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                                Pokemon Snap
                          FAQ/Walkthrough version 1.5

                 Writer: Andrew R Morozin (LoudKing@aol.com)

                  (C)Copyright 1999. All rights reserved.

Hello, I am Andrew. I am a big Pokemon fan and I ran right out
and bought this agme as soon as it came out. I also beat this
game EVERY possible way the first day I bought it. The second day
I wrote this FAQ. I am sure my FAQ will help you.

SPECIAL NOTE!: For help on catching pokemon DON'T go to the
               "Characters and Pokemon" section. Those are hints!
               For the answers go to "Catching Pokemon (on film)"!!!

New in Version 1.4:
Fixed the faq so you should be able to read this now!!!
Fixed many errors.
Added the right way of getting the pokeflute!
Added the right way of getting Muk!
Added Gameshark section and codes!!!
Added more tips and FAQ questions.
Added what the items do to Pokemon in the "Items" section.
Added Walkthrough section. 
Added all my scores to the Scores section.
Added and updated others things as well.


Past Versions:

Version 1.0
First version. So close to perfect! 

Version 1.1
Second version. Fixed errors.

Version 1.2
Third version. Added walkthrough and my scores and what items
do to every Pokemon.

Version 1.3:
Fourth version. Fixed errors including how to get Muk.

Version 1.4:
Fifth version. Fixed right way of getting the Pokeflute.

That's all....for now!


Game Info
Name: Pokemon Snap
Type: Photography
System: Nintendo 64
Company: Nintendo/HAL

For more info check out my review at gamefaqs.com! 

 3.Tips, Tips, and Tips
 4.The FAQ
 5.Characters and Pokemon
10.Getting Pokemon (on film)
13.Do's and Don'ts
14.Rumors: Answered
15.Pokemon Snap Station
16.Gameshark Codes


{1} Story

After leaving Ash, Misty, and Brock (and Pikachu) Todd goes on to find
more Pokemon to capture on film, while Ash and his group move on to
Cinnabar Island. Todd has no idea that Professor Oak wants him to
research "Pokemon Island". One day Professor oak calls him up and
tells Todd the news. How could Todd say no to this important oppurtunity?
Todd gets up and heads out to Pokemon Island where he must conduct research
on how the Pokemon are living, if they are happy with their habitats
and if they are getting along with other Pokemon and must take pictures
for the research.

So head up and out as you can rename Todd and go explore Pokemon Island!



For some reason, I seem to be getting a lot of questions about 
how to do this or get where.  While I don't mind questions, 
what you should do first is READ THE FAQ to see if the answer is in 
there.  If it absolutely, 100% isn't in there, or if you can't 
understand what I'm saying, then you can email me about the question 
you want answered.  If you ask me a question when the answer is in the 
FAQ, I probably won't reply back.  Thank you for your cooperation.

{3} Tips, Tips, and Tips

In this section I will give you the best tips and tricks of catching
Pokemon on film!

-In the beach level lure pikachu to the "surfboard". Take a picture
 and get extra points for a surfing pikachu!

-Find Scyther in the first bushes and take pictures of the
 Pikachu's on the logs. Remember to play the Pokeflute
 for some electricity!

-Save the Pikachu from Zubat and take pictures of him with
 balloons...or on Articuno!

-Always have the pokemon in the center of the picture.

-Try lots of things and have fun.

-Try to have pokemon with other pokemon of the same type.

-Try to get good closeups.

-Keep throwing pesterballs at Mew for an extreme close up!!!!!

-Experiment with all the items.

-Hit the two Geodudes where the Sandslash was for a closeup!

-Remember to throw items in the water for hiding Pokemon!


{4} The FAQ

In this section I will answer any frequently asked questions.
Send your questions to me at LoudKing@aol.com! If it is a
very good and is asked a lot you're question will be in my
guide here and you will be given credit for it.

Q: How do you get Muk?
A: Read the "Catching Pokemon (on film)" section in THIS
   FAQ/Walkthrough. I will no longer answer questions like

Q: I am missing one Pokemon. Can you help me find out what it is?
A: Is this a life or death situation? Read the "settings" section and
   check every level and see every Pokemon in the game. Find the
   one that is NOT in your PKMN Report in your Pokemon Snap game.
   I will not personally help you find out anymore.

Q: If I start a new game will anything erase?
A: EVERYTHING! So make sure you REALLY want a new game.

Q: How many Pokemon are in this game?
A: 63 including Mew.

Q: What is a Mew?
A: Mew pronounced Myew not Moo. Mew is a Pokemon that Nintendo took
   out of the american version of Pokemon Red and Blue. It can be accessed
   with Gamegenie or Gameshark. It is not a "cheat".

Q: Why is the music so horrible?
A: I have no idea.

Q: How do I open the three eggs?
A: The egg in the tunnel you must lure Pikachu to the egg and pla the
   Pokeflute. The egg in the volcano you must hit with Pokemon food
   or a Pester Ball, the egg in the cave you must play the Pokeflute
   and wake up both Jynx.

Q: How do I get the Pokeflute?
A: Hit the switch in the valley level and then take a picture of
   a Pokemon Sign and you must have at least 130,000 overall

Q: How do I get the pesterball?
A: Take lots of pictures of lots of Pokemon. Try to get lots
   of new Pokemon.

Q: What does the Pokeflute do?
A: It wakes some Pokemon up and makes some dance.

Q: Where is the Gallery?
A: When you have at least four Pokemon in your PKMN Report the Gallery
   will show up at the VERY beginning of the game when it says New Game
   and Continue.

Q: This game sucks!
A: That's not a question.

{5} Characters and Pokemon


A young photographer that only photographs Pokemon in their natural
positions. He left Ash, Misty, and Brock (and Pikachu) to find more
Pokemon to capture on film while they went to Cinnabar Island.
Professor Oak called him up and asked him to conduct research
at Pokemon Island. He is now taking pictures of Pokemon at Pokemon
Island for Professor Oak.

Professor Oak:
The great Pokemon Reasearcher from Pallet Town has found out
about young Todd and called him up to conduct research at Pokemon Island
an island Professor Oak created for Pokemon to live naturally with
no trainers or catchers around.


Located at the Cave and River levels. These guys like to hide and sleep
but always make sure that they are around groups of Bulbasaur. They
don't like to be alone. They usually are in groups of three.
Hmm...there is something odd about the Bulbasaurs at the cave...

These little tough guys hang around in groups only in the Valley
level. They like to be in big groups mostly and they pick on the
cranky Mankeys.

The little fire lizard is only located at the volcano and hangs around
friends and loves treats. Some are treated badly by the mean Magmar.

Also located in the volcano, these like to be by themselves and defend
Charmanders from the Magmar.

These are not located on Pokemon Island but perhaps if you try to evolve
a Charmeleon...

These odd bugs are located only at the River stage. You can't get a good
picture when they're way up there...

These famous bugs are located only at the Beach level and like to fly around
with a friend most of the time.

Another hard head bug. This one is located in only the Cave level.
Also hard to get a close up when they're way up there...hmmm

These guys like to fly in groups for defense. When they wander away
from group they will usually get attacked by a Meowth. In groups
they can easily beat up a Meowth. They are only in the Beach level.

The most famous thing since the Beatles is in most stages of the game.
Beach, Tunnel, River, and even the cave! Pikachu's are very friendly
and love to get their pictures taken. They are defenseless against

Only in the Valley level. To find them make a Geodude fall and they
will pop out.

These creatures are very shy and will go underground as soon as they see you.
They are only in the Valley level.

Only in the volcano stage. They are only a few of them, and they are
very shy so take your pictures fast.

Another very famous Pokemon. This pokemon loves singing and attention
even more. They are in the cave level. You must save them from the
mean Koffing and they will sing and dance for you.

These bat pokemon are only in the cave level and do not hang around
for long. They like to pick on Pikachu's.

This creature sleeps all day at the River level. You must wake it
up somehow...

This mole creature is only in the tunnel and is friends with the Pikachus.
If it gets too much attention it will get mad and evolve into Dugtrio.

These may be on Pokemon Island but you can only get them by ticking off
a Diglett. They can only be found at the tunnel level.

These cool cats like to chase Pidgeys at the Beach level. They like
cameras so don't worry about him attacking you.

These guys like to swim at the river level. If you knock him out
he'll randomly hop out of the water if you hit the water with 
Pokemon food or a pester ball.

These bullies like to be left alone at the valley level. If you
throw a Magikarp at him he will beat it up and throw it away.
One day that Magikarp will have its revenge.

These are hiding out at the volcano level. It's up to you to
find these fire puppies.

These are also hiding out at the volcano. It's up to you to
ind them.

These guys hide behind vines and plantlife at the river level.
You can knock them into the water and they'll randomly jump
out if you hit the water with pokemon food or a pester ball.

This floating plant is located only in the cave. It is always
by itself and ignores all life around it. Give it a computer!

This is not located on Pokemon Island...perhaps if you evolved

These rock creatures hate cameras and stick themselves to the
mountain wall at the valley level and don't turn around. perhaps if 
you knock them down you can get a good picture.

These rock creatures also hang onto the mountain wall at the valley level. 
But you can't knock them down. They're sleeping. How will you wake them up?

These fire horses usually stay in groups and don't stay around long so
get a picture quick before they go. They are only in the volcano.

These slow small hippo type creatures like to stay near the beach
of the river level. They like to fish for nearby Shellder. One day
a shellder is going to bite him in the tail.

These creatures are not located on Pokemon Island but perhaps if
you evolve it...

These things (are they creatures?) hate cameras so be nice to them
and they'll relax.

These are sometimes seen on Pokemon Island but Todd never gets to
see them so he must make his own. How will he?

This two headed bird is only located at the beach level. It likes
to hide in grass and run around.

This creature made of grime is only located at the cave level
and hangs on ledges by itself.

These are not located on Pokemon Island. Looks like you'll
have to evolve a Grimer.

These flying clams pop out of the water at the river and valley
levels. They are usually in groups of two or three.

This oyster creature likes to pop out of the water and say hi
at the river and valley levels. They are usually by themselves.

This ghost pokemon haunts the ruins of the powerplant in
the tunnel level. It cannot be seen by the naked eye but if
it's in way of the camera it will show up on film.

These bomb like creatures hang out at the tunnel level. If you
get them mad they will explode.

Another famous pokemon. They like to bully the Jigglypuff around at
the cave level.

There is only one in the whole island and it has not been seen yet.
Where is it? Maybe the beach level?

This bad tempered pokemon does not like cameras and keeps its back
to you. Maybe if you get it mad it will turn around. It is only
at the beach level.

This feminen fish is only located at the valley level. You must hit
the water with a pokemon food or pester ball for it to pop out.

These starfish things fly around at the valley level.

This creature is hiding in the whirlpool at the valley level.
You must evolve a Staryu, but how?

This bug that seems to be related to the prehistoric kabutops
is located only inthe beach level. But it's hiding. It is hiding
in the grass but won't come out. It's up to you to get it out.

These weird creatures sleep by the Articuno egg in the cave
level. You must wake them up...what wakes pokemon up?

These cool dudes chase Electrodes and watch computer screens
in the tunnel level.

These fire ducks bully around the Charmanders in the volcano
level. They are usually by themselves or fighting another Magmar.
They are afraid of Charmeleons.

Magikarp are useless creatures. They are in most of the levels.
Just find that fresh water and they're inside. They are in every
level but rainbow cloud. To see them you must throw a pester
ball or pokemon food in the water and they'll pop out.

There are none on the island but perhaps if you watch the
cartoon show you will know how to evolve a Magikarp...

This loch ness monster wanders the watersin the beach level.
They like music so try to play some for a close up.
You can lure them in for a group shot also but they are
usually by themselves.

These guys don't let themselves be easily seen. They are using
another pokemon's identity...hmmm...do you watch the cartoon show?
Then you should know which pokemon its using for a fake identity.
They are only in the cave level.

Eevee chases a big puff ball at the beach.

Porygon camoflauges and hides very well at the river level.
It might be hiding inside a wall! They are near each other
but not in groups.

This big guy is easy to spot but you need to see his face for
a picture. Try using the pokeflute...nah. Throw something
at him.

This ice bird is trapped inside an egg of which only Jynx can
open. But they are sleeping.

This electric bird is also stuck inside an egg. Pikachu
can open it. But how do you get him to do it? Hmm...

This fire bird is another victim of the egg. To open it all you
have to do is simply hit it with a pokemon food or pester ball.

These pop out of the water randomly when you throw a pester ball
or pokemon food at the valley level.

Dragonite comes out of the whirlpool in the valley level
after you git the whirlpool four or six times.

The rarest pokemon of all. It hides in the clouds and doesn't
like cameras very much. You must break it's psychic shield to
take a picture of it. It is in the Rainbow Cloud level.


{6} Items

This is the vehicle you must use. It can ride, float, fly, and
swim. You start out with this. If you look behind you the
ZERO-ONE will slow down.

You use this to take pictures of course! It has a radar on it
that tells you when you have a pokemon right in the middle
of the picture. You start out with this item.

Pokemon Food:
This item lures pokemon, makes pokemon happy, can make some pokemon
mad, and can knock some pokemon out.
You should get it around the second or third level.

Pester Balls:
This item can knock pokemon out and make pokemon mad. It can
even wake some pokemon up. Very useful. You should get it
around the fourth or fifth level.

This item wakes sleeping pokemon and makes some pokemon dance.
It even lures some pokemon. You get it after taking a picture
of a Pokemon Sign after Professor Oak tells you to, and you
also must have at least 130,000 overall points.

Dash Engine:
This item speeds up the ZERO-ONE. It can be received when you
must find all the pokemon signs, to make it easier sounding
just find Professor Oak's secret Lab.


Using Items

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Dances = looks straight ahead to all three songs.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Dances = looks straight ahead to all three songs.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets knocked out
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Breathes fire
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets dizzy and breathes fire
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Hides in shell
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Dances = looks straight ahead to all three songs.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Hides
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Hides
Pesterball - Hit for a closeup, hit again it hides.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance (can a Metapod dance?)

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Flies away
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Flies away
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Hides
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Hides
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance (can a Kakuna dance?)

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Flies away
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Flies away
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Does thundershock.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Dances = looks straight ahead to all three songs.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets dizzy.
Pokeflute - Gets jealous and angry, and gets larger.
            (after being freed from Koffing)

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Doesn't do anything.
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets hurt. If it has Pikachu it will let go.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - First song = Prances
            Second song = Flips
            Third song = Dances

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance
Take pictures!

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats (only the lonely one)
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Dances to all three songs. (only the lonely one)

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets knocked out.
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Throws food.
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets hurt.
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/eats
Pesterball - Gets hurt.
Pokeflute - Dances = looks straight ahead to all three songs.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets hurt.
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets hurt.
Pokeflute - Dances = looks straight ahead to all three songs.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pesterball near Poliwag - scares and chases away
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets knocked out.
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets hurt
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets hurt
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Knocks off mountain wall.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Dances differently to all three songs.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Neighs (the running ones)
                            Lures/eats (not the running ones)
Pesterball - Gets hurt.
Pokeflute - Dances = looks straight ahead to all three songs.
            (Not the running ones)

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Dances = looks straight ahead to all three songs.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets dizzy
Pokeflute - Dances = looks straight ahead to all three songs.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets hurt
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats (you need to do this)
Pesterball - Gets hurt
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets hurt
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats (you need to do this)
Pesterball - Gets hurt
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets knocked out.
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets hurt
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets hurt. Three balls = evolve.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets hurt
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets hurt
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat (I don't think it can eat)
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Explodes (not the rolling ones)
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Explodes (not the rolling ones)
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets knocked out.
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Bounces
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Bounces
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Turns around, hurts
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - After turned = hurts
Pokeflute - Does dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Flies away
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Flies away
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Song one = Sways
            Song two = Claps
            Songs three = Gets down and funky

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats (non chasing ones)
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats, might get angry
Pesterball - Gets knocked out.
Pokeflute - Dances = looks straight ahead to all three songs.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance (can it?)

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Gets angry.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures
Pesterball - Hurts
Pokeflute - Lures

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets dizzy
Pokeflute - Dances = looks straight ahead to all three songs.

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Gets dizzy
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Gets dizzy
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Lures/Eats
Pesterball - Changes to true form.
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Shows you a peek and scratches his tummy.
Pokeflute - Song one = Slow dance
            Song two = Wild dance "Oh woah!"
            Song three = Shakes his booty

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Nothing
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Nothing
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Shows a pose
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Shows a pose
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance

Pokemon Food at Pokemon - Turns around, gets closer, might spin.
                          Keep doing this for an extreme close up!
Pokemon Food near Pokemon - Doesn't lure/eat
Pesterball - Turns around, gets closer, might spin.
             Keep doing this for an extreme close up!
Pokeflute - Doesn't dance


{7} Controls

Throw Pokemon Food: A Button

Throw Pester Ball: B Button

Focus camera: Z Button

Take picture: Z+A Buttons

Dash Engine: R Button

Pause: Start Button

Look Up: Control Stick Down

Look Down: Control Stick Up

Look Left: Control Stick Right

Look Right: Control Stick Left

Play Pokeflute: C Down Button

Look Left Quick: C Left Button

Look Right Quick: C Right Button

Face Forward Quick: C Up Button


{8} Settings

This level is a sunny beach. Very peaceful.
Pokemon Sign:
Kingler Rock

This is an abondoned power plant inside a tunnel.
To open this level take a picture of as much pokemon as possible
at the beach.
Pokemon Sign:
Pinsir's Shadow

This is a volcano inhaibted by pokemon.
To open this level blow up the electrode near all the magnemites in
the tunnel. That electrode will open a secret passage.
Pokemon Sign:
Koffing Smoke

A river...more of a swamp.
To open this level get the amount of pokemon it says to get.
Pokemon Sign:
Cubone Tree

A cave...that's it. Just a cave.
To open this level throw a pester ball at the wall with the moving
object in the river level. Porygon will pop out and hit a switch.
Pokemon Sign:
Mewtwo Constellation

A rapid ride through a valley.
To open this level get the ammount of pokemon it says to get.
Pokemon Sign:
Dugtrio Mountain

Rainbow Cloud
A rainbow cloud high in the sky! This area is home to only one
pokemon. It must be very rare!
To open this level watch the last squirtle near the last Mankey turn into
a shell. Aim it at Mankey and hit it with a pester ball. If you aimed
correctly, Mankey will get hit and knocked down. You must hit him with a 
pester ball. He will hit the switch and you'll find Professor Oak's secret 
lab. He'll send you out to find six pokemon signs throughout the island.


{9} Walkthrough

Here is a simple walkthrough that will help you with questions
I get emailed about a lot.

First you start out with just your camera. Take pictures of lots
of different Pokemon in the Beach level. Remember to take the
picture so afterwards it says their name and "New!".

In the Tunnel level remember to take pictures of lots of
new Pokemon. To get out hit the Electrode near the Magnemites
with a Pokemon Food.

In the Volcano, again just take lots of pictures of new Pokemon.
Remember new Pokemon might not be just in the Volcano. Check the
Beach and Tunnel too!

Now in the River level remember of course to take lots of
pictures of new Pokemon. In this level there will be a moving
object inside the earth wall near a switch. Hit that object
with a pester ball.

Now in the Cave, again just take pictures of lots of new
Pokemon. Remember new Pokemon can be in any level, not
just the Cave.

In the Valley remember again to take pictures of lots
of new Pokemon. At the end of the level there is a switch
but no one around you to hit it...hmmm.
The last three Squirtles near the Mankey might help.
Two squirtles leave but there is always one left. When
he hides in his shell aim him at the Mankey and throw
a pester ball. he should shoot up the hill and hit
Mankey down. Then Mankey will be near the switch.
Aim him at the switch and throw a pester ball.

Now you must go on a quest to get Pokemon Signs.
In the Beach there is a big rock that looks like Kingler. 
Take a picture of it. 

In the Tunnel there is a shadow that looks like Pinsir. To see it 
you must free Zapdos from its egg. 

In the Volcano there is a puff of smoke that looks like Koffing. 
Throw pester balls in the crater near the Rapdishes.

In the River there is a tree that looks like Cubone. To see it wake
Vileplume up. 

In the Cave there are crystals flying around. Take a picture and a 
fake Mewtwo will show up on film. It is called the Mewtwo Constellation.
In the Valley there are mountains that look just like Dugtrio. All you
have to do here is take a picture of it.

In the Valley there are mountains that look just like Dugtrio. All you
have to do here is take a picture of it. It's called Dugtrio Mountain.

Now Rainbow Cloud will open. Time to get Mew!
Hit the shield with pokemon food or pester balls.
The shield should break around four or six times. 
When you see Mew chasing the shield hit it with
a pokemon food or pester ball. It will turn around and
you might even get a closeup. Take lots of pictures
of it! It's the only Pokemon on Rainbow Cloud!

For help on beating Cahllenge Scores go to the "Quests" section.


{10} Getting Pokemon (on film)

Bulbasaur: River, Cave
Just take a picture of it! There is one hiding in the tree. Throw
a pester ball in for a closeup. Hit teh one one the tree stump
and have it join in teh picture with the one in the tree stump.
The Bulbasaur in the cave are fake but still counts as Bulbasaur.

Squirtle: Valley
They're everywhere in the valley level. Just take pictures.
Hit one of the shells in the water with a pester ball. If it
goes on land you have yourself a closeup! Try to get three
together for a close up!

Charmander: Volcano
They are easily found in the volcano level. Just take pictures.
If you give the two Charmanders together some pokemon food they
will call four friends! Group photo of six!

Charmeleon: Volcano
You can evolve Charmander by giving the one near Magmar
pokemon food. Magmar will get angry and hurt it. Charmander
will evolve and beat up Magmar! Or you can wait for the one
near the end of the level and get a closeup!

Charizard: Volcano
Hit the Charmeleon near the end of the level with pokemon
food. If it falls into the lava it will evolve! Throw 
pokemon food at it and take pictures of it breathing fire
at you!

Metapod: River
They're too far up. You can't see them good. Throw a pester ball
up and they'll fall down for a great closeup!

Butterfree: Beach
These are hard. Just hope they get close and face you! Just take
pictures and be lucky!

Kakuna: Tunnel
Wait until it comes down and hope they're close. Take a 

Pidgey: Beach
They're just flying around. Same as Butterfree. Hope ya get a
closeup and they face you. Take pictures and hold onto that
rabbits foot.

Pikachu: Beach, Tunnel, River, Cave
He's always around and ready for a closeup. Take pictures.
Pikachu can also help you out by doing numerous things for
extra points. You can have Pikachu do thunder, Pikachu surfing,
Pikachu being happy, Pikachu on a tree stump, and my favorite.
Pikachu on a tree stump with a friend, both doing thunder.

Sandshrew: Valley
Sandshrew are hiding. Hit Geodude with a pester ball and
Sandshrew will pop out. Take a close picture of two of them.

Sandslash: Valley
You can only get a glimpse of sandslash so take a picture fast
before it is gone. Or for a closeup hit the two Geodudes
real fast!

Vulpix: Volcano
These things are just laying around. They are very shy so take
quick photos.

Jigglypuff: Cave
You must save them from Koffing. You can take their picture
being happy or wait for later and take a picture of them
singing and dancing.

Zubat: Tunnel, Cave
They are flying around so be quick and take a picture.

Vileplume: River
Play the pokeflute and wake it up. Take pictures of it flipping.

Diglett: Tunnel
They pop out and talk to Pikachu. All ya have to do is take
a picture of it.

Dugtrio: Tunnel
Take pictures of Diglett until it moves. Do the same thing again.
And again. And again. Then pops out! Dugtrio! Take a picture
of that.

Meowth: Beach
They're everywhere. The best one to do is hit the one on the hill
with a pester ball. It should fall down. Then play the pokeflute.
Take a picture of it dancing.

Psyduck: River
Hit Psyduck with pokemon food and it will knock him out. He will
then randomly pop out when you throw pokemon food or pester balls
at the water. Wait for a closeup and snap!

Mankey: Valley
At the end of the level watch the Squirtles beat up Mankey.
When he falls down take a picture of him.

Growlithe: Volcano
Throw pester balls into one of the three craters near the end
of the level. Either Growlithe or Arcanine will appear.

Arcanine: Volcano
Throw pester balls into one of the three craters near the end
of the level. Either Arcanine or Growlithe will appear.
Take a picture of it when it alnds and shakes embers off.

Poliwag: River
Hit them with pester balls until they jump in the water. They will
then randomly pop out when you throw pokemon food or pester balls
at the water. Wait for a closeup and take a picture.

Weepinbell: Cave
Easy. Just take a picture of it. Remember to get in close.

Victreebell: Cave
Same as Charmeleon. Hit Weepinbell with pokemon food and if
it falls into the water it will evolve. Take a picture.

Geodude: Valley
Throw a pester ball at it and it will fall down showing you its
face. Take a picture quick before it goes back up.

Graveler: Valley
When you are near them play the pokeflute. They will even dance
for you! Take a picture with all three of them.

Rapidash: Volcano
It is fast so take a picture. If you have the Dash Engine item,
speed up and two Rapidashes will come running for a closeup!

Slowpoke: River
They are just laying around so just wait until you get close
and take a picture.

Slowbro: River
Lure Slowpoke to the dirtpatch near the Shellder sign. It will
slowly catch a Shellder and evolve.

Magnemite: Tunnel
They won' let you take a picture. Be nice. Throw pokemon food
for them and they'll finally let ya snap 'em.

Magneton: Tunnel
Lure the three Magnemites together with pokemon food and they'll
simply attach. Take a picture. If it won't work throw more food
and then take a picture.

Doduo: Beach
Hit one with food or pesterball and take a close up picture!

Grimer: Cave
Take a picture of them. There will be one close up. Take
a picture of it.

Muk: Cave
Take pictures of teh furst two Grimer. There will then be
a close up Grimer. Hit that with three pester balls.
Grimer will evolve. Take a picture of Muk.

Shellder: River, Valley
Take a picture of it snapping onto Slowpoke or Slowbro.
...Don't understand? Evolve Slowpoke and take a picture
of the Shellder that comes.

Cloyster: River, Valley
Wait until it comes out and turns around and take a picture.

Haunter: Tunnel
Take a picture of the hovering purple light. It will turn out
to be Haunter in film. Take a picture of it going forward to
get its face.

Electrode: Tunnel
They are just lying around. One is rolling around. Your best bet
is to get a closeup and throw a pokemon food at one standing
still. Take a picture of it blowing up.

Koffing: Cave
These are chasing Jigglypuffs. Hit it with a pester ball and
take a picture of it when it is just about to fall.

Chansey: Beach
Throw a pokemon food at the puff that Eevee is chasing. It
will turn out to be Chansey. Take a picture!

Kangaskhan: Beach
Throw pokemon food at it and it will turn around. When it is done
growling, play teh Pokeflute. Take a picture of it dancing.

Goldeen: Valley
Throw a pokemon food or pester ball at the water and hopefully it
will pop out. Take a VERY quick picture!

Staryu: Valley
Just wait until it pops out and take a picture of it when
it turns around.

Starmie: Valley
Take a picture of a Staryu until it follows you and circles you.
Wait until you get near the whirlpool and it will evolve into

Scyther: Beach
In the first grass patch where something is trudging through
the grass throw pester balls in the grass patch. Scyther should
fly out. Take a quick photo!

Jynx: Cave
These are simple. Just take a picture of them. Your best bet is
to get a closeup of them opening the egg. To do that play the

Electabuzz: Tunnel
They are everywhere. Your best bet is to get a closeup and throw
a pokemon food at it and knock it down. When it is on the ground
and dizzy take a picture.

Magmar: Volcano
Near the two Magmar throw a pokemon food between them. They will
start fighting. Take a closeup picture of them in the action!

Magikarp: Beach, Tunnel, Volcano, River, Cave, Valley
Throw a pokemon food or pester ball at the water and hopefully it
will pop out. Take a quick picture.

Gyarados: Valley
This will be fun to explain...near the first Mankey throw
pester balls and pokemon food at the water. A Magikarp will
jump out and land on..well..land. Mankey will pick it up,
beat it up, and throw it away.
To the left of the waterfall is a ledge with...Magikarp!
Throw a pester ball at it and it will jump inside. Out will
come the terrifying and mighty...Gyarados!!!

Lapras: Beach
They are just swimming by the beach so keep your eyes on
the waters. Take a picture as soon as you see one.
Take lots of pictures of ever Lapras you see and play the
calm Pokeflute song through the whole level and you'll
get a VERY close up picture of Lapras near Kangaskhan!

Ditto: Cave
They are disguised as Bulbasaurs. Hit them once or twice with
pester balls and they'll change back. Take a picture.

Eevee: Beach
Save Chansey and take a picture of Eevee being happy or
eating a pokemon food.

Porygon: River
Near the end of the level is a switch. There is something inside
the earth. Behind is others. Hit those things with pester balls
and out will pop a Porygon. Hit Porygon with a pesterball and
take a picture.

Snorlax: Beach
Play the dance song on the pokeflute and take a picture of
Snorlax really getting into the music.

Articuno: Cave
Play the pokeflute and wake up both Jynx. They will hatch the egg.
Take a picture of Articuno close up.

Zapdos: Tunnel
Lure Pikachu near the egg with pokemon food then play the pokeflute.
Pikachu will hatch the egg. Take a picture of Zapdos being
electricuted by Pikachu when it just come sout of its egg.

Moltres: Volcano
Simply hit the egg with pokemon food. Take a picture of Moltres
when it flys up and spreads its wings.

Dratini: Valley
Throw a pokemon food or pester ball at the water and hopefully it
will pop out. Take a VERY quick picture!

Dragonite: Valley
Throw four pester balls at the whirlpool. You will know
you hit it when it flashes. Dragonite will pop out and fly
away. Take pictures of this cuddly dragon when it spreads
its legs.

Mew: Rainbow Cloud
Hit the shield with pokemon food or pester balls.
The shield should break around four or six times. 
When you see Mew chasing the shield hit it with
a pokemon food or pester ball. Keep doing this
until it gets REALLY close. Take lots of pictures
of it! It's the only Pokemon on Rainbow Cloud!


{11} Scores

Here I will tell you how to get the big scores.

Lure Pikachu towards the surfboard with pokemon food at the

Play the Pokeflute to make Pikachu do Thunder.

Find Scyther and Pikachus will appear and stand on treestumps.
Take a picture of them.

Take a picture of Pikachu rolling on Electrode. Lure him with
pokemon food towards an Electrode.

Take a picture of Electrode rolling.

Take a picture of Electrode exploding. Throw pokemon food
at it to make this happen.

Take a picture of Mew.

Throw pokemon food at Charizard and take a picture of it
breathing fire at you.

Take a picture of dancing Snorlax.

Take a picture of dancing Meowth.

Take a picture of dancing Graveler team.

Take a picture of six Charmanders. Give pokemon food to
the two Charmanders and they will call their freinds. Lure
them all together.

Take a picture of any of the same two pokemon together.

Make sure the pokemon are in the middle of the picture.
Make sure the size is good. You know. Good closeup.

Make sure the Pokemon is facing you.

Take a picture of fighting pokemon. Fighting Magmar gets a good

Take a picture of a fish out of water.

Take a picture of a splashing fish.

Save the Pikachu from Zubat in the Cave and Zubat will drop Pikachu.
Pikachu will now be floating by balloons.


My Scores

Note: Not updated regularly so don't mock me.


Beach - 1692200
Tunnel - 1590160
Volcano - 1787400
River - 1624920
Cave - 1597080
Valley - 1625880
Rainbow Cloud - 454770


Bulbasaur - 5230
Charmander - 4540
Charmeleon - 3500
Charizard - 3820
Squirtle - 4280
Metapod - 3780
Butterfree - 3190
Kakuna - 4220
Pidgey - 3340
Pikachu - 6550
Sandshrew - 3240
Sandslash - 3960
Vulpix - 3690
Jigglypuff - 3510
Zubat - 3160
Vileplume - 3700
Diglett - 3100
Dugtrio - 3910
Meowth - 4340
Psyduck - 3760
Mankey - 4260
Growlithe - 3540
Arcanine - 4400
Poliwag - 3910
Weepinbell - 3100
Victreebell - 3600
Geodude - 3400
Graveler - 5340
Rapidash - 4220
Slowpoke - 3960
Slowbro - 3960
Magnemite - 3360
Magneton - 3860
Doduo - 4540
Grimer - 4000
Muk - 3980
Shellder - 4020
Cloyster - 3510
Haunter - 3500
Electrode - 4400
Koffing - 3500
Chansey - 3920
Kangaskhan - 4000
Goldeen - 2980
Staryu - 3060
Starmie - 3600
Scyther - 3960
Jynx - 4380
Electabuzz - 3980
Magmar - 5810
Magikarp - 3180
Gyarados - 4400
Lapras - 3110
Ditto - 3010
Eevee - 3940
Porygon - 3700
Snorlax - 3520
Articuno - 3300
Zapdos - 3940
Moltres - 4580
Dratini - 2920
Dragonite - 4400
Mew - 9870


{12} Quests

Get all Pokemon on film:
Just take a picture of all 63 pokemon.

Find all Pokemon signs:
In each level there is something that isn't a pokemon but looks
like one. Here I will tell you them all and how to get them.

Beach:     There is a big rock that looks like Kingler. Take a
           picture of it. It's called Kingler Rock.
Tunnel:    There is a shadow that looks like Pinsir. To see it you
           must free Zapdos from its egg. It is called Pinsir's
Volcano:   There is a puff of smoke that looks like Koffing. Throw
           pester balls in the crater near the Rapdishes.
River:     There is a tree that looks like Cubone. To see it wake
           Vileplume up. It is called Cubone Tree.
Cave:      There are crystals flying around. Take a picture and a
           fake Mewtwo will show up on film. It is called the Mewtwo
Valley:    There are mountains that look just like Dugtrio. All you
           have to do here is take a picture of it. It's called Dugtrio

Getting Mew on film:
To get Mew on film you must throw pester balls at Mew's shield.
Hit the shield six times. Mew will be chasing its shield. Hit Mew
with a pester ball and it will turn around. Keep hitting it and
it will get closer and closer and extremely close and might spin
for some great points!!!

Beating Challenge Scores:
After you become an official Pokemon Photographer you are sent to
every stage to beat the Challenge Scores.
Here are my tips:
Take a picture of every Pokemon in each level.
Use up all film.
Take pictures when the red dot is on the pokemon.
Take good pictures. Make sure they are facing you.
Make pokemon happy before you shoot if you can.


{13} Do's and Don'ts

Do evolve pokemon
Do have fun
Do be disgusted by Nintendo's obsession with money
Do go picture crazy! You get 60 pictures for every level!

Don't limit the possibilities!
Don't take pictures of eggs unless you want them in your album.
Don't be cocky and say this game is so easy. Remember it's about
Don't be worried about wasting film.


{14} Rumors: Answered

Here I will answer any rumors that have been going around.
If you wnat your rumor here email me at LoudKing@aol.com
and have the subject as "Pokemon Snap Rumors".

Rumor: There are more than 63 pokemon in the game!
Answer: No. Not at the moment.

Rumor: Mew is in the game.
Answer: Yes. She is.

Rumor: Mewtwo is hidden in the cave!
Answer: That is a fake Mewtwo.

Rumor: You can trade pictures! Why else would you need your name
       by the picture?
Answer: Possibility. No one knows yet.

Rumor: To get a photo of dragonair go to the stage where you photograph 
       the dragonite. Photograph it then throw pester balls to the left
       of it and a dragonair will pop out.
Answer: This is probably a typo menaing Dratini. There is no Dragonair.

Rumor: I'm not exactly sure what to do in the beginning of 
       the level. When you see the Electrabuzz chasing Electrode there is 
       a chance if you save it from being knocked out when Electrode 
       explodes, the movie screens wont be on. If this happens hit the 
       Electabuzz with pokemon food and it should walk toward you and 
       attack with a shock.  This will trn on the movie screens but it 
       will still attack if you hit it. It gets you about 3-4000 pts. if 
       the picture is good enough.
Answer: False. This is totally fake and a waste of my time.

Rumor: Professor Oak has a crush on Todd!
Answer: You sick freak!

{15} Pokemon Snap Station

The Pokemon Snap Station is a machine at Blockbuster that lets you
print out the pictures inyour Gallery. The Gallery shows up after
you take pictures of four pokemon in the pokemon report.

Step One: Pick your four favorite pictures for the gallery.

Step Two: Get your game and $3.00 or coupon to Blockbuster.

Step Three: Purchase a prepaid card. They come in Pikachu,
            Jigglypuff, Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur.
            They are $3.00 or can be exchanged for a coupon.

Step Four:  Put your game and prepaid card into the machine.

Step Five:  Select "print" and press A button. (There's a yellow
            Nintendo 64 controller attached to the machine).

Step Six:   When printing is done select finish and get your
            Pokemon Snap game pak back. Remember to take 
            the stickers too. You paid $3.00 for them.

You will get sixteen stickers. Four of each of your four favorites.
Enjoy your stickers and remember to trade with friends and try to
get all 63! Try to get stickers of all the Pokemon Signs too!


{16} Gameshark Codes

Note: You Need a 2.41 or higher gameshark to use these codes. You absolutely 
have to have a Gameshark Pro version 2.41 or higher for Nintendo 64 to use 
these codes!!! Also needs Diddy Kong Racing keycode!!!
Note 2: I have not tested these codes but I am sure they work.

Enable Code (Must Be On) 
DE000400 0000
F103D8A0 2400 

Have All Levels 
810C2212 0006 

Have Pokemon Food 
803AE51F 0001 

Have Pokemon Food and Pesterball
803AE51F 0002 

Have Pokemon Food, Pesterball and Pokeflute
803AE51F 0004 

Note: Upcoming codes- Press Start To Start Moving Again 

Press L To Stop On Beach Level 
D00489E1 0020
802020F5 0001 

Press L To Stop On Tunnel Level
D00489E1 0020
801DDC55 0001 

Press L To Stop On Volcano Level
D00489E1 0020
801FC5C5 0001 

Press L To Stop On River Level 
D00489E1 0020
801EF96D 0001 

Press L To Stop On Cave Level 
D00489E1 0020
80202225 0001 

Press L To Stop On Valley Level 
D00489E1 0020
801D9ABD 0001 

{17} Credits

Writer: Andrew R Morozin (LoudKing@aol.com)
Information: Andrew R Morozin

Andrew R Morozin got his information from his own experience in the game.  
For permission email LoudKing@aol.com and specify which information you 
would like to use.

Told me that Kangaskhan does dance.

Daniel Hixson (wrestlemaniac77@hotmail.com):
For the very long false rumor.

Special Thanks:
Nintendo for making a great game!
Gamefaqs.com for taking so many of my faqs and reviews!
Gameshark Code Creator Club for all the great codes!
I thank all the readers!

Email your questions, suggestions, rumors, ideas, and/or comments at 


Well I hope you liked my FAQ/Walkthrough on Pokemon Snap!
I tried my best to amke it perfect and I hope I succeeded!
Please look for other FAQs/Walkthroughs at www.gamefaqs.com and 
look for my reviews there too! Have a nice day!
                                        ~Andrew R Morozin

Other FAQ/Walkthroughs by Andrew R Morozin:
Super Smash Bros. (Nintendo 64)  Already out! 
Mario Party (Nintendo 64)  Already out! 
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire (PC)  Already out!
Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire (Macintosh)  Already out!
Harvest Moon (Super Nintendo)  Already out!
Harvest Moon GB (Gameboy)  Already out!
Harvest Moon GBC (Gameboy Color)
Harvest Moon 64 (Nintendo 64)
Legend of the River King GB (Gameboy) Already out!
Legend of the River King GBC (Gameboy Color)

If the FAQs listed by me are not at gamefaqs.com yet, just wait!


That's all! Please do not take ANYTHING from my guide without my permission. 
For permission , or if you want to email me errors or some things I missed in 
the game you can email me at LoudKing@aol.com .

This document copyrighted 1999, all rights reserved. 

Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff