grunt and 2 
dogs.  Kill them.  Now jump in the water near the bridge and follow it.  You 
will find a secret area with a 100 health box.  Now jump in the water and 
follow it to an elevator and go back to where you where.  If you need health 
then go to the left of the building and get the 25 health box.  Then go 
through the door there and there will be 2 grunts there and another 2 dogs.  
Kill them.  Don't shoot the box in front of you or you will wish you didn't 
(it hurts you BADLY).  Now pick up the 25 health box and pick up the shotgun 
shells.  Now turn right from where you entered and go around the thing in the 
middle and shoot the blue thing.  It will bring you up.  Then get the health 
box if you need it.  Shoot the yellowish green thing near the health (it's on 
the wall).  You will find a secret area with a Quad Damage (it will double the 
damage you do on enemies).  Shoot the X if you get stuck in there.  Follow the 
area to you get to an elevator.  Go up it and there will be a dog.  Follow the 
path and you will find a NAIL GUN.  Once you do go near the wall in head of 
you and it will open and a grunt will come out.  You will get nailgun ammo if 
you kill him.
Now go back to where you came (go down the elevator and look right) and shoot 
the 3 grunts there. Then you go near the RED BUTTON and it will put a bridge 
across the green stuff (I think it is slime) and you can now cross the slime.  
Now go straight and then left and kill the grunts there. Then go up to the RED 
SWITCH and press it then go down a little more and get the other RED SWITCH 
then you follow the path and get the last RED SWITCH.  Then follow the path 
and kill the 5 grunts and the dog.

         Now go a little more and behind an altar like thing is a bio suit, 
now you can swim in the green stuff.  Jump into the slime and turn and like 
follow the bridge under the slime and you will get to an area with a pipe like 
thing in the middle.  Go up it and you will get to a secret area.  It has some 
armor their and some other goodies, When you're done their go through the 
teleporter.  GO back to the area with the red switches and back to the altar 
where you found the bio suit.  Then go up more and you will see 2 grunts kill 
them and get the health (which you WILL need after that attack and also get 
the ammo there.  The go into the next room and go into the portal and you've 
just completed the first level.
                   Level 2 Castle of the Damned
         Soon as you reach level 2, kill the grunt and the Ogre (Chainsaw 
person).  Theirs nothing in the water and if you accidentally fall in just go 
to the side and climb up.  There is 2 15 health boxes to the right of where 
you entered and there is also 1 box of shot gun shells there.  Now go forward 
and up the stairs there might be another Ogre there (if you went slow he won't 
be there). Kill him if he is there.  There is also 25 health there and some 
shotgun shells.  Kill the Grunt there.  Go forward on the bridge and turn 
right there will be another Grunt there.  Go forward and cross that bridge and 
there will be another Ogre there kill him.
         There will be 2 15 boxes of health to the left of you, get them if 
you need to.  Now go through the door towards the right of you.  There will be 
3 Grunts there and some shotgun shells to.  The door with the silver stuff 
needs a key so don't worry about that now.  Now go up those stairs and there 
will be 4 Grunts up there.  There is a secret in this room also.  It is in the 
top right hand corner and it has blue next to it.  Go back a few steps and 
there is a block that stands out and it is below a torch.  Run into it and get 
the mighty Quad Damage.  Get it and the 3 15 health boxes there.

         Now go back to the place with that huge bridge.  And go through the 
place in head of you.  Get the DOUBLE BARREL SHOTGUN there.  Go through the 
place there and there will be shotgun shells there (to your right) and there 
is also an Ogre there.  Follow the bridge there and you will come to a place 
with these things that shoot nails out of them (2) go throw them when they are 
not shooting.  There is also an Ogre there.  Follow the bridge more and there 
will be 1 15 health box and some shotgun shells and also 2 Grunts.  Now shoot 
the red skeleton thing and get the armor.  Now go up the stairs and there will 
be 3 knights.  There is also 3 15 health boxes there.  Now go to where the 
knights where and go up to that RED TARGET and it will make a bridge to the 
silver key.  Get the SILVER KEY (It's near the other end of the room.

         Now go through the door that just opened and follow it back to the 
place with that door that needed the silver key.  There will be an Ogre soon 
as you open the door.  Get the 2 25 health boxes if you need them.  There will 
be another Ogre there to.  Now go up to the big orange thing on the ground, 
walk on it to open the door and a thing will jump out at you (it's like a mini 
boss).  Kill it.  Go through the door that just opened.  There is 2 15 health 
boxes there.  Go up the stairs and their will be 2 knights and some shotgun 
shells in the left corner.  Go through the door to exit the level (straight 
ahead of where you entered.
                   Level 3 The Necropolis
         Soon as you start the level you will see some shotgun shells and 2 25 
health boxes to your right of where you started.  Go forward and turn left and 
you will find a GRENADE LAUNCHER and 3 zombies.  Kill them with your new 
grenade launcher.  Go forward (once you kill the zombies or they follow you) 
an Ogre will be on your right as you go forward. There will be an Ogre in a 
cage (to kill him just shoot through the cage with the shotgun or the double 
barrel shotgun if you have them).  You will also find some rockets.  Their 
will be 25 health in that room to.

         Now go down the stairs to your right.  Follow the passage and you 
will come to an Ogre.  Go forward more and you will get a DUOBLE BARREL 
SHOTGUN.  Go forward more and you will get some shotgun shells.  GO across the 
Bridge like thing and you will be able to get 2 25 health boxes and some 
shotgun shells.  Step on the Kind of dark part and it will bring you down 
(hurry and get off it or it will squash you.  You will see some rockets their 
and 4 zombies there.  There will be a 25 health box there.  Follow the passage 
more and there will be another 25 health box.  Turn right (from the health 
box) and there will be water.  There will be a zombie straight ahead of you.  
Turn left from the Zombie you just killed (exploded) and you will see the 
GOLDEN KEY, get it.  There will be 3 zombies there once you get the key.  Now 
go back to the room with the Ogre in the cage (it's straight ahead of where 
you got the key just follow the passage there).

         Soon as you get back there in Ogre will be there (on your left).  
There will be a 25 health box their behind where the Ogre used to be.  Now go 
through the door on the other side of the stairs you come in on.  There will 
be a NAIL GUN there, shoot the red thing and it will take you down.  Soon as 
you get down there will be some nails.  Follow the path more and there will be 
some more nails.  Follow more and there will 2 25 health boxes there.  Now 
turn right (from the health boxes).  NOW STOP DON'T GO FURTHER look alittle to 
your left do you see that genie thing there shoot it with the nail gun if you 
have ammo or any other gun (the nail gun works better though).  Now look in 
the middle of the bridge thing and you will see another genie thing shoot it.  
NOW go forward some more and turn right to see some rockets.  Now go across 
the bridge and kill the Ogre there.  There will be 2 nail gun ammo box things 
and a 25 health box.  Now turn right and you see that door with gold things on 
it there are 2 genies there.  One of them is almost on the platform your on.  
There will be some shotgun shells right near the door.  

         Go through the door that you need the gold key.  There will be 2 25 
health boxes there and some nails and shotgun shells.  Now go forward and turn 
right and there will be a genie there.  Go down there but don't get squashed.  
Now fall down that hole (it will open once it shoots something out and hits 
the wall).  Now follow the passage and you will see 2 zombies there.  Follow 
the passage more and you will see another zombie.  Follow the passage more and 
go through the first right passage and there will be 4 zombies there.  Now 
follow the passage more and a zombie will be right in head of you.  Now go up 
the ramp there will be 2 25 health boxes their and their will be a Ogre right 
behind of where you entered up on the wall.
Now go through that door and turn left and there will be 3 zombies their 
Now go by the door and there will be 2 25 health boxes there.  Now go through 
the door there and go up to the red thing on the wall and you will rise up (it 
won't squash you).  When you get up there will be 2 leapers there.  There will 
also be a 25 health box and some shotgun shells.  Go through the door to exit 
the level.
                   Level 4 Gloom Keep
         Soon as you start the level turn right and there will be 2 25 health 
boxes there.  There isn't anything in the water. So go forward some more and a 
knight will come at you.  Turn to your left and there will be some shotgun 
shell ammo there.  Now go through the area where that knight came from.  Don't 
step in the lighted places or something will shoot nails at you, just try to 
avoid them.  Follow it more and 2 knights will be there if they haven't 
attacked you yet.

         Now go forward more and there will be a ROCKET LAUNCHER there.  When 
you get it 2 knights will come at you.  There is also some shotgun shells 
where you came from.  Turn right at the intersection (there is an ogre on a 
ledge so kill him).  There will be 1 knight there.  Follow it more and an ogre 
comes at you.  In that room there is another ogre and a knight.  There is a 
SUPER NAIL GUN on the right and some nail gun ammo right behind the super nail 
gun.  There is also a total of 4 25 health boxes there (Your need them)!  Now 
go to the top left-hand corner and go up the stairs.  There will be 3 knights 
there.  There will be some rockets in the corner.  Go through the teleporter.

         You will come to a place with the GOLD KEY.  When you get it the 
platform you where on rises up and you have to face a mini boss person (It is 
very strong).  There is some shotgun ammo here and some nail gun ammo and some 
health.  Go through the passageway to your top left corner from where you 
entered.  There will be 2 leapers there and a knight.  There will be 2 25 
health boxes and some shotgun shells in that hall way.  Follow that passage 
some more and you will see an ogre up on a platform.  Go forward more and an 
ogre will come at you.  Go down and an ogre is guarding some rockets.  There 
is also a health box there.  Now go up the stairs (where an ogre come down and 
attacked you before).  There will be a knight there.  There will be another 
knight there (if he hadn't attacked you yet).  There will be a 25 health box 
and some shotgun shells.  Follow the passage more and you will see a door go 
through it.  There will be 2 knights out there. Follow the passage more and 
you will be back where you started the level.

         Now go back to that intersection and this time go left.  There will 
be 2 25 health boxes there and some shotgun shells.  Now go forward some more 
and turn left and there will be an ogre there.

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff