@world-of-nintendo.com E-mail
address!! Sign up here!!

NOTE: Some inaccuracies have been located in the Perfect Agent Walkthrough,
      they are being fixed, so please don't e-mail about them.

       ________            ________          _____ 
       ___  __ \______________  __/____________  /_
       __  /_/ /  _ \_  ___/_  /_ _  _ \  ___/  __/
       _  ____//  __/  /   _  __/ /  __/ /__ / /_    
       /_/     \___//_/    /_/    \___/\___/ \__/  
                       ________              ______  
                       ___  __ \_____ __________  /__
                       __  / / /  __ `/_  ___/_  //_/
                       _  /_/ // /_/ /_  /   _  , /   
                       /_____/ \__,_/ /_/    /_/|_| 


                         P E R F E C T   D A R K
           FAQ/Walkthrough for the N64 Version of Perfect Dark
   This document is Copyright (C)2000, Dallas (Dallas@DodgerStats.com)

    The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at GameFAQs:


=Legal Disclaimer=
This document is Copyright (C)2000, Dallas (Dallas@DodgerStats.com). It is 
intended for the sole, private, non-commerical use of it's audience. This
document may not be: published, copied, edited, altered, sold, attempted to
be sold, posted on any website, retransmitted, uploaded, posted, etc. without
the sole consent of the author of himself. Failure to abide by these terms is
breaking the Copyright Infringment law in the United States of America and
will result in civil prosecution to any individual, company, organization,
coropration, incorporation, etc. which can lead up to a $500+ fine and/or
jail time. This document may only be read and printed by its audience, any
other activity which is engaged with this document other than reading/printing
purposes shall result in a civil lawsuit against violators and their affiliates
engaged in the crime.


Attention all webmasters. If you want to post this document on your website,
please drop me a line at Dallas@DodgerStats.com and let me know: the name of
your website, the URL of your website, the content of your website, and any 
other information I should know about. With my consent, you can post this
document on your website as long as you: give full credit to myself, and you
leave the document unaltered as you see it here to the public. If you post
this document on your website without asking, actions shall be taken. Please,
just ask me, I reply within the hour of asking, it's not too much trouble.


=Table of Contents=
    i. Introduction & Version History
    I. About Perfect Dark
   II. Story
  III. Controls
   IV. Characters
    V. Gameplay Modes
   VI. Main Menu
  VII. Walkthrough
       - Agent
       - Secret Agent
       - Perfect Agent
 VIII. Combat Simulator
   IX. Multiplayer
    X. Items
   XI. Weapons
  XII. F.A.Q.
 XIII. Simulants
  XIV. Codes/Hints/Tips/Tricks
   XV. Credits
  XVI. Contact Information
 XVII. Legal Disclaimer
XVIII. Closing


=i. Introduction & Version History=
After a very long wait, eager gamers have now been presented with one of Rare's
Top 3 titles, Perfect Dark. As most of you know, Perfect Dark is somewhat of a
sequel to the hit shooter "Goldeneye 007" released back in 1997. As one of the
top 3 titles (Donkey Kong 64, Jet Force Gemini, Perfect Dark) Perfect Dark is
surely going to be both popular, and big. As most games such as Perfect Dark,
it may, and in fact, probably will become a million seller in a matter of 

So, as many gamers need the help, I have come once again with this FAQ to help
you all out. Of course, marshmallow (N64 Master Author) is writing for this as
well, and many people in fact head straight for his FAQ/Walkthrough as a result
of his past work, which is excellent. That's fine, but I have a simple request
of you gamers, and that is to give all the FAQs a try, such as you have done
by reading this.

As a closing note to this introduction I would like to start you off by saying
that I hope you enjoy reading this FAQ, and I hope it provides useful in your
quest of playing Perfect Dark. Good Luck!

Version History:
V2.0 (05/29/2000): FAQ Complete. All Missing objectives added. Enjoy.
V1.5 (05/28/2000): Walkthrough fully complete, still need to add a few missed
                   objectives and missing sections. I am now officially sick
                   of writing this FAQ.
V1.4 (05/28/2000): Perfect Agent Walkthrough compelte except a few random
V1.3 (05/28/2000): All of Special Agent Walkthrough Complete except parts of
                   Missions 7-9.
V1.2 (05/27/2000): All of Agent Walkthrough Complete except part of Mission 9.
V1.1 (05/27/2000): Mission 8 and part of Mission 9 Walkthrough Complete.
                   Mission 1 Special Agent Walkthrough Complete.
V1.0 (05/26/2000): Mission 6 and Mission 7 Walkthrough Complete.
V0.9 (05/26/2000): Mission 5 Walkthrough Complete. 70% of Mission 6 Walkthrough
V0.8 (05/25/2000): Mission 4 Walkthrough Complete. Most of Mission 5 Walkthrough
V0.7 (05/25/2000): Mission 3 Walkthrough Complete. Part of Mission 4 walkthrough
                   added. Also added my review of the game.
V0.6 (05/24/2000): Finished up the G5 Building for Mission 3. Also added Mission
                   listings thanks to Nemesis.
V0.5 (05/24/2000): More on Mission 3 Walkthrough added.
V0.4 (05/24/2000): More Mission 3 Walkthrough added. Changed a few things, and
                   added a few people to the credits section.
V0.3 (05/24/2000): First 2 Missions and part of Mission 3 Walkthrough complete.
                   Codes & Gameshark Codes added. Simulants added.
V0.2 (05/23/2000): New Art. More added to Walkthrough.
V0.1 (05/23/2000): Initial Release. BETA Version, First Part of Mission 1
                   walkthrough complete.


=I. About Perfect Dark=
Goldeneye fans now have a new challenge ahead of them, and that would be 
Perfect Dark. Perfect Dark, a Rareware game, was supposed to be the sequel to
Goldeneye 007, and in a sense it is. What's the difference between the two
games? New characters, New Weapons, New Items, and New Missions. The games,
however, are similar in structure, such as the different difficulty settings,
Agent, Secret Agent, and Perfect Agent.

What is the basic concept of the game? Various things mixed together as a whole
really. The game features the action part, which would consist of shooting all
enemy guards, etc. and then there is the "puzzle" type part which is solving,
and completing the objectives. However, some objectives could be the action
part of the game as well. Almost every gamer out there has played Goldeneye 007
somehow, and therefore you know what this game is like.

There are several different weapons scattered throughout the game which can
be earned in a way as you progress. There are also Bots, which can be set
to be allies or enemies for single player or multi-player. You will learn more
about the bots later in this FAQ. 

As mentioned, one major replay factor is the multi-player which has been 
implemented into the game. Multiplayer fans shall have a blast with this game,
and you'll see why a bit later in this FAQ, specifially under the "Multiplayer"

Even if you aren't a big fan of MultiPlay, the game has TONS of replay value
for single players. With 3 difficulty settings and one secret difficulty 
setting for all the missions in the game, you'll be busy for a long time before 
you are fully done with this game.

Overall, all I can honestly say about Perfect Dark is that, if you enjoyed
playing Goldeneye, by all means you shall absolutely be in bliss with this
game. That's a guarantee, why? Because it's a Rare game!

Overall Review:
As many FPS (First-Person Shooter) know, Perfect Dark is the biggest game
to come out on the Nintendo 64 this year. It's been delayed several times,
and has been released finally in May 2000. So, does it really live up to
all the hype?

In my honest opinion, Yes. I won't lie to you, because if I thought this
game sucked (which I did before buying it) I would tell you it sucks. But
believe me, this game is one of the best I've played in a LONG time, and
it keeps me hooked. All I want to do is play Perfect Dark, all the time.

What's so special about it you ask?
Just about everything. There are tons of features available in the game,
such as Solo Missions, Training, Simulants, MultiPlayer, Rack Training,
Challenges, codes, weapons, items, and much much more. The game features
so much it's hard to believe it can all fit onto one cartridge.

Now comes the most frequently asked question of all time? Is it like
Goldeneye? Yes, in a way. But Perfect Dark and Goldeneye are two separate
games just made by the same company, therefore they are going to be somewhat
similar. When you also take into consideration that Perfect Dark is
supposed to be the sequel to Goldeneye, you are going to find the 2
games simiar in gameplay. 

Which is better? By all means Perfect Dark out does Goldeneye 1 to 10.
Why? Because there are all new levels, more of them, 3 difficulty settings,
great MultiPlayer, great Solo player, challenges, and much more than
goldeneye would ever have. Then comes the ever so popular quetion:
Should I purchase this game?

It depends, if you enjoy FPS's such as goldeneye you will be in heaven
when playing this game. If you aren't much of a fan of FPS's (such as
Goldeneye, Doom, Duke Nuken, etc.) then Perfect Dark really isn't for you.

Now, that's cool about the game in general, but how do the individual
categories hold up? Well, let's find out.

Graphics: 9/10
As expected, with the enhanced technology of the Expansion Pak, the graphics
are truly outstanding in this game. Very detailed, superb 3rd demension,
and basically will leave you speechless, so why the 9 and not the 10, well
maybe it's just me, but I tend to get a bit nauseous after playing for
a while.

I assume it's motion sickness, but there are a lot of graphics that can
make one feel nauseous, such as bluriness, or just overall moving around
too much. But this is only the case for some people, not everyone. Now,
how about the blood and guts!?

Yes, it's true, Perfect Dark does feature plenty of blood, but not much
guts. Whenever an enemy is shot, his blood will splatter on the wall/door
or wheverever he's standing. You can continually shoot a dead enemy on
the floor and continue to see blood splatter from them. That's one reason
why the game earned a "Mature" rating (17+).

Overall, I have to say the graphics have been drawn out very well, nicely
and most importantly, very detailed. You can see the drops of blood trickle
down the wall after an enemy guard has been shot, if that's not detailed
enough, then you are just plain sick.

Sound: 10/10
Ah, the gloriousness of hearing guards cuss at you as you blow their brains
out. Yes, it's also true that the guards use profranity such as the "S" word
or the "B" word. However, there is an option to turn the profanity off in
the game, which brings up another highlight of the game's features.

Other sounds would include weapon firings, guards screaming as they are
shot, dialouge being spoken, and your other basic sound effects such as
explosions, elevator dings, etc. Overall, the sound is awesome and very,
very loud. Very nice job in the sound department.

Gameplay: 10/10
The most fun you will EVER have on your N64, period. The strategic and
challenge levels present in Perfect Dark are amazing. There are 9 missions
each with several levels within them. Plus 3 difficulty settings, each
with more objectives than the lower class before it. Making a grand total
of 27 missions, 9 being unique.

This adds a great replay value to the game, because these missions are
no walk in the park. There can be up to 3 sub-missions within one main
mission, and then you have 3 difficulty levels to play on once you finish
the other.

Basically, here's the lowdown. You begin a mission and your goal is to
complete all the objectives on your list. You must complete them all in
order to complete a level, and you must complete all levels before you
complete a mission.

The gameplay is self-explanatory really, it's pretty much like goldeneye,
only much better with new features and options and new challenges that
await you. Outstanding gameplay is what makes this game what it is.

Replay Value: 9/10
Okay, let's put it this way, 9 missions, tons of levels within these missions,
MultiPlayer, Simulant Challenges, Training, Training Rack, 3 difficulty levels,
and more. This shall surely keep you busy for weeks or months on hand. Rare
did a great job on preserving the wonderful MultiPlayer mode as they did in
Goldeneye, only they perfected upon it here.

Even if you aren't a huge fan of MultiPlayer games, or you despise them, the
solo missions are surely what really makes the game and they will keep you
playing for quite a while. The replay value is very high here, and the only
downfall is that motion sickness which some people experience.

Okay, the price to buy is rather high ($60) but to me, it's worth the cash.
However, if you really want to rent first, so be it but good luck on finding
a copy anywhere.

Overall: 10/10
Honestly, Perfect Dark truly deserves a perfect 10. Why? Because Rare has
worked extremely hard on brining this game to us and not only did they
bring it, but they made it a masterpiece of a game. FPS fans are in for
a treat as well as Goldeneye fans, I recommend this game to anybody.


=II. Story=
Yes, I'm cheap, and lazy, so I copied the story straight from the manual 
itself, heck, at least you know it's the original story. I'm not too creative 
when it comes to storytelling, so I'll give you the official one.

Since the dawn of man, our planet has been watched. The reasons for this
interest differ from race to race: some merely wish to observe until 
humanity has evolved to a point where they can introduce themselves without 
sparking mass panic, while the motives of others are considerably less benign.

And not all humans are oblivious to the watchers above and among us. Daniel
Carrington, head of the elite Carrington Institute, suspects that rapid
technological developments at dataDyne HQ are the results of the corporation
taking a dark path to first contact - a path which apparently branches
through major Government agencies...

Whether or not his suspicions are justified, it is clear that events are
rushing to a head. People are being abducted, animals are being mutilated:
someone amongst the stars desperately wants something they believe us to
have, and Carrington suspects that the grand plan penetrates far deeper
than these surface incidents. Using all means available, the Institute
has resolved to find out exactly what's going on before it's too late,
and only recently has it been offered its first real lead into the
conspiracy: urgent messages from one Dr. Caroll located deep in the heart
of dataDyne operations, requesting extraction from the company before
alleged threats on his life are actually carried out.

Cue freshly-qualified Agent Joanna Dark, codenamed Perfect Dark thanks
to her unprecedented achievements in training. Her first real assignment
could hardly be of more importance: infiltrate the dataDyne skyscraper,
extract Dr. Caroll and bring him back to the Institute undetected and
unharmed. With events at dataDyne shrouded in mystery and yet moving so
fast, whatever knowledge Dr. Caroll possesses could ultimately decide
the fate of the human race.


=III. Controls=
These are the controls on the standard Nintendo 64 Controller...

 A Button - Change Weapon or Gadget
 B Button - Reload Weapon; Open Door

 C-Up - Look downward

 C-Down - Look upward

 C-Left - Side step Left

 C-Right - Side step Right

 LEFT Button - Aim Weapon with Scope

 RIGHT Button - Aim Weapon with Scope

 START - Pause

 Z Button - Fire Weapon / Use Gadget

 D-Pad + - Same as C-Buttons

 Joystick - Control Character


=IV. Characters=
More in-depth information shall be added to this later today.

 Real Name.......Joanna Dark
 Age.............23 Years; 2 Months of age
 Race............Homo Sapien (Human)
 Profile.........Highly trained but inexperienced. Reactions super. 
                 Proficient with a variety of weapons. Very competent all-around
                 agent. Highest recorded training scores resulted in the
                 creation of a new calss of training grade. The embodiment 
                 of the Carrington Institute's ideal agent, hence the call
                 sign, 'Perfect Dark'.

 Real Name.......Jonathan
 Age.............28 Years of age
 Race............Homo Sapien (Human)
 Profile.........Coming Soon...

 Real Name.......Daniel Carrington
 Age.............62 Years of age
 Race............Homo Sapien (Human)
 Profile.........Coming Soon...

 Real Name.......President
 Age.............50 Years of age
 Race............Homo Sapien (Human)
 Profile.........Coming Soon...

 Real Name.......Cassandra De Vries
 Age.............39 Years of age
 Race............Homo Sapien
 Profile.........Coming Soon...

 More to come...


=V. Gameplay Modes=
As you've seen in Goldeneyem there are 3 different modes of gameplay or
"difficulty levels" to play on through each mision. Here they are...

 AGENT - The standard agent, this is how you will begin each level. Playing 
         levels in Agent mode enables you to do less work, but it's also
         the easiest mode to play on. Not too good for bragging rights.
 SPECIAL AGENT - One rank above the standard agent, Special Agent mode allows
                 you to complete more obstacles in each mission, and it is the
                 2nd hardest mode to play on. You would be considered a "good"
                 player when beating a mission on Special Agent.
 PERFECT AGENT - The absolute highest ranked agent you can play as. On Perfect
                 Agent mode, you have the maximum amount of obstacles to tackle
                 and it's the hardest mode. You can call yourself a god at this
                 game if you beat missions on Perfect Agent.
 MY SYMBOLS - Throughout the FAQ on each mission I will use the following 
              symbols to determine the agents:
              A = Agent
             SA = Special Agent
             PA = Perfect Agent

Thanks to Nemesis for the following...
|    Mission                  |          Level(s)             |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 1                   |  DataDyne Central             |
|                             |  DataDyne Research            |
|                             |  dataDyne Central             |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 2                   |  Carrington Villa             |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 3                   |  Chicago                      |
|                             |  G5 Building                  |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 4                   |  Area 51                      |
|                             |  Area 51                      |
|                             |  Area 51                      |
|                             |                               |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 5                   |  Air Base                     |
|                             |  Air Force One                |
|                             |  Crash Site                   |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 6                   |  Pelagic II                   |
|                             |  Deep Sea                     |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 7                   |  Carrington Institute         |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 8                   |  Attack Ship                  |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 9                   |  Skedar Ruins                 |
|                             |                               |

Mission List:

|    Mission                  |          Type                 |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 1                   |  Defection                    |
|                             |  Investigation                |
|                             |  Extraction                   |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 2                   |  Hostage One                  |
|                             |                               |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 3                   |  Stealth                      |
|                             |  Reconnaissance               |
|                             |                               |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 4                   |  Infiltration                 |
|                             |  Rescue                       |
|                             |  Escape                       |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 5                   |  Espionage                    |
|                             |  Anti-terrorism               |
|                             |  Confrontation                |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 6                   |  Exploration                  |
|                             |  Nullify Threat               |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 7                   |  Defense                      |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 8                   |  Covert Assault               |
|                             |                               |
| Mission 9                   |  Battle Shrine                |
|                             |                               |

Mission Objectives:

A- Agent Difficulty level
S- Secret Agent Difficulty level
P- Perfect Agent Difficulty level

|           |                  |                                           |
| MISSION   |    LEVEL         |    OBJECTIVES                             |
|           |                  |                                           |
| Mission 1 | DataDyne Central:| -Disable Internal Security Hub (S,P)      |
|           |    Defection     | -Obtain the keycode Necklace (S,P)        |
|           |                  | -Download Project Files (P)               |
|           |                  | -Disable external Comms Hub (S,P)         |
|           |                  | -Gain entrance to Laboratory (A,S,P)      |
|           |                  |                                           |
| Mission 1 |DataDyne Research:| -Holograph Radioactive Isotope (A,S,P)    |
|           |  Investigation   | -Start Security Maintenence Cycle (S,P)   |
|           |                  | -Shut down the experiments (S,P)          |
|           |                  | -Obtain experimental technologies (P)     |
|           |                  | -Locate Dr. Caroll (A,S,P)                |
|           |                  |                                           |
| Mission 1 | DataDyne Central:| -Access the Foyer Elevator (A,S,P)        |
|           |    Extraction    | -Reactivate Office Elevator (P)           |
|           |                  | -Destroy DateDyne's Hovercopter (S,P)     |
|           |                  | -Defeat Cassandra's Body Guards (A,S,P)   |
|           |                  | -Rendezvous at the Helipad (A,S,P)        |
| Mission 2 | Carrington Villa:| -Save the Negotiator (A,S)                |
|           |  Hostage One     | -Eliminate the Rooftop Snipers (S,P)      |
|           |                  | -Activate Wind Generator (A,S,P)          |
|           |                  | -Locate and Eliminate DataDyne Hackers (P)|
|           |                  | -Capture the DataDyne Guard (P)           |
|           |                  | -Rescue Carrington (A,S,P)                |
| Mission 3 |    Chicago:      | -Retrieve the Drop Point Equipment (A,S,P)|
|           |     Stealth      | -Attach the Tracer to the Limousine (P)   |
|           |                  | -Prepare your escape route (S,P)          |
|           |                  | -Create a vehicular diversion (A,S,P)     |
|           |                  | -Gain entry into the G5 building (A,S,P)  |
| Mission 3 |   G5 Building:   | -Disable the Damping Field Generator (P)  |
|           |  Reconnaissance  | -Deactivate the Laser Grid Systems (S,P)  |
|           |                  | -Photograph Meeting Conspirators (A,S,P   |
|           |                  | -Retrieve Dr. Caroll Backup from safe(ASP)|
|           |                  | -Exit the G5 Building (A,S,P)             |
| Mission 4 |     Area 51:     | -Shut down air intercept radar (A,S,P)    |
|           |  Infiltration    | -Plant comms device on antenna (S,P)      |
|           |                  | -Disable all Robot Interceptors (P)       |
|           |                  | -Gain entrance to hangar lift (A,S,P)     |
|           |                  | -Make contact wih CI spy (A,S,P)          |
| Mission 4 |    Area 51:      | -Destroy computer records (P)             |
|           |     Rescue       | -Locate conspiracy evidence (S,P)         |
|           |                  | -Obtain and use lab technician d.g (A,S,P)|
|           |                  | -Gain access to autopsy lab (A,S,P)       |
|           |                  | -Rescue the crash survivor (A,S,P)        |
| Mission 4 |     Area 51:     | -Locate alien tech medpack (P)            |
|           |      Escape      | -Rendezvous with CI spy (A,S,P)           |
|           |                  | -Locate secret hangar (A,S,P)             |
|           |                  | -Revive Maian bodyguard (S,P)             |
|           |                  | -Escape from Area 51 (A,S,P)              |
| Mission 5 |    Air Base:     | -Obtain diguise and enter base (A,S,P)    |
|           |    Espionage     | -Check in equipment (S,P)                 |
|           |                  | -Subvert security monitoring system(A,S,P)|
|           |                  | -Obtain flight plans from safe (P)        |
|           |                  | -Board Air Force One (A,S,P)              |
| Mission 5 |   Air Force One: | -Locate and retrieve equipment (S,P)      |
|           |   Antiterrorism  | -Locate President (A,S,P)                 |
|           |                  | -Get President to escape capsule (A,S,P)  |
|           |                  | -Secure Air Force One flight path (P)     |
|           |                  | -Detach UFO from Air Force One            |
| Mission 5 |   Crash Site:    | -Retrieve Presidental medical scanner(S,P)|
|           |  Confrontation   | -Activate distress beacon (A,S,P)         |
|           |                  | -Shut down enemy jamming device (P)       |
|           |                  | -Retire Presidential clone (A,S,P)        |
|           |                  | -Locate and rescue President (A,S,P)      |
| Mission 6 |    Pelagic II:   | -Disable primary power source (A,S,P)     |
|           |    Exploration   | -Secure laboratories and research data (P)|
|           |                  | -Deactivate GPS and autopilot (A,S,P)     |
|           |                  | -Activate Moon Pool lift (S,P)            |
|           |                  | -Rendezvous and escape with Elvis (A,S,P) |
| Mission 6 |    Deep Sea:     | -Reactivate teleportals (A,S,P)           |
|           |  Nullify Threat  | -Disable Citan megaweapon (A,S,P)         |
|           |                  | -Secure control room (S,P)                |
|           |                  | -Restore Dr. Caroll's personality (P)     |
|           |                  | -Escape from Cetan ship (A,S,P)           |
| Mission 7 |   Carrington     | -Reactivate automatic defenses (S,P)      |
|           |   Institute:     | -Release hostages (A,S,P)                 |
|           |    Defense       | -Retrieve experimental weapon (A,S,P)     |
|           |                  | -Destroy sensitive information (P)        |
|           |                  | -Deactivate Bomb (A,S,P)                  |
| Mission 8 |  Attack Ship:    | -Disable shield system (A,S,P)            |
|           | Covert Assault   | -Open hangar doors (P)                    |
|           |                  | -Access navigational systems (A,S,P)      |
|           |                  | -Sabotage engine systems (S,P)            |
|           |                  | -Gain control of bridge (A,S,P)           |
| Mission 9 |  Skedar Ruins:   | -Identify temple targets (A,S,P)          |
|           |  Battle Shrine   | -Activate bridge (A,S,P)                  |
|           |                  | -Gain access to inner Sanctum (S,P)       |
|           |                  | -Destroy secret Skedar army (P)           |
|           |                  | -Assasinate Skedar leader (A,S,P)         |


=VI. Main Menu=
Okay, when you first start out the game, you will be Joanna Dark, main 
of the game. Press start after typing in your name and you will be taken to the
main menu screen. You will be able to choose from the following options:

Upon going here for the first time you will be guided through on a tour by a
local worker. He will show you around all the rooms inside where you can train,
head the the hangar, and a bunch of other things, I suggest you take the tour,
no matter how slow this guy walks.

This is the main gameplay area of the game. You will be able to play all 
in the game here on 3 different modes, Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent.
Each mission has it's own objectives you must complete in order to pass that
mission and gain access to the next. My walkthrough covers each mission. This
is the major part of the game.

Upon selecting the combat simulator, you can either play Challenges, do a 
Quick Start, or load preset games. You can select the first 4 challenges at
the start of the game to play, there are a total of 30, later in my FAQ you
will find how to beat each challenge and what you win by doing so.

This is sort of an easier or harder way to play the actual missions. You will
have a helper along with you in each mission by selecting this option, so it's
basically for beginners to the game.

This is the MultiPlayer section of the game, please see the "Muliplayer" 
in this FAQ for more information.

This allows you to change the current game you are playing (Save File) it does
not let you change your character, just the save file. So if you want to change
the current game you are playing, this is how you'd do so.

By pressing RIGHT on your control stick you will be taken to the game's options
menu. There you will find several options which you can change to make your 
gameplay more suitable to your needs. Here are the options you can change...

Sound Volume: Here is where you can set the volume of the Sound Effects.

Music Volume: Same as Sound only this changes the volume of the BGMusic.

Sound Mode: Here you can select from Stereo, Mono, Headphone, or Surround.

Language Filter: I'm not sure what this does yet.

Screen Size: You can choose from a Full Screen, Wide Screen, or Cinema Screen 

Ratio: Not sure what this does, but you can choose from Normal or 16:9

Hi-Res: This sets the screen resolution to Normal or High.

2-Player Screen Split: This sets the 2-Player screen either Horizontal or 

Control Style 1.1: L/R Buttons = Aim
                   C-Up = Look Down
                   C-Down = Look Up
                   C-L/R = Strafe Left/Right
                   A Button = Weapon Select
                   B Button = Action/Reload Weapon
                   Control Stick = Walk/Turn
                   Z Button = Fire Weapon
                   D-Pad = Same as C-Buttons
                   Hold Weapon button for quick-menu.
                   Hold Action button to toggle function.
                   Action+Fire temporarily changes function.
                   Aim allows you to target accurately.
                   Aim + C-Down button crouches.
                   Aim + C-Up button gets up.

Control Style 1.2: L/R Buttons = Aim
                   C-Up = Forwards
                   C-L/R = Strafe Left/Right
                   C-Down = Backwards
                   A Button = Weapon
                   B Button = Action/Reload
                   Control Stick = Look
                   Z Button = Fire
                   D-Pad = Same as C-Buttons
                   Hold Weapon button for quick-menu.
                   Hold Action button to toggle function.
                   Action+Fire temporarily changes function.
                   Aim allows you to target accurately.
                   Aim + C-Down button crouches.
                   Aim + C-Up button gets up.

Control Style 1.3: L/R Buttons = Weapon
                   C-Up = Look Down
                   C-L/R = Strafe Left/Right
                   C-Down = Look Up
                   A Button = Fire Weapon
                   B Button = Action/Reload
                   Control Stick = Walk/Turn
                   Z Button = Aim
                   D-Pad = Same as C-Buttons
                   Hold Weapon button for quick-menu.
                   Hold Action button to toggle function.
                   Action+Fire temporarily changes function.
                   Aim allows you to target accurately.
                   Aim + C-Down button crouches.
                   Aim + C-Up button gets up.

Control Style 1.4: L/R Buttons = Weapon
                   C-Up = Forwards
                   C-L/R = Strafe Left/Right
                   C-Down = Backwards
                   A Button = Fire Weapon
                   B Button = Action/Reload
                   Control Stick = Walk/Turn
                   Z Button = Aim
                   D-Pad = Same as C-Buttons
                   Hold Weapon button for quick-menu.
                   Hold Action button to toggle function.
                   Action+Fire temporarily changes function.
                   Aim allows you to target accurately.
                   Aim + C-Down button crouches.
                   Aim + C-Up button gets up.

Control Style 2.1 Controller #1:
                   A Button = Weapon
                   B Button = Action/Reload
                   Control Stick = Walk/Turn
                   Z Button = Fire Weapon

Control Style 2.1 Controller #2:
                   A Button = Weapon
                   B Button = Action/Reload
                   Control Stick = Look/Strafe
                   Z Button = Aim

Control Style 2.2 Controller #1:
                   A Button = Weapon
                   B Button = Action/Reload
                   Control Stick = Look
                   Z Button = Fire

Control Style 2.2 Controller #2:
                   A Button = Weapon
                   B Button = Action/Reload
                   Control Stick = Walk/Strafe
                   Z Button = Aim

Control Style 2.3 Controller #1:
                   A Button = Weapon
                   B Button = Action/Reload
                   Control Stick = Walk/Turn
                   Z Button = Aim

Control Style 2.3 Controller #2:
                   A Button = Weapon
                   B Button = Action/Reload
                   Control Stick = Look/Strafe
                   Z Button = Fire Weapon

Control Style 2.4 Controller #1:
                   A Button = Weapon
                   B Button = Action/Reload
                   Control Stick = Look
                   Z Button = Aim

Control Style 2.4 Controller #2:
                   A Button = Weapon
                   B Button = Action/Reload
                   Control Stick = Walk/Strafe
                   Z Button = Fire Weapon

Reverse Pitch: Not sure what this setting does, you can set it on or off.

Look Ahead: This lets you see ahead during gameplay. I suggest leaving it on.

Head Roll: This allows you to turn your head fully around when looking.

Auto-Aim: This will hone in on enemies during fire when set on.

Aim Control: You can select Hold, where you have to hold the Aim, or toggle,
             where it is automatically set when the corresponding key is 

Sight on Screen: Not sure what this does yet.

Always Show Target: This will show a target when AIM is located over an
                    enemy or shootable object.

Show Zoom Range: This will shows the range when you zoom on screen.

Ammo on Screen: This will show the amount of ammo. you have left on the 
                screen during gameplay.

Show Gun Function: Shows a gun's function upon selection.

Paintball: Sets shooting into Paintball mode.

In-Game Subtitles: This will print out spoken text during the game.

Cutscene Subtitles: Same as above.

Show Mission Time: This will show how long it's taken you for your current

See Cheats Section.

Play-All: This will play all current cinemas you have viewed.

Other Cinemas: Below Play All you will be able to view all cinemas
               individually as you open them.


=VII. Walkthrough=
I've separated the walkthrough into three separate sections, the first being
the "Agent" mode of play, the second being the "Special Agent" mode of play
and finally the "Perfet Agent" mode of play.

There are 2 methods of survival in Perfect Dark.
  1.) Fist Fighting
  As in all games, using your fists to fight is free and unlimited. So when
  you're out of ammo, you'll always have an unlimited supply of.....fists.
  Fist Fighting is rather useful if you don't need to use your weapons. If very
  close to an enemy, use your fists to either knock 'em out or steal their 
  weapon. So it's a 2 for 1 deal.
  2.) Weapons Galore!
  Of course, without weapons, you'd be "left in the dark" with this game. Each
  weapon has 2 functions: A primary function and a secondary function. The 
  function is just the standard use of the weapon, but the secondary function 
  on to the primary one. It powers up the primary weapon into a more powerful
  secondary weapon. There is a great variety of weapons that need discovering,
  but it all takes time.

                       A G E N T   W A L K T H R O U G H

M I S S I O N   1 - dataDyne

dataDyne CENTRAL - Defection
Objectives: 1.) Gain Entrance to Laboratory
You start out outside on the heliport pad. Go down 3 flights of stairs
the the bottom of this structure. On the bottom you may find a few guards,
pick them off with your silencer and take their weapons/ammo. Now, see
that thing that looks like a vent? That's a door.

Use the action button to open the door and walk inside, head down the
first flight of stairs you arrive at and pick off the guard who says:
"Who the..." Now, Continue straight and head down two more flights of
stairs where you will find another door, next to a huge fan.

Go inside and you will find yet some more stairs. Head down to the bottom,
on your way you will encounter a guard, kill him next to a wall and you will
see his rich blood splatter all over the wall. Now, at the bottom you will
find a red colored door. Open it.

Once inside you will find several cubicles and a few guards. Shoot the
guards first, now right next to the door you entered this room you will
find an elevator. Press the action button in front of it and get inside.
It will take you all the way down to the bottom of the structure where you
will find several guards waiting on a long flight of stairs, first kill
them all off. 

You will then get a message saying "The basement elevator must be somewhere
around here." Head to the right after going down the long flight of 4 or 5
steps. You will go inside a small cubicle with a desk inside, there is a door
right nearby. Open it, kill the guards inside and continue on. You will then
come to the basement elevator and complete Objective #1.
dataDyne RESEARCH - Investigation
Objectives: 1.) Holograph radioactive isotope
            2.) Locate Dr. Carrol

Okay, after viewing the cool cinema of Joanna knocking out a guard from the
top of the elevator, go LEFT from after exiting the elevator. Now, you will 
come to a few guards behind glass. Shoot them all before continuing on. Once 
they are finished, go through the door they were in front of.

This door takes you striaght into the main room. In this main room you will 
find 2 big doors. One is marked "CAUTION" and the other is marked "SECTOR 2" 
and you will also see a locked door to the side of Sector 2. First off, go 
inside the door marked CAUTION, but don't go all the way through every door. 
Instead, go through the first 2 sets of doors until you come to 2 guards. Kill 
them both, then take out your CamSpy by pressing START and moving to the 
Inventory menu and press the A button when CamSpy is selcted.

This activates your CamSpy, move it into the next room. Move it so it's right 
in front of the radioactive isotope in the center of the room. Then press the 
"Z" button to capture a picture of the isotope. Now take your CamSpy off to 
complete Objective one.

Okay, this one can be kind of tricky. Leave the room marked "CAUTION" and enter
the door labeled "SECTOR 2" once inside you will find a guard, kill him and 
continue through the next door. After that you will come to the Sector 2 room 
which is packed with guards. Shoot every last guard standing and then go to the 
end of the long hallway you see.

At the end, turn to your RIGHT to find a door. Go inside, you will find some
more guards pick them off. You will now see a door labeled "SECTOR 3" which is
near where Dr. Carrol's HQ are located. Go through the door and kill any 
oncoming guards who get in your way. However, you will be barricaded by red lazers 
blocking your path. To get past them, wait for the little robot beetle to stop 
near the lasers and they will disappear letting the robot beetle to pass. 

When they disappear, pass through following along the robot beetle, after all
of the lasers have been bypassed you will find a door which contains the data
computer which you must alter to pass the security locked door next to it. When
you enter this room, turn around immediately and pick off the 2 dragon guards
and take their new weapon, the Dragon. 

Now equip the Data Chip, to do so, press start, move over to the inventory
and press A on the Data Chip. Now you will have it in your hand. Press Z to
use it next to the computer. It will gain the password to the security lock and
open the door letting you pass. Take out you gun again and get ready to shoot.

In the next room, you will find a few guards, kill them off as they run around
the room, and then head over to the door marked "RESTRICTED" go inside and
kill the 2 guards, then continue through the next door where you will find 
sensory machine guns attached to the ceiling, just run past them for now and 
take the damage they deal out. At the end of the hallway you will find the last 
door, open it to complete the last objective for the RESEARCH level.

dataDyne CENTRAL - Extraction 
Objectives: 1.) Access foyer elevator
            2.) Defeat Cassandra's bodyguards
            3.) Rendezvous at helipad

Okay, the first thing you must do here is equip your Night Vision glassses
in order to see anything. Now, go forward and you will find a guard sitting at
a desk. From a distance, shoot him with your sniper rifle. Then turn left at
the desk to find a door. Go through and kill the guards hiding behind boxes.

Once they are gone, you will have to circle the main room killing all guards.
You will soon reach the back of the main room where you will find a flight
of stairs with 2 guards at the top, try picking them off from the bottom using
the AIM function of your weapon. Now it's home free. Turn left to find
an elevator, this is the foyer elevator, press "B" to activate it and go inside
to complete Objective #1.

You can now remove your Night Vision glasses, as they are no longer necesary
in order to see. Once the elevator has made it's way to the top, exit and turn
to your right. Go around the corner you come to and you will find a guard 
waiting at the end. Shoot him and go through the door that is behind him. This 
takes you to a room with another corner, go around the corner and come to the end
where you will find 2 of Cassandra's Bodyguards (they are firing shotguns at
you and they are dressed in different clothing.)

Kill them both and continue going through this room, go through the next door
to find one more bodyguard in this area, kill him. Now, head back the way
you came where you will see a small elevator, it's the one that goes up just
one floor. Go inside and let it take you up to the next floor. Once you exit
the elevator, go RIGHT and turn around another corner. And the end of this
long corridor you will find 2 guards behind boxes, shoot them and then go 
through the door that is to the left of them (in front of the boxes they were 
hiding behind.) 

This takes you into a room that looks like an office, with desks, chairs, and
other furniture. Turn LEFT as soon as you enter this room, there is a sliding
door on the left side of the room, once inside, turn left again and go through
the next door. You will see another bodyguard, kill him. Then go left again 
after killing that bodyguard and go through the next door. Go past this room
and into the next where you will find yet 2 more bodyguards, kill them and then
backtrack back an elevator with a door next to it, go in this door to lead
to a flight of stairs.

Go up the stairs and through the door, but don't turn right yet. You will hear
a conversation between some scientists and a guard. Pretty funnny, just turn
right and blast away the guard. Pick up his Rocket Laungher. Then, right where 
the guard was standing, you'll find a door on the left, go through this door which 
leads to some more stairs. Go up this final flight of stairs to the top level
where you will find another ventilated door. Go through it.

Now this part is kind of tough. Once you go through the ventilated door at the
top of the stairs, put on your Night Vision glasses so you can see in the dark.
You will now have to kill off several bodyguards. There are 2 located on the 
ground and 2 located up on the ramps. Pick them all off and you will complete
the 2nd objective.

Now that you have cleared out all the bodyguards, find the ramp on the top 
level. Go up the ramp and keep following it, you don't need to slow down for 
Dr. Caroll because you can complete when you reach the helipad no matter if the 
Dr. is there or not. Continue going up the ramp and you will come to a ventilated 
door, go through it and continue going up the ramp.

You will soon make your way back to where you started this mission, at the 
helipad. That completes Objective 3 as well as Mission 1.

M I S S I O N   2 - Carrington

Carrington Villa - Hostage One
Objectives: 1.) Save the negotiator
            2.) Activate wind generator
            3.) Rescue Carrington

This is a very simple task to accomplish. When the mission begins, you will be
equipped with a sniper rifle and will be placed on an over-look (place where a
sniper hides out to shoot his victims). In the beginning, walk forward so you 
can view the guards. Use your AIM feature on your sniper and shoot both guards in
the head before they kill the hostage.

If done quickly, effectively, and correctly, both guards should be dead and
the negotiator (hostage) should run up into the town and escape without being
harmed. That will finish Objective #1 for you.

Once the hostage has been saved, turn around. You will see a big structure 
behind you. Go around it on either side and you will see a guard lay down 
quickly to try and snipe you from a distance, AIM and pick him off quickly 
before he does any damage. Now walk over and pick up his CMP150, but don't 
equip it just yet. Turn right and look over the edge of the cliff.

You will see 2 guards. One is trying to snipe you off to the right, and one
is using his CMP150 from straight below. Pick them both off and jump off the
cliff. Once on the ground, take the right path where you shot the guard trying
to snipe you. You will encounter another guard here, just shoot him quickly
and continue on your way. You will now come to a place to turn left, but don't
do it just yet.

Hide behind the corner and look up with your AIM feature on your sniper rifle.
You will see a guard just above trying to snipe you, kill him and watch as he
falls off the roof to his death on a flight of small stairs. Go right and down
a separate flight of stairs where you will find a wall. Hide behind this wall
and AIM your rifle towards the roof in the distance you will see 4 snipers on
the rooftop. Pick them all off and any remaining guards on the ground.

Once there are no more snipers or guards in site, head into the main courtyard
where you picked off the 4 snipers. From here head right, you will come to 
another over-look which is located above a large body of water. If you look
closely there is a sniper on the far left of the body of water. Kill him when
he's not looking.

Now head back to the main courtyard, you will find a flight of stairs in the 
middle. Head up the stairs and follow the path to the right. Pick off the 
remaining sniper which is just ahead. Now, go up the flight of stairs where you 
will find a door. Go inside and you will be inside the house or "pueblo." Once
inside, kill of all guards first. Then head down the stairs. Once at the foot
of the stairs turn right into the first blue colored hallway you come to.

At the end you will find a room with a few guards, kill them. Now head to
where you find the Kitchen, there are some stairs here. Go down them, at
the bottom you will find two more guards, kill them both and go left to
find another set of double doors, head through the doors and go down the
steps. There is one guard right in front of you and one near the back of
the stairway, kill them both.

Once they are dead, go over to the set of double doors near the back of
the stairway. It leads to a pathway. Go straight down this pathway, without
turning left on the way. At the end of the pathway, turn left and kill
the 3 guards you come to. You will see 2 large control panels. You must
activate them in order to activate the wind generator. To activate them,
press "B" near the activation switch on each panel. Once both have been
activated, head back down the pathway again, only this time, turn right
into the turn you skipped before.

Head down this path until you come to the end where you will find a bunch
of guards. Kill them all and turn left to find the huge wind generator. On
the backside of the generator you will find an activation switch, hit "B"
on the switch to activate the wind generator and complete your 2nd Objective.

Once you activate the wind generator, leave the room with the generator in it,
and continue going straight. Turn left at the end to find a set of doors, go
through them and down the stairs. At the foot of the stairs turn left and
go through another door.

In here is where you will find several rooms with liquor stored on shelves.
There are a bunch of guards in this area and one of them holds the key card
to Carrington's cell. Go through the area killing all guards until you find
the one with the key. The one with the key is naturally located near 
cell. Shoot him, take the key card, open the door and this mission will be

M I S S I O N   3

Chicago - Stealth
Objectives: 1.) Retrieve drop point equipment
            2.) Create vehicular diversion
            3.) Gain entry to GS building

Okay, after the opening cinema plays, you are left in the rain. Go left around
the corner where you will see an innocent civilian passing by, do not kill him.
Turn left and kill the disguised guard holding a gun. Now go down the corridor
near where you shot the guard. At the end turn left and you should see a Taxi
straight ahead.

Go up the stairs to the left and hide inside the area with gates. Open the 
gates and kill all guards in site. Now go straight (behind and past the taxi) until 
you come to a little opening in the wall. Go through and you will be taken to the
storm drain area. First off, kill all guards you see, then from where you 
entered turn RIGHT and go all the way to the end of the drain. Now, go up on 
the right side of the drain where you will find a very small area.

First Duck, then crouch so you can fit through the narrow passage way, continue
to crouch all the way to the end of the passageway where you will find your
drop point equipment and complete objective #1.

Your main goal here is to reprogram the taxi you saw earlier to make it crash
into a wall farther a way which will create a diversion making all the guards
turn and run to see what's going on. First, head back to where you saw the taxi
(out of storm drain). Once you find the taxi, make sure there are no guards
or simulants in the way while you reprogram the cab.

Once the coast is clear, take out the reprogrammer, by pressing Start, going
to your inventory screen and pressing "A" on the reprogrammer, then when you
are near the taxi, press Z to actiavate the reporgrammer, it takes about 10
seconds to reprogram the taxi, and you have to make sure that nast simulant
isn't in the way, otherwise it will shoot at you and the taxi causing the 
cab to explode. So make sure it's out of the way.

Once the cab has been reprogrammed, let a few seconds go by and the cab will
automatically leave for it's destination. After about a minute you will hear
an explosion, and all the guards will come running to see what happened.
Objective #2 complete.

Okay, now before you doing anything, you will need to do one simple thing
that is necessary in a later level. Go over to where you see that limo car,
pass it and go to the end, turn right and you will find some stairs, climb
them to the top and place a remote mine on it. Now you can continue to gain
entrance to the GS Building.

From where the taxi used to be, go striaght and continue to the end and then
turn RIGHT, in the distance you should see the blown up taxi. There will be
a few guards, but nothing a few bullets can't cure. Shoot them all. Now
turn left and you will see an open door. This is the entrance to the GS
building and as you can see the guard that was blocking it before is now
gone, allowing you to complete your final objective.

Also, upon completion of this level, you will receive the DK Mode cheat
in the cheat menu, which obviously makes all the characters look like
Donkey Kong.

G5 Building - Reconnassance
Objectives: 1.) Holograph meeting conspirators
            2.) Retrieve Dr. Caroll backup from safe
            3.) Exit Building

Okay, after the opening cinema you will be left with two guards who are
invisible. You cannot harm them when they are invisible, but they can 
harm you, so be careful, after a few steps they will become visible for
a short time allowing you to pick them off. One of them holds a key card,
collect it.

With this key card you can go through the door straight in front of you,
go through and turn left, you will see a guard in the distance, kill him
before he sees you. Then continue going straight, at the end of the hallway
you will find a switch, this turns on or off the lights in the room to your
left. Leave them on, and go through the door to the left of the switch.

The lights will turn off when you go through the class doors and you will 
be confronted with some invisible guards, as they appear, kill them. One of 
them contains a key card. Now it's time to use the CamSpy again. Still in
the same room, go behind one of the dumpsters and take out the CamSpy by
pressing start, moving over to inventory and selection CamSpy, now take
the CamSpy into the two glass doors, go through the door here, and go
up the stairway.

At the top you will find another door, go in it and immediately rush up
the stairway, you will notice a little path which leads around the building
take the CamSpy along this path until you reach the end where you will
find the Holograph Meeting Conspirators. Objective #1 complete.

This is a rather simple task. Once you've completed Objective one, put
away the CamSpy, now go through the glass doors and up the stairs back
to the path you travelled on as the CamSpy, Crouch down to fit, and once
you reach the end where you can't go any further, drop down onto the ground.

Turn backward and turn RIGHT into the first hallway you come to. Go 
through the door here. You will find a few sets of stairs. Climb them up
to the top and go through the door. Remember to kill any guards who get
in your way, because there is no longer a possible danger for you to fail
Objective one.

If a guard turns on the alarm, quickly turn it off so you don't get bombarded
with guards. Once you go through the door, turn right and go straight, you
will see another door on your right, this leads to the SAFE room. Go inside
and make sure the coast is clear outside.

Once there are no guards in sight, take out the Decoder and place it on
the little switch on the wall. The decoder will take 50 seconds to decode
the safe lock, and during these 50 seconds the alarm sounds notifying all
guards to come up to the safe room. Kill them as they come to the door, and
wait out the 50 seconds.

Once the 50 seconds are over, the safe door will slowly open. Go inside and
you will find the backup of Dr. Caroll lying on the shelf to the right. Grab
it and you will have completed objective #2.

Now, from the safe, go to your left and down the long corridor, at the end
go through the door on the left, you will find some stairs that lead up
to the 3rd floor. Climb them. At the top you will be taken to the back side
of the door you placed the remote mine on.

Take out your detonator by pressing Start and going to the inventory screen,
select remote mines. You should be holding the detonator, take cover somewhere
and press "Z" to blow up the door and exit the G5 Building. Objective #3

M I S S I O N   4 - Area 51

Area 51 - Infiltration
Objectives: 1.) Shut down air intercept radar
            2.) Gain access to hangar lift
            3.) Make contact with CI spy

Once the opening cinema has finished you are left outside. Okay, if you look
straight ahead you will spot 2-3 guards nearby. Shoot all 3 of them, but be
careful because there are automatic machine guns around this area. One being
on the RIGHT side of where you shot the guards. Now, turn around backwards from
where you first began the level, and walk in that direction.

Turn left and you will spot a guard in the distance, he won't notice you yet
so pick him off using the Zoom feature on your weapon. Now right next to this
guard you just shot is another automatic machine gun, which isn't firing yet
because it hasn't spotted you. You can either: a.) pick it off from a distance
or b.) run up and very quickly shoot the gun about 6 times to blow it up. The
second method is useful later in the game, but I suggest picking this one off
at a distance.

Once you get rid of it, turn right from where it was. Don't go out into the
open just yet, though. There is another automatic machine gun on the left side.
The quickest, and safest way to get rid of this one is to just run out and 
shoot about 6 bullets as fast as you can into the gun before it has time to 
fire at you, I found this sucessful.

Once that gun is gone, continue on. You will come to a large tower with a main
gate on the left of it. In the distance you will find a long walkway, but don't
go down there just yet. Stay at a distance from the tower and use your Zoom 
feature to pick off the snipers inside the tower. Once you see no more movement 
going on, climb up the ladder of the tower to get inside.

Once inside, collect the dead guards' ammo and then look at the back wall 
inside the tower. You will see an activation switch, hit it to open the main
gate and then quickly jump down the ladder and go into the main area before the
gate closes again. You must be quick in here because there are automatic 
ceiling machine guns attached to the walls. 2 on the right side and one on the 
left. Aim and blow them all up.

Once the guns have been taken care of, kill all the loose guards wondering 
about. You will now notice a man standing next to a hover bike near the center 
of the main area. Just shoot him, and collect his lift key card which will allow 
you to access the lift later on when needed. Once you've taken care of ALL enemies
in this main area, it's time to blow up some stuff.

Head to the left side (near the gates) of the main area (where the one machine 
gun was) and you will find a little ladder leading underground, follow this ladder.
Once underground you will find a door in front of you, go inside to find the 
radar panel. It's the little computer screen, and if you press "B" near it, you 
will get a "Acess Denied" message.

Now, take out your explosives by pressing Start, moving over to the inventory
section, and selecting "Explosives" with the A button. Place the explosives on
this little computer or "panel" by pressing the "Z" button. Upon doing so, a
countdown will begin and all guards will be notified of what you are doing.

Leave this room out into the outer perimeter and shoot all guards that come 
down ladder. Make sure you are out of the panel room as the bomb detonates. 
Once the guards are gone, climb the ladder and listen to the sweet sound of a radar 
being shut down via explosion. Objective #1 complete.

This task is very simple, nothing compared to the last objective. Once the 
radar has been shut down, and you have climbed up the ladder, go straight near 
the 2 gates. Behind these gates is a huge lift or "elevator" leading to the hangar.
However, they are locked. So how do you get in?

See that little computer screen on the wall? This is the access panel to the
lift. You must have the lift key card, which you should have gotten, or will
get from the man standing next to the hover bike. Use the card and press "B"
near the computer screen and the doors to the lift shall unlock allowing you to
enter. Go inside and kill the two guards you find in there.

The doors will close and the lift shall descend. Once the doors reopen, all you
have to do is step out of the lift and into the hangar and the 2nd objective
here will be complete.

Now, your final goal is to meet up with a spy who is dressed as a guard 
somewhere inside the hangar. First, once you step off the lift, kill ALL 
guards you see on the ground and wait for the rest of them to come from upstairs, 
once there is no sight of any oncoming guards, make your way to the back of the 
hangar. Here you will find a ramp leading to an elevator.

Take the elevator down one story and you will be approached by 2 guards, kill 
them both and follow the walkway. You will find another ramp at the end of the 
walkway, go down the ramp and kill the 3 guards hiding behind boxes. There is a 
door just under the ramp, go through it and meet with the CI Spy to finish the last 
objective for this level.

Area 51 - Rescue
Objectives: 1.) Obtain and use lab technician disguise
            2.) Gain access to autopsy lab
            3.) Rescue the crash Survivor

Alright, after the cinema, head straight and take a right. You will see a bunch
of guards in the main storage room. Kill them all, then walk into the room. 
Search around and kill all the guards. It is necessary for you to kill all the 
guards in this whole beginning area because you will be carrying a box and you 
cannot have guards firing at you for fear that they may hit and explode the box in 
your face which would ruin the mission.

Once all the guards have been cleared from the ground floor. Hop into the 
elevator (and kill any oncoming guards) and ride up to the next floor. Here, 
get off the elevator and shoot the guard far in the distance to the right. 
Next turn left and kill any remaining guards here. Go through the large door 
and turn left to find the next elevator.

Get inside and take the elevator to the top floor of this area. Kill the few
remaining guards up here and then start travelling back down. As you reuturn 
back down to the ground floor, pick off any missed guards. There cannot be one 
living guard in this area.

Once all guards are gone, backtrack to the beginning of the level where the 
floating box is located. Go in front of the floating box and press "B" to hold
on to it. Carry the box back up the elevators all the way up to the top floor
again. Once here, go to the end of the walkway and you will notice a little "X"
scratched into the side of a white strip on the wall.

Put the box down in front of this "X" by pressing B. Now, back up a few steps
and fire at the box a few times. This causes the box to explode and opens up
a new pathway to the lab area. Once here, go straight forward past the dead
guard on the floor (who was killed from the explosion, notice his toasty 
complexion ^_^) and you will find the Lab Clothing lying on the floor. 

Collect the clothing, and quickly put them on by pressing START, going to the
inventory screen and selecting "Lab Clothing" with the A button. This will
put on the clothing, and complete Objective #1, remember to put away your
weapons too.

Okay, for this you MUST be wearing the lab clothing otherwise the guard
won't let you through the door. From where you blew the hole in the wall,
turn LEFT and go through the first door. In this room, look on the right
wall to find another door, open it.

Once inside you will have to go through a set of two more doors and then
you will find a door with a little slit in the middle, it is locked but
if you are unarmed and dressed in the lab clothes, the guard will say:
"It's about time you got here" and he will open the door. Go through the
room all the way to the back still in the clothes, open the back door
(at the end of the room) and you will gain access into the autopsy lab.

This completes your 2nd objective. You can now take out your gun (which
will automatically take off the lab clothing) and shoot all guards in
the room. Many more guards will come, just shoot them as you come to them.

This is a crucial part in the game, you must be alert because the place is
swarming with guards. First, leave the autopsy room, and turn RIGHT. Go
through the large door and you will find another small door on the right
wall. Before, this door was locked. But now that you have the 2nd Level
Key Card, you can enter it.

On the other side is a room with 3 guards, kill them (2 hiding behind posts,
and one out in the open). Once they are gone, go straight and into the next
room. This is the most important room in the Area 51 area. Why? Because it
has the Alien (Crash Survivor in the back). If you aren't quick, the surgeons
will kill the Alien and the objective will fail.

Right when you go into this room, head to the back RIGHT corner near the
back door. Kill this guard first, he holds the key card which you use to get
into the operating room. Once you get this key, don't bother to shoot the
other guards in the room, but instead head straight into the back door which
leads into the operating room. Go through one more door.

Once you enter this room, the objective will be complete. You will see the
cinema of Joanna telling the surgeons to get back and don't make a move. This
completes the 3rd and final objective.

Area 51 - Escape
Objectives: 1.) Rendezvous with CI Spy
            2.) Locate secret hangar
            3.) Escape from Area 51

The opening cinema shows Joanna taking the Alien body out of the operating
room, and the 2 surgeons going nuts. As Joanna is leaving, they turn on some
poison gas by mistake and kill themselves, you are then left pushing the
alien around trying to escape from Area 51.

Okay, first leave this room, Johnathan will talk to you telling you that
there is a secure place where you can store the alien for now. Go back to 
the main room and find the brown door, it will open automatically, and you
will drop the alien off here.

Now go back to one of the hatch rooms where there are several switches
to lower or raise the cryogenic freezing tubes. There are two of these
rooms, one of them has another door in it. Go in this one and go through
the door that used to be locked. Shoot the guards inside here then go
through the door on the left wall.

You will meet Johnathan here (CI Spy) and your first objective will
be complete. The secret hangar is very easy to locate as you are about
to find out. Johnathan says that it's time to get back to our friend
meaning the alien.

Once you find Johnathan, you will both leave that room and go across
the room next to a wall. Johnathan will stare and think for a while,
then he will place some explosives near the wall.

After a few seconds, the wall will explode revealing the secret hangar
and your 2nd objective will be complete. Easy, eh? Now it's time to
escape from Area 51.

There is only one way to escape from Area 51 and that is via the Space
Shuttle, but first you must take the Alien with you. This secret hangar
has a brown door in it, which leads to the secure room you placed the
Alien in earlier. Open it and you will view a cinema of the Alien.

He will tell you that his name is Elvis and that he is surprised he's
alive. After the cinema, go down the ramp near where Johnathan blew the
wall open, down here you will find the Space Ship, but the hangar door
is closed.

There is another problem also, the Space Ship can only carry two people.
So after deciding, Joanna and Elvis take the ship and Johnathan decides
to open the hangar doors and escape on the Hover bike. As Johnathan goes
to open the hangar doors, you must watch his back.

Follow him up the ramp and shoot the guards that are standing in the doorway.
Once you get the message saying the hangar doors have been opened, run
back down the ramp and run out the hangar door, you will then view a
closing cinema of the ship escaping. Objective and Mission Complete.

M I S S I O N   5 

Air Base - Espionage
Objectives: 1.) Obtain disguise and enter base
            2.) Subvert security monitoring system
            3.) Board Air Force One

In order to enter the base, you must be in disguise. There is a stuardess
coming off of the cable car and she has her uniform in her bag. Your job
is to get it without harming her or any other civilians. Okay, first walk
down and kill the guard with an arrow.

Now turn left into a cave like area. You will find 2-3 guards at the end
and the stuardess yelling: "Ah! It's an intruder!" First pick off the
guards, now head back so that you are in front of the stuardess. Using
the AIM feature on your crossbow, shoot the bag out of her hand.

By doing so, she will fall to the ground, but she didn't die. Pick
up her bag to collect the uniform. Now, put on the uniform by pressing Start,
going to your inventory and selecting the Uniform. You will put it on, but
it does no good if you have a weapon out.

Once you put it on, put your weapon away so you are unarmed, then go straight
and turn left out of the cave like area. You will see some proximity mines
on the ground, pick them up. Now backtrack out of the cave like area back
to where you first started the mission.

Go through the double doors and you will see guards and a receptionist, don't
panic. They will warmly greet you because remember you look like a stuardess.
See that door behind the guards? Go through it and enter the base to complete
Objective #1.

Now, just because you are in disguise, doesn't mean the security system can't
detect that you are carrying weapons. So what you must do is shut down the
security monitoring system. From where you entered the base, go down the 
escalator on the LEFT the one that is going in the up direction.

Turn right at the foot of the elevator and turn into the room with several 
blocks. Make 2 rights and you will find a flight of stairs. Climb to the top
and you will come to a room with a computer and 2 guards. Walk up to the 
computer and turn of the security monitoring system.

The guards will begin firing at you, but you can take out your gun now because
you've completed the 2nd objective. Keep in mind that all guards know who you
are now because you blew your cover when turning off the security system. Just
keep your weapon out and blow away all guards.

Okay, now you have to board the Air Force One. Go back to where the several
blocks where except this time turn LEFT where you see a door. Open it, it's
an elevator that descends in a diagnol direction, it will travel down to the
bottom where there is antoher door.

Get off the elevator and go through the door. You are now confronted with
lasers in the shape of triangles. Kill all the guards here, ther are a bunch.
Now go to the end where you will find a ramp, head up the ramp and go into
the elevator. It will go up one story.

Get off here and shoot the 3 guards waiting outside of the elevator, then
turn right from exiting the elevator and you will find the Air Force One,
pretty isn't she? Open the doors and step inside to complete the final

Air Force One - Antiterrorism
Objectives: 1.) Locate President
            2.) Get President to escape capsule
            3.) Detach UFO from Air Force One

Okay, after viewing the opening cinema, which shows Trent and the President
arguing, then Trent decides to kidnap the President, you are left dressed
as a stuardess. Now, go inside of the door you are standing in front of,
then stay on the left side of the room and continue to go straight.

Go through 2 doors, then you will see a Red Grate on the floor in the
next room on the left side. Press "B" to open it and hop down. Continue
and go through all doors until you come to the kitchen, make sure no other
stuardess is around, then continue going through the doors.

Pass the hover bike, and go into the next room where you will find a guard,
knock him out and steal his key card. Then hit the red switch on the wall
where you knocked out the guard. This raises the cargo hold. Now go back
into the previous room where the hover bike is.

You can now press the red button in between the 2 doors because you have
the key card. Press it. Then go back into the kitchen and press the activation
switch in the middle of the room, this will make an elevator appear. Crouch
down and climb inside and let it take you up.

Once you exit you are taken to where you first began the level. Go through
the door in front of you and you will find a set of stairs, climb them. You
will be notified that this is the floor that the president is on. From the top 
of the stairs, turn RIGHT and go through the door behind the guard. This is
the president's room.

Joanna will tell him what Trent is planning to do, but he isn't convinced,
so she let's him hear a recordered coversation of what Trent is going to do,
and he eventually goes with her. Objective #1 complete.

Now comes the tough part. There are guards everywhere and your job is to
make sure they don't kill the president, so you are basically the president's
"bodyguard" now. Go down the stairs and through the door into the interior
of Air Force One (where you first started). Go all the way back to where
the red grate was earlier.

When you approach the red grate you will notice Trent and the conspirators,
you will have to take care of them before going to the red grate. Once they
are gone, open the greate and head to the silver door that contains the

This is the escape capsule, once you go inside, the 2nd objective will
be complete and now all you have to do is detach that UFO from the Air 
Force One.

Now, your final objective here is to detach that UFO from the side of the
Air Force One. How to do it? Blow it off of course! Leave the Escape
capsule, with the president in it, and go back up through the red grate
and back to where you first started the level.

You will see a long passageway, this is the cord that is keeping the
UFO attached to the Air Force One. Run near the end and throw a timed
mine on the end by pressing start, going to your inventory and selecting
timed mines. Onceyou throw it on there, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE as fast as you
can and make sure you get out of the cord in time.

It will explode and detach from the Air Force One and you will complete
the final objective. Joanna then calls for Elvis to come and finish off
the UFO. Elvis agrees and places a bomb on the UFO, it blows up and
that is the closing cinema.

Crash Site - Confrontation
Objectives: 1.) Activate distress beacon
            2.) Retire Presidential clone
            3.) Locate and rescue president

This is a very simple objective in which you will have to complete. From the
start, stay along the right wall and continue straight. You will come to 2
guards, pick them both off at a distance, then collect their weapons. Now
look over to the far left side.

You will notice the escape pod. On one side of it you will see a little red
button, press "B" to press it and you will activate the distress beacon, 
objective #1 complete.

Okay, once you activate the distress beacon on the escape capsule, turn back
around in the direction you just came, but stay up against the right wall.
Follow this wall all the way until you reach a cave. It is dark in this
cave, so you'll need to put your Night Vision Glasses on.

Once in here, continue to stay against the right wall, kill all guards that
you encounter. Soon, you will reach a hole in the right wall, it leads to
a path going upward. Go into this hole and follow the narrow path all the
way up to the top.

Once here, you will find several guards near some funny looking palm trees.
Kill off the guards and you will soon find the Fake President. Shoot and
kill him to finish this objective. Now it's time to find Trent and the
real president.

Okay, from where you killed the fake president, go back down the long,
narrow path you came up on. Make your way out of the hole in the wall
and back to the front end of the cave. Leave your Night Vision goggles

Now from the very front of the cave (where it gets dark), go to the left
path and stay up against the left wall this time instead of the right.
Kill any guards you encounter, once again you will soon come to another
hole in the left wall, which leads to antoher path leading upward.

Go through the hole and up the path. It should become daylight once again
here, so take off your Night Vision glasses. Now, continue up the path
and you will soon encounter some shooting simuulants, and these can be
killed. Shoot at all the simulants firing at you a few times and they
will blow up.

Once all of the simulants are taken care of, look to your right, you will
see Trent and the real president. Shoot trent a few times and he will
run away like the coward he really is. Now you are left with the president,
which is only one half of this objective. Now you have to rescue him.

Whatever you do, do not go back into the cave area or the president
will die and you will fail the mission. Instead, look around a bit until
you find some sunlight. From here you are led into an open field. You must
once again protect the president from being killed by fending off any
guards around the area.

The president will soon run into the middle of the field where you will
find Elvis and his ship waiting to rescue you. Final objective and last
objective of this mission complete.

M I S S I O N   6

Pelagic II - Exploration
Objectives: 1.) Disable primary power source
            2.) Deactivate GPS and autopilot
            3.) Rendezvous and escape with Elvis

Okay, once you start, open the first door you come to and kill the guard right
next to it. Make sure you try and kill all guards near the alarm switches FIRST
otherwise they will trigger the alarm and you'll have a swarm of guards on you.
Continue and go through the next few doors, then go through the door on the
left wall, it leads into a room with a big circular generator in it.

Before fully entering the room, slightly enter it and turn left to see a 
security camera. Shoot it once to get rid of it, then kill any guards in here. 
Now go down stairs to find the bottom half of the generator, there is another 
camera, so take it out at the foot of the stairwell before proceeding down here.

Kill any remaining guards down here, then go back upstairs when there are
no more guards in sight. Take out your X-Ray Scanner by pressing Start, going
into the inventory menu and selecting the X-Ray scanner. Now look at the top
half of the generator. 

You will see green switches on top, there are a few red switches, which are
bad, they reset the green ones. What you need to do is go around the generator
and turn all the green switches to black by pressing "B" next to them. If you
hit a red switch, all the current black switches will return to green, so
don't hit the red ones.

Once all of the green switches have been switches to black, take off the
X-Ray Scanner. Now head down the stairs again. See that long thing sticking
out of the bottom half of the generator? Inside of it is a switch, press "B"
when you go near it to disable the primary power source and complete Objective
number 1.

Okay, once objective 1 is complete, head back up the stairs and out the door
you came in. Turn left and go through the next door. Kill any loose guards
wondering about in here. Then go up the stairs which are on the left wall.
Once at the top, go straight and up antoher set of stairs, then kill the 2
guards at the top.

Go straight through the next door and into the room where the 3 scientists
are working. Joanna will order them to shut down the GPS and autopilot. Two
of the scientists are cooperative, but the 3rd one turns on his co-workers
and tries to shoot them while saying: "Trader!" Shoot this scientist before
he does any harm to the other 2.

Once the scientists have shut down the GPS and autopilot you will have 
completed this objective. However, put away your weapon so you are unarmed 
and knock out the 2 scientists so they won't tell anyone what you did.

Now, this is the toughest part of this level. First, finding Elvis is a
piece of cake, but once you find him you will have to follow him, which is
very tough because there are TONS of guards that get in the way. First, go
back down the sets of stairs and go through the doors until you finally
meet up with Elvis.

You will hear him say: "Finally, what took you so long? Follow me." and he
then disappears. Kill the guards in this door first then go through the next.
It's all like one big make. You must continue going through door after door
after door and killing all guards in each room until you reach the end.

You may die a few times while trying to reach the end because of the great
number of guards, but I've found 2 tips which will make the task easier.
First, stay behind closed doors. Shoot through the windows at guards that 
way you can kill them, and they can't shoot you behind a closed door. Try
and shoot as many guards as possible through the windows of doors.

Then, once you enter the door, shoot boxes that have guards behind them.
This will cause the boxes to explode and harm/kill the guard behind it,
and makes your job of killing them easier. If you have to take time to
reload your gun, move out of the range of enemy fire.

Once you finally reach the end, go through the door on the left wall and
you will be taken into the big watery area and complete the final objective.
You will see Elvis climb down the ladder into the submarine, and it's time
for a Deep Sea adventure!

Deep Sea - Nulify Threat
Objectives: 1.) Reactivate teleportals
            2.) Disable Cetan megaweapon
            3.) Escape from Cetan ship

The generator here is rather tough to find, but once it's found, leave it
all up to Elvis and he'll turn reactivate those teleportals in no time. Elvis
will be following along with you this time. Go straight through the first
door, and then put on your RI Scanner by pressing Start, going to the inventory
and selecting the RI Scanner with "A."

Go through the next room so you can see the invisible guards (using
the IR Scanner). Shoot them, and Elvis will help too. Once they're gone,
go through the only door left on the right in this room. Go straight 
through the door after that, shoot the 4 invisible guards and then take
off the IR Scanner.

Turn right down the long corridor and shoot all normal guards as you come to
them. Now at the end of this hallway you will see a door straight ahead, and
you will see an underground path to the left. Go down into the underground
path. Now this is the tough part.

This underground path is like a maze. Continue going through each new opening
you can find and you will eventually fall upon the room which has the generator
in it. First kill of the guards in here, and then Elvis will climb up to
the generator and Recativate the teleportals which will complete the first

Okay, from the room with the generator, head back through the "maze" of
pathways until you emerge where you came in. Now turn left and go through
the big door. You will see an open space in front of you and you will have
the option of going left or right.

If you go left, all you will find is a shield, so go right. Once here, go
to the end of the pathway to find a teleportal, which is a jello looking
type of thing on the wall and the end of the pathway, go through this by
running into it and you will be teleported to the other side.

Now, go through this area with pipes hanging from the roof all the way to
the end where you will find a big door. Go through it to find 2 more doors,
one in front of you and one to the right of you. Go through the one on the
right to find the megaweapon.

Elvis tends to travel rather slowly, so you'll need to wait for him to
catch up so he can disable the megaweapon, once he catches up, go into
the right door into where the megaweapon is. Elvis will automatically go
up and disable it and you will have completed the 2nd objective.

Another rather easy task. Leave the megaweapon room, and then go through
the door on your right (previously the door straight ahead of you). Follow
the pathway (with pipes on the ceiling) until the end, where you will find
another jello like teleportal, walk through it and go through the door
right in front of you.

You will now see Dr. Caroll, you will view a FMV and Dr. Caroll will explain
that you only have 60 seconds to exit the Cetan ship before it blows. Elvis
will lead the path, but he's far too slow, plus you already will know the
way. Basically you will be going out the same way you came in.

From where you saw the FMV of Dr. Carrol, go through the door on your right,
then follow the path down and turn left when you see the opening. Now go
down this path (same path you came in) and kill the remaining guards if you
have time. Then go to the end of the path where you will find the large, blue
door you entered with. 

Go through this door, and you will automatically exit the Cetan Ship, and
complete the 3rd and final objective of Mission 6. 

M I S S I O N   7

Carrington Institute - Defense
Objectives: 1.) Release hostages
            2.) Retrieve experimental weapon
            3.) Deactivate bomb

You will view a FMV here showing the Skedar monster and Joanna taking one
of the guards' guns. From the beginning, go straight and look ahead to find
the skedar monster in the distance, kill him with a few shots. Then turn left
to find a brown door in front of you, don't go in it, turn right instead.

You will find an elevator here, go in it. Once at the top, use a Combat Boost
by pressing Start, going to your inventory and press "A" on combat boost. Press
"Z" to take it. This will slow everything down, allowing you to kill the guards
before they kill the hostages, easier. 

From the elevator, go right and into the door you see, kill both guards, but
don't hit the hostages, this is easy because it's in slow motion. You should
now return back to normal. After collecting the dead guards' guns, leave this
room and turn left and go into the room right next door.

Here you will find 2 more guards holding hostages, shoot them quickly before
they do any harm to the hostages. The hostages will thank you and leave the
room. Now go back to the elevator you came up in, there will be guards in it
along with the hostages you freed. Carefully kill the guards and at the bottom
you will find another guard, kill him.

From the elevator, go right, continue until you find 2 brown doors, go inside
and turn left, (this is the shooting range room). Kill the guards in here 
before they do any harm to hostages. Now, leave this room and go back to the 
elevator. From here go left and into more brown doors, kill the guards in here 
to free the remaining hostages and you will have complete objective #1.

This has got to be the simplest task in the game. Still in the same room, kill
off any remaining or oncoming guards. Now, go over to the computer and press
"B" to break the case holding the experimental weapon. Now go over to the
case which carries the experimental weapon.

Press "B" to take the weapon and complete the 2nd objective, now kill any
oncoming guards that enter the door.

Now, head back to where you first began the level. You will find several ramps
leading downward, head down all of them until you finally reach the bottom. At
the bottom, turn left onto the helipad, run up to the helicopter and take out
the Data Uplink by pressing Start, going to the inventory and selecting Data
Uplink with "A." Use it near the helicopter.

It will begin to download the virus, once the virus has been downloaded, the
bomb will be disactivated and you will have complete the 3rd and final 
objective of this mission. However, you still aren't finished.

Go back out of the helipad, and go up one ramp and stay on the right wall, you
will come to a door, go through it to finish the mission and watch the closing

M I S S I O N   8

Attack Ship - Covert Assault
Objectives: 1.) Disable shield system
            2.) Access navigational systems
            3.) Gain control of bridge

Okay, you start off with just a knife and your bare hands. Leave the room you
are in, and then switch your knife to it's secondary function, which is a 
poisonous throwing knife. Throw it at one of the aliens and take it's gun, the

Now kill the other alien, and collect it's weapon. Go back to the front of this
room to find 3 parts of the shield system. Shoot all three of them, one by one,
and it will disable the shield system, allowing Elvis and his "companions" can
come into the building. Objective #1 complete.

Once Objective #1 is done, go to the back of this room where you will find an
elevator leading down. Take the elevator down, and you will meet up with Elvis,
he will give you an AR34. He will then say that he'll take one lift and you 
take the other.

Go up and you will see 2 elevators, go into the one that is open and take it
up a few levels. Now, go through the first door you see and kill the 2 monsters
in here. Turn LEFT and go through that door, then go through the right door in
this room. Kill the monster hiding in here, then go through the door at the end
of the hallway.

Now, turn right at the halfway mark of the hallway to enter the Navigation 
Systems room. Once Elvis catches up with you, he will do his work here and 
access the navigational systems to complete the 2nd objective.

Alright, now leave through the door you came in through, and turn RIGHT. Go
through this door and kill the monster inside. Turn left and go up the ramp
here, follow the turning hallways until you find a path leading up on the right
wall. Go up the path.

At the top, kill the monster and turn left and go through the blue door. Kill
the 2 skedar monsters in here, then go up the ramp either on the left or right
side. At the top, go through the door and then into the elevator (next door).
Once at the top, go through the next elevator, and then shoot the 3 skedars 
inside of the bridge room.

Once those are dead, wait for Elvis to come, he will start gaining control of
the bridge and your job is to protect him. Stand by the elevator door and shoot
every monster that comes in. Elvis will soon gain control over the bridge and
you will have completed the last objective in Mission 8.

M I S S I O N   9
Mission 9 will NOT be saved on your Solo Mission sheet, so do NOT press 
"Decline" for any reason once you've finished Mission 8, otherwise you will have 
to re-do Mission 8.

Skedar Ruins
Objectives: 1.) Identify temple targets
            2.) Activate bridge
            3.) Assassinate Skedar leader

Okay, throughout the ruins, there are temples that you must target, these 
temples are simply little, pointy structures. In order to target them, you will
simply take out the Target Amplifier, and place it on the temple. There is one
way to figure out if a temple needs targeting or not. Put on the R-Tracker
at all times, and use your Falcon 2 (scope). If the yellow dot lines up with
the green crosshair the temple needs to be targeted.

When you start out, head straight and turn left. Kill the skedar monster here.
Then continue straight past where you killed the monster and kill the 2 skedars
in here as well. In the center of the room, you will find the first temple. 
It may need to be targeted, so target it by pressing start, moving to your 
inventory, taking out the Tartget Amplifier, and press "Z" to throw it onto
the temple, ONLY IF IT NEEDS TO BE.

Continue on straight and turn right. You will find some more monsters here,
kill them and walk along the path, killing skedar monsters as you come to them.
You will soon come to a fork in the road, deciding on left or right. First kill
the 2 skedar monsters and then go right. You will find another monster here
and another temple, target it if needed.

Now, head back to where the fork in the road  was, pass it and turn RIGHT
into an opening, kill the monster here and go down to the end, turn right
again and kill the 2 mosnters behind boxes. Now, take the right path to find
another temple, target it if needed.

(Thanks to Nemesis...)
Ok, now leave this area, run past the two dead monsters in the room before
the stairs, then go left. Run all the way until you reach an fork. Go right 
at the fork. Equip your Devastator and set it to Wall Hugger. Now look
over the edge to see a monster to your left. Shoot a grenade at the wall
behind him. After he's dead, cross the black bridge and go through the 
opening on the other side. If there is no bridge, then do this: Fall off
the edge and onto the ledge below, then turn around and kill the monster
behind you. Turn around again and go forward until the two ledges combine.
Go over to the other ledge, then make your way to the wall on the left
where you can climb up.

Run down the path, and hop down into the next area, and kill any monsters
around here. Now go straight from where you entered this area until you 
get to the second left turn, and you'll be facing a wall. Equip your IR 
Scanner and you'll see that the wall is a lighter tone of red. This means
that you can blow it up. Use grenade to blow it open, and enter the hole in
the wall and follow the tunnels. Once you drop down, go left and go through
the first door on the right. 

In this room, kill the tiny monster, then go right to see a movable stone.
Push it onto the light brown area on the ground to activate the bridge and
complete the second objective.

Now cross the newly found bridge. To do so, just leave this room, and go
right and follow the path and cross it. Go forward, equip your IR Scanner, 
then kill any monsters that come your way. Keep going forward until you get
to an area with a door to the left and a ramp going up to the right. Go up 
the ramp and through the door at the top. Stay at the doorway, and kill the
two monsters at the bottom below you. They have Rocket Launchers, so after
every few shots, run away. Once they are both killed, go across the bridge
and kill the monster guarding the door. Now go through that door.

The Skedar Army must be defeated, and they are in suspended animation. Only
one of them will come out of the green capsules at a time. After defeating
the army, go through the next door. Get ready in the area here, because
the final boss fight is in the next room.

This guy is tough. To beat him, you must first shoot at him until his shields
turn green. When this happens, shoot at the spikes behind him. After a while,
he'll come down to your level and chase you. Just run away, and if he sends
out some of his other minions, then kill them fast. After you've shot down
all of the spikes, only the center one will remain. If you are fast
enough, then you can get all the spikes down before he drops down to your
level. Use the Callisto's rapid fire function to shoot him for best results. 
Blast it with everything you've got. After enough damage is done to the large 
spike, you will have beaten the Skedar leader, completed the last 
objective of the 9th mission, and beaten the game. Congratulations!

               S P E C I A L   A G E N T   W A L K T H R O U G H

M I S S I O N   1 - dataDyne

dataDyne Central - Defection
Objectives: 1.) Disable internal security hub
            2.) Obtain keycode necklace
            3.) Disable external comms hub
            4.) Gain entrance to laboratory

Okay, from where you start the mission (on the helipad) go down to the bottom
floor where you will find a ventilated door. Before entering this door, shoot
the security camera up on top of it. Then enter the door. Kill the guard that
is in front of you as well as the one when you go down the small ramp.

Now go down the next 2 ramps down to the bottom floor. You will receive a 
message saying the the internal security hub is nearby, look over into the red
area. You will see an activation switch. Take out your ECM Mine by pressing
Start, going to your inventory and selecting the ECM mine with "A."

Now, aim the mine so it lands correctly onto the actiavtion switch. Press "Z"
to throw it. Once it sticks to the activation switch, you will have completed
the first objective and the internal security hub will be disabled.

Okay, still on the bottom floor, go past the large fan and into the ventilated
door, you will find stairs inside. Head down the 2 flights of stairs and
kill the guard you encounter on the way. Go through the door at the bottom of
the stairs to be inside of an office type area.

First, kill all the guards you see in here. Then, once all the guards are
gone, put away your weapon so you are "UNARMED" and make sure you are able
to punch. Now, head to the center of the room where you will find double brown
doors, go inside and punch Cassandra De Vrie to knock her unconscious.

Upon doing so, you will collect her keycode necklace and you will have 
completed the 2nd objective of Mission 1.

Leave Cassandra's office and turn LEFT from her door. Go through the brown door
on the left wall which leads to more stairs. Take the stairs all the way to
the bottom and kill any guarsd on the way. Once at the bottom, go through the
door. Then walk down the end of the hallway, picking off all guards as you
come to them.

You will see an elevator on the right side at the end of the hallway, get in
and ride up 3 levels, but don't get out. The elevator will then take you all
the way down to the base of the area. Once here, leave the elevator and get
ready to shoot. There are TONS of guards that will have to be killed, so 
carefully pick them all off, one by one.

Once the coast seems to be relatively clear, turn right from the elevator
and into the decorated doors. In here you will find some more guards if
they haven't come out yet, kill them and head over to the left wall. You
will see a computer and an activation switch next to it.

Take out another Mine by pressing Start, moving over to your inventory
and selecting the mine with "A." Now throw it so it lands on the activation
switch. This will disable the external comms hub and you will have completed
Objective #3.

From where you finished Objective #3, go back outside of that room and back
to the dataDyne logo on the wall. From here, go left and into the room with
the desk, you will find a door here, go inside to find several guards. Kill
all of them and continue on.

In the next room, pick off any remaining guards and you will see the elevator
that leads into the Laboratory, open and go inside of the elevator to complete
the 4th and final objective.

dataDyne Research - Investigation
Objectives: 1.) Holograph radioactive isotope
            2.) Start security maintenance cycle
            3.) Shut down experiments
            4.) Locate Dr. Caroll

Okay, after viewing the cool cinema of Joanna knocking out a guard from the
top of the elevator, go LEFT from after exiting the elevator. Now, you will 
come to a few guards behind glass. Shoot them all before continuing on. Once 
they are finished, go through the door they were in front of.

This door takes you striaght into the main room. In this main room you will 
find 2 big doors. One is marked "CAUTION" and the other is marked "SECTOR 2" 
and you will also see a locked door to the side of Sector 2. First off, go 
inside the door marked CAUTION, but don't go all the way through every door. 
Instead, go through the first 2 sets of doors until you come to 2 guards. Kill 
them both, then take out your CamSpy by pressing START and moving to the 
Inventory menu and press the A button when CamSpy is selcted.

This activates your CamSpy, move it into the next room. Move it so it's right 
in front of the radioactive isotope in the center of the room. Then press the 
"Z" button to capture a picture of the isotope. Now take your CamSpy off to 
complete Objective one.

Okay, go back all the way to where you first started the mission at the
elevator. From the elevator, turn left and go down the hallway but not through
the door at the end. Instead, turn to your left to see another small door.
Wait for the security bug to come by and open it.

Go inside and to the end where you will find some stairs on the left side,
go down the stairs and to the end of the hallway. You will find a ramp leading
down on the right side to another door labeled "Sector 1." Go inside and kill
the guard. Then turn left and go into the red area. You will come to a big
screen, pass it for now and continue on.

You will now come to another screen, press "B" near it to reprogram the bots,
now go back to the first screen and activate the bots to complete the
second objective.

Okay, first head back to the room with the 2 large doors saying "CAUTION"
and "SECTOR 2." Once here, go through the door reading "Sector 2." Kill
off the guard standing and go straight through the door. There will be
several guards here so pick them all off.

Now, go to the room on your right to find a scientist, put your gun to
his head and Joanna will tell him to shut down one of the experiments,
he will do so, leave him and go to the last door on the left side once
in here, you will find another scientist.

Do the same thing and he will shut down the next experiment. In the back
of this room you will find a large metal door. Go through it and through
the next to find another room with another scientist in it. Tell him to
do the same, he instead triggers the alarm. Shoot him and press "B" on
the computer.

This shuts down the final experiment and you will have completed the 3rd
objective in this mission.

Okay, from objective #3, leave through the 2 metal doors you came in and
back out into the Sector 2 room. Go across the hallway into the door on
the right, go through it.

At the end, turn to your RIGHT to find a door. Go inside, you will find some
more guards pick them off. You will now see a door labeled "SECTOR 3" which is
near where Dr. Carrol's HQ are located. Go through the door and kill any 
oncoming guards who get in your way. However, you will be barricaded by red lazers 
blocking your path. To get past them, wait for the little robot beetle to stop 
near the lasers and they will disappear letting the robot beetle to pass. 

When they disappear, pass through following along the robot beetle, after all
of the lasers have been bypassed you will find a door which contains the data
computer which you must alter to pass the security locked door next to it. When
you enter this room, turn around immediately and pick off the 2 dragon guards
and take their new weapon, the Dragon. 

Now equip the Data Chip, to do so, press start, move over to the inventory
and press A on the Data Chip. Now you will have it in your hand. Press Z to
use it next to the computer. It will gain the password to the security lock and
open the door letting you pass. Take out you gun again and get ready to shoot.

In the next room, you will find a few guards, kill them off as they run around
the room, and then head over to the door marked "RESTRICTED" go inside and
kill the 2 guards, then continue through the next door where you will find 
sensory machine guns attached to the ceiling, just run past them for now and 
take the damage they deal out. At the end of the hallway you will find the last 
door, open it to complete the last objective for the RESEARCH level.

dataDyne Central - Extraction
Objectives: 1.) Access Foyer Elevator
            2.) Destroy dataDyne Hover Copter
            3.) Defeat Cassandra's bodyguards
            4.) Rendezvous at helipad

Okay, the first thing you must do here is equip your Night Vision glassses
in order to see anything. Now, go forward and you will find a guard sitting at
a desk. From a distance, shoot him with your sniper rifle. Then turn left at
the desk to find a door. Go through and kill the guards hiding behind boxes.

Once they are gone, you will have to circle the main room killing all guards.
You will soon reach the back of the main room where you will find a flight
of stairs with 2 guards at the top, try picking them off from the bottom using
the AIM function of your weapon. Now it's home free. Turn left to find
an elevator, this is the foyer elevator, press "B" to activate it and go inside
to complete Objective #1.

[Complete Objective 3 First]
Once you've completed the 3rd objective, after you have killed the guard and
taken his Rocket Launcher, equip it. Now face the large window in front of
you. The Hover Copter will appear shortly.

Once you see it, fire the Rocket Launcher at it once you are sure you will
be able to hit it. It will blow and you will have destroyed the dataDyne
Hover Copter and completed the 2nd objective.

You can now remove your Night Vision glasses, as they are no longer necesary
in order to see. Once the elevator has made it's way to the top, exit and turn
to your right. Go around the corner you come to and you will find a guard 
waiting at the end. Shoot him and go through the door that is behind him. This 
takes you to a room with another corner, go around the corner and come to the end
where you will find 2 of Cassandra's Bodyguards (they are firing shotguns at
you and they are dressed in different clothing.)

Kill them both and continue going through this room, go through the next door
to find one more bodyguard in this area, kill him. Now, head back the way
you came where you will see a small elevator, it's the one that goes up just
one floor. Go inside and let it take you up to the next floor. Once you exit
the elevator, go RIGHT and turn around another corner. And the end of this
long corridor you will find 2 guards behind boxes, shoot them and then go 
through the door that is to the left of them (in front of the boxes they were 
hiding behind.) 

This takes you into a room that looks like an office, with desks, chairs, and
other furniture. Turn LEFT as soon as you enter this room, there is a sliding
door on the left side of the room, once inside, turn left again and go through
the next door. You will see another bodyguard, kill him. Then go left again 
after killing that bodyguard and go through the next door. Go past this room
and into the next where you will find yet 2 more bodyguards, kill them and then
backtrack back an elevator with a door next to it, go in this door to lead
to a flight of stairs.

Go up the stairs and through the door, but don't turn right yet. You will hear
a conversation between some scientists and a guard. Pretty funnny, just turn
right and blast away the guard. Pick up his Rocket Laungher. Then, right where 
the guard was standing, you'll find a door on the left, go through this door which 
leads to some more stairs. Go up this final flight of stairs to the top level
where you will find another ventilated door. Go through it.

Now this part is kind of tough. Once you go through the ventilated door at the
top of the stairs, put on your Night Vision glasses so you can see in the dark.
You will now have to kill off several bodyguards. There are 2 located on the 
ground and 2 located up on the ramps. Pick them all off and you will complete
the 3rd objective.

Now that you have cleared out all the bodyguards, find the ramp on the top 
level. Go up the ramp and keep following it, you don't need to slow down for 
Dr. Caroll because you can complete when you reach the helipad no matter if the 
Dr. is there or not. Continue going up the ramp and you will come to a ventilated 
door, go through it and continue going up the ramp.

You will soon make your way back to where you started this mission, at the 
helipad. That completes Objective 4 as well as Mission 1.

M I S S I O N   2

Carrington Villa - Hostage One
Objectives: 1.) Save the negotiator
            2.) Eliminate Rooftop snipers
            3.) Activate Wind generator
            4.) Rescue Carrington

This is a very simple task to accomplish. When the mission begins, you will be
equipped with a sniper rifle and will be placed on an over-look (place where a
sniper hides out to shoot his victims). In the beginning, walk forward so you 
can view the guards. Use your AIM feature on your sniper and shoot both guards in
the head before they kill the hostage.

If done quickly, effectively, and correctly, both guards should be dead and
the negotiator (hostage) should run up into the town and escape without being
harmed. That will finish Objective #1 for you.

Well, I've listed all the snipers in the next objective, so look there to find
where all of them are. Hide behind the wall in order to stay out of the Snipers'
view, then pick them all off on top of the rooftops all around the main
area, there are also some upstairs and over the body of water.

Once all of the snipers have been removed from this area, you will have completed
the 2nd objective.

Once the hostage has been saved, turn around. You will see a big structure 
behind you. Go around it on either side and you will see a guard lay down 
quickly to try and snipe you from a distance, AIM and pick him off quickly 
before he does any damage. Now walk over and pick up his CMP150, but don't 
equip it just yet. Turn right and look over the edge of the cliff.

You will see 2 guards. One is trying to snipe you off to the right, and one
is using his CMP150 from straight below. Pick them both off and jump off the
cliff. Once on the ground, take the right path where you shot the guard trying
to snipe you. You will encounter another guard here, just shoot him quickly
and continue on your way. You will now come to a place to turn left, but don't
do it just yet.

Hide behind the corner and look up with your AIM feature on your sniper rifle.
You will see a guard just above trying to snipe you, kill him and watch as he
falls off the roof to his death on a flight of small stairs. Go right and down
a separate flight of stairs where you will find a wall. Hide behind this wall
and AIM your rifle towards the roof in the distance you will see 4 snipers on
the rooftop. Pick them all off and any remaining guards on the ground.

Once there are no more snipers or guards in site, head into the main courtyard
where you picked off the 4 snipers. From here head right, you will come to 
another over-look which is located above a large body of water. If you look
closely there is a sniper on the far left of the body of water. Kill him when
he's not looking.

Now head back to the main courtyard, you will find a flight of stairs in the 
middle. Head up the stairs and follow the path to the right. Pick off the 
remaining sniper which is just ahead. Now, go up the flight of stairs where you 
will find a door. Go inside and you will be inside the house or "pueblo." Once
inside, kill of all guards first. Then head down the stairs. Once at the foot
of the stairs turn right into the first blue colored hallway you come to.

At the end you will find a room with a few guards, kill them. Now head to
where you find the Kitchen, there are some stairs here. Go down them, at
the bottom you will find two more guards, kill them both and go left to
find another set of double doors, head through the doors and go down the
steps. There is one guard right in front of you and one near the back of
the stairway, kill them both.

Once they are dead, go over to the set of double doors near the back of
the stairway. It leads to a pathway. Go straight down this pathway, without
turning left on the way. At the end of the pathway, turn left and kill
the 3 guards you come to. You will see 2 large control panels. You must
activate them in order to activate the wind generator. To activate them,
press "B" near the activation switch on each panel. Once both have been
activated, head back down the pathway again, only this time, turn right
into the turn you skipped before.

Head down this path until you come to the end where you will find a bunch
of guards. Kill them all and turn left to find the huge wind generator. On
the backside of the generator you will find an activation switch, hit "B"
on the switch to activate the wind generator and complete your 3rd Objective.

Once you activate the wind generator, leave the room with the generator in it,
and continue going straight. Turn left at the end to find a set of doors, go
through them and down the stairs. At the foot of the stairs turn left and
go through another door.

In here is where you will find several rooms with liquor stored on shelves.
There are a bunch of guards in this area and one of them holds the key card
to Carrington's cell. Go through the area killing all guards until you find
the one with the key. The one with the key is naturally located near 
Carrington's cell. Shoot him, take the key card, open the door and this mission 
will be complete.

M I S S I O N   3

Chicago - Stealth
Objectives: 1.) Retrieve drop point equipment
            2.) Create Vehicular Diversion
            3.) Prepare escape route
            4.) Gain entry to G5 Building

Okay, after the opening cinema plays, you are left in the rain. Go left around
the corner where you will see an innocent civilian passing by, do not kill him.
Turn left and kill the disguised guard holding a gun. Now go down the corridor
near where you shot the guard. At the end turn left and you should see a Taxi
straight ahead.

Go up the stairs to the left and hide inside the area with gates. Open the 
gates and kill all guards in site. Now go straight (behind and past the taxi) until 
you come to a little opening in the wall. Go through and you will be taken to the
storm drain area. First off, kill all guards you see, then from where you 
entered turn RIGHT and go all the way to the end of the drain. Now, go up on 
the right side of the drain where you will find a very small area.

First Duck, then crouch so you can fit through the narrow passage way, continue
to crouch all the way to the end of the passageway where you will find your
drop point equipment and complete objective #1.

Your main goal here is to reprogram the taxi you saw earlier to make it crash
into a wall farther a way which will create a diversion making all the guards
turn and run to see what's going on. First, head back to where you saw the taxi
(out of storm drain). Once you find the taxi, make sure there are no guards
or simulants in the way while you reprogram the cab.

Once the coast is clear, take out the reprogrammer, by pressing Start, going
to your inventory screen and pressing "A" on the reprogrammer, then when you
are near the taxi, press Z to actiavate the reporgrammer, it takes about 10
seconds to reprogram the taxi, and you have to make sure that nast simulant
isn't in the way, otherwise it will shoot at you and the taxi causing the 
cab to explode. So make sure it's out of the way.

Once the cab has been reprogrammed, let a few seconds go by and the cab will
automatically leave for it's destination. After about a minute you will hear
an explosion, and all the guards will come running to see what happened.
Objective #3 complete.

Okay, no matter what you have to do this on all difficulties, only here
it is a requirement. Okay, head over to where you see that Limo, go down
the right path from it and up the stairway.

Kill any guards that get in your way. The way to prepare your escape route
is to put a mine on a concrete wall (which on the other side is the
inside of the G5 building) and then in your next mission you will be 
able to escape by detonating it.

So, at the top of the stairway, take out your mine by pressing start, going
to the inventory screen, and selecting the mine. Then throw it on the wall
using "Z" to finish your 3rd objective.

Okay, now before you doing anything, you will need to do one simple thing
that is necessary in a later level. Go over to where you see that limo car,
pass it and go to the end, turn right and you will find some stairs, climb
them to the top and place a remote mine on it. Now you can continue to gain
entrance to the G5 Building.

From where the taxi used to be, go striaght and continue to the end and then
turn RIGHT, in the distance you should see the blown up taxi. There will be
a few guards, but nothing a few bullets can't cure. Shoot them all. Now
turn left and you will see an open door. This is the entrance to the GS
building and as you can see the guard that was blocking it before is now
gone, allowing you to complete your final objective.

G5 Building - Reconnaissancce
Objectives: 1.) Deactivate laser grid system
            2.) Holograph meeting conspirators
            3.) Retrieve Dr. Caroll backup from safe
            4.) Exit G5 building

Okay, after the opening cinema you will be left with two guards who are
invisible. You cannot harm them when they are invisible, but they can 
harm you, so be careful, after a few steps they will become visible for
a short time allowing you to pick them off. One of them holds a key card,
collect it.

Use the keycard you took from the guard in the beginning of the level, Go 
through the door straight in front of you, go through and turn left, you will 
see a guard in the distance, kill him before he sees you. Then continue going 
straight, at the end of the hallway you will find a switch, this turns on or off 
the lights in the room to your left. Leave them on, and go through the door to the 
left of the switch.

The lights will turn off when you go through the class doors and you will 
be confronted with some invisible guards, as they appear, kill them. One of 
them contains a key card. Now it's time to use the CamSpy again. Still in
the same room, go behind one of the dumpsters and take out the CamSpy by
pressing start, moving over to inventory and selection CamSpy, now take
the CamSpy into the two glass doors, go through the door here, and go
up the stairway.

At the top, go through the door, turn right and go down the hallway, you
will see 2 guards. Kill them both, then turn right to find an alarm, wait
for another guard to walk in and kill him before he hits the alarm. In
this room you will see 4 activation switches. 

Press "B" next to each one and once all 4 have been deactivated, the
laser grid system will shut down and you will have completed the first

From the beginning of the level using the keycard you took from the guard
in the beginning of the level, Go through the door straight in front of you,
go through and turn left, you will see a guard in the distance, kill him
before he sees you. Then continue going straight, at the end of the hallway
you will find a switch, this turns on or off the lights in the room to your
left. Leave them on, and go through the door to the left of the switch.

The lights will turn off when you go through the class doors and you will 
be confronted with some invisible guards, as they appear, kill them. One of 
them contains a key card. Now it's time to use the CamSpy again. Still in
the same room, go behind one of the dumpsters and take out the CamSpy by
pressing start, moving over to inventory and selection CamSpy, now take
the CamSpy into the two glass doors, go through the door here, and go
up the stairway.

At the top you will find another door, go in it and immediately rush up
the stairway, you will notice a little path which leads around the building
take the CamSpy along this path until you reach the end where you will
find the Holograph Meeting Conspirators. Objective #2 complete.

This is a rather simple task. Once you've completed Objective one, put
away the CamSpy, now go through the glass doors and up the stairs back
to the path you travelled on as the CamSpy, Crouch down to fit, and once
you reach the end where you can't go any further, drop down onto the ground.

Turn backward and turn RIGHT into the first hallway you come to. Go 
through the door here. You will find a few sets of stairs. Climb them up
to the top and go through the door. Remember to kill any guards who get
in your way, because there is no longer a possible danger for you to fail
Objective one.

If a guard turns on the alarm, quickly turn it off so you don't get bombarded
with guards. Once you go through the door, turn right and go straight, you
will see another door on your right, this leads to the SAFE room. Go inside
and make sure the coast is clear outside.

Once there are no guards in sight, take out the Decoder and place it on
the little switch on the wall. The decoder will take 50 seconds to decode
the safe lock, and during these 50 seconds the alarm sounds notifying all
guards to come up to the safe room. Kill them as they come to the door, and
wait out the 50 seconds.

Once the 50 seconds are over, the safe door will slowly open. Go inside and
you will find the backup of Dr. Caroll lying on the shelf to the right. Grab
it and you will have completed objective #3.

Now, from the safe, go to your left and down the long corridor, at the end
go through the door on the left, you will find some stairs that lead up
to the 3rd floor. Climb them. At the top you will be taken to the back side
of the door you placed the remote mine on.

Take out your detonator by pressing Start and going to the inventory screen,
select remote mines. You should be holding the detonator, take cover somewhere
and press "Z" to blow up the door and exit the G5 Building. Objective #4

M I S S I O N   4

Area 51 - Infiltration
Objectives: 1.) Shut down air interceptor radar
            2.) Plant comms device on antenna
            3.) Gain access to hangar lift
            4.) Make contact with CI Spy

Once the opening cinema has finished you are left outside. Okay, if you look
straight ahead you will spot 2-3 guards nearby. Shoot all 3 of them, but be
careful because there are automatic machine guns around this area. One being
on the RIGHT side of where you shot the guards. Now, turn around backwards from
where you first began the level, and walk in that direction.

Turn left and you will spot a guard in the distance, he won't notice you yet
so pick him off using the Zoom feature on your weapon. Now right next to this
guard you just shot is another automatic machine gun, which isn't firing yet
because it hasn't spotted you. You can either: a.) pick it off from a distance
or b.) run up and very quickly shoot the gun about 6 times to blow it up. The
second method is useful later in the game, but I suggest picking this one off
at a distance.

Once you get rid of it, turn right from where it was. Don't go out into the
open just yet, though. There is another automatic machine gun on the left side.
The quickest, and safest way to get rid of this one is to just run out and 
shoot about 6 bullets as fast as you can into the gun before it has time to 
fire at you, I found this sucessful.

Once that gun is gone, continue on. You will come to a large tower with a main
gate on the left of it. In the distance you will find a long walkway, but don't
go down there just yet. Stay at a distance from the tower and use your Zoom 
feature to pick off the snipers inside the tower. Once you see no more movement 
going on, climb up the ladder of the tower to get inside.

Once inside, collect the dead guards' ammo and then look at the back wall 
inside the tower. You will see an activation switch, hit it to open the main
gate and then quickly jump down the ladder and go into the main area before the
gate closes again. You must be quick in here because there are automatic 
ceiling machine guns attached to the walls. 2 on the right side and one on the 
left. Aim and blow them all up.

Once the guns have been taken care of, kill all the loose guards wondering 
about. You will now notice a man standing next to a hover bike near the center 
of the main area. Just shoot him, and collect his lift key card which will allow 
you to access the lift later on when needed. Once you've taken care of ALL enemies
in this main area, it's time to blow up some stuff.

Head to the left side (near the gates) of the main area (where the one machine 
gun was) and you will find a little ladder leading underground, follow this ladder.
Once underground you will find a door in front of you, go inside to find the 
radar panel. It's the little computer screen, and if you press "B" near it, you 
will get a "Acess Denied" message.

Now, take out your explosives by pressing Start, moving over to the inventory
section, and selecting "Explosives" with the A button. Place the explosives on
this little computer or "panel" by pressing the "Z" button. Upon doing so, a
countdown will begin and all guards will be notified of what you are doing.

Leave this room out into the outer perimeter and shoot all guards that come 
down ladder. Make sure you are out of the panel room as the bomb detonates. 
Once the guards are gone, climb the ladder and listen to the sweet sound of a radar 
being shut down via explosion. Objective #1 complete.

Go back to where you first were in the tunnel (where the Rocket Launcher was).
Go through the tunnel to the other side. Turn left and you will find a rock
with the antenna placed on top. On the backside of the rock you will find a
button, press it using the "B" button. 

By pressing this button it makes the rock lower down so you can reach the
antenna. Once it's lowered, take out your "Comms Rider" by pressing Start,
going to the inventory and pressing "A" next to the Comms Rider. Throw the
Rider onto the antenna using "Z" to complete the 2nd objective.

This task is very simple, nothing compared to the last objective. Once the 
radar has been shut down, and you have climbed up the ladder, go straight near 
the 2 gates. Behind these gates is a huge lift or "elevator" leading to the hangar.
However, they are locked. So how do you get in?

See that little computer screen on the wall? This is the access panel to the
lift. You must have the lift key card, which you should have gotten, or will
get from the man standing next to the hover bike. Use the card and press "B"
near the computer screen and the doors to the lift shall unlock allowing you to
enter. Go inside and kill the two guards you find in there.

The doors will close and the lift shall descend. Once the doors reopen, all you
have to do is step out of the lift and into the hangar and the 3rd objective
here will be complete.

Now, your final goal is to meet up with a spy who is dressed as a guard 
somewhere inside the hangar. First, once you step off the lift, kill ALL 
guards you see on the ground and wait for the rest of them to come from upstairs, 
once there is no sight of any oncoming guards, make your way to the back of the 
hangar. Here you will find a ramp leading to an elevator.

Take the elevator down one story and you will be approached by 2 guards, kill 
them both and follow the walkway. You will find another ramp at the end of the 
walkway, go down the ramp and kill the 3 guards hiding behind boxes. There is a 
door just under the ramp, go through it and meet with the CI Spy to finish the last 
objective for this level.

Area 51 - Rescue
Objectives: 1.) Locate conspiracy evidence
            1.) Obtain and use lab technician disguise
            2.) Gain access to autopsy lab
            3.) Rescue the crash Survivor

[You should do the 2nd objective before this one, it's easier in that
From where you blew up the wall, turn left and go through the big, metal
door at the end of the hallway. In here, you will find a smaller door
on the right wall, go in here.

In here you will find a guard, a scientist and a room in the back. Kill
both the scientist and guard and head to the back and go into the room.
You will find a red switch in here, press it and equip your X-Ray glasses,
by pressing Start, going to your inventory and selecting the glasses
with "A." 

Turn around and look into the container, after a few seconds you will
have completed the 1st objective. 

Alright, after the cinema, head straight and take a right. You will see a bunch
of guards in the main storage room. Kill them all, then walk into the room. 
Search around and kill all the guards. It is necessary for you to kill all the 
guards in this whole beginning area because you will be carrying a box and you 
cannot have guards firing at you for fear that they may hit and explode the box in 
your face which would ruin the mission.

Once all the guards have been cleared from the ground floor. Hop into the 
elevator (and kill any oncoming guards) and ride up to the next floor. Here, 
get off the elevator and shoot the guard far in the distance to the right. 
Next turn left and kill any remaining guards here. Go through the large door 
and turn left to find the next elevator.

Get inside and take the elevator to the top floor of this area. Kill the few
remaining guards up here and then start travelling back down. As you reuturn 
back down to the ground floor, pick off any missed guards. There cannot be one 
living guard in this area.

Once all guards are gone, backtrack to the beginning of the level where the 
floating box is located. Go in front of the floating box and press "B" to hold
on to it. Carry the box back up the elevators all the way up to the top floor
again. Once here, go to the end of the walkway and you will notice a little "X"
scratched into the side of a white strip on the wall.

Put the box down in front of this "X" by pressing B. Now, back up a few steps
and fire at the box a few times. This causes the box to explode and opens up
a new pathway to the lab area. Once here, go straight forward past the dead
guard on the floor (who was killed from the explosion, notice his toasty 
complexion ^_^) and you will find the Lab Clothing lying on the floor. 

Collect the clothing, and quickly put them on by pressing START, going to the
inventory screen and selecting "Lab Clothing" with the A button. This will
put on the clothing, and complete Objective #2, remember to put away your
weapons too.

Okay, for this you MUST be wearing the lab clothing otherwise the guard
won't let you through the door. From where you blew the hole in the wall,
turn LEFT and go through the first door. In this room, look on the right
wall to find another door, open it.

Once inside you will have to go through a set of two more doors and then
you will find a door with a little slit in the middle, it is locked but
if you are unarmed and dressed in the lab clothes, the guard will say:
"It's about time you got here" and he will open the door. Go through the
room all the way to the back still in the clothes, open the back door
(at the end of the room) and you will gain access into the autopsy lab.

This completes your 3rd objective. You can now take out your gun (which
will automatically take off the lab clothing) and shoot all guards in
the room. Many more guards will come, just shoot them as you come to them.

This is a crucial part in the game, you must be alert because the place is
swarming with guards. First, leave the autopsy room, and turn RIGHT. Go
through the large door and you will find another small door on the right
wall. Before, this door was locked. But now that you have the 2nd Level
Key Card, you can enter it.

On the other side is a room with 3 guards, kill them (2 hiding behind posts,
and one out in the open). Once they are gone, go straight and into the next
room. This is the most important room in the Area 51 area. Why? Because it
has the Alien (Crash Survivor in the back). If you aren't quick, the surgeons
will kill the Alien and the objective will fail.

Right when you go into this room, head to the back RIGHT corner near the
back door. Kill this guard first, he holds the key card which you use to get
into the operating room. Once you get this key, don't bother to shoot the
other guards in the room, but instead head straight into the back door which
leads into the operating room. Go through one more door.

Once you enter this room, the objective will be complete. You will see the
cinema of Joanna telling the surgeons to get back and don't make a move. This
completes the 4th and final objective.

Area 51 - Escape
Objectives: 1.) Rendezvous with CI Spy
            2.) Locate secret hangar
            3.) Revive Mainan bodyguard
            4.) Escape from Area 51

The opening cinema shows Joanna taking the Alien body out of the operating
room, and the 2 surgeons going nuts. As Joanna is leaving, they turn on some
poison gas by mistake and kill themselves, you are then left pushing the
alien around trying to escape from Area 51.

Okay, first leave this room, Johnathan will talk to you telling you that
there is a secure place where you can store the alien for now. Go back to 
the main room and find the brown door, it will open automatically, and you
will drop the alien off here.

Now go back to one of the hatch rooms where there are several switches
to lower or raise the cryogenic freezing tubes. There are two of these
rooms, one of them has another door in it. Go in this one and go through
the door that used to be locked. Shoot the guards inside here then go
through the door on the left wall.

You will meet Johnathan here (CI Spy) and your first objective will
be complete. The secret hangar is very easy to locate as you are about
to find out. Johnathan says that it's time to get back to our friend
meaning the alien.

Once you find Johnathan, you will both leave that room and go across
the room next to a wall. Johnathan will stare and think for a while,
then he will place some explosives near the wall.

After a few seconds, the wall will explode revealing the secret hangar
and your 2nd objective will be complete.

Okay, go straight and kill the guard. Turn left and go down the ramp
down to where Elvis' space ship is located. Turn left and the bottom
of the ramp to find the hover bike.

Here you will also find a brown door, go inside to find the Mainan
bodyguard. Take out the Alien MedPack by pressing Start, going to your
inventory and selecting the Alien MedPack with "A." Use it on the Mainan
bodyguard and wait a few seconds to compelte the 3rd objective.

There is only one way to escape from Area 51 and that is via the Space
Shuttle, but first you must take the Alien with you. This secret hangar
has a brown door in it, which leads to the secure room you placed the
Alien in earlier. Open it and you will view a cinema of the Alien.

He will tell you that his name is Elvis and that he is surprised he's
alive. After the cinema, go down the ramp near where Johnathan blew the
wall open, down here you will find the Space Ship, but the hangar door
is closed.

There is another problem also, the Space Ship can only carry two people.
So after deciding, Joanna and Elvis take the ship and Johnathan decides
to open the hangar doors and escape on the Hover bike. As Johnathan goes
to open the hangar doors, you must watch his back.

Follow him up the ramp and shoot the guards that are standing in the doorway.
Once you get the message saying the hangar doors have been opened, run
back down the ramp and run out the hangar door, you will then view a
closing cinema of the ship escaping. Objective and Mission Complete.

M I S S I O N   5 
Air Base - Espionage
Objectives: 1.) Obtain disguise and enter base
            2.) Check in Equipment
            3.) Subvert security monitoring system
            4.) Board Air Force One

In order to enter the base, you must be in disguise. There is a stuardess
coming off of the cable car and she has her uniform in her bag. Your job
is to get it without harming her or any other civilians. Okay, first walk
down and kill the guard with an arrow.

Now turn left into a cave like area. You will find 2-3 guards at the end
and the stuardess yelling: "Ah! It's an intruder!" First pick off the
guards, now head back so that you are in front of the stuardess. Using
the AIM feature on your crossbow, shoot the bag out of her hand.

By doing so, she will fall to the ground, but she didn't die. Pick
up her bag to collect the uniform. Now, put on the uniform by pressing Start,
going to your inventory and selecting the Uniform. You will put it on, but
it does no good if you have a weapon out.

Once you put it on, put your weapon away so you are unarmed, then go straight
and turn left out of the cave like area. You will see some proximity mines
on the ground, pick them up. Now backtrack out of the cave like area back
to where you first started the mission.

Go through the double doors and you will see guards and a receptionist, don't
panic. They will warmly greet you because remember you look like a stuardess.
See that door behind the guards? Go through it and enter the base to complete
Objective #1.

Okay, now that you are inside the base, go through the passageway and
out the door. You will see some guards and escalators. The guards will
be friendly to you (because they think you're a stuartist). Go down the
escalator and turn right at the bottom.

You will see a small conveyer belt with luggage on it, this is all you
have to do to complete the 2nd objective.

Now, just because you are in disguise, doesn't mean the security system can't
detect that you are carrying weapons. So what you must do is shut down the
security monitoring system. From where you entered the base, go down the 
escalator on the LEFT the one that is going in the up direction.

Turn right at the foot of the elevator and turn into the room with several 
blocks. Make 2 rights and you will find a flight of stairs. Climb to the top
and you will come to a room with a computer and 2 guards. Walk up to the 
computer and turn of the security monitoring system.

The guards will begin firing at you, but you can take out your gun now because
you've completed the 3rd objective. Keep in mind that all guards know who you
are now because you blew your cover when turning off the security system. Just
keep your weapon out and blow away all guards.

Okay, now you have to board the Air Force One. Go back to where the several
blocks where except this time turn LEFT where you see a door. Open it, it's
an elevator that descends in a diagnol direction, it will travel down to the
bottom where there is antoher door.

Get off the elevator and go through the door. You are now confronted with
lasers in the shape of triangles. Kill all the guards here, ther are a bunch.
Now go to the end where you will find a ramp, head up the ramp and go into
the elevator. It will go up one story.

Get off here and shoot the 3 guards waiting outside of the elevator, then
turn right from exiting the elevator and you will find the Air Force One,
pretty isn't she? Open the doors and step inside to complete the final

Air Force One - Antiterrorism
Objectives: 1.) Locate and retrieve equipment
            2.) Locate President
            3.) Get President to escape capsule
            4.) Detach UFO from Air Force One

Now, go inside of the door you are standing in front of, then stay on the 
left side of the room and continue to go straight.

Go through 2 doors, then you will see a Red Grate on the floor in the
next room on the left side. Press "B" to open it and hop down. Continue
and go through all doors until you come to the kitchen, make sure no other
stuardess is around, then continue going through the doors.

Pass the hover bike, and go into the next room where you will find a guard,
knock him out and steal his key card. Then hit the red switch on the wall
where you knocked out the guard. This raises the cargo hold. Now go back
into the previous room where the hover bike is.

You can now press the red button in between the 2 doors because you have
the key card. Press it. Objective #1 Complete.

You are left dressed as a stuardess. Now, go inside of the door you are 
standing in front of, then stay on the left side of the room and continue 
to go straight.

Go through 2 doors, then you will see a Red Grate on the floor in the
next room on the left side. Press "B" to open it and hop down. Continue
and go through all doors until you come to the kitchen, make sure no other
stuardess is around, then continue going through the doors.

Pass the hover bike, and go into the next room where you will find a guard,
knock him out and steal his key card. Then hit the red switch on the wall
where you knocked out the guard. This raises the cargo hold. Now go back
into the previous room where the hover bike is.

You can now press the red button in between the 2 doors because you have
the key card. Press it. Then go back into the kitchen and press the activation
switch in the middle of the room, this will make an elevator appear. Crouch
down and climb inside and let it take you up.

Once you exit you are taken to where you first began the level. Go through
the door in front of you and you will find a set of stairs, climb them. You
will be notified that this is the floor that the president is on. From the top 
of the stairs, turn RIGHT and go through the door behind the guard. This is
the president's room.

Joanna will tell him what Trent is planning to do, but he isn't convinced,
so she let's him hear a recordered coversation of what Trent is going to do,
and he eventually goes with her. Objective #1 complete.

Now comes the tough part. There are guards everywhere and your job is to
make sure they don't kill the president, so you are basically the president's
"bodyguard" now. Go down the stairs and through the door into the interior
of Air Force One (where you first started). Go all the way back to where
the red grate was earlier.

When you approach the red grate you will notice Trent and the conspirators,
you will have to take care of them before going to the red grate. Once they
are gone, open the greate and head to the silver door that contains the

This is the escape capsule, once you go inside, the 2nd objective will
be complete and now all you have to do is detach that UFO from the Air 
Force One.

Now, your final objective here is to detach that UFO from the side of the
Air Force One. How to do it? Blow it off of course! Leave the Escape
capsule, with the president in it, and go back up through the red grate
and back to where you first started the level.

You will see a long passageway, this is the cord that is keeping the
UFO attached to the Air Force One. Run near the end and throw a timed
mine on the end by pressing start, going to your inventory and selecting
timed mines. Onceyou throw it on there, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE as fast as you
can and make sure you get out of the cord in time.

It will explode and detach from the Air Force One and you will complete
the final objective. Joanna then calls for Elvis to come and finish off
the UFO. Elvis agrees and places a bomb on the UFO, it blows up and
that is the closing cinema.

Crash Site - Confrontation
Objectives: 1.) Retrieve Presidential Medical Scanner
            2.) Activate distress beacon
            3.) Retire Presidential clone
            4.) Locate and rescue president

[Do Objective #2 first.]
Head RIGHT from where you killed the 2 guards, and go over to where the
crashed plane is. To the ride side of the plane you will find a suitcase
lying in the snow. Collect it to complete your 1st objective, and then
head back to where the capsule was.

This is a very simple objective in which you will have to complete. From the
start, stay along the right wall and continue straight. You will come to 2
guards, pick them both off at a distance, then collect their weapons. Now
look over to the far left side.

You will notice the escape pod. On one side of it you will see a little red
button, press "B" to press it and you will activate the distress beacon, 
objective #2 complete.

Okay, once you activate the distress beacon on the escape capsule, turn back
around in the direction you just came, but stay up against the right wall.
Follow this wall all the way until you reach a cave. It is dark in this
cave, so you'll need to put your Night Vision Glasses on.

Once in here, continue to stay against the right wall, kill all guards that
you encounter. Soon, you will reach a hole in the right wall, it leads to
a path going upward. Go into this hole and follow the narrow path all the
way up to the top.

Once here, you will find several guards near some funny looking palm trees.
Kill off the guards and you will soon find the Fake President. Shoot and
kill him to finish this objective. Now it's time to find Trent and the
real president.

Okay, from where you killed the fake president, go back down the long,
narrow path you came up on. Make your way out of the hole in the wall
and back to the front end of the cave. Leave your Night Vision goggles

Now from the very front of the cave (where it gets dark), go to the left
path and stay up against the left wall this time instead of the right.
Kill any guards you encounter, once again you will soon come to another
hole in the left wall, which leads to antoher path leading upward.

Go through the hole and up the path. It should become daylight once again
here, so take off your Night Vision glasses. Now, continue up the path
and you will soon encounter some shooting simuulants, and these can be
killed. Shoot at all the simulants firing at you a few times and they
will blow up.

Once all of the simulants are taken care of, look to your right, you will
see Trent and the real president. Shoot trent a few times and he will
run away like the coward he really is. Now you are left with the president,
which is only one half of this objective. Now you have to rescue him.

Whatever you do, do not go back into the cave area or the president
will die and you will fail the mission. Instead, look around a bit until
you find some sunlight. From here you are led into an open field. You must
once again protect the president from being killed by fending off any
guards around the area.

The president will soon run into the middle of the field where you will
find Elvis and his ship waiting to rescue you. Final objective and last
objective of this mission complete.

M I S S I O N   6

Pelagic II - Exploration
Objectives: 1.) Disable primary power source
            2.) Deactivate GPS and autopilot
            3.) Activate Moon Pool Lift
            4.) Rendezvous and escape with Elvis

Okay, once you start, open the first door you come to and kill the guard right
next to it. Make sure you try and kill all guards near the alarm switches FIRST
otherwise they will trigger the alarm and you'll have a swarm of guards on you.
Continue and go through the next few doors, then go through the door on the
left wall, it leads into a room with a big circular generator in it.

Before fully entering the room, slightly enter it and turn left to see a 
security camera. Shoot it once to get rid of it, then kill any guards in here. 
Now go down stairs to find the bottom half of the generator, there is another 
camera, so take it out at the foot of the stairwell before proceeding down here.

Kill any remaining guards down here, then go back upstairs when there are
no more guards in sight. Take out your X-Ray Scanner by pressing Start, going
into the inventory menu and selecting the X-Ray scanner. Now look at the top
half of the generator. 

You will see green switches on top, there are a few red switches, which are
bad, they reset the green ones. What you need to do is go around the generator
and turn all the green switches to black by pressing "B" next to them. If you
hit a red switch, all the current black switches will return to green, so
don't hit the red ones.

Once all of the green switches have been switches to black, take off the
X-Ray Scanner. Now head down the stairs again. See that long thing sticking
out of the bottom half of the generator? Inside of it is a switch, press "B"
when you go near it to disable the primary power source and complete Objective
number 1.

Okay, once objective 1 is complete, head back up the stairs and out the door
you came in. Turn left and go through the next door. Kill any loose guards
wondering about in here. Then go up the stairs which are on the left wall.
Once at the top, go straight and up antoher set of stairs, then kill the 2
guards at the top.

Go straight through the next door and into the room where the 3 scientists
are working. Joanna will order them to shut down the GPS and autopilot. Two
of the scientists are cooperative, but the 3rd one turns on his co-workers
and tries to shoot them while saying: "Trader!" Shoot this scientist before
he does any harm to the other 2.

Once the scientists have shut down the GPS and autopilot you will have 
completed this objective. However, put away your weapon so you are unarmed 
and knock out the 2 scientists so they won't tell anyone what you did.

Head down the stairs, and go through the door you find on the left wall. 
Now, head right and  follow the long hallways until you reach the room 
that has water in it. Now head left and press "B" on the activation switch
which will unlock the large door nearby. 

Go through the door you just unlocked and head down the ramp. Press "B" on
the activation switch at the bottom and you will have completed the 3rd

Now, this is the toughest part of this level. First, finding Elvis is a
piece of cake, but once you find him you will have to follow him, which is
very tough because there are TONS of guards that get in the way. First, go
back down the sets of stairs and go through the doors until you finally
meet up with Elvis.

You will hear him say: "Finally, what took you so long? Follow me." and he
then disappears. Kill the guards in this door first then go through the next.
It's all like one big make. You must continue going through door after door
after door and killing all guards in each room until you reach the end.

You may die a few times while trying to reach the end because of the great
number of guards, but I've found 2 tips which will make the task easier.
First, stay behind closed doors. Shoot through the windows at guards that 
way you can kill them, and they can't shoot you behind a closed door. Try
and shoot as many guards as possible through the windows of doors.

Then, once you enter the door, shoot boxes that have guards behind them.
This will cause the boxes to explode and harm/kill the guard behind it,
and makes your job of killing them easier. If you have to take time to
reload your gun, move out of the range of enemy fire.

Once you finally reach the end, go through the door on the left wall and
you will be taken into the big watery area and complete the final objective.
You will see Elvis climb down the ladder into the submarine, and it's time
for a Deep Sea adventure!

Deep Sea - Nulify Threat
Objectives: 1.) Reactivate teleportals
            2.) Disable Cetan megaweapon
            3.) Secure Control Room
            4.) Escape from Cetan ship

The generator here is rather tough to find, but once it's found, leave it
all up to Elvis and he'll turn reactivate those teleportals in no time. Elvis
will be following along with you this time. Go straight through the first
door, and then put on your RI Scanner by pressing Start, going to the inventory
and selecting the RI Scanner with "A."

Go through the next room so you can see the invisible guards (using
the IR Scanner). Shoot them, and Elvis will help too. Once they're gone,
go through the only door left on the right in this room. Go straight 
through the door after that, shoot the 4 invisible guards and then take
off the IR Scanner.

Turn right down the long corridor and shoot all normal guards as you come to
them. Now at the end of this hallway you will see a door straight ahead, and
you will see an underground path to the left. Go down into the underground
path. Now this is the tough part.

This underground path is like a maze. Continue going through each new opening
you can find and you will eventually fall upon the room which has the generator
in it. First kill of the guards in here, and then Elvis will climb up to
the generator and Recativate the teleportals which will complete the first

Okay, from the room with the generator, head back through the "maze" of
pathways until you emerge where you came in. Now turn left and go through
the big door. You will see an open space in front of you and you will have
the option of going left or right.

If you go left, all you will find is a shield, so go right. Once here, go
to the end of the pathway to find a teleportal, which is a jello looking
type of thing on the wall and the end of the pathway, go through this by
running into it and you will be teleported to the other side.

Now, go through this area with pipes hanging from the roof all the way to
the end where you will find a big door. Go through it to find 2 more doors,
one in front of you and one to the right of you. Go through the one on the
right to find the megaweapon.

Elvis tends to travel rather slowly, so you'll need to wait for him to
catch up so he can disable the megaweapon, once he catches up, go into
the right door into where the megaweapon is. Elvis will automatically go
up and disable it and you will have completed the 2nd objective.

Okay, turn right and go through this door, you will come to another jello
like teleportal, go through it. You will come to a door in front of you
with a couple of guards. Kill the guards with Elvis' FarSight, go through
the door and you will have completed the 3rd objective.

Another rather easy task. Leave the megaweapon room, and then go through
the door on your right (previously the door straight ahead of you). Follow
the pathway (with pipes on the ceiling) until the end, where you will find
another jello like teleportal, walk through it and go through the door
right in front of you.

You will now see Dr. Caroll, you will view a FMV and Dr. Caroll will explain
that you only have 60 seconds to exit the Cetan ship before it blows. Elvis
will lead the path, but he's far too slow, plus you already will know the
way. Basically you will be going out the same way you came in.

From where you saw the FMV of Dr. Carrol, go through the door on your right,
then follow the path down and turn left when you see the opening. Now go
down this path (same path you came in) and kill the remaining guards if you
have time. Then go to the end of the path where you will find the large, blue
door you entered with. 

Go through this door, and you will automatically exit the Cetan Ship, and
complete the 4th and final objective of Mission 6. 

M I S S I O N   7

Carrington Institute - Defense
Objectives: 1.) Reactivate Automatic defenses
            2.) Release hostages
            3.) Retrieve experimental weapon
            4.) Deactivate bomb

You will view a FMV here showing the Skedar monster and Joanna taking one
of the guards' guns. From the beginning, go straight and look ahead to find
the skedar monster in the distance, kill him with a few shots. Now turn
around to find a ramp.

Head down the ramp to the bottom and turn left where you will find the
Helipad, cross it and go into the door on the right to find another helipad.
Cross it and gor through the door on the right again. Go through the door
and turn left and head right after that. 

You will find an activation switch on the wall. Press "B" on the switch
to activate it. Then turn around and go down the right path. Now go through
the 1st blue door you come to and turn left when you come to the 2nd blue
door to find the 2nd activation swtich. Press "B" to activate it.

Go back to the first switch you activated, go through the 2 doors here
and through the next, then turn left to find the last activation switch.
Press "B" to activate it and finish the 1st objective.

From the beginning of the level, where you shot the Monster, turn left
to find a brown door in front of you, don't go in it, turn right instead.

You will find an elevator here, go in it. Once at the top, use a Combat Boost
by pressing Start, going to your inventory and press "A" on combat boost. Press
"Z" to take it. This will slow everything down, allowing you to kill the guards
before they kill the hostages, easier. 

From the elevator, go right and into the door you see, kill both guards, but
don't hit the hostages, this is easy because it's in slow motion. You should
now return back to normal. After collecting the dead guards' guns, leave this
room and turn left and go into the room right next door.

Here you will find 2 more guards holding hostages, shoot them quickly before
they do any harm to the hostages. The hostages will thank you and leave the
room. Now go back to the elevator you came up in, there will be guards in it
along with the hostages you freed. Carefully kill the guards and at the bottom
you will find another guard, kill him.

From the elevator, go right, continue until you find 2 brown doors, go inside
and turn left, (this is the shooting range room). Kill the guards in here 
before they do any harm to hostages. Now, leave this room and go back to the 
elevator. From here go left and into more brown doors, kill the guards in here 
to free the remaining hostages and you will have complete objective #2.

This has got to be the simplest task in the game. Still in the same room, kill
off any remaining or oncoming guards. Now, go over to the computer and press
"B" to break the case holding the experimental weapon. Now go over to the
case which carries the experimental weapon.

Press "B" to take the weapon and complete the 3rd objective, now kill any
oncoming guards that enter the door.

Now, head back to where you first began the level. You will find several ramps
leading downward, head down all of them until you finally reach the bottom. At
the bottom, turn left onto the helipad, run up to the helicopter and take out
the Data Uplink by pressing Start, going to the inventory and selecting Data
Uplink with "A." Use it near the helicopter.

It will begin to download the virus, once the virus has been downloaded, the
bomb will be disactivated and you will have complete the 4th and final 
objective of this mission. However, you still aren't finished.

Go back out of the helipad, and go up one ramp and stay on the right wall, you
will come to a door, go through it to finish the mission and watch the closing

M I S S I O N   8

Attack Ship - Covert Assault
Objectives: 1.) Disable shield system
            2.) Access navigational systems
            3.) Sabotage Engine Systems
            4.) Gain control of bridge

Okay, you start off with just a knife and your bare hands. Leave the room you
are in, and then switch your knife to it's secondary function, which is a 
poisonous throwing knife. Throw it at one of the aliens and take it's gun, the

Now kill the other alien, and collect it's weapon. Go back to the front of this
room to find 3 parts of the shield system. Shoot all three of them, one by one,
and it will disable the shield system, allowing Elvis and his "companions" can
come into the building. Objective #1 complete.

Once Objective #1 is done, go to the back of this room where you will find an
elevator leading down. Take the elevator down, and you will meet up with Elvis,
he will give you an AR34. He will then say that he'll take one lift and you 
take the other.

Go up and you will see 2 elevators, go into the one that is open and take it
up a few levels. Now, go through the first door you see and kill the 2 monsters
in here. Turn LEFT and go through that door, then go through the right door in
this room. Kill the monster hiding in here, then go through the door at the end
of the hallway.

Now, turn right at the halfway mark of the hallway to enter the Navigation 
Systems room. Once Elvis catches up with you, he will do his work here and 
access the navigational systems to complete the 2nd objective.

Okay, after Elvis access the navigational systems, go through the right
door once you leave the room. At the end of this hallway go through the
door and kill the lone monster, then continue through the hallway until
you find a ramp on the right side leading up.

Go past it and into the room on your right. Now go through either one
of the 2 doors you find which will take you to the engine systems room.
Kill the 3 monsters in here and shoot the golden pieces on the outside
of the engine to sabotage the engine systems and complete your 3rd objective.

Alright, now leave through the door you came in through, and turn RIGHT. Go
through this door and kill the monster inside. Turn left and go up the ramp
here, follow the turning hallways until you find a path leading up on the right
wall. Go up the path.

At the top, kill the monster and turn left and go through the blue door. Kill
the 2 skedar monsters in here, then go up the ramp either on the left or right
side. At the top, go through the door and then into the elevator (next door).
Once at the top, go through the next elevator, and then shoot the 3 skedars 
inside of the bridge room.

Once those are dead, wait for Elvis to come, he will start gaining control of
the bridge and your job is to protect him. Stand by the elevator door and shoot
every monster that comes in. Elvis will soon gain control over the bridge and
you will have completed the last objective in Mission 8.

M I S S I O N   9
Mission 9 will NOT be saved on your Solo Mission sheet, so do NOT press 
"Decline" for any reason once you've finished Mission 8, otherwise you will have 
to re-do Mission 8.

Skedar Ruins
Objectives: 1.) Identify temple targets
            2.) Activate bridge
            3.) Assassinate Skedar leader

Okay, throughout the ruins, there are temples that you must target, these 
temples are simply little, pointy structures. In order to target them, you will
simply take out the Target Amplifier, and place it on the temple. There is one
way to figure out if a temple needs targeting or not. Put on the R-Tracker
at all times, and use your Falcon 2 (scope). If the yellow dot lines up with
the green crosshair the temple needs to be targeted.

When you start out, head straight and turn left. Kill the skedar monster here.
Then continue straight past where you killed the monster and kill the 2 skedars
in here as well. In the center of the room, you will find the first temple. 
It may need to be targeted, so target it by pressing start, moving to your 
inventory, taking out the Tartget Amplifier, and press "Z" to throw it onto
the temple, ONLY IF IT NEEDS TO BE.

Continue on straight and turn right. You will find some more monsters here,
kill them and walk along the path, killing skedar monsters as you come to them.
You will soon come to a fork in the road, deciding on left or right. First kill
the 2 skedar monsters and then go right. You will find another monster here
and another temple, target it if needed.

Now, head back to where the fork in the road  was, pass it and turn RIGHT
into an opening, kill the monster here and go down to the end, turn right
again and kill the 2 mosnters behind boxes. Now, take the right path to find
another temple, target it if needed.

(Thanks to Nemesis...)
Ok, now leave this area, run past the two dead monsters in the room before
the stairs, then go left. Run all the way until you reach an fork. Go right 
at the fork. Equip your Devastator and set it to Wall Hugger. Now look
over the edge to see a monster to your left. Shoot a grenade at the wall
behind him. After he's dead, cross the black bridge and go through the 
opening on the other side. If there is no bridge, then do this: Fall off
the edge and onto the ledge below, then turn around and kill the monster
behind you. Turn around again and go forward until the two ledges combine.
Go over to the other ledge, then make your way to the wall on the left
where you can climb up.

Run down the path, and hop down into the next area, and kill any monsters
around here. Now go straight from where you entered this area until you 
get to the second left turn, and you'll be facing a wall. Equip your IR 
Scanner and you'll see that the wall is a lighter tone of red. This means
that you can blow it up. Use grenade to blow it open, and enter the hole in
the wall and follow the tunnels. Once you drop down, go left and go through
the first door on the right. 

In this room, kill the tiny monster, then go right to see a movable stone.
Push it onto the light brown area on the ground to activate the bridge and
complete the second objective.

Now cross the newly found bridge. To do so, just leave this room, and go
right and follow the path and cross it. Go forward, equip your IR Scanner, 
then kill any monsters that come your way. Keep going forward until you get
to an area with a door to the left and a ramp going up to the right. Go up 
the ramp and through the door at the top. Stay at the doorway, and kill the
two monsters at the bottom below you. They have Rocket Launchers, so after
every few shots, run away. Once they are both killed, go across the bridge
and kill the monster guarding the door. Now go through that door and 
complete your third objective.

The Skedar Army must be defeated in the next room, and they are in suspended 
animation. Only one of them will come out of the green capsules at a time. 
After defeating the army, go through the next door. Get ready in the area 
here, because the final boss fight is in the next room.

This guy is tough. To beat him, you must first shoot at him until his shields
turn green. When this happens, shoot at the spikes behind him. After a while,
he'll come down to your level and chase you. Just run away, and if he sends
out some of his other minions, then kill them fast. After you've shot down
all of the spikes, only the center one will remain. If you are fast
enough, then you can get all the spikes down before he drops down to your
level. Use the Callisto's rapid fire function to shoot him for best results. 
Blast it with everything you've got. After enough damage is done to the large 
spike, you will have beaten the Skedar leader, completed the last 
objective of the 9th mission, and beaten the game. Congratulations!

               P E R F E C T   A G E N T   W A L K T H R O U G H
As a starting note, let me tell you all that the Perfect Dark agent is extremely
for talented gamers. The missions are far more difficult than Agent or Special
Agent, and you will have to accomplish more objectives in each mission.

M I S S I O N   1

dataDyne Central - Defection
Objectives: 1.) Disable internal security hub
            2.) Obtain Keycode necklace
            3.) Download project files
            4.) Disable external comms hub
            5.) Gain entrance to laboratory

Okay, from where you start the mission (on the helipad) go down to the bottom
floor where you will find a ventilated door. Before entering this door, shoot
the security camera up on top of it. Then enter the door. Kill the guard that
is in front of you as well as the one when you go down the small ramp.

Now go down the next 2 ramps down to the bottom floor. You will receive a 
message saying the the internal security hub is nearby, look over into the red
area. You will see an activation switch. Take out your ECM Mine by pressing
Start, going to your inventory and selecting the ECM mine with "A."

Now, aim the mine so it lands correctly onto the actiavtion switch. Press "Z"
to throw it. Once it sticks to the activation switch, you will have completed
the first objective and the internal security hub will be disabled.

Okay, still on the bottom floor, go past the large fan and into the ventilated
door, you will find stairs inside. Head down the 2 flights of stairs and
kill the guard you encounter on the way. Go through the door at the bottom of
the stairs to be inside of an office type area.

First, kill all the guards you see in here. Then, once all the guards are
gone, put away your weapon so you are "UNARMED" and make sure you are able
to punch. Now, head to the center of the room where you will find double brown
doors, go inside and punch Cassandra De Vrie to knock her unconscious.

Upon doing so, you will collect her keycode necklace and you will have 
completed the 2nd objective of Mission 1.

Okay, from Cassandra's office, turn left and go through the brown door
on the left wall into the staircase. Go down the stairs until you come
to another brown door. Go through the door and turn right down the 
hallway, go past the elevators and turn right at the end of the hallway.

Go into the office and down the hallway, go around the corner at the
end of the hallway and shoot the security camera above. You will hear
somebody talking, wait for the guy to come out and Joanna will tell him
to download the project files.

Follow him up the elevator and around the corners and through the door 
into a room with a few computers, he will go to one and download the
files for you completing your 3rd objective.

Head back down the elevator all the way to the bottom of the building.
Then walk down the end of the hallway, picking off all guards as you come 
to them.

Once here, leave the elevator and get ready to shoot. There are TONS of guards 
that will have to be killed, so carefully pick them all off, one by one.

Once the coast seems to be relatively clear, turn right from the elevator
and into the decorated doors. In here you will find some more guards if
they haven't come out yet, kill them and head over to the left wall. You
will see a computer and an activation switch next to it.

Take out another Mine by pressing Start, moving over to your inventory
and selecting the mine with "A." Now throw it so it lands on the activation
switch. This will disable the external comms hub and you will have completed
Objective #4.

From where you finished Objective #4, go back outside of that room and back
to the dataDyne logo on the wall. From here, go left and into the room with
the desk, you will find a door here, go inside to find several guards. Kill
all of them and continue on.

In the next room, pick off any remaining guards and you will see the elevator
that leads into the Laboratory, open and go inside of the elevator to complete
the 4th and final objective.

dataDyne Research - Investigation
Objectives: 1.) Holograph radioactive isotope
            2.) Start security maintenance cycle
            3.) Shut down experiments
            4.) Obtain experimental technologies
            5.) Locate Dr. Caroll

Okay, after viewing the cool cinema of Joanna knocking out a guard from the
top of the elevator, go LEFT from after exiting the elevator. Now, you will 
come to a few guards behind glass. Shoot them all before continuing on. Once 
they are finished, go through the door they were in front of.

This door takes you striaght into the main room. In this main room you will 
find 2 big doors. One is marked "CAUTION" and the other is marked "SECTOR 2" 
and you will also see a locked door to the side of Sector 2. First off, go 
inside the door marked CAUTION, but don't go all the way through every door. 
Instead, go through the first 2 sets of doors until you come to 2 guards. Kill 
them both, then take out your CamSpy by pressing START and moving to the 
Inventory menu and press the A button when CamSpy is selcted.

This activates your CamSpy, move it into the next room. Move it so it's right 
in front of the radioactive isotope in the center of the room. Then press the 
"Z" button to capture a picture of the isotope. Now take your CamSpy off to 
complete Objective one.

Okay, go back all the way to where you first started the mission at the
elevator. From the elevator, turn left and go down the hallway but not through
the door at the end. Instead, turn to your left to see another small door.
Wait for the security bug to come by and open it.

Go inside and to the end where you will find some stairs on the left side,
go down the stairs and to the end of the hallway. You will find a ramp leading
down on the right side to another door labeled "Sector 1." Go inside and kill
the guard. Then turn left and go into the red area. You will come to a big
screen, pass it for now and continue on.

You will now come to another screen, press "B" near it to reprogram the bots,
now go back to the first screen and activate the bots to complete the
second objective.

Okay, first head back to the room with the 2 large doors saying "CAUTION"
and "SECTOR 2." Once here, go through the door reading "Sector 2." Kill
off the guard standing and go straight through the door. There will be
several guards here so pick them all off.

Now, go to the room on your right to find a scientist, put your gun to
his head and Joanna will tell him to shut down one of the experiments,
he will do so, leave him and go to the last door on the left side once
in here, you will find another scientist.

Do the same thing and he will shut down the next experiment. In the back
of this room you will find a large metal door. Go through it and through
the next to find another room with another scientist in it. Tell him to
do the same, he instead triggers the alarm. Shoot him and press "B" on
the computer.

This shuts down the final experiment and you will have completed the 3rd
objective in this mission.

There are a total of 3 experimental technologies you must collect to
complete this mission. First go back and into the Sector 2 room, turn
right into the first door to find a guard and scientist kill the guard
and take the K7 Avenger which is the first expermiental technology.

Now, go across the hall and down the platform where you will find a
guard and a scientist, kill them both and take the weapon. Now go back
into the Sector 2 Room and into one of the doors to find the Night Vision
glasses. Then head back into the Sector 2 room and into the last door on 
the right. Kill the guards in here and continue through the next door where 
you will find lasers.

Wait for the security bug to pass by and disable the lasers for a
short time. Now go through the Sector 3 door, kill the 2 Dragon guards
behind you and use the Data Uplink on the computer to get through the
door. Now go through the door marked "RESTRICTED" and right into the
Security door where you wil find the last technology completing the 4th

Okay, from objective #3, leave through the 2 metal doors you came in and
back out into the Sector 2 room. Go across the hallway into the door on
the right, go through it.

At the end, turn to your RIGHT to find a door. Go inside, you will find some
more guards pick them off. You will now see a door labeled "SECTOR 3" which is
near where Dr. Carrol's HQ are located. Go through the door and kill any 
oncoming guards who get in your way. However, you will be barricaded by red lazers 
blocking your path. To get past them, wait for the little robot beetle to stop 
near the lasers and they will disappear letting the robot beetle to pass. 

When they disappear, pass through following along the robot beetle, after all
of the lasers have been bypassed you will find a door which contains the data
computer which you must alter to pass the security locked door next to it. When
you enter this room, turn around immediately and pick off the 2 dragon guards
and take their new weapon, the Dragon. 

Now equip the Data Chip, to do so, press start, move over to the inventory
and press A on the Data Chip. Now you will have it in your hand. Press Z to
use it next to the computer. It will gain the password to the security lock and
open the door letting you pass. Take out you gun again and get ready to shoot.

In the next room, you will find a few guards, kill them off as they run around
the room, and then head over to the door marked "RESTRICTED" go inside and
kill the 2 guards, then continue through the next door where you will find 
sensory machine guns attached to the ceiling, just run past them for now and 
take the damage they deal out. At the end of the hallway you will find the last 
door, open it to complete the last objective for the RESEARCH level.

dataDyne Central - Extraction
Objectives: 1.) Access Foyer Elevator
            2.) Reactivate office elevator
            3.) Destroy dataDyne Hover Copter
            4.) Defeat Cassandra's bodyguards
            5.) Rendezvous at helipad

Okay, the first thing you must do here is equip your Night Vision glassses
in order to see anything. Now, go forward and you will find a guard sitting at
a desk. From a distance, shoot him with your sniper rifle. Then turn left at
the desk to find a door. Go through and kill the guards hiding behind boxes.

Once they are gone, you will have to circle the main room killing all guards.
You will soon reach the back of the main room where you will find a flight
of stairs with 2 guards at the top, try picking them off from the bottom using
the AIM function of your weapon. Now it's home free. Turn left to find
an elevator, this is the foyer elevator, press "B" to activate it and go inside
to complete Objective #1.

From where you are in objective #4 (where Cassandra's bodyguards are) you
will find an activation switch lying on a desk. Press "B" next to it to activate
the office elevator, and complete the 2nd objective.

[Complete Objective 4 First]
Once you've completed the 3rd objective, after you have killed the guard and
taken his Rocket Launcher, equip it. Now face the large window in front of
you. The Hover Copter will appear shortly.

Once you see it, fire the Rocket Launcher at it once you are sure you will
be able to hit it. It will blow and you will have destroyed the dataDyne
Hover Copter and completed the 2nd objective.

You can now remove your Night Vision glasses, as they are no longer necesary
in order to see. Once the elevator has made it's way to the top, exit and turn
to your right. Go around the corner you come to and you will find a guard 
waiting at the end. Shoot him and go through the door that is behind him. This 
takes you to a room with another corner, go around the corner and come to the end
where you will find 2 of Cassandra's Bodyguards (they are firing shotguns at
you and they are dressed in different clothing.)

Kill them both and continue going through this room, go through the next door
to find one more bodyguard in this area, kill him. Now, head back the way
you came where you will see a small elevator, it's the one that goes up just
one floor. Go inside and let it take you up to the next floor. Once you exit
the elevator, go RIGHT and turn around another corner. And the end of this
long corridor you will find 2 guards behind boxes, shoot them and then go 
through the door that is to the left of them (in front of the boxes they were 
hiding behind.) 

This takes you into a room that looks like an office, with desks, chairs, and
other furniture. Turn LEFT as soon as you enter this room, there is a sliding
door on the left side of the room, once inside, turn left again and go through
the next door. You will see another bodyguard, kill him. Then go left again 
after killing that bodyguard and go through the next door. Go past this room
and into the next where you will find yet 2 more bodyguards, kill them and then
backtrack back an elevator with a door next to it, go in this door to lead
to a flight of stairs.

Go up the stairs and through the door, but don't turn right yet. You will hear
a conversation between some scientists and a guard. Pretty funnny, just turn
right and blast away the guard. Pick up his Rocket Laungher. Then, right where 
the guard was standing, you'll find a door on the left, go through this door which 
leads to some more stairs. Go up this final flight of stairs to the top level
where you will find another ventilated door. Go through it.

Now this part is kind of tough. Once you go through the ventilated door at the
top of the stairs, put on your Night Vision glasses so you can see in the dark.
You will now have to kill off several bodyguards. There are 2 located on the 
ground and 2 located up on the ramps. Pick them all off and you will complete
the 3rd objective.

Now that you have cleared out all the bodyguards, find the ramp on the top 
level. Go up the ramp and keep following it, you don't need to slow down for 
Dr. Caroll because you can complete when you reach the helipad no matter if the 
Dr. is there or not. Continue going up the ramp and you will come to a ventilated 
door, go through it and continue going up the ramp.

You will soon make your way back to where you started this mission, at the 
helipad. That completes Objective 4 as well as Mission 1.

M I S S I O N   2

Carrington Villa - Hostage One
Objectives: 1.) Save the negotiator
            2.) Eliminate Rooftop snipers
            3.) Activate Wind generator
            4.) Locate and eliminate dataDyne hackers
            5.) Rescue Carrington

This is a very simple task to accomplish. When the mission begins, you will be
equipped with a sniper rifle and will be placed on an over-look (place where a
sniper hides out to shoot his victims). In the beginning, walk forward so you 
can view the guards. Use your AIM feature on your sniper and shoot both guards in
the head before they kill the hostage.

If done quickly, effectively, and correctly, both guards should be dead and
the negotiator (hostage) should run up into the town and escape without being
harmed. That will finish Objective #1 for you.

Well, I've listed all the snipers in the next objective, so look there to find
where all of them are. Hide behind the wall in order to stay out of the Snipers'
view, then pick them all off on top of the rooftops all around the main
area, there are also some upstairs and over the body of water.

Once all of the snipers have been removed from this area, you will have completed
the 2nd objective.

Once the hostage has been saved, turn around. You will see a big structure 
behind you. Go around it on either side and you will see a guard lay down 
quickly to try and snipe you from a distance, AIM and pick him off quickly 
before he does any damage. Now walk over and pick up his CMP150, but don't 
equip it just yet. Turn right and look over the edge of the cliff.

You will see 2 guards. One is trying to snipe you off to the right, and one
is using his CMP150 from straight below. Pick them both off and jump off the
cliff. Once on the ground, take the right path where you shot the guard trying
to snipe you. You will encounter another guard here, just shoot him quickly
and continue on your way. You will now come to a place to turn left, but don't
do it just yet.

Hide behind the corner and look up with your AIM feature on your sniper rifle.
You will see a guard just above trying to snipe you, kill him and watch as he
falls off the roof to his death on a flight of small stairs. Go right and down
a separate flight of stairs where you will find a wall. Hide behind this wall
and AIM your rifle towards the roof in the distance you will see 4 snipers on
the rooftop. Pick them all off and any remaining guards on the ground.

Once there are no more snipers or guards in site, head into the main courtyard
where you picked off the 4 snipers. From here head right, you will come to 
another over-look which is located above a large body of water. If you look
closely there is a sniper on the far left of the body of water. Kill him when
he's not looking.

Now head back to the main courtyard, you will find a flight of stairs in the 
middle. Head up the stairs and follow the path to the right. Pick off the 
remaining sniper which is just ahead. Now, go up the flight of stairs where you 
will find a door. Go inside and you will be inside the house or "pueblo." Once
inside, kill of all guards first. Then head down the stairs. Once at the foot
of the stairs turn right into the first blue colored hallway you come to.

At the end you will find a room with a few guards, kill them. Now head to
where you find the Kitchen, there are some stairs here. Go down them, at
the bottom you will find two more guards, kill them both and go left to
find another set of double doors, head through the doors and go down the
steps. There is one guard right in front of you and one near the back of
the stairway, kill them both.

Once they are dead, go over to the set of double doors near the back of
the stairway. It leads to a pathway. Go straight down this pathway, without
turning left on the way. At the end of the pathway, turn left and kill
the 3 guards you come to. You will see 2 large control panels. You must
activate them in order to activate the wind generator. To activate them,
press "B" near the activation switch on each panel. Once both have been
activated, head back down the pathway again, only this time, turn right
into the turn you skipped before.

Head down this path until you come to the end where you will find a bunch
of guards. Kill them all and turn left to find the huge wind generator. On
the backside of the generator you will find an activation switch, hit "B"
on the switch to activate the wind generator and complete your 3rd Objective.

Put on your R-Tracker by pressing Start, going to your inventory and 
selecting the R-Tracker with "A." Now with the R-Tracker on head back
past the blue colored hallway and into the room where you will see the
hackers using your R-Tracker.

Shoot and kill all of them to complete the 4th objective in this mission.
Now it's time to save Carrington.

Once you activate the wind generator, leave the room with the generator in it,
and continue going straight. Turn left at the end to find a set of doors, go
through them and down the stairs. At the foot of the stairs turn left and
go through another door.

In here is where you will find several rooms with liquor stored on shelves.
There are a bunch of guards in this area and one of them holds the key card
to Carrington's cell. Go through the area killing all guards until you find
the one with the key. The one with the key is naturally located near 
Carrington's cell. Shoot him, take the key card, open the door and this mission 
will be complete.

M I S S I O N   3

Chicago - Stealth
Objectives: 1.) Retrieve drop point equipment
            2.) Attach tracer to limousine
            3.) Create Vehicular Diversion
            4.) Prepare escape route
            5.) Gain entry to G5 Building

Okay, after the opening cinema plays, you are left in the rain. Go left around
the corner where you will see an innocent civilian passing by, do not kill him.
Turn left and kill the disguised guard holding a gun. Now go down the corridor
near where you shot the guard. At the end turn left and you should see a Taxi
straight ahead.

Go up the stairs to the left and hide inside the area with gates. Open the 
gates and kill all guards in site. Now go straight (behind and past the taxi) until 
you come to a little opening in the wall. Go through and you will be taken to the
storm drain area. First off, kill all guards you see, then from where you 
entered turn RIGHT and go all the way to the end of the drain. Now, go up on 
the right side of the drain where you will find a very small area.

First Duck, then crouch so you can fit through the narrow passage way, continue
to crouch all the way to the end of the passageway where you will find your
drop point equipment and complete objective #1.

Okay, from where you picked up the equipment, crouch down and leave out
the same way you came in. At the end of the pathway you will find 2 guards,
kill both of them and any other oncoming guards. Now go back out through
the slit in the wall (where you came in) and turn RIGHT (away from the taxi)
and go down the right street.

You will see a limo in the distance, take out the tracer by pressing Start,
moving to your inventory and selecting the tracer and throw it (using "Z")
onto the limo to complete the 2nd objective.

Your main goal here is to reprogram the taxi you saw earlier to make it crash
into a wall farther a way which will create a diversion making all the guards
turn and run to see what's going on. First, head back to where you saw the taxi
(out of storm drain). Once you find the taxi, make sure there are no guards
or simulants in the way while you reprogram the cab.

Once the coast is clear, take out the reprogrammer, by pressing Start, going
to your inventory screen and pressing "A" on the reprogrammer, then when you
are near the taxi, press Z to actiavate the reporgrammer, it takes about 10
seconds to reprogram the taxi, and you have to make sure that nast simulant
isn't in the way, otherwise it will shoot at you and the taxi causing the 
cab to explode. So make sure it's out of the way.

Once the cab has been reprogrammed, let a few seconds go by and the cab will
automatically leave for it's destination. After about a minute you will hear
an explosion, and all the guards will come running to see what happened.
Objective #3 complete.

Okay, no matter what you have to do this on all difficulties, only here
it is a requirement. Okay, head over to where you see that Limo, go down
the right path from it and up the stairway.

Kill any guards that get in your way. The way to prepare your escape route
is to put a mine on a concrete wall (which on the other side is the
inside of the G5 building) and then in your next mission you will be 
able to escape by detonating it.

So, at the top of the stairway, take out your mine by pressing start, going
to the inventory screen, and selecting the mine. Then throw it on the wall
using "Z" to finish your 4th objective.

Okay, now before you doing anything, you will need to do one simple thing
that is necessary in a later level. Go over to where you see that limo car,
pass it and go to the end, turn right and you will find some stairs, climb
them to the top and place a remote mine on it. Now you can continue to gain
entrance to the G5 Building.

From where the taxi used to be, go striaght and continue to the end and then
turn RIGHT, in the distance you should see the blown up taxi. There will be
a few guards, but nothing a few bullets can't cure. Shoot them all. Now
turn left and you will see an open door. This is the entrance to the GS
building and as you can see the guard that was blocking it before is now
gone, allowing you to complete your final objective.

G5 Building - Reconnaissancce
Objectives: 1.) Deactivate laser grid system
            2.) Disable damping field generator
            3.) Holograph meeting conspirators
            4.) Retrieve Dr. Caroll backup from safe
            5.) Exit G5 building

Okay, after the opening cinema you will be left with two guards who are
invisible. You cannot harm them when they are invisible, but they can 
harm you, so be careful, after a few steps they will become visible for
a short time allowing you to pick them off. One of them holds a key card,
collect it.

Use the keycard you took from the guard in the beginning of the level, Go 
through the door straight in front of you, go through and turn left, you will 
see a guard in the distance, kill him before he sees you. Then continue going 
straight, at the end of the hallway you will find a switch, this turns on or off 
the lights in the room to your left. Leave them on, and go through the door to the 
left of the switch.

The lights will turn off when you go through the class doors and you will 
be confronted with some invisible guards, as they appear, kill them. One of 
them contains a key card. Now it's time to use the CamSpy again. Still in
the same room, go behind one of the dumpsters and take out the CamSpy by
pressing start, moving over to inventory and selection CamSpy, now take
the CamSpy into the two glass doors, go through the door here, and go
up the stairway.

At the top, go through the door, turn right and go down the hallway, you
will see 2 guards. Kill them both, then turn right to find an alarm, wait
for another guard to walk in and kill him before he hits the alarm. In
this room you will see 4 activation switches. 

Press "B" next to each one and once all 4 have been deactivated, the
laser grid system will shut down and you will have completed the first

Okay, now head over next to the alarm where you will find a bunch of
guards. You have to carefully pick them all off without shooting the
computer or you will fail this objective. Once they are all gone,
go up to one of the computers and press "B."

This will disable the damping field generator and you will have 
completed the 2nd objective.

From the beginning of the level using the keycard you took from the guard
in the beginning of the level, Go through the door straight in front of you,
go through and turn left, you will see a guard in the distance, kill him
before he sees you. Then continue going straight, at the end of the hallway
you will find a switch, this turns on or off the lights in the room to your
left. Leave them on, and go through the door to the left of the switch.

The lights will turn off when you go through the class doors and you will 
be confronted with some invisible guards, as they appear, kill them. One of 
them contains a key card. Now it's time to use the CamSpy again. Still in
the same room, go behind one of the dumpsters and take out the CamSpy by
pressing start, moving over to inventory and selection CamSpy, now take
the CamSpy into the two glass doors, go through the door here, and go
up the stairway.

At the top you will find another door, go in it and immediately rush up
the stairway, you will notice a little path which leads around the building
take the CamSpy along this path until you reach the end where you will
find the Holograph Meeting Conspirators. Objective #3 complete.

This is a rather simple task. Once you've completed Objective one, put
away the CamSpy, now go through the glass doors and up the stairs back
to the path you travelled on as the CamSpy, Crouch down to fit, and once
you reach the end where you can't go any further, drop down onto the ground.

Turn backward and turn RIGHT into the first hallway you come to. Go 
through the door here. You will find a few sets of stairs. Climb them up
to the top and go through the door. Remember to kill any guards who get
in your way, because there is no longer a possible danger for you to fail
Objective one.

If a guard turns on the alarm, quickly turn it off so you don't get bombarded
with guards. Once you go through the door, turn right and go straight, you
will see another door on your right, this leads to the SAFE room. Go inside
and make sure the coast is clear outside.

Once there are no guards in sight, take out the Decoder and place it on
the little switch on the wall. The decoder will take 50 seconds to decode
the safe lock, and during these 50 seconds the alarm sounds notifying all
guards to come up to the safe room. Kill them as they come to the door, and
wait out the 50 seconds.

Once the 50 seconds are over, the safe door will slowly open. Go inside and
you will find the backup of Dr. Caroll lying on the shelf to the right. Grab
it and you will have completed objective #4.

Now, from the safe, go to your left and down the long corridor, at the end
go through the door on the left, you will find some stairs that lead up
to the 3rd floor. Climb them. At the top you will be taken to the back side
of the door you placed the remote mine on.

Take out your detonator by pressing Start and going to the inventory screen,
select remote mines. You should be holding the detonator, take cover somewhere
and press "Z" to blow up the door and exit the G5 Building. Objective #5

M I S S I O N   4

Area 51 - Infiltration
Objectives: 1.) Shut down air interceptor radar
            2.) Plant comms device on antenna
            3.) Disable all robot interceptors
            4.) Gain access to hangar lift
            5.) Make contact with CI Spy

Once the opening cinema has finished you are left outside. Okay, if you look
straight ahead you will spot 2-3 guards nearby. Shoot all 3 of them, but be
careful because there are automatic machine guns around this area. One being
on the RIGHT side of where you shot the guards. Now, turn around backwards from
where you first began the level, and walk in that direction.

Turn left and you will spot a guard in the distance, he won't notice you yet
so pick him off using the Zoom feature on your weapon. Now right next to this
guard you just shot is another automatic machine gun, which isn't firing yet
because it hasn't spotted you. You can either: a.) pick it off from a distance
or b.) run up and very quickly shoot the gun about 6 times to blow it up. The
second method is useful later in the game, but I suggest picking this one off
at a distance.

Once you get rid of it, turn right from where it was. Don't go out into the
open just yet, though. There is another automatic machine gun on the left side.
The quickest, and safest way to get rid of this one is to just run out and 
shoot about 6 bullets as fast as you can into the gun before it has time to 
fire at you, I found this sucessful.

Once that gun is gone, continue on. You will come to a large tower with a main
gate on the left of it. In the distance you will find a long walkway, but don't
go down there just yet. Stay at a distance from the tower and use your Zoom 
feature to pick off the snipers inside the tower. Once you see no more movement 
going on, climb up the ladder of the tower to get inside.

Once inside, collect the dead guards' ammo and then look at the back wall 
inside the tower. You will see an activation switch, hit it to open the main
gate and then quickly jump down the ladder and go into the main area before the
gate closes again. You must be quick in here because there are automatic 
ceiling machine guns attached to the walls. 2 on the right side and one on the 
left. Aim and blow them all up.

Once the guns have been taken care of, kill all the loose guards wondering 
about. You will now notice a man standing next to a hover bike near the center 
of the main area. Just shoot him, and collect his lift key card which will allow 
you to access the lift later on when needed. Once you've taken care of ALL enemies
in this main area, it's time to blow up some stuff.

Head to the left side (near the gates) of the main area (where the one machine 
gun was) and you will find a little ladder leading underground, follow this ladder.
Once underground you will find a door in front of you, go inside to find the 
radar panel. It's the little computer screen, and if you press "B" near it, you 
will get a "Acess Denied" message.

Now, take out your explosives by pressing Start, moving over to the inventory
section, and selecting "Explosives" with the A button. Place the explosives on
this little computer or "panel" by pressing the "Z" button. Upon doing so, a
countdown will begin and all guards will be notified of what you are doing.

Leave this room out into the outer perimeter and shoot all guards that come 
down ladder. Make sure you are out of the panel room as the bomb detonates. 
Once the guards are gone, climb the ladder and listen to the sweet sound of a radar 
being shut down via explosion. Objective #1 complete.

Go back to where you first were in the tunnel (where the Rocket Launcher was).
Go through the tunnel to the other side. Turn left and you will find a rock
with the antenna placed on top. On the backside of the rock you will find a
button, press it using the "B" button. 

By pressing this button it makes the rock lower down so you can reach the
antenna. Once it's lowered, take out your "Comms Rider" by pressing Start,
going to the inventory and pressing "A" next to the Comms Rider. Throw the
Rider onto the antenna using "Z" to complete the 2nd objective.

There was an interceptor you should have come to in Objective #1 which
should have been destroyed, so if you didn't destroy it go back to Objective
#1 and destroy it. Once it is gone the rest is easy.

Shoot the cars on the RIGHT side where you see some rock, by shooting them
all you will have destroyed all of the robot interceptors and have completed
the 3rd objective.

This task is very simple, nothing compared to the last objective. Once the 
radar has been shut down, and you have climbed up the ladder, go straight near 
the 2 gates. Behind these gates is a huge lift or "elevator" leading to the hangar.
However, they are locked. So how do you get in?

See that little computer screen on the wall? This is the access panel to the
lift. You must have the lift key card, which you should have gotten, or will
get from the man standing next to the hover bike. Use the card and press "B"
near the computer screen and the doors to the lift shall unlock allowing you to
enter. Go inside and kill the two guards you find in there.

The doors will close and the lift shall descend. Once the doors reopen, all you
have to do is step out of the lift and into the hangar and the 4th objective
here will be complete.

Now, your final goal is to meet up with a spy who is dressed as a guard 
somewhere inside the hangar. First, once you step off the lift, kill ALL 
guards you see on the ground and wait for the rest of them to come from upstairs, 
once there is no sight of any oncoming guards, make your way to the back of the 
hangar. Here you will find a ramp leading to an elevator.

Take the elevator down one story and you will be approached by 2 guards, kill 
them both and follow the walkway. You will find another ramp at the end of the 
walkway, go down the ramp and kill the 3 guards hiding behind boxes. There is a 
door just under the ramp, go through it and meet with the CI Spy to finish the last 
objective for this level.

Area 51 - Rescue
Objectives: 1.) Locate conspiracy evidence
            2.) Destroy Computer Records
            3.) Obtain and use lab technician disguise
            4.) Gain access to autopsy lab
            5.) Rescue the crash Survivor

[You should do the 2nd objective before this one, it's easier in that
From where you blew up the wall, turn left and go through the big, metal
door at the end of the hallway. In here, you will find a smaller door
on the right wall, go in here.

In here you will find a guard, a scientist and a room in the back. Kill
both the scientist and guard and head to the back and go into the room.
You will find a red switch in here, press it and equip your X-Ray glasses,
by pressing Start, going to your inventory and selecting the glasses
with "A." 

Turn around and look into the container, after a few seconds you will
have completed the 1st objective. 

[This should be done after Objective #3...]
Okay, turn RIGHT from where you blew up the wall until you reach some
silver doors on the left and right sides of you. Go into the door on
the left where you will find a guard, kill him and take out the Data
Uplink by pressing Start, moving to your inventory and selecting the
Uplink with "A."

Now head over to the computer and use the Data Uplink on it by pressing
"Z." It will download a virus causing a gun across the hall to shut
down. Now leave this area and go across the hall into the other metal
door. Okay, now in here kill the guards (via punches because you are
still dressed up in disguise) then take out the Uplink once again.

Download another virus from this computer and it will cause the main
doors up ahead to malfunction. Leave this room and head back up to
where you blew up the wall, pass it and go straight through the first
big door.

Now on the right wall, go through the small door and kill the guards
and scientists in here. Go up to the computer and shoot it multiple
times to destroy the computer records and complete the 2nd objective.

Alright, after the cinema, head straight and take a right. You will see a bunch
of guards in the main storage room. Kill them all, then walk into the room. 
Search around and kill all the guards. It is necessary for you to kill all the 
guards in this whole beginning area because you will be carrying a box and you 
cannot have guards firing at you for fear that they may hit and explode the box in 
your face which would ruin the mission.

Once all the guards have been cleared from the ground floor. Hop into the 
elevator (and kill any oncoming guards) and ride up to the next floor. Here, 
get off the elevator and shoot the guard far in the distance to the right. 
Next turn left and kill any remaining guards here. Go through the large door 
and turn left to find the next elevator.

Get inside and take the elevator to the top floor of this area. Kill the few
remaining guards up here and then start travelling back down. As you reuturn 
back down to the ground floor, pick off any missed guards. There cannot be one 
living guard in this area.

Once all guards are gone, backtrack to the beginning of the level where the 
floating box is located. Go in front of the floating box and press "B" to hold
on to it. Carry the box back up the elevators all the way up to the top floor
again. Once here, go to the end of the walkway and you will notice a little "X"
scratched into the side of a white strip on the wall.

Put the box down in front of this "X" by pressing B. Now, back up a few steps
and fire at the box a few times. This causes the box to explode and opens up
a new pathway to the lab area. Once here, go straight forward past the dead
guard on the floor (who was killed from the explosion, notice his toasty 
complexion ^_^) and you will find the Lab Clothing lying on the floor. 

Collect the clothing, and quickly put them on by pressing START, going to the
inventory screen and selecting "Lab Clothing" with the A button. This will
put on the clothing, and complete Objective #3, remember to put away your
weapons too.

Okay, for this you MUST be wearing the lab clothing otherwise the guard
won't let you through the door. From where you blew the hole in the wall,
turn LEFT and go through the first door. In this room, look on the right
wall to find another door, open it.

Once inside you will have to go through a set of two more doors and then
you will find a door with a little slit in the middle, it is locked but
if you are unarmed and dressed in the lab clothes, the guard will say:
"It's about time you got here" and he will open the door. Go through the
room all the way to the back still in the clothes, open the back door
(at the end of the room) and you will gain access into the autopsy lab.

This completes your 3rd objective. You can now take out your gun (which
will automatically take off the lab clothing) and shoot all guards in
the room. Many more guards will come, just shoot them as you come to them.

This is a crucial part in the game, you must be alert because the place is
swarming with guards. First, leave the autopsy room, and turn RIGHT. Go
through the large door and you will find another small door on the right
wall. Before, this door was locked. But now that you have the 2nd Level
Key Card, you can enter it.

On the other side is a room with 3 guards, kill them (2 hiding behind posts,
and one out in the open). Once they are gone, go straight and into the next
room. This is the most important room in the Area 51 area. Why? Because it
has the Alien (Crash Survivor in the back). If you aren't quick, the surgeons
will kill the Alien and the objective will fail.

Right when you go into this room, head to the back RIGHT corner near the
back door. Kill this guard first, he holds the key card which you use to get
into the operating room. Once you get this key, don't bother to shoot the
other guards in the room, but instead head straight into the back door which
leads into the operating room. Go through one more door.

Once you enter this room, the objective will be complete. You will see the
cinema of Joanna telling the surgeons to get back and don't make a move. This
completes the 5th and final objective.

Area 51 - Escape
Objectives: 1.) Rendezvous with CI Spy
            2.) Locate Alien tech medpack
            3.) Locate secret hangar
            4.) Revive Mainan bodyguard
            5.) Escape from Area 51

The opening cinema shows Joanna taking the Alien body out of the operating
room, and the 2 surgeons going nuts. As Joanna is leaving, they turn on some
poison gas by mistake and kill themselves, you are then left pushing the
alien around trying to escape from Area 51.

Okay, first leave this room, Johnathan will talk to you telling you that
there is a secure place where you can store the alien for now. Go back to 
the main room and find the brown door, it will open automatically, and you
will drop the alien off here.

Now go back to one of the hatch rooms where there are several switches
to lower or raise the cryogenic freezing tubes. There are two of these
rooms, one of them has another door in it. Go in this one and go through
the door that used to be locked. Shoot the guards inside here then go
through the door on the left wall.

You will meet Johnathan here (CI Spy) and your first objective will
be complete. The secret hangar is very easy to locate as you are about
to find out. Johnathan says that it's time to get back to our friend
meaning the alien.

Okay, in order to get the tech medpack, you will have to go past an
area which is blocked off by glass casing. Push the dumpster nearby
next to the glass and shoot the dumpster until it explodes causing
the glass to shater allowing you to pass.

On the other side of the broken glass you will find an activation
switch, activate it. Turn around killing the guard that comes after
you and go into the first door on the right wall. In here you will
find the Alien tech medpack, take it to complete the 2nd objective.

Once you find Johnathan, you will both leave that room and go across
the room next to a wall. Johnathan will stare and think for a while,
then he will place some explosives near the wall.

After a few seconds, the wall will explode revealing the secret hangar
and your 3rd objective will be complete.

Okay, go straight and kill the guard. Turn left and go down the ramp
down to where Elvis' space ship is located. Turn left and the bottom
of the ramp to find the hover bike.

Here you will also find a brown door, go inside to find the Mainan
bodyguard. Take out the Alien MedPack by pressing Start, going to your
inventory and selecting the Alien MedPack with "A." Use it on the Mainan
bodyguard and wait a few seconds to compelte the 4th objective.

There is only one way to escape from Area 51 and that is via the Space
Shuttle, but first you must take the Alien with you. This secret hangar
has a brown door in it, which leads to the secure room you placed the
Alien in earlier. Open it and you will view a cinema of the Alien.

He will tell you that his name is Elvis and that he is surprised he's
alive. After the cinema, go down the ramp near where Johnathan blew the
wall open, down here you will find the Space Ship, but the hangar door
is closed.

There is another problem also, the Space Ship can only carry two people.
So after deciding, Joanna and Elvis take the ship and Johnathan decides
to open the hangar doors and escape on the Hover bike. As Johnathan goes
to open the hangar doors, you must watch his back.

Follow him up the ramp and shoot the guards that are standing in the doorway.
Once you get the message saying the hangar doors have been opened, run
back down the ramp and run out the hangar door, you will then view a
closing cinema of the ship escaping. Objective and Mission Complete.

M I S S I O N   5 
Air Base - Espionage
Objectives: 1.) Obtain disguise and enter base
            2.) Check in Equipment
            3.) Subvert security monitoring system
            4.) Obtain Flight plans from safe
            5.) Board Air Force One

In order to enter the base, you must be in disguise. There is a stuardess
coming off of the cable car and she has her uniform in her bag. Your job
is to get it without harming her or any other civilians. Okay, first walk
down and kill the guard with an arrow.

Now turn left into a cave like area. You will find 2-3 guards at the end
and the stuardess yelling: "Ah! It's an intruder!" First pick off the
guards, now head back so that you are in front of the stuardess. Using
the AIM feature on your crossbow, shoot the bag out of her hand.

By doing so, she will fall to the ground, but she didn't die. Pick
up her bag to collect the uniform. Now, put on the uniform by pressing Start,
going to your inventory and selecting the Uniform. You will put it on, but
it does no good if you have a weapon out.

Once you put it on, put your weapon away so you are unarmed, then go straight
and turn left out of the cave like area. You will see some proximity mines
on the ground, pick them up. Now backtrack out of the cave like area back
to where you first started the mission.

Go through the double doors and you will see guards and a receptionist, don't
panic. They will warmly greet you because remember you look like a stuardess.
See that door behind the guards? Go through it and enter the base to complete
Objective #1.

Okay, now that you are inside the base, go through the passageway and
out the door. You will see some guards and escalators. The guards will
be friendly to you (because they think you're a stuartist). Go down the
escalator and turn right at the bottom.

You will see a small conveyer belt with luggage on it, this is all you
have to do to complete the 2nd objective.

Now, just because you are in disguise, doesn't mean the security system can't
detect that you are carrying weapons. So what you must do is shut down the
security monitoring system. From where you entered the base, go down the 
escalator on the LEFT the one that is going in the up direction.

Turn right at the foot of the elevator and turn into the room with several 
blocks. Make 2 rights and you will find a flight of stairs. Climb to the top
and you will come to a room with a computer and 2 guards. Walk up to the 
computer and turn of the security monitoring system.

The guards will begin firing at you, but you can take out your gun now because
you've completed the 3rd objective. Keep in mind that all guards know who you
are now because you blew your cover when turning off the security system. Just
keep your weapon out and blow away all guards.

Okay, back where you see the purple strip on the floor, Head into a nearby
office. In here you will find a proximity mine attached to a door. Shoot it
from a distance to blow the door off and go into the room. Hit the activation
switch to open the safe.

Inside the safe, you will find the flight plans. Collect them to complete
the 4th objective.

Okay, now you have to board the Air Force One. Go back to where the several
blocks where except this time turn LEFT where you see a door. Open it, it's
an elevator that descends in a diagnol direction, it will travel down to the
bottom where there is antoher door.

Get off the elevator and go through the door. You are now confronted with
lasers in the shape of triangles. Kill all the guards here, ther are a bunch.
Now go to the end where you will find a ramp, head up the ramp and go into
the elevator. It will go up one story.

Get off here and shoot the 3 guards waiting outside of the elevator, then
turn right from exiting the elevator and you will find the Air Force One,
pretty isn't she? Open the doors and step inside to complete the final

Air Force One - Antiterrorism
Objectives: 1.) Locate and retrieve equipment
            2.) Locate President
            3.) Get President to escape capsule
            4.) Detach UFO from Air Force One
            5.) Secure Air Force One flight path

Now, go inside of the door you are standing in front of, then stay on the 
left side of the room and continue to go straight.

Go through 2 doors, then you will see a Red Grate on the floor in the
next room on the left side. Press "B" to open it and hop down. Continue
and go through all doors until you come to the kitchen, make sure no other
stuardess is around, then continue going through the doors.

Pass the hover bike, and go into the next room where you will find a guard,
knock him out and steal his key card. Then hit the red switch on the wall
where you knocked out the guard. This raises the cargo hold. Now go back
into the previous room where the hover bike is.

You can now press the red button in between the 2 doors because you have
the key card. Press it. Objective #1 Complete.

You are left dressed as a stuardess. Now, go inside of the door you are 
standing in front of, then stay on the left side of the room and continue 
to go straight.

Go through 2 doors, then you will see a Red Grate on the floor in the
next room on the left side. Press "B" to open it and hop down. Continue
and go through all doors until you come to the kitchen, make sure no other
stuardess is around, then continue going through the doors.

Pass the hover bike, and go into the next room where you will find a guard,
knock him out and steal his key card. Then hit the red switch on the wall
where you knocked out the guard. This raises the cargo hold. Now go back
into the previous room where the hover bike is.

You can now press the red button in between the 2 doors because you have
the key card. Press it. Then go back into the kitchen and press the activation
switch in the middle of the room, this will make an elevator appear. Crouch
down and climb inside and let it take you up.

Once you exit you are taken to where you first began the level. Go through
the door in front of you and you will find a set of stairs, climb them. You
will be notified that this is the floor that the president is on. From the top 
of the stairs, turn RIGHT and go through the door behind the guard. This is
the president's room.

Joanna will tell him what Trent is planning to do, but he isn't convinced,
so she let's him hear a recordered coversation of what Trent is going to do,
and he eventually goes with her. Objective #1 complete.

Now comes the tough part. There are guards everywhere and your job is to
make sure they don't kill the president, so you are basically the president's
"bodyguard" now. Go down the stairs and through the door into the interior
of Air Force One (where you first started). Go all the way back to where
the red grate was earlier.

When you approach the red grate you will notice Trent and the conspirators,
you will have to take care of them before going to the red grate. Once they
are gone, open the greate and head to the silver door that contains the

This is the escape capsule, once you go inside, the 2nd objective will
be complete and now all you have to do is detach that UFO from the Air 
Force One.

Now, your 4th objective here is to detach that UFO from the side of the
Air Force One. How to do it? Blow it off of course! Leave the Escape
capsule, with the president in it, and go back up through the red grate
and back to where you first started the level.

You will see a long passageway, this is the cord that is keeping the
UFO attached to the Air Force One. Run near the end and throw a timed
mine on the end by pressing start, going to your inventory and selecting
timed mines. Onceyou throw it on there, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE as fast as you
can and make sure you get out of the cord in time.

It will explode and detach from the Air Force One and you will complete
the 4th objective. 

Okay, head back up the stairway and at the top, turn right. Go down the
path, killing any guards that get in your way. You will come to the front
of the plane where you will find a red button, press it and you will have
completed the last objective.

Crash Site - Confrontation
Objectives: 1.) Retrieve Presidential Medical Scanner
            2.) Shut down enemy jamming device
            3.) Activate distress beacon
            4.) Retire Presidential clone
            5.) Locate and rescue president

[Do Objective #2 first.]
Head RIGHT from where you killed the 2 guards, and go over to where the
crashed plane is. To the ride side of the plane you will find a suitcase
lying in the snow. Collect it to complete your 1st objective, and then
head back to where the capsule was.

From the beginning of the level, turn left and go down the path until
you come to some tunnels. You will soon come to the enemy ship. There
are some guards around the ship, so pick them off first. Okay, to
shut down the jamming device you will have to destroy the ship.

Place some mines on the ship to partially destroy it then shoot at it
with the K7 avenger to finish it off and complete the 2nd objective of
this level.

This is a very simple objective in which you will have to complete. From the
start, stay along the right wall and continue straight. You will come to 2
guards, pick them both off at a distance, then collect their weapons. Now
look over to the far left side.

You will notice the escape pod. On one side of it you will see a little red
button, press "B" to press it and you will activate the distress beacon, 
objective #3 complete.

Okay, once you activate the distress beacon on the escape capsule, turn back
around in the direction you just came, but stay up against the right wall.
Follow this wall all the way until you reach a cave. It is dark in this
cave, so you'll need to put your Night Vision Glasses on.

Once in here, continue to stay against the right wall, kill all guards that
you encounter. Soon, you will reach a hole in the right wall, it leads to
a path going upward. Go into this hole and follow the narrow path all the
way up to the top.

Once here, you will find several guards near some funny looking palm trees.
Kill off the guards and you will soon find the Fake President. Shoot and
kill him to finish this objective. Now it's time to find Trent and the
real president.

Okay, from where you killed the fake president, go back down the long,
narrow path you came up on. Make your way out of the hole in the wall
and back to the front end of the cave. Leave your Night Vision goggles

Now from the very front of the cave (where it gets dark), go to the left
path and stay up against the left wall this time instead of the right.
Kill any guards you encounter, once again you will soon come to another
hole in the left wall, which leads to antoher path leading upward.

Go through the hole and up the path. It should become daylight once again
here, so take off your Night Vision glasses. Now, continue up the path
and you will soon encounter some shooting simuulants, and these can be
killed. Shoot at all the simulants firing at you a few times and they
will blow up.

Once all of the simulants are taken care of, look to your right, you will
see Trent and the real president. Shoot trent a few times and he will
run away like the coward he really is. Now you are left with the president,
which is only one half of this objective. Now you have to rescue him.

Whatever you do, do not go back into the cave area or the president
will die and you will fail the mission. Instead, look around a bit until
you find some sunlight. From here you are led into an open field. You must
once again protect the president from being killed by fending off any
guards around the area.

The president will soon run into the middle of the field where you will
find Elvis and his ship waiting to rescue you. Final objective and last
objective of this mission complete.

M I S S I O N   6

Pelagic II - Exploration
Objectives: 1.) Disable primary power source
            2.) Deactivate GPS and autopilot
            3.) Secure laboratories and research data
            4.) Activate Moon Pool Lift
            5.) Rendezvous and escape with Elvis

Okay, once you start, open the first door you come to and kill the guard right
next to it. Make sure you try and kill all guards near the alarm switches FIRST
otherwise they will trigger the alarm and you'll have a swarm of guards on you.
Continue and go through the next few doors, then go through the door on the
left wall, it leads into a room with a big circular generator in it.

Before fully entering the room, slightly enter it and turn left to see a 
security camera. Shoot it once to get rid of it, then kill any guards in here. 
Now go down stairs to find the bottom half of the generator, there is another 
camera, so take it out at the foot of the stairwell before proceeding down here.

Kill any remaining guards down here, then go back upstairs when there are
no more guards in sight. Take out your X-Ray Scanner by pressing Start, going
into the inventory menu and selecting the X-Ray scanner. Now look at the top
half of the generator. 

You will see green switches on top, there are a few red switches, which are
bad, they reset the green ones. What you need to do is go around the generator
and turn all the green switches to black by pressing "B" next to them. If you
hit a red switch, all the current black switches will return to green, so
don't hit the red ones.

Once all of the green switches have been switches to black, take off the
X-Ray Scanner. Now head down the stairs again. See that long thing sticking
out of the bottom half of the generator? Inside of it is a switch, press "B"
when you go near it to disable the primary power source and complete Objective
number 1.

Okay, once objective 1 is complete, head back up the stairs and out the door
you came in. Turn left and go through the next door. Kill any loose guards
wondering about in here. Then go up the stairs which are on the left wall.
Once at the top, go straight and up antoher set of stairs, then kill the 2
guards at the top.

Go straight through the next door and into the room where the 3 scientists
are working. Joanna will order them to shut down the GPS and autopilot. Two
of the scientists are cooperative, but the 3rd one turns on his co-workers
and tries to shoot them while saying: "Trader!" Shoot this scientist before
he does any harm to the other 2.

Once the scientists have shut down the GPS and autopilot you will have 
completed this objective. However, put away your weapon so you are unarmed 
and knock out the 2 scientists so they won't tell anyone what you did.

(Thanks to Nemesis...)
Leave the room, and go left and down the hall. Go left when you reach the
first set of stairs, then head into the very first door to your left, then
blow up the security camera on the right. Go down the hall and into the
very first door to your left. Make sure you put away your guns before going
inside though.

Punch the scientists in here unconcious before they can get away. Grab the
disks that they drop, then go into the door across from this room. Knock
out the next scientist, take his disk, then you will complete this objective.
Now go back to the room where you shut down the primary power source.

Head down the stairs, and go through the door you find on the left wall. 
Now, head right and  follow the long hallways until you reach the room 
that has water in it. Now head left and press "B" on the activation switch
which will unlock the large door nearby. 

Go through the door you just unlocked and head down the ramp. Press "B" on
the activation switch at the bottom and you will have completed the 3rd

Now, this is the toughest part of this level. First, finding Elvis is a
piece of cake, but once you find him you will have to follow him, which is
very tough because there are TONS of guards that get in the way. First, go
back down the sets of stairs and go through the doors until you finally
meet up with Elvis.

You will hear him say: "Finally, what took you so long? Follow me." and he
then disappears. Kill the guards in this door first then go through the next.
It's all like one big make. You must continue going through door after door
after door and killing all guards in each room until you reach the end.

You may die a few times while trying to reach the end because of the great
number of guards, but I've found 2 tips which will make the task easier.
First, stay behind closed doors. Shoot through the windows at guards that 
way you can kill them, and they can't shoot you behind a closed door. Try
and shoot as many guards as possible through the windows of doors.

Then, once you enter the door, shoot boxes that have guards behind them.
This will cause the boxes to explode and harm/kill the guard behind it,
and makes your job of killing them easier. If you have to take time to
reload your gun, move out of the range of enemy fire.

Once you finally reach the end, go through the door on the left wall and
you will be taken into the big watery area and complete the final objective.
You will see Elvis climb down the ladder into the submarine, and it's time
for a Deep Sea adventure!

Deep Sea - Nulify Threat
Objectives: 1.) Reactivate teleportals
            2.) Disable Cetan megaweapon
            3.) Secure Control Room
            4.) Escape from Cetan ship

The generator here is rather tough to find, but once it's found, leave it
all up to Elvis and he'll turn reactivate those teleportals in no time. Elvis
will be following along with you this time. Go straight through the first
door, and then put on your RI Scanner by pressing Start, going to the inventory
and selecting the RI Scanner with "A."

Go through the next room so you can see the invisible guards (using
the IR Scanner). Shoot them, and Elvis will help too. Once they're gone,
go through the only door left on the right in this room. Go straight 
through the door after that, shoot the 4 invisible guards and then take
off the IR Scanner.

Turn right down the long corridor and shoot all normal guards as you come to
them. Now at the end of this hallway you will see a door straight ahead, and
you will see an underground path to the left. Go down into the underground
path. Now this is the tough part.

This underground path is like a maze. Continue going through each new opening
you can find and you will eventually fall upon the room which has the generator
in it. First kill of the guards in here, and then Elvis will climb up to
the generator and Recativate the teleportals which will complete the first

Okay, from the room with the generator, head back through the "maze" of
pathways until you emerge where you came in. Now turn left and go through
the big door. You will see an open space in front of you and you will have
the option of going left or right.

If you go left, all you will find is a shield, so go right. Once here, go
to the end of the pathway to find a teleportal, which is a jello looking
type of thing on the wall and the end of the pathway, go through this by
running into it and you will be teleported to the other side.

Now, go through this area with pipes hanging from the roof all the way to
the end where you will find a big door. Go through it to find 2 more doors,
one in front of you and one to the right of you. Go through the one on the
right to find the megaweapon.

Elvis tends to travel rather slowly, so you'll need to wait for him to
catch up so he can disable the megaweapon, once he catches up, go into
the right door into where the megaweapon is. Elvis will automatically go
up and disable it and you will have completed the 2nd objective.

Okay, turn right and go through this door, you will come to another jello
like teleportal, go through it. You will come to a door in front of you
with a couple of guards. Kill the guards with Elvis' FarSight, go through
the door and you will have completed the 3rd objective.

Another rather easy task. Leave the megaweapon room, and then go through
the door on your right (previously the door straight ahead of you). Follow
the pathway (with pipes on the ceiling) until the end, where you will find
another jello like teleportal, walk through it and go through the door
right in front of you.

You will now see Dr. Caroll, you will view a FMV and Dr. Caroll will explain
that you only have 60 seconds to exit the Cetan ship before it blows. Elvis
will lead the path, but he's far too slow, plus you already will know the
way. Basically you will be going out the same way you came in.

From where you saw the FMV of Dr. Carrol, go through the door on your right,
then follow the path down and turn left when you see the opening. Now go
down this path (same path you came in) and kill the remaining guards if you
have time. Then go to the end of the path where you will find the large, blue
door you entered with. 

Go through this door, and you will automatically exit the Cetan Ship, and
complete the 4th and final objective of Mission 6. 

M I S S I O N   7

Carrington Institute - Defense
Objectives: 1.) Reactivate Automatic defenses
            2.) Release hostages
            3.) Destroy sensitive information
            4.) Retrieve experimental weapon
            5.) Deactivate bomb

You will view a FMV here showing the Skedar monster and Joanna taking one
of the guards' guns. From the beginning, go straight and look ahead to find
the skedar monster in the distance, kill him with a few shots. Now turn
around to find a ramp.

Head down the ramp to the bottom and turn left where you will find the
Helipad, cross it and go into the door on the right to find another helipad.
Cross it and gor through the door on the right again. Go through the door
and turn left and head right after that. 

You will find an activation switch on the wall. Press "B" on the switch
to activate it. Then turn around and go down the right path. Now go through
the 1st blue door you come to and turn left when you come to the 2nd blue
door to find the 2nd activation swtich. Press "B" to activate it.

Go back to the first switch you activated, go through the 2 doors here
and through the next, then turn left to find the last activation switch.
Press "B" to activate it and finish the 1st objective.

You will view a FMV here showing the Skedar monster and Joanna taking one
of the guards' guns. From the beginning, go straight and look ahead to find
the skedar monster in the distance, kill him with a few shots. Then turn left
to find a brown door in front of you, don't go in it, turn right instead.

You will find an elevator here, go in it. Once at the top, use a Combat Boost
by pressing Start, going to your inventory and press "A" on combat boost. Press
"Z" to take it. This will slow everything down, allowing you to kill the guards
before they kill the hostages, easier. 

From the elevator, go right and into the door you see, kill both guards, but
don't hit the hostages, this is easy because it's in slow motion. You should
now return back to normal. After collecting the dead guards' guns, leave this
room and turn left and go into the room right next door.

Here you will find 2 more guards holding hostages, shoot them quickly before
they do any harm to the hostages. The hostages will thank you and leave the
room. Now go back to the elevator you came up in, there will be guards in it
along with the hostages you freed. Carefully kill the guards and at the bottom
you will find another guard, kill him.

From the elevator, go right, continue until you find 2 brown doors, go inside
and turn left, (this is the shooting range room). Kill the guards in here 
before they do any harm to hostages. Now, leave this room and go back to the 
elevator. From here go left and into more brown doors, kill the guards in here 
to free the remaining hostages and you will have complete objective #2.

Now head back to the elevator and ride it up to the top floor. Now go
down the hallway and on the left wall you will find a door. Go through it.
Equip your laser and in this room go to the back wall where you will find
a metal plate.

Fire your laser at it and it will soon discintegrate and reveal the sensitive
information. Shoot the information with your laser as well to destory it
and complete the 3rd objective.

This has got to be the simplest task in the game. Still in the same room, kill
off any remaining or oncoming guards. Now, go over to the computer and press
"B" to break the case holding the experimental weapon. Now go over to the
case which carries the experimental weapon.

Press "B" to take the weapon and complete the 3rd objective, now kill any
oncoming guards that enter the door.

Now, head back to where you first began the level. You will find several ramps
leading downward, head down all of them until you finally reach the bottom. At
the bottom, turn left onto the helipad, run up to the helicopter and take out
the Data Uplink by pressing Start, going to the inventory and selecting Data
Uplink with "A." Use it near the helicopter.

It will begin to download the virus, once the virus has been downloaded, the
bomb will be disactivated and you will have complete the 4th and final 
objective of this mission. However, you still aren't finished.

Go back out of the helipad, and go up one ramp and stay on the right wall, you
will come to a door, go through it to finish the mission and watch the closing

M I S S I O N   8

Attack Ship - Covert Assault
Objectives: 1.) Disable shield system
            2.) Access navigational systems
            3.) Open Hangar Doors
            4.) Sabotage Engine Systems
            5.) Gain control of bridge

Okay, you start off with just a knife and your bare hands. Leave the room you
are in, and then switch your knife to it's secondary function, which is a 
poisonous throwing knife. Throw it at one of the aliens and take it's gun, the

Now kill the other alien, and collect it's weapon. Go back to the front of this
room to find 3 parts of the shield system. Shoot all three of them, one by one,
and it will disable the shield system, allowing Elvis and his "companions" can
come into the building. Objective #1 complete.

Once Objective #1 is done, go to the back of this room where you will find an
elevator leading down. Take the elevator down, and you will meet up with Elvis,
he will give you an AR34. He will then say that he'll take one lift and you 
take the other.

Go up and you will see 2 elevators, go into the one that is open and take it
up a few levels. Now, go through the first door you see and kill the 2 monsters
in here. Turn LEFT and go through that door, then go through the right door in
this room. Kill the monster hiding in here, then go through the door at the end
of the hallway.

Now, turn right at the halfway mark of the hallway to enter the Navigation 
Systems room. Once Elvis catches up with you, he will do his work here and 
access the navigational systems to complete the 2nd objective.

Coming Soon....

Okay, after Elvis access the navigational systems, go through the right
door once you leave the room. At the end of this hallway go through the
door and kill the lone monster, then continue through the hallway until
you find a ramp on the right side leading up.

Go past it and into the room on your right. Now go through either one
of the 2 doors you find which will take you to the engine systems room.
Kill the 3 monsters in here and shoot the golden pieces on the outside
of the engine to sabotage the engine systems and complete your 3rd objective.

Alright, now leave through the door you came in through, and turn RIGHT. Go
through this door and kill the monster inside. Turn left and go up the ramp
here, follow the turning hallways until you find a path leading up on the right
wall. Go up the path.

At the top, kill the monster and turn left and go through the blue door. Kill
the 2 skedar monsters in here, then go up the ramp either on the left or right
side. At the top, go through the door and then into the elevator (next door).
Once at the top, go through the next elevator, and then shoot the 3 skedars 
inside of the bridge room.

Once those are dead, wait for Elvis to come, he will start gaining control of
the bridge and your job is to protect him. Stand by the elevator door and shoot
every monster that comes in. Elvis will soon gain control over the bridge and
you will have completed the last objective in Mission 8.

M I S S I O N   9

Skedar Ruins
Objectives: 1.) Identify temple targets
            2.) Activate bridge
            3.) Enter Inner Sanctum
            4.) Assassinate Skedar leader
            5.) Destroy secret skedar army

Okay, throughout the ruins, there are temples that you must target, these 
temples are simply little, pointy structures. In order to target them, you will
simply take out the Target Amplifier, and place it on the temple. There is one
way to figure out if a temple needs targeting or not. Put on the R-Tracker
at all times, and use your Falcon 2 (scope). If the yellow dot lines up with
the green crosshair the temple needs to be targeted.

When you start out, head straight and turn left. Kill the skedar monster here.
Then continue straight past where you killed the monster and kill the 2 skedars
in here as well. In the center of the room, you will find the first temple. 
It may need to be targeted, so target it by pressing start, moving to your 
inventory, taking out the Tartget Amplifier, and press "Z" to throw it onto
the temple, ONLY IF IT NEEDS TO BE.

Continue on straight and turn right. You will find some more monsters here,
kill them and walk along the path, killing skedar monsters as you come to them.
You will soon come to a fork in the road, deciding on left or right. First kill
the 2 skedar monsters and then go right. You will find another monster here
and another temple, target it if needed.

Now, head back to where the fork in the road  was, pass it and turn RIGHT
into an opening, kill the monster here and go down to the end, turn right
again and kill the 2 mosnters behind boxes. Now, take the right path to find
another temple, target it if needed.

(Thanks to Nemesis...)
Ok, now leave this area, run past the two dead monsters in the room before
the stairs, then go left. Run all the way until you reach an fork. Go right 
at the fork. Equip your Devastator and set it to Wall Hugger. Now look
over the edge to see a monster to your left. Shoot a grenade at the wall
behind him. After he's dead, cross the black bridge and go through the 
opening on the other side. If there is no bridge, then do this: Fall off
the edge and onto the ledge below, then turn around and kill the monster
behind you. Turn around again and go forward until the two ledges combine.
Go over to the other ledge, then make your way to the wall on the left
where you can climb up.

Run down the path, and hop down into the next area, and kill any monsters
around here. Now go straight from where you entered this area until you 
get to the second left turn, and you'll be facing a wall. Equip your IR 
Scanner and you'll see that the wall is a lighter tone of red. This means
that you can blow it up. Use grenade to blow it open, and enter the hole in
the wall and follow the tunnels. Once you drop down, go left and go through
the first door on the right. 

In this room, kill the tiny monster, then go right to see a movable stone.
Push it onto the light brown area on the ground to activate the bridge and
complete the second objective.

Now cross the newly found bridge. To do so, just leave this room, and go
right and follow the path and cross it. Go forward, equip your IR Scanner, 
then kill any monsters that come your way. Keep going forward until you get
to an area with a door to the left and a ramp going up to the right. Go up 
the ramp and through the door at the top. Stay at the doorway, and kill the
two monsters at the bottom below you. They have Rocket Launchers, so after
every few shots, run away. Once they are both killed, go across the bridge
and kill the monster guarding the door. Now go through that door and 
complete your third objective.

The Skedar Army must be defeated in the next room, and they are in suspended 
animation. Only one of them will come out of the green capsules at a time.
Kill them with either your Mauler or Callistgo guns.

After defeating the army, go through the next door. Get ready in the area 
here, because the final boss fight is in the next room.

This guy is tough. To beat him, you must first shoot at him until his shields
turn green. When this happens, shoot at the spikes behind him. After a while,
he'll come down to your level and chase you. Just run away, and if he sends
out some of his other minions, then kill them fast. After you've shot down
all of the spikes, only the center one will remain. If you are fast
enough, then you can get all the spikes down before he drops down to your
level. Use the Callisto's rapid fire function to shoot him for best results. 
Blast it with everything you've got. After enough damage is done to the large 
spike, you will have beaten the Skedar leader, completed the last 
objective of the 9th mission, and beaten the game. Congratulations!


=VIII. Combat Simulator=

There are a total of 30 challenges in the game, you can conquer them solo or 
with friends, I have listed the challenges you'll have to complete and what 
you get when you complete them below. First take a look at the legend below...
  * = Weapons
  ! = Levels
  ^ = Scenarios
  Challenge Number               Reward
  ----------------               ------
  Challenge #1 ................. Nothing
  Challenge #2 ................. Nothing
  Challenge #3 ................. Nothing
  Challenge #4 ................. Nothing
  Challenge #5 ................. !Complex!; *Farsight XR-20*
  Challenge #6 ................. ^Hold Briefcase^; *Shotgun*
  Challenge #7 ................. !Warehouse!; *Falcon 2* 
  Challenge #8 ................. ^Capture the Case^; *SuperDragon*
  Challenge #9 ................. !Ravine!; *Laptop Gun*
  Challenge #10 ................ ^Hacker Central^; !Temple!; *Remote Mine*
  Challenge #11 ................ *Tranquilizer*
  Challenge #12 ................ *Falcon 2 [Scope]*
  Challenge #13 ................ !GS Building!; *Reaper*
  Challenge #14 ................ *Cloaking Device*
  Challenge #15 ................ ^Pop a Cap^; !Grid!; *Devastator*
  Challenge #16 ................ !Felicity!; *Proximity Mine*
  Challenge #17 ................ *Slayer*
  Challenge #18 ................ !Villa!; *Phoenix*
  Challenge #19 ................ *Combat Boost*
  Challenge #20 ................ ^Car Park^; !Sewers!; *Mauler*
  Challenge #21 ................ *Callisto NTG*
  Challenge #22 ................ !Base!; *Crossbow*
  Challenge #23 ................ *RC-P120*
  Challenge #24 ................ !Fortress!; *DY357-LX*
  Challenge #25 ................ *N-Bomb*
  Challenge #26 ................ !Ruins!
  Challenge #27 ................ Nothing
  Challenge #28 ................ Nothing
  Challenge #29 ................ Nothing
  Challenge #30 ................ Nothing

Walkthroughs coming soon...


=IX. Multiplayer=
...Coming Soon...


=X. Items=
Coming Soon...


=XI. Weapons=
Major thanks to Brett "Nemesis" Franklin for Weapon Funtions.


* AR34 Machine Gun: Rapid-fire machine gun

  Secondary Function: Zoom function. Able to scope while moving


* K7 Avenger: Rapid-Fire machine gun, carries a 25 round clip

  Secondary Function: A "Threat Detector" which lets you know when
                      danger is ahead

  Description: Very powerful gun, it shoots in rounds of 1, but one shot
               from this baby, and you're dead.

  Rarity: Pretty rare. You'll only come along one of these babies every
          once in a while.


* Callisto NTG: Green laser from your alien friends

  Secondary Function: Also fires automatic shells


* CMP150: Automatic machine gun with 32 bullet clips

  Secondary Function: Auto-lock onto any four enemies

  Description: The very useful, handy, standard machine gun. Fires several
               rounds of ammo at enemies. VERY fast weapon.

  Rarity: This is a very common weapon, can be found on many guards.


* Cyclone: Automatic gun with 50 bullet clips

  Secondary Function: Able to fire off all bullets at once


* Crossbow: Shoots arrows that put guards to sleep

  Secondary Function: Lethal arrows


* DataDyne dy357 Magnum: Powerful pistol with 6 shot rounds

  Secondary Function: Pistol whip ablility

  Description: Very slow firing weapon, not good for multiple enemy attacks.
               However, the magnum is very strong, but shoots in rounds of 6.

  Rarity: Semi-Rare, you don't come along these every so often.


* Devastator: A prototype grenade launcher that shoots "orbs"

  Secondary Function: Sticky grenades that stick to walls


* Dragon: Automatic machine gun that shoots at a rate of 10 bullets a 
          and holds up to 30 bullets

  Secondary Function: Able to turn into a proximity mine

  Description: These are probably the most advanced, fast paced weapons
               in the game, and believe it or not, they are sort of common.

  Rarity: These can be found ever so often, they aren't very rare, but nor
          are they very common.


* Tranquilizer: Pistol able to cause enemies to fall unconcious

  Secondary Function: Instant kill ability


* Falcon 2: Pistol with laser-sighting and able to be equipped with
            a silencer if needed

  Secondary Function: Pistol whip ability

  Description: The standard weapon you will be using in the game. It shoots
               out in rounds of one, but very poweful and effective. However,
               not recommended for large groups of enemies.

  Rarity: Not rare at all, you will almost all of the time have this weapon.
          However, the silencer added to the gun is pretty rare.


* FarSight XR20: Able to shoot through walls with infrared sights

  Secondary Function: Able to lock onto enemies and follow them


* Golden Magnum: Able to kill in one shot

  Secondary Function: Unknown


* Grenades: Expolsives that are able to kill on contact

  Secondary Function: Turns into pinball mine, and bounces around before
                      stopping and turning into a proximity mine


* Combat Knife: Up close combat knife

  Secondary Function: Poisoned tipped knife that Joanna throws


* LapTop Gun: Automatic weapon with zoom. Disguised as a laptop

  Secondary Function: Able to latch to walls or doors, and acts as a
                      sentry gun that guards where you are


* Laser: High-powered laser on Joanna's left arm

  Secondary Function: Unknown


* N-Bomb: Bomb that causes guards to drop their weapons

  Secondary Function: Unknown


* MagSec 4: Standard pistol that carries eight-bullet rounds

  Secondary Function: Burst shots of three bullets per shot


* Mines (Timed): Explosives that detonate after 5 seconds

  Secondary Function: Unknown

  Description: As expected, when you place these bombs on a object using
               the "Z" button, after a 5 second wait, that object is no
  Rarity: Pretty rare, you don't come along these too often.


* Mines (Proximity): Explosives that detonate when someone gets near it

  Secondary Function: Unknown


* Remote Mines: Explosives that detonate when you detonate it with B button

  Secondary Function: Unknown


* Mauler: Powerful pistol that holds 20-bullet clips

  Secondary Function: Charged-shot where you charge the shot, then let Z
                      go for one huge blast


* Phoenix: Alien pistol

  Secondary Function: Fires bullets that explode on contact


* Psychosis Gun: Turns bad guys into good guys

  Secondary Function: Unknown


* RC-P120: Powerful automatic machine gun

  Secondary Function: Cloaking device


* Reaper: Extremely fast automatic, with 300 bullet rounds, and is capible
          of firing at a rate of 28 bullets per second

  Secondary Function: Turns into a chainsaw type of weapon


* Rocket Launcher: Shoots deadly rockets

  Secondary Function: Auto-lock device

  Description: This is one heck of a gun! Pretty big too, however, these are
               rare and can't fire many rockets at one time, but they surely
               get the job done.

  Rarity: Rare, you won't come along these a lot.


* Shotgun: Powerful shotgun that reloads slowly

  Secondary Function: Fires two shots at once

  Description: Another powerful, yet slow firing gun. The shotgun releases
               two shells upon firing, gets the job done efficiently, but
               fires slowly.

  Rarity: Semi-Rare, you'll find these every now and then.


* Slayer: Powerful rocket launcher that turn into jet-type rockets

  Secondary Function: Allows you to control the rocket in first-person view


* Sniper Rifle: Rifle that is used to snipe enemies. Zoom function

  Secondary Function: Allows you to crouch while firing

  Description: Very poweful weapon here. It uses the games "ZOOM" function
               which you can use over out-look's to snipe enemies. Very
               useful for some missions.

  Rarity: You should only come along this one in levels that require use of


* Super Dragon: Automatic machine gun that holds 30 bullets per clip

  Secondary Function: Turns to it's side and turns into a long grenade


* Combat Boost: Multiplayer-only weapon that slows down all the player's 
                to about one-third the normal speed

  Secondary Function: Unknown


* z2020: Unknown

  Secondary Function: Unknown


* Pinball Mines: Mines that bounce around before landing and turning into
                 proximity mines

  Secondary Function: Unknown


* Throwing Knife: Knife that Joanna throws. Used for stealth

  Secondary Function: Unknown


=XII. F.A.Q.=
Q. When was Perfect Dark released in the US?

A. Tuesday, May 23, 2000

Q. Is the game worth buying?

A. Definitely! If you liked Goldeneye, you will love this game.

Q. My game freezes, is this normal?

A. No. In fact I've only heard it happening to one person. It's either
   your game, your N64, or some of your hardware, because the game should
   not freeze.

Q. Can you send me the whole walkthrough?

A. How can I if I haven't beat the game yet?

Q. How much does the game cost?

A. $59.99 currently on May 23, 2000.

Q. When will you get some real gameplay questions here?

A. As soon as you ask them!


=XIII. Simulants=
 What is a Simulation?
 A simulation is a match you can choose from, there are 14 preset simulations
 in the Combat Simulator. Below is a description of each simulation (match.)
 These are all used in Multiplayer mode.

 Location: Skedar Arena
 Weapons: Falcon; CMP150; Cyclone; MagSec4; AR53
 Description: You have no shields equipped in this match, so you'll have
              to watch your health. The first person to score 10 points or
              after 10 minutes is over, the match ends.

 Location: Pipes
 Weapons: Dragon; AR53; Cyclone; CMP150
 Description: Your path to good shots are up on elevated platforms here.
              Try stopping on top of ladders or high platforms for good
              clear shots.

  Location: Skedar
  Weapons: Rocket Launcher; AR53; Cyclone; CMP150
  Description: Your goal is to pick off all the enemy simulants in this area.
               Try staying high up for great ambush points.

  Location: Complex Labyrinth
  Weapons: FarSight Rifle; K7 Avenger; Cyclone
  Description: Ends when somebody gets 20 points or after 10 minutes.
               Use the FarSight Rifle here.

  Location: King of the Hill
  Weapons: K7 Avenger; DY357 Magnum; AR53
  Description: Find the location of hills to get good shots. You can also
               use your radar in this match.

  Location: Area 52
  Weapons: N/A
  Description: Your mission here is to steal a briefcase while protecting
               your own. First kill the enemy and then steal his case, this
               is the most efficient way of doing it.

  Location: N/A
  Weapons: N/A
  Description: When you collect the Cloaking device you are invisible from
               enemies for a limited time. 

  Location: N/A
  Weapons: N/A
  Description: This handy Rocket Launcer is great for use when shooting around
               tight corners, it definitely gets the job done in the Skedar 

  Location: Skedar Arena
  Weapons: N/A 
  Description: You will receive 1-pt for every 30 seconds you hold on to the 
               briefcase here. Once you grab the case, run ahead of enemies 
               and pick them off when they approach behind you.

  Location: Temple
  Weapons: Devastator; SuperDragon
  Description: You only have 10 minutes to complete this one. Try and listen
               so you'll know which doors are opening.

  Location: Skedar Arena
  Weapons: Sniper Rifle
  Description: As the title suggests, this entire match is played in slow motion.
               This can be good for you because it's easier to pick off enemies
               with the sniper rifle.

  Location: Area 51; Area 52
  Weapons: Rocket Launcher; Dragon
  Description: Use your Rocket Launcher to kill off enemies fast, one shot and
               they're gone. Try and use the Dragon too.

  Location: N/A
  Weapons: Tranquilizers; CMP150; Dragon; Tranq
  Description: For each enemy you defeat, you'll receive a bunch of points. Try not
               to use the Tranq as much, but focus more on the Tranquilizers 
               and CMP150.

  The following Sims can be used as friends OR enemies, depending on how
  they are set, I've included a description for each.

  Description: One of the very low-class sims. This thing can't even find
               you, let alone shoot you. You start out defaultly havning this
               sim, although it sucks.

  Description: As the title suggests, this sim is very average. It's not 
               potentially dangerous, nor is it harmless (like the MeatSim)
               but just keep gaurd from this sim.

  Description: This will appear once Challenge #13 is completed. Very dangerous.
               If you set this as an enemy, watch out! It's very highly capable
               of finding and shooting you down.

  Description: A little smarter than the MeatSim, a little dumber than the NormalSim,
               the EasySim isn't really something to worry about as an opponent.
               If it's on your team, try it out a few times so it can learn the 

  Description: Almost the same quality as a PerfectSim, the HardSim is pretty smart
               and has a radar capable of finding you. It also can find special
               weapons to shoot you up, keep your guard up with the HardSim.

  Description: The toughest of the tough is the DarkSim. It was created by dataDyne
               and it's capable of outperforming a human. Beware!

  These are the 2nd class of Sims, coming after the Normal Sims. I've listed
  a description for each.

  Description: Well, this sim is a goody-two-shoes and wants everyone to make
               peace, so it goes through the arena collecting all the weapons.
               If you spot one, pick it off and get a bunch of goodies.

  Description: Don't shoot these guys! If you do, they will go out of there
               way to get revenge. Just let them go.

  Description: Once one of these guys picks it's target, don't try to get away.
               It will continue to follow you all throughout the match.

  Description: Quick as a....cheetah! This is the fastest moving sim in the game.
               Use automatics on it because you won't be able to lock on to such
               a fast moving target.

...More to Come...


=XV. Hints/Tips/Codes/Tricks=
Thanks to GameWinners and RedDog221 for these...

Successfully complete the Chicago: Stealth level under the 
Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty 

Successfully complete the G5 Building: Reconnaissance level 
under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Area 51: Infiltration level under 
the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty 

Successfully complete the Air Base: Espionage level under 
the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty 

Successfully complete the Area 51: Rescue level with a time 
less than 7:59 under the Perfect Agent difficulty setting. 

Successfully complete the Datadyne Research: Investigation 
level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Area 51; Escape level with a time 
less than 3:50 under the Agent difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the G5 Building: Reconnaissance level 
with a time less than 1:30 under the Agent difficulty 
setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.

Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Defection level 
with a time less than 1:30 under the Special Agent 
difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the Deep Sea: Nullify Threat level 
under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Carrington Institute: Defense 
level with a time less than 1:45 under the Agent, Special 
Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Carrington Institute: Defense 
level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Pelagic LL: Exploration level 
under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings. 

Successfully complete the Crash Site: Confrontation level 
under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Extraction 
level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Carrington Villa: Hostage One 
level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Area 51: Escape level under the 
Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty 

Successfully complete the Air Force One: Anti-Terrorism 
level under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Attack Ship: Covert Assault level 
under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Chicago: Stealth level with a 
time less than 2:00 under the Perfect Agent difficulty 

Successfully complete the Crash Site: Confrontation level 
with a time less than 2:50 under the Agent difficulty 

Successfully complete the Deep Sea: Nullify Threat with a 
time less than 7:27 under the Perfect Agent difficulty 

Win all golds on the firing range to unlock the PP9I, CC13, 
KLO1313, KF7 Special, ZZT, DMC, and RC-P45.

Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Defection level 
under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings.

Successfully complete the Air Force One: Anti Terrorism 
level with a time less than 3:55 under the Perfect Agent 
difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the Datadyne Central: Extraction 
level with a time less than 2:03 under the Agent difficulty 
setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color version file.

Successfully complete the Pelagic LL Exploration level with 
a time less than 7:07 under the Special Agent difficulty 

Successfully complete the Air Base Espionage level with a 
time less than 3:11 under the Special Agent difficulty 

Successfully complete the Area 51 Rescue level under the 
Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent difficulty 

Successfully complete the Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine level 
under the Agent, Special Agent, and Perfect Agent 
difficulty settings or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color 
version file.

Successfully complete the Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine level 
with a time less than 5:31 under the Perfect Agent 
difficulty setting or load a Perfect Dark Game Boy Color 
version file. 

Successfully complete the Datayne Research Investigation 
level with a time less than 6:30.

Successfully complete the Area 51 Infiltration level with a 
time less than 5:00 under the Special Agent difficulty 

Successfully complete the Carrington Villa Hostage One 
level with a time less than 2:30 under the Special Agent 
difficulty setting.

Successfully complete the Attack Ship Covert Assault level 
with a time less than 5:17 under the Special Agent 
difficulty setting.

Successfully complete all solo missions under the Agent, 
Special Agent, or Perfect Agent difficulty settings. 

Successfully complete all solo missions under the Special 
Agent or Perfect Agent difficulty settings. 

Successfully complete all solo missions under the Perfect 
Agent difficulty setting. 

Collect all the weapons in the solo missions and achieve a 
Bronze rating or higher for each weapon at Firing Range. 

Successfully complete all solo missions under the Perfect Agent difficulty 

1E	Enable Code (Must Be On)
(GS 3.20 Or Higher Needed!)	EE000000 0000

1M	Master Bryan's Activator 1 P1	D009C7E4 00??

2M	Master Bryan's Activator 2 P1	D009C7E5 00??

1D	Master Bryan's Dual Activator P1	D109C7E4 00??

3M	Master Bryan's Activator 1 P2	D009C7EC 00??

4M	Master Bryan's Activator 2 P2	D009C7ED 00??

2D	Master Bryan's Dual Activator P2	D109C7EC 00??

5M	Master Bryan's Activator 1 P3	D009C7F4 00??

6M	Master Bryan's Activator 2 P3	D009C7F5 00??

3D	Master Bryan's Dual Activator P3	D109C7F4 00??

7M	Master Bryan's Activator 1 P4	D009C7FC 00??

8M	Master Bryan's Activator 2 P4	D009C7FD 00??

4D	Master Bryan's Dual Activator P4	D109C7FC 00??

Low Resolution Codes

P1 Codes
Have All Weapons      D013EE6F 001E 8013EE70 0007

Infinite Ammo (Right Weapon)    D013EE6F 001E 8013DE5B 00FF

Infinite Ammo (Left Weapon)      D013EE6F 001E 8013E5FF 

Infinite Rounds (On Clip)
Falcon 2, Falcon 2 (Silenced), Falcon 2 (Scope), MagSec 4, 
Mauler, Phoenix, PP9i & CCI3    D013EE6F 001E 8013EDAF 00FF

CMPI50, Cyclone, Callisto NTG, RC-PI20, Laptop Gun, 
KLOI3I3, ZZT (9mm), DMC & RC-P45   D013EE6F 001E 8013EDB3 

Crossbow   D013EE6F 001E 8013EDB7 00FF

Dragon, K7 Avenger, AR34, SuperDragon, Sniper Rifle, K7 
Special, AR53   D013EE6F 001E 8013EDBB 00FF

Shotgun     D013EE6F 001E 8013EDBF 00FF

FarSight XR-20  D013EE6F 001E 8013EDC3 00FF

Grenade   D013EE6F 001E 8013EDC7 00FF

Rocket Launcher    D013EE6F 001E 8013EDCB 00FF

Combat Knife    D013EE6F 001E 8013EDCF 00FF

DY357 Magnum & DY357-LX    D013EE6F 001E 8013EDD3 00FF

Devastator     D013EE6F 001E 8013EED7 00FF

Remote Mine    D013EE6F 001E 8013EEDB 00FF

Proximinity Mine     D013EE6F 001E 8013EEDF 00FF

Timed Mine     D013EE6F 001E 8013EEE3 00FF

Reaper     D013EE6F 001E 8013EEE7 00FF

N-Bomb     D013EE6F 001E 8013EEF3 00FF

Tranquilizer   D013EE6F 001E 8013EEF7 00FF

Combat Boost    D013EE6F 001E 8013EEFF 00FF

Psychosis Gun   D013EE6F 001E 8013EF03 00FF

All Guns (GS 3.0 Or Higher Needed!)   D013EE6F 001E 
50001604 0000 8013EDAF 00FF


=XV. Credits=
I would like to thank the following people/companies:

www.cmgsccc.com - For the Gameshark codes

www.gamewinners.com - For the codes

RedDog221 - For the codes

Brett "Nemesis" Franklin - For Weapon Types

Jeff 'CJayC' Veasey - For posting this and running GameFAQs.com

Myself - For typing this ^_^

Thanks to you all, I really appreciate all the help.


=XVI. Contact Information=
Before sending me any e-mail, I have specified certain guidelines you
must follow. I receive far too much e-mail a day that is nonsense, so
please follow all guidelines if you expect a response from me.

Here are the types of e-mail I will not accept:

* SPAM - Get Rich Quick Scams, Home Loans, any Advertisements.
* Chain Letters - Letters trying to break records, etc.
* l33t Speak - ! d0n'+ w/\n+ l33t $p3/\k 3-m/\!L
* Unconstructive Criticism - Saying my FAQs suck with no reasoning, etc.
* Hate Mail - Same as unconstructive criticism.
* "Rude" mail - Demanding you be credited for something, etc.
* QAA - Questions Already Answered in this FAQ won't be answered.

Here are the types of e-mail I will accept:

* Contributions - Want to contribute something to this FAQ?
* Praise Mail - Praise on any of my FAQs.
* Questions - I accept FAQ questions, or general FAQ writing questions.
* Suggestions - Want to suggest something for my FAQ(s) or writing style?
* Comments - Any positive OR negative comments are accepted.
* Other - If you just feel like chatting, drop me a line.


=XVII. Disclaimer=
This document is Copyright (C)2000, Dallas (Dallas@DodgerStats.com). It is 
intended for the sole, private, non-commerical use of it's audience. This
document may not be: published, copied, edited, altered, sold, attempted to
be sold, posted on any website, retransmitted, uploaded, posted, etc. without
the sole consent of the author of himself. Failure to abide by these terms is
breaking the Copyright Infringment law in the United States of America and
will result in civil prosecution to any individual, company, organization,
coropration, incorporation, etc. which can lead up to a $500+ fine and/or
jail time. This document may only be read and printed by its audience, any
other activity which is engaged with this document other than reading/printing
purposes shall result in a civil lawsuit against violators and their affiliates
engaged in the crime.

=XVIII. Closing=
This FAQ now comes to a close. I'd like to give my thanks out to all
of you many readers who have read this, and I want to give a big 
thanks to Jeff "CJayC" Veasey for posting this FAQ and for running the
best darn gaming site on the web today.

Please support the author of this FAQ by visiting his website at:




Tips and codes - Game Endings - Java Games - Reviews - Fun Stuff