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         ######     *
      ########                            Harvest
    ########                              Moon
   ########            *                       64
  #########    *
 #########     *
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       ########    *

*walkthrough v1.55 *
*January 17, 2000  *

|=========|  FAQ Info  |
|          \----------/
|   guide version: 1.55
|   created on: 12/28/99
|   last update: 3/15/00
|   creator: BestGuy9 (BestGuy9@aol.com)
|   http://members.aol.com/BestGuy9/index.htm

|=========|  Copyright Notice  |
|          \------------------/
|  All contents of this FAQ
|  are copyright 2000 by BestGuy9.
|  You must get written permission
|  before duplicating any part of
|  this FAQ.

i.   Revision History
ii.  Introduction & Notes
iii. Credits
iii(2) Contributor List
iv.  Game Info
v.   Legend
vi.  GameShark Notice 
|-------------------|---|  Part I: Walkthrough
| Table of Contents | H |     Year One
|-------------------| a |     --------
|  _   _  __  __    | r |     Spring
| ( )_( )(  \/  )   | v |     Summer
|  ) _ (  )    (    | e |     Fall
| (_) (_)(_/\/\_)   | s |     Winter
|         _    __   | t |
|        / )  /. |  | M |     Year Two
|       / _ \(_  _) | o |     --------
|       \___/  (_)  | o |     Spring
|                   | n |     Summer
|-------------------|---|     Fall  *Coming Soon*
                              Winter  *Coming Soon*
Part II: The Game
 Section I: The Game
  -Cheats & Tricks
  -GameShark codes
 Section II: Your Neighborhood
  -Central Area
  -Green Ranch & Beach
  -Moon Mountain & Carpenter's House
 Section III: Farming
  -Crop Guide
  -Item Guide
  -Other Moneymakers
  -House Upgrades
 Section IV: Livestock
 Section V: Social Life
  -Notable NPCs (non-playable characters)

i. Revision History
   v1.0 - 12/28/99
     first publishing
   v1.13 - 1/2/00
     second publishing
     added recipie & power berry lists
     added celebrations for end of Year One
     added to tool list
     added addt'l cow info
     added half of second Spring in walkthru
     added Marriage info
     other minor changes
   v1.5 - 1/17/00
     third publishing
     changed copyright notice to read 2000 ;)
     finally went through contributor e-mails! (see notes)
     updated contributor list
     updated recipie list
     updated GameShark code list
     updated walkthrough - up to half of 2nd Summer
     updated "Quick Info" section from Natsume's recent announcement
   v1.51 - 1/18/00
     fourth publishing
     added important message about GameShark codes
   v1.55 - 3/15/00
     fifth publishing
     added Vineyard map
     other minor changes

ii. Introduction and Notes
    Welcome to the Harvest Moon walkthrough.  This FAQ is the
    complete guide to Harvest Moon 64 - and many SNES and GB gamers can
    also pick up tips here, too.  Harvest Moon has just been released, so
    I haven't get much on it yet.  I will continue to update as we go
    along.  Please note that this FAQ will NOT cover game controls and
    anything covered in the game manual.  I am here to offer advice and
    tips, NOT to repeat what has already been said.  Like Mr. Dan Simpson
    says in his FAQs, this should be a supplement, not a replacement for
    the game manual.
    Please note that I have only played this game for a few days.  Any
    information should be valid, however I will continue updating and
    possibly changing in future updates.  Thank you!

    notes for v1.13 - Yes, for those of you who didn't read my message
    board post on GameFAQs, yes I screwed up the dates last version.
    Sorry about that - hopefully they should be fixed this time (unless I
    forget again ;)  Oh, yes, and I'm severly lacking in the recipie and
    power berry departments, anybody want to help out?
    I got a bunch of e-mails from everyone asking about various stuff -
    the two main points were to hold "B" to use the upgraded tools, and
    about recipies.  I added notes for both of those in their respective
    places.  Another problem I found out about is marriage.  Read about
    that in the "marriage" section at the very bottom of the FAQ.

    notes for v1.5 - I have gotten a huge amount of e-mail from everyone
    reading this FAQ.  I have tried to answer them all; if I missed any
    I am truly sorry.  Not many people have send me dumb, useless
    questions.  I appreciate that.  For those of you who have, I suggest
    actually reading the FAQ first.
    Anyway, I finally sorted though the e-mails that contained info from
    other people; that's reflected in the Contributor List.
    Finally, as always, keep those e-mails coming!  I really don't mind
    answering any questions or comments.  Just pay attention to my motto:
    If it's worth reading, it worth replying.  In other words, I will only
    accept intelligent e-mails.  Thank you.

    notes for v1.51 - Only a day after the last update comes the next one
    because I got several e-mails saying that the GameShark codes warped
    their names.  I sympathize with you, of course, but STOP SENDING ME
    HATE MAIL!  The disclaimer above the codes clearly states that I HAVE
    NOT tried any of the codes myself and that you should TRY THEM AT YOUR
    OWN RISK.  I will NOT be responsible for any game damage, and that was
    posted.  You can yell and scream all you want, but I will not be
    responsible.  I'm sorry, but you should try reading the whole section
    instead of trying the codes and ignoring the posted warnings.

    notes for v1.55 - Sorry for the long delay in updates.  I guess I got
    distracted.  Anyway, this update, I added the map for the Vineyard
    (that I promised) and I made a few minor updates.  I added to the
    Bathroom explanation, fixed a few typos, that sort of thing.  If
    you have any questions, feel free to ask!

iii. Credits
     Thank you to the crew at Nintendo Power; much info from this FAQ came
     from the Nov. '99 issue of NP.  The Moon at the top and the other
     cool ASCII art was created using the support of SigZag.

iii(2) Contributor List
       Thank you to everyone who sent in (or at least made the effort) to
       give me new and unused information.  I am eternally grateful ;)
       *note* there were several people who informed me of the B button to
              use upgrade tools - thank you to them all

iv. Game Info
    Name:       Harvest Moon 64
    Genre:      Strategy/Simulation
    Platforms:  Nintendo 64, Game Boy, Super Nintendo
    Developer:  ??
    Publisher:  Natsume
    Quick Info: Harvest Moon is a cool but pretty well unnoticed game.  It
                gives you a break from the shooters and lets you take on a
                peaceful farm life.  There's much more to farming, though,
                as you have to go to festivals in town, find a wife, all
                in the pursuit of happiness.  Winner of IGN64 "Game of the
                Month" award for December 1999.  Super Nintendo and Game
                Boy versions have previously been released.  No sequel
                planned at the current time.  Previously intended for US
                only release, Natsume is now planning to go worldwide.

v. Legend
   For this FAQ:
   *new* This symbol shows something that is new in Harvest Moon 64; all
         else can apply to the SNES and GB versions as well.
   NPCs  Non-Playable Characters.  I will mention these from time to time
         as Harvest Moon 64 has a much larger number than the previous
   ###g  Gold pieces - the currency
   ###w  Units of lumber (wood) - used for fences and house upgrades

vi. GameShark Notice
    Please note that many of the codes posted here have been known to warp
    the Harvest Moon name.  I have kept them up for those of you who still
    want to try them, but I will not be responsible for any damage to your
    game.  For additional information, see notes for version 1.51.

|Part I: Walkthrough| H |     
|-------------------| a |     
|  _   _  __  __    | r |     
| ( )_( )(  \/  )   | v |     
|  ) _ (  )    (    | e |     
| (_) (_)(_/\/\_)   | s |     
|         _    __   | t |
|        / )  /. |  | M |     
|       / _ \(_  _) | o |     
|       \___/  (_)  | o |     
|                   | n |     

|  Spring: Year One  |
You start off in the Spring, on Year One.

3rd of Spring
*new* You start off on the 3rd of Spring.  Why they picked that, I don't
know, but oh well. When you get up and go outside, the Mayor will offer
to take you on a tour of the town.  Take it if you don't know where you
are going; otherwise use the handy map in the Game section. *END new*
Today you can start working your fields; start by breaking up rocks, logs,
and weeds closest to the Shipping Bin.  You can hoe a 3x3 square right
there; if it is still before 5:00 pm, then head to the Flower Shop and
buy some seeds.  You can only buy one pack - Which kind you buy is
entirely up to you.  Turnips will give you less money, but faster, new
to 64 is the Cabbage crop, which will grow slower but bring in more money.
You can plant and water them if you want.  Unlike the GB version, you can
stay up all night, but when the night is over you will automatically go
to bed.  The downside is that you can't save the game and I'm not yet sure
if you get your energy back or not.  Oh well.

4th of Spring
Don't worry, I won't go through EVERY day like this, I'll just do a bunch
at the beginning to get you started.  Don't want to bore you too long ;)
Anyway, if you haven't bought your seeds yet, buy them, and certainly get
your planting started.  There are lots of things to buy in the Spring,
and you want some good cash reserves ASAP.

5th of Spring
Your crops should be off to a good start by now.  Make a point of talking
to you horse and watering your plants every morning.  This should be
routine, so get used to it.  You can take the rest of the day to clear
off your farm or visit the neighboorhood.  There's a mountain and a cave
that you can explore, and you should visit the vineyard and farm, too.

8th of Spring  *new* - Planting Festival
Now we jump to the 8th of Spring.  Here comes the first festival of the
year: the Planting (or Sowing) Festival.  It's purpose is to help the
Earth produce good crops.  The Potion Shop owner is chosen as King of
the Festival, and he chooses his grandson, Stu, to sail in the balloon
with him.  After thay leave, you can walk around and talk to the
townspeople.  When you are done, talk to the Florist and she will give
the signal to release the balloons.

15th of Spring  *new* - visitor - Progress Check
By this time, you should have gotten AT LEAST one harvest of cabbage,
two harvests if you've gone with Turnips.  The money isn't exactly
rolling in yet, but you should always buy more crops, and look to
invest in grass as some point.  Today the owner of the Flower Shop
(Popuri's dad) will drop by and say hi, and Popuri will come to find
him.  Not exactly the event of the century, but it demonstrates the
greater number of interactive NPCs in this game.
It's now halfway through the first month.  By now your money should be
rolling in - make sure to save at least 1500g or 2000g for the Summer.
You should also buy a brush to brush your horse with.

17th of Spring  *new* - Horse Race
The Spring Horse Race is today!  Let me tell you that this is really half
a festival.  All the stores are closed, but you won't automatically go to
bed when you come home - so even though I suggest watering before you
leave, you can save it for later.  You buy medals and bet them on horses,
and then you win medals if your horse(s) won.  Afterwards, redeem your
leftover/won medals for money.  It's a fun event really, you should go.

19th of Spring  *new* - Flower Queen Voting
Today Popuri's dad will drop by and tell you that you should vote for the
Flower Queen.  Voting runs from the 19th to the 22nd, so if you get a
chance, head to the Town Square to cast your vote for the Queen.

23rd of Spring
Today is the Flower Festival!  This festival WAS present in the SNES and
GB versions, though this one is longer and more exciting.  Walk around and
talk to people, before long the Flower Queen (who was elected by the
voting - and the person varies) will come in, preceded by her entourage
(the rest of the girls).  You can then walk around and talk to more
people.  After your done, talk to the mayor and select your dance partner.

30th of Spring - Progress Check
Today is the last day of the First Spring.  By this time you should have
AT LEAST 1500g, as well as at least nine squares of grass.  You should
have also bought a brush to brush your horse by now.  If your crops don't
have any produce on them today, use the Sickle to cut them down.  If you
don't, they'll die tomorrow anyway, and tomorrow you'll need the time to
run to town, buy seeds, and plant them.  Today, at least, make sure you
have at least five fields hoed, and fill up your Watering Can.

|  Summer: Year One  |
You may get a typhoon blowing by during the summer.  This wipes out some
of your crops, but you can't stop it.  It may not come, either, so just
go on like normal.

1st of Summer  *new* - Fireworks Show
Today you need to budget your time wisely.  Brush your horse, and run to
to the Flower Shop.  Wait until it opens at 9:00, then buy some seeds.
What kind you buy is up to you, but you should buy at least five packs
(five fields worth).  Run home, plant them, and get them all watered.
By this time, it should be night (or close to).  Today is also the
Fireworks show.  Run to one of the viewing places, and enjoy the show
and be glad at your hard day of work.

9th of Summer  *new* - Vegtable Festival
All the Festivals in the Summer are new, since there weren't any in the
SNES version.  If you have grown any vegtables by now, take one to the
Festival, otherwise go and act as a judge.  At any rate, you should go.
Walk around and talk to people, after awhile, the Mayor will announce
the winner.

15th of Summer - Progress Check
Half of Summer is done now.  You should have some nice crops of Tomatoes
and Corn by now - which are bringing in major bucks.  By now you should
have gotten or be thinking about investing in Chickens.  Though you might
want to get rid of them later, for now they will lay eggs every day which
you can sell or incubate so that chicks will hatch.  Also, you should
have started giving presents to the girl you want to marry, maybe not
every day but at least every once in a while.  Finally, start making trips
(daily, if possible) into the Mountains to chop wood.  TO marry, you'll
need to upgrade your house as much as possible, as for that you'll need
lots of wood.

17th of Summer  *new* - Firefly Festival
Since Summer is NOT the easiest month in the year, this festival is very
relaxing, and I personally think it's one of the neater festivals.
This festival is held at night, so you can work all day and not worry
about having to miss it.  At night, head to the Beach.  Talk to people,
talk to the Mayor, and after awhile, everyone will set their lanterns into
the sea.

24th of Summer  *new* - Sea Festival
Once again held at the Beach, but during the day, this time.  This is to
see who the best swimmer is.  You'll get instructions on how to swim, and
GO!  This is an interesting festival.

30th of Summer - Progress Check
By this time you should have at least two or three chickens in your coop.
Buy a cow and sheep sooner or later; you can also incubate eggs and sell
chickens.  Though the selling price is only 500g, incubating is free.  In
a way, selling eggs is free money, the only thing it requires is time.
You should also be visiting your girl fairly often.  I know it's still
early, but gaining affections takes time, and if you want a kid by the
time the game ends, you gotta start early.

|  Autumn: Year One  |
Autumn is a slow-down month, transition between the busy summer and laid
back winter.  I seriously doubt that you have a greenhouse by now, so
eggplants are the only way to go in terms of crops.  There's a stranger
who walks around at night at the base of the mountain.  Give him the red
berries you find, and you'll befriend him.  He'll bring you fish that he
catches, and in the winter he goes away and sends you mail.  It's nice
to have a friend at least.

1st of Fall - Fall Notices
Don't worry too much on crops, usless you have a serious cash deficit. You
need to concentrate on livestock, chopping wood, as well as your girl.
Plant two or three fields of eggplants, and that'll be fine.  Setlivestock
as a top priority, and then try and go into the woods everyday for wood.
You'll need lots of wood to upgrade your house.  Also, gather things from
the woods to sell.  Mushrooms are valuable, and you can bring back eight
items from one trip into the woods.  Try and buy a cow this season, too.

4th of Fall  *new* - Cow Festival
As the mayor explains it, this festival is held to get people to raise
cows.  Since you probably don't have a very good showing yet (if any) then
you should at least go and mingle with the townsfolk.  Some of those cows
are looking pretty nice - it'll take a lot of work to win next year!

12th of Fall
The Harvest Festival is back from the SNES, celebrating a successful
harvest and wishing good luck for the chilly winter.  This time, though,
you don't need to bring food.  Instead, talk with everybody, and if Elli
gives you the cake with the coin, you get to be Harvest King!  After that,
you get to pick a lady to dance with.

20th of Fall
We've got another traditional festival also celebrated in the SNES world,
the classic egg hunt!  This one is harder, though, as there are more
treasure chests and more colors to hunt for.  Less chance of winning, too
but it's for fun, not for prizes!  Though the prize is a month's supply
of fodder, not too shabby, huh?

23rd of Fall  *new* - Bridge Repair Starts
Today you can start helping the carpenters with bridge repair.  You can
work through the 27th, and you'll get 1000g for every day you work.  That
is 5000g, and work ends at 3:00, so you can even water your eggplants when
you get home!

27th of Fall  *new* - Last Day to Enter Horse Race
Today's the last day to enter the Fall Horse Race - the farming guy will
come by and ask you if you want to enter.  You don't have to, but your
horse is big enough, and if you took good care of it, why not?

28th of Fall  *new* - Fall Horse Race
Here's the Fall Horse Race - by now you can race your own horse, if you
want.  Otherwise, just go and bet your money.  You can start saving up
up for a stable for your horse!

30th of Fall - Progress Check
It's now the start of winter - when the earth is dead as a doornail and
everyone is so down.  You should by now have saved up enough money to get
you through the winter - you need money to buy presents for your girl,
as well as money to buy feed for your livestock, should you need it.  You
will get a bit of money straggling in during the winter, but don't count
on anything.  Spring will come soon enough, but cash reserves should be
high enough to support yourself.

|  Winter: Year One  |
Here comes Winter, the saddest season of the year.  With not much to do,
you'll be dragging your feet all season.  You even might get a case of
Spring Fever, which this game recreates perfectly well, trust me.  Luckily
your social calendar is full.  There are four festivals/sporting events
which you can participate in, plus other stuff to do as well.
I haven't completed the month of Winter yet.  I've filled in what I know,
and the rest will come in a future update.

1st of Winter - Winter Options
Winter is long and boring... so you've got to decide what to do.  You can
work in the mine and chop lumber.  Those are both good tasks to do.  Also,
I recommend breeding a cow, providing you have enough feed.  Winter is
really the best month to breed, because they have to stay inside, and
you wouldn't want to deprive your poor cows of their outdoors.  So, 
Winter is probably the best month.  It takes 21 days to breed, so start on
the 9th and your cow will come just as Spring is about to start!

8th of Winter  *new* - Mine Open
From today to the end of the month, the mine will be open.  You can dig in
there, with the minerals you find valuing anywhere from 10g to 1000g. Not
a bad deal, considering the lack of other chores.  Juggle mining and
logging - you do want to upgrade your house, don't you?

10th of Winter - Thanksgiving
Not new, but changed.  Now you don't have to go find anyone to get a cake-
instead everyone comes to your farm to visit.  Some of the girls will drop
by and give you food.  Hang around, why don't you?  I'd sure want to be
there when your girl comes.

12th of Winter  *new* - Mountain Spring work
Once again, the carpenters are calling on your for help.  You can work
with them for five days, up through the 16th, to earn another 5000g.
Hopefully you aren't struggling financially, but if you are, this can be
a welcome boost.  You can probably even chop a few logs after work.

15th of Winter - Progress Check
Well, Winter is half over.  Not too bad, huh?  Unfortunetly, the days
mysteriously seem longer and longer as you get closer to Spring...
Anyway, hopefully you still have enough money to get through.  Don't
forget, in worst times, you can sell livestock, but you really want to
try and avoid that.

19th of Winter  *new* - Dog Race
Today is the Dog Race!  You can enter your cheerful little pup into the
race, and see how well he does!  You use the same medals here as the
Horse Races, so keep saving up!  As and added bonus, you don't even have
to control him, just sit back and watch.

24th of Winter - Starry Night
The Starry Night festival returns - the night you should spend with your
special person.  Maria, Ann, and Elli all sing at the church, Karen sits
on the beach, and Popuri is in the woods.  Since you can't do anything
else today, join one of them and have fun.

27th of Winter - Spirit Festival
The last few days sure are busy, with three festivals crammed into nine
days.  The Spirit Festival is meant to scare away evil spirits, and the
King of the Harvest Festival plays an active part in this.  If you
bought an Ocarina from Rick, and you join in and sing, otherwise just
hang out and watch.  The festival is at night, by the way.

31st of Winter  *new* - New Year's Eve Celebration
Tonight there are celebrations all over town; talk to your girl and she
just might tell you where they will be.  Ann & Karen are at the Bar,
Maria & Elli are in the Church.  I don't know where Popuri will be,
sorry.  Celebrate, drink, and get ready for the fun of tomorrow!

|  Spring: Year Two  |

1st of Spring - New Year's Celebration
Like any New Year, you get to celebrate the passing of the old and the
coming of the new.  You've now successfully completed one year at the
farm.  You've made friends, earned a living, and you're doing great.
Good luck for the New Year!
This is the only celebration where you get to drink liquor (and pass out).
Talk to your girl first, that way if you pass out you'll at least
have talked to her.

8th of Spring - Planting Festival
The Planting Festival occurs today.  The person who goes up in the balloon
will be the King from the Harvest Festival of the previous year.  If you
were King, you'll be able to pick an assistant to go up with you.  You'll
also get a commerative picture to put in your album.

10th of Spring  *new* - Letter from Dad
Today (or around this date) you get a letter from your Dad!  Maybe he'll
come visit!

15th of Spring - Progress Check
Well, you've survived a year, and Spring is once again half over.  You
(hopefully) planted some flowers, and you should have plenty of money and
at least (if not more) two or three of the home expansions.  Your live-
stock should be nice and healthy, and hopefully by now you've built a
pasture.  You can keep your cows outside every day it's not raining; watch
the wather report in the morning so you know whether or not you have to
put them back inside.  If kept outside for long periods of time, your cows
will be in a good mood.

17th of Spring - Spring Horse Race
You can race your horse, hopefully you've also been able to get enough
money to do some betting.  If you get enough medals, you can buy an Stable
or an Awesome House, depending on the type of race (Horse or Dog).  They're
expensive, at 3000 medals, hopefully after a few years you'll have enough.

23rd of Spring - Flower Festival
Today's the Flower Festival.  You vote for the Flower Princess in the
previous few days.  You might or might not want to vote for your girl.
Only the King can dance with the Princess, so if your girl is elected, and
you weren't King, you can't dance with her.  Think about what you do

30th of Spring - Progress Check
By now, your livestock should be healthy and you should have PLENTY of 
money to buy Summer Crops.  You should have your sights on one girl pretty
much set; her heart should be at least green by now.  You might want to
breed another cow; farm bred cows always produce better milk faster than
bought cows.  Plus two cows bringing in Large and/or Quality milk and a
couple chickens will bring in a little more than 1000g per day.  That's
a lot - you'll be able to get a Greenhouse in no time.

|  Summer: Year Two  |
1st of Summer - Fireworks
Once again comes the yearly fireworks; the best viewing places are on the
Beach, Town Square, and Mountaintop.  Karen is on the Beach, I know Maria
is in the Square.  I don't know where the rest of the people are; there
are probably one or two more in the Square and some people on the mountain

9th of Summer - Vegtable Festival
Today is the Vegtable Festival.  Bring some vegtables to show off,
otherwise go and judge.

| Part II: The Game | H |     
|-------------------| a |     
|  _   _  __  __    | r |     
| ( )_( )(  \/  )   | v |     
|  ) _ (  )    (    | e |     
| (_) (_)(_/\/\_)   | s |     
|         _    __   | t |
|        / )  /. |  | M |     
|       / _ \(_  _) | o |     
|       \___/  (_)  | o |     
|                   | n |     

|  Section I: The Game  |

Your grandfather has died, and you get to watch the "funeral" at the
beginning of the game.  You decide to take over and turn around your run
down farm.

*Cheats & Tricks*
Recipie List  *new*
As everyone knows, you can find recipies and, if you've built a Kitchen,
there's a book hanging up on the wall of all the recipies you've gotten.
I don't think there's a way to cook them; you just collect them for fun.

Mashed Potatoes - Give Ann potatoes several days in a row
??? - Give Milk to Elli (submitted by aajasap@earthlink.net)
Veryberry Wine - Give a Veryberry to Kai (submitted by
Miso Soup with Sprouts - Give an Edible Herb to Potion Shop owner
                         (contributed by CConst1144@aol.com)
Rolled Cabbage - Give Maria a Cabbage (contributed by skjebne@usa.com)
Potato Pancakes - Give the little girl a potato (contibuted by

|CONTRIBUTED BY ffdream@home.com|
 Person - Item Given - Recipie Received

Artisan - Edible Herbs - Sesame Dandelion Recipe
Gray - Eggs - Stuffed Omelet
Carpenter 1 - Mushrooms - Mushroom Stuffed Char
Elf guarding door to elf room - Mushrooms - Mushroom Salsa
Fisherman - Large Fish - Fried Char
Head Carpenter - Mushrooms - Mushroom Rice
Elli - Eggs - Bread Pudding
Karen's Dad - Veryberry Fruit - steamed clam w/ wine
Baker - Milk - Milk Cinnamon Tea
Bartender - Grapes - Hot Spicy Wine
Kent - Eggs - Spa-Poached Eggs
Popuri's Mom - any veggies - Vegtable Tomato Soup
Midwife - Eggplant - Eggplant w/ Miso Paste
Karen - Strawberries - Strawberry Champagne
Karen's Mom - Tomato - Tomato Rice
Ann's Dad - Corn - Corn fritters
old lady on the mountain top - Edible Herbs - Sprout Dumplings
Mayor's Wife - Turnip - Cream of Turnip Stew
Shipping Guy - Milk - Easy Tomato Soup
Stu - Strawberry - Strawberry Dog
Cliff - Egg - Hunter's Tea
Popuri's Dad - Corn - Corn pasta

Power Berry List
Power Berries were present in previous games, though they were much more
abundant.  Oh well.  Power Berries increase total stamina per day.
(you start with XX stamina per day, one power berry increases that to
 XX stamina per day)  There is a list of Power Berries you've gotten
hanging up on the wall of the Kitchen.

Egg Hunt - If you win the Egg Hunt, you get a Power Berry.
Flower Festival - Buy the "Power Nut" from the salesman dressed in black
Woods - In Winter, use the hammer to break open the wall behind the
        fishing pond

*GameShark Codes*
*note* I haven't tested any of these myself, though I'll get around to
       doing so soon ;)  Anyway, I can't guarantee if any of these work,
       so try them at your own risk.  I will not be responsible for any
       damage to your game or saved files.

WARNING: GameShark codes known to warp name.  Please use with caution.

|Codes contributed by GameShark Code Creators Club|
Activation Codes
Activation 1 - P1 D0170404 00??
Activation 2 - D0170405 00??
Dual Activator - P1 D1170404 00??

Basic Codes
Infinite Money - 811FD60E FFFF
Time of Day Modifier (Minutes 00-3B) 8117027E 00??
Day Modifier 80158260 00??

Belongings Modifier Codes 
4 Slot 1 80189084 00?? 
5 Slot 2 80189085 00?? 
6 Slot 3 80189086 00?? 
7 Slot 4 80189087 00?? 
8 Slot 5 80189088 00?? 
9 Slot 6 80189089 00?? 
10 Slot 7 8018908A 00?? 
11 Slot 8 8018908B 00?? 
12 A Button Equipped Modifier 8018908C 00??

Quantity Digits to Accompany Belonging Modifier Codes 
00 - Nothing
01 - Weeds
02 - Boulder
03 - Lumber
04 - Moondrop Plant
05 - Pink-Cat-Mint Plant
06 - Blue Plant
07 - Cake
08 - Pie
09 - Cookie
0A - Blue Feather
0B - Pink Liquid In A Bottle
0C - Red Box
0D - Turnips
0E - Potatoes
0F - Cabbages
10 - Tomatoes
11 - Corn
12 - Eggplant
13 - Strawberries
14 - Eggs
15 - Milk
16 - M Size Milk
17 - L Size Milk
18 - Gold Milk
19 - Sheared Wool
1A - High Quality Wool
1B - Wild Grapes
1C - Very Berry Fruit
1D - Tropical Fruit
1E - Walnuts
1F - Mushrooms
20 - Poisonous Mushroom
21 - Green Box
22 - Berry Of Full Moon Plant
23 - Medicinal Herbs
24 - Edible Herbs
25 - Small Fish
26 - Fish
27 - Big Fish
28 - Dumpling
29 - Cotton Candy
2A - Fried Octopus
2B - Roasted Corn
2C - Candy
2D - Chocolate
2E - Iron-Ore
2F - Blue Rock
30 - Rare Metal
31 - Moonlight Stone
32 - Pontata Root
33 - Chicken 
34 - Chocolate Bar Picture
35 - ???
36 - Blue Egg Shaped Device
37 - ??
38 - Chocolate Bar Picture
39 - Fodder
3A - White Bag
3B - Tan Bag
3C - Green Bag
3D - Red Bag
3E - Yellow Bag
3F - Purple Bag 

Tool Modifier Codes 
13 Slot 1 80189075 00?? 
14 Slot 2 80189076 00?? 
15 Slot 3 80189077 00?? 
16 Slot 4 80189078 00?? 
17 Slot 5 80189079 00?? 
18 Slot 6 8018907A 00?? 
19 Slot 7 8018907B 00?? 
20 Slot 8 8018907C 00?? 
21 B Button Equipped Modifier 8018907D 00??

Quantity Digits to Accompany Tool Modifier Codes 
00 - Nothing
01 - Sickle
02 - Hoe
03 - Axe
04 - Hammer
05 - Watering Can
06 - Milker
07 - Bell
08 - Brush
09 - Clippers
0A - Turnip Seeds
0B - Potato Seeds
0C - Cabbage Seeds
0D - Tomato Seeds
0E - Corn Seeds
0F - Eggplant Seeds
10 - Strawberry Seeds
11 - Moon Drop Grass Seeds
12 - Pink-Cat-Mint Seeds
13 - Blue Mist Seeds
14 - Bird Feed
15 - Ball No Picture
16 - Feeding Bottle
17 - ??
18 - Fishing Pole
19 - Miracle Potion
1A - Medicine For Cows
1B - Grass Seeds
1C - Blue Feather
1D - Empty Bottle
1E - ??
1F - Weeds No Picture
20 - Boulder No Picture 

Item Modifier Codes 
22 Slot 1 8018908E 00?? 
23 Slot 2 8018908F 00?? 
24 Slot 3 80189090 00?? 
25 Slot 4 80189091 00?? 
26 Slot 5 80189092 00?? 
27 Slot 6 80189093 00?? 
28 Slot 7 80189094 00?? 
29 Slot 8 80189095 00?? 
30 Slot 9 80189096 00?? 
31 Slot 10 80189097 00?? 
32 Slot 11 80189098 00?? 
33 Slot 12 80189099 00?? 
34 Slot 13 8018909A 00?? 
35 Slot 14 8018909B 00?? 
36 Slot 15 8018909C 00?? 
37 Slot 16 8018909D 00?? 
38 Slot 17 8018909E 00?? 
39 Slot 18 8018909F 00?? 
40 Slot 19 801890A0 00?? 
41 Slot 20 801890A1 00?? 
42 Slot 21 801890A2 00?? 
43 Slot 22 801890A3 00?? 
44 Slot 23 801890A4 00?? 
45 Slot 24 801890A5 00?? 

Quantity Digits to Accompany Item Modifier Codes 
00 - Nothing
01 - Ocarina
02 - Flower Card
03 - Cake Card
04 - Broken Music Box
05 - ??
06 - Old Wine
07 - ??
08 - ??
09 - Book From Library
0A - Scroll To Bury
0B - Marble
0C - GoodLuck Charm
0D - Empty Metal Bag
0E - Horse Race Ticket
0F - Dog Race Ticket
10 - Potpourri
11 - Embroidered Hankerchief
12 - Hand - Knit Socks
13 - Lucky Bracelet
14 - Flower Bath Crystals
15 - Stamina Carrot

|Codes contributed by helmbrecht@netscape.net|
almost infinite energy   
80189060 bbbb
80189161 bbbb    (note:you still can get sick if you
                       work past midnight.  Still trying 
                       to make a code so you won't get ill)

infinite lumber or materials (take your pick)
80189e50 0003

infinite grass in silo
80180715 02e3

got this one from Cheat Code Central
infinite money 
811fd60e ffff (very cool)   you can have everything 
                            added on to your house by 
                            end of spring. including new 
                            stable because you have inf
                            money to buy medals.

|  Section II: Neighboorhood  |

*Central Area*
         TO         TO
|                     |
|<-    TO YOUR RANCH ->
|TO TOWN              |
|<-                   | 
|                  TO |
           RANCH and BEACH

The Central Area connects everything.  You can leave your Farm and go
anywhere in the world.  See below for specific maps.


|AAAA  BB  C  DD      |
|AAAA                 |-->
|AAAA  EEE  FF        |
|AAAA                 |
|AAAA                 |
|       H  I   J      |-->
| GGGG                |

Here's the town - note that it's actually divided into two screens (shown
by the line).  Also shown are the exits into the central area.

A - Town Square
    This is the most important area in town.  Quite a few festivals will
    be held here, and many people hang out here when they have nothing
    better to do.  *new* It features several red trees and a fountain.

B - The Inn (Bar)
    Open: 6pm to midnight every day except Sunday and festivals
    This was the Juice Bar in the last two games.  In the SNES version, it
    was where Eve (now Karen) works at nights.  Here you can buy a drink
    or talk to the townsfolk and hook onto some gossip.  You can get
    drinks for money and Water for free.

C - The Church
    Open: always? except festivals
    The church didn't really hold any significance in the SNES version.
    *new* The church now doubles as the school, unlike the SNES verison.

D - Flower Shop
    Open: 9am to 5pm every day except Sunday and festivals
    The Flower Shop is still where you buy all your seeds for your farm.
    You can also buy grass and cut flowers here.

E - Rick's Tool Shop & Craft Store
    Open: 10am to 6pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday except festivals
    You buy all the tools you need here.  *new* There are now cool new
    items, like the Ocarina.

F - Bakery
    Open: 9am to 5pm every day except Monday and festivals
    The bakery sells cool things like cake, which will revive some of your
    energy.  It's expensive, though.  You can also get Water for free.

G - Mayor's House
    Open: usually locked
    You can talk to the Mayor at his house, and sometimes Maria will be
    there, too.

H - Library  *new*
    Open: 9am to 5pm except Thursdays and festivals
          closed first ten days of Summer and Winter
    The Library is a totally new addition to the Harvest Moon series.  The
    library is filled with interesting books, and Maria works here during
    the day.

I - Midwife's House
    Open: ??
    The Midwife did appear in the SNES version, in the form of the fortune
    teller.  She also delievered your baby in the SNES version, and she'll
    do the same here.

J - Potion Shop  *new*
    Open: 9am to 5pm except weekends and festivals
    The Potion Shop is another totally new addition to the series.  Here
    you buy medicines for your animals and yourself, if you get sick.  In
    the previous games, you could buy the medicine at the Animal Shop.

Town Notes: Pay attention in 64: all the same stores are back from the
            SNES version, however many of them are now carrying new and
            different items.  Pay attention to what's changed.  Also,
            there's no Livestock Shop in this town.  Instead, you have
            to go to the ranch to buy your livestock.

*Green Ranch and Beach*
|---------- ^  -----------|---------|
|CENTRAL AREA  TO BEACH ->|         |
|----------    -----------|         |
|     |  BB       AA      |         |
|     |  BB       AA      |         |
|                 AA      |         |
|     |                   |         |
|     --------------------|     ----|
|       CORRAL (C)        |     DOCK|
|                         |     ----|
This map is a bit confusing, but explore around and you'll get it in no
time.  The Ranch is where you buy livestock and supplies, this area was
actually a small shop in both the GB and SNES versions.  Ann lives and
works here; so does her mean brother.  Visit here early in the Spring; go
into the Corral and Ann will give you a horse that you can name and call
your own.  To get to the Beach, follow the small path directly North of
the Ranch.  Two Summer festivals are held here, and some townspeople will
occasionally visit the Beach to relax.

A - Store
    Open: 8am to 5pm every day except Thursday
    This is the main part of the farm, where you will buy everything you
    need.  Medicine and Feed are on the far wall, pick them up to buy them
    Talk to the guy at the counter to buy or sell animals.  Don't be
    overzealous with the A button - the guy gives you a list of animals
    to buy, pick one and there's no confirming message (i.e. "Do you want
    to buy this?")  Be careful not to make a buy you don't want to make.
    You can always turn the system off and restart the day, but that's a
    hassle too.

B - Barn
    This place doesn't really hold any significance, just a place you can

C - Corral
    Visit here early in the game to get a horse from Ann, and the Cow
    Festival in the Fall is held here.


|                         |
| |----------|            |
| |                BBBB   |
| |                BBBB   |-|
| |-------|                 |
| | AAAAA                 | |
| |               CC      | |
| | AAAAA         CC      | |
| |-------------------|   |TO
|                         |CENTRAL
The Vineyard is where Karen lives.  Kai, the guy with the purple bandana,
also works here.  There aren't any stores or anything here.  If you are
trying to marry Karen, however, you should visit often, and befriend Kai
and possibly her dad.

A - Wine Vines
    This is where the vines lay.

B - House
    The family lives here.  Karen's room is up the stairs, though you
    can't go in.

C - Wine Cellar
    There's a wine cellar here.  You con't do anything with it, just
    look around.

*Moon Mountain, Fishing Hole, Carpenter's House*
        |   C   E C  |
 BRIDGE <-    C   D  |
   (OUT)| E----------|
        |       E   C|
        |----------  |
        |          E |
|-------|  ----------|
|      D|          BB|
|   AA           D TO|
|       | E   CENTRAL|
Lots of letters, huh?  There are many things to see and do in the
especially in the winter when you can't grow crops.  At the beginning
of the game, the bridge is out.  You can help the carpenters fix it
in the Fall.

A - Carpenter's House
    The Carpenter seems to be taking orders at odd hours - and I haven't
    quite figured out what those hours are.  Just go during a weekday,
    that ought to do it.  The Carpenter will build upgrades on your house
    for you, providing you have enough gold and lumber.  To order an
    upgrade, look at the poster on the far wall when you enter.  Select
    an upgrade, and the Carpenter will arrive at your house to work the
    next day.  The upgrades are listed below as well as in the Farming/
    House Upgrades section.
    Kitchen     - 5000g, 450w
    Bathroom    - 3000g, 300w
    Stairs      - 1500g, 150w
    Greenhouse  -30000g, 580w
    Deck        - 7000g, 350w
    Child's Bed - 1000g, 200w

B - Fishing Pond
    The Fisherman is here during the Spring - talk to him to get a free
    Fishing Rod.  You can use it at any time on the nearby river or pond.

C - Logs
    Since your farm doesn't seem to have very much wood on it, you'll need
    to chop up lumber in the woods.  There are logs scattered all over;
    and they reappear every day, so make logging trips as often as

D - Nature's Moneymakers
    Nature's moneymakers always appear in the woods every season.  Collect
    them.  You can eat some for health, or tote them back to your shipping
    bin.  If you press C up, you can put the object in your backpack,
    allowing you to bring up to 8 things back to your bin at a time.  This
    is a great moneymaker in-between crops.

E - Bugs  *new*
    Yes, bugs, and I don't mean things that trip up your game.  There are
    little critters running around all over the forest.  Not worth much, I
    don't thing, but worth mentioning.

|  Section III: Farming  |

Even with a social life, farming always has been and always will be the
big point of the game.  Here's a guide to all the different crops, tools,
and tips you'll need.  Most of these tips can also be applied to the SNES
and GB versions, remember to watch the *new* symbol.

Spring Crops
Cabbage  *new*
Cost: 200g     Return: 90g/unit     Growth: seven days
Cabbage is a completely new crop in this game.  It takes the longest time
to grow, but brings in the most money.  Personally, I think the Turnips
actually bring back the most in the shortest time.

Cost: 200g     Return: 80g/unit     Growth: six days
Potatoes grow faster than cabbage.  If you multiply it out, I think
potatoes bring in more than cabbages, because they bring in almost as
much money and don't require as much time to grow.  Though there are
thirty days, if you divide, that allows for five crops per month.  That's
really squeezing it, though, even more so if it's your first year.  Most
likely you'll only get four crops, which really brings down the amt. of
money you can bring in.

Cost: 200g     Return: 60g/unit     Growth: four days
With thirty days in a season, you can easily grow seven crops of Turnips
in one year.  Turnips are the best to get fast money.  They are good for
the first year when you don't have that much money yet.

Summer Crops
Cost: 300g     Return: 100g/unit    Growth: nine days
Tomatoes grow faster than corn, but won't bring back as much.  For both
tomatoes and corn, though, you only have to plant once.  After that, more
tomatoes will keep growing on the vine.

Cost: 300g     Return: 120g/unit    Growth: thirteen days
Out of all the crops in the game, corn takes the longest to grow.  Corn is
very profitable.  Like tomatoes, you only need to plant once.  After that,
more corn will grow if you keep watering.

Fall Crops
Eggplants  *new*
Cost: 300g     Return: 80g/unit     Growth: seven days
Eggplant was present in the GB version of Harvest Moon, but not the SNES
version.  Like the summer crops, you only need to plant eggplants once.  
After that, they will keep growing.  They will offer a bit of money during
the fall, but I think you should only plant one or two crops and spend
more time chopping wood and tending to your livestock.

Strawberries  *new*
Cost: 500g     Return: 150g/unit    Growth: six days
Strawberries are totally new to the Harvest Moon series.  They are
expensive, but they don't take very long to grow and they bring back lots
of money.  Unfortunetly, there's always a catch to something this good.
You can only grow them in a greenhouse.

Winter Crops
There aren't any true winter crops, but you can still grow stuff if you've
built a greenhouse.  All veggies are then available for purchase in town.
See the walkthrough and the other tips sections for ways to make money
during the winter.

Tools Note: I have listed most of the tools, though I still haven't
            figured out the upgrade system.  The Watering Can will hold
            more water when it's upgraded, plus you can water more plants
            at once.  For all the other tools, hold B to use the upgraded
            effect.  Thank you to the several people who informed me of

price: free at beginning
bought: n/a
The Hammer is one of the four basic tools that you start with, and it's
used for breaking up rocks.  Small rocks take one hit to break, though
it's probably better to throw them in the water to save energy.  Big rocks
takes six hits to break up, on the non-upgraded level.  Rocks really don't
have any worth, so it's better just to get them out of there.

price: free at beginning
bought: n/a
The Ax (or Axe, however you want to spell it) is used to break up logs on
your farm.  The logs, then, can be used for upgrading your house or
building fences around your crops.  If you want to upgrade, you'll need
to use this tool pretty darn often.

price: free at beginning
bought: n/a
The third of the four basic tools is the Sickle.  You use to cut cut down
full grown grass, then you can use the grass as fodder for your cows,
chickens, and sheep.  Also, you can cut weeds with it if you are trying
to upgrade.

price: free at beginning
bought: n/a
The Hoe is used to till the fields around your farm.  You can't plant 
any crops or grass on your land until after you've hoed it.  Use the
Hammer to "pat down" areas you've hoed that you want to unhoe.

Watering Can
price: free at beginning
bought: n/a
The watering can is used for watering your crops.  It doesn't take
a genius to figure that one out.  You get this for free at the beginning
of the game, and, upgraded, it will hold lots of water.

The Sprinkler is NOT in this game, unlike the SNES and GB versions.  So
don't run to the store every day looking for it.

price: 600g
bought: Rick's Tool Shop
The brush is used for brushing your cows, horse, and sheep.  Brush them
all every day, and they will love you forever.  You should also talk to
and feed your cows and sheep every day.  Horses find food on their own.

price: 1800g
bought: Rick's Tool Shop
The Milker is used for milking your cows when they mature.

price: 1000g
bought: Rick's Tool Shop
The Sheers are used to cut your sheep's wool.

price: free with first cow purchase
bought: Green Ranch
The Bell you get for free when you buy your first cow.  It's used to call
your cows to you - useful either when you are out trying to go in or in
trying to go out.

price: 10g per meal (Chicken Feed) or 30g per meal (Cow Feed)
bought: Green Ranch
There is both cow and chicken feed.  You can buy as much as you want from
the farm.  To see how much you have, move the pointer to it on the item
screen and press Z.  I think the chicken feed is the only way to feed
chickens when they are inside, but I'm not sure.  Cow Feed is fairly
expensive if you need it in bulk, so try to avoid running out of fodder.

price: 1000g
bought: Green Ranch
Though you should try hard not to let your livestock get sick, if it
happens, buy medicine.  It's kind of an Insta-Cure.  Anyway,  I always
keep one handy, just in case.  You can always store it in your toolbox,
but at least keep one on the farm.

Magical Potion
price: 3000g
bought: Green Ranch
I can't remember the exact price, but it was something around there.  This
potion makes your adult cow pregnant.  Farm-born cows, though they take
longer to produce milk, they usually have more love for you than foreign
cows.  This means they'll produce better milk.

Fishing Pole
price: free from fisherman
bought: fishing pond (fisherman)
The Fishing Pole will allow you to go fishing anytime you want, and the
fish you catch can be sold or eaten.  And it's free, which makes it a
great item, even if you never use it.

price: 1200g
bought: guy in the Craft shop next to Rick
The Ocarina is used in the Spirit Festival - you can play along with Maria
Elli and Ann, while the community watches.  I think you've worked hard
enough to spring for something like this.

*Note* There are other items in the game that I don't know about yet.
I'll put these items up as soon as I get them in the game.

Other Moneymakers
There are all kinds of other moneymakers that you can repick every day in
the woods.  Here is the guide to them all.

Veryberry Fruit
Season: Spring
Found: Woods - fishing pond
Price: 40g
The Fruit is not the most valuable crop.  You can eat them for more energy
or sell them for money.  They are good as gifts, too.

Medicinal Herbs
Season: Spring
Found: Woods - cave
Price: 70g
The Herbs are valuable to a bunch of people.  You can't eat them, either,
but they are great to sell.

Edible Herbs
Season: Spring
Found: Woods - cave
Price: 30g
The least valuable crop, but you can eat them.

Tropical Fruit
Season: Summer
Found: Moon Mountain - by broken bridge
Price: 40g
Tropical Fruit are excellent as presents, and you can eat them or sell

Season: Summer
Found: Woods & Moon Mountain
Price: 70g
Walnuts are valuable but rather hard to find.  There's one sitting by
the river in the woods, but that's all I really know.  Good luck.  I
think your best bet is to harvest your crops and wait for the abundant
mushroom in the fall.

Wild Grapes
Season: Fall (Autumn)
Found: Woods & Moon Mountain
Price: 40g
Grapes are great to eat.  If you have a kitchen on your house, you can
collect them and freeze them for the Winter.

Season: Fall (Autumn)
Found: Woods, Moon Mountain, Caves
Price: 70g
Mushrooms are great.  They are valuable, easy to find, and scattered all
over.  It's only a matter of collecting them and toting them back to your
shipping bin.

Season: Winter
Found: Mines
Price: 10g-1000g
Minerals are mined in the mine during the winter.  They range from the
common coin (10g) to the valuable Rare Minerals (1000g).

House Upgrades
There are many upgrades to your farm which you can buy from the carpenters
It takes three days to complete an upgrade - the carpenters will come
every morning about 8:00 and leave every afternoon.  You also need lots
of lumber, which you chop by going into the woods.

price: 5000g, 450w
The Kitchen is important as it provides you with a way to freeze your
goods.  Carry berries down from the woods, freeze them, and they'll last
until Winter, when you can give them as presents or eat them.  Also, you
store the recipies you get here and your power berry listing.  It connects
to the bed-side of the house.

price: 3000g, 300w
The Bathroom isn't useful for THAT much, but you'll need it if you want a
full house.  You can get in the bathtub for minimal stamina recovery.  The
toilet is more of a fun type of thing.

price: 1500g, 150w
The Stairs are the least expensive, but hey...  They really only lead to
the roof of your house, so I really don't know what the point of the
stairs are.

price: 30000g, 580w
The Greenhouse opens up a mountain a possibilities and also costs a
mountain or resources.  It allows you to grow strawberries and crops in
the winter, which is very valuable.  Plus time doesn't pass while you are
inside, so (providing you have enough energy) you can plant & water all
day!  If you use it enough, it will pay for itself in no time.

price: 7000g, 350w
The deck is built behind your house.  I don't know the purpose.  It is
basically just a deck and a picnic table.

Child's Bed
price: 1000g, 200w
Well, THIS is the least expensive, but you really don't need to build it
until you are planning to get married.

|  Chapter IV: Livestock  |

price: 6000g
product: milk produced every day (100g to 500g)
requirements: feed, brush, talk to every day
notes: can produce baby with a Magical Potion (costs 3000g)
Cows are probably the most profitable livestock - milk will fetch a price
of 100 to 500g, and the cow will produce it every day.  They are an
expensive investment, but well worth it if you give them love and brush
them every day.  Use the Magical Potion to produce a calf; it takes 21
days.  The cow stays by the special area at the top of the barn; feed
them there.  Please note, unlike the SNES version and other signs within
the game: you CAN get milk out of a pregnant cow.  Yes, a pregnant cow
will produce milk.  The size will be one size smaller than normal (if the
cow is producing a LARGE milk normally, you will get medium size).

price: 4000g
product: wool produced several times a year (900g to 1800g)
requirements: feed, brush, talk to every day
Sheep are profitable too, not so much as the cow, though.  They will
produce wool which you can sheer and sell.  Wool is more valuable, then
again, it's not produced every day.

price: 1500g
product: one egg produced every day (50g)
requirements: feed every day
Chickens, unfortunetly, require the most work and bring back the least
money.  The chicken coop is extremely small, which means that you have
to maneuver around all kinds of small and large bodies to do anything,
plus they need chicken feed inside, which brings down profit margin even
more.  They are good for two things.  One, eariler in the game, will make
you money, two, breeding is free so you can breed chickens and sell them
for a bit of money.  Other than that, cows will be much better.

|  Chapter V: Social Life  |
Notable NPCs
*note* all of the characters have changed or are new...
Here is my list of other characters in the game, from people you can marry
to the people who have no purpose.  Currently, I'm only halfway through
the game, so I might add to anything I already have written here.

Ann - Ann works at Green Ranch with her mean brother.  You should give her
      gifts of farm stuff, like eggs and milk.  She loves a gift of wool
      from your sheep.

Ann's Family - The Green Ranch workers

Elli - Elli works at the Bakery.  Eating stuff at the Bakery will make her

Karen - Karen is a bit mean at first, but you can win her over by bringing
        her berries and befriending the vineyard workers.

Karen's Family - The Vineyard workers

Maria - Maria works in the Library, and she likes to play the organ at the

Maria's Family - The mayor and his wife.

Popuri - Popuri works at the Flower Shop; naturally she loves flowers and
         nature.  You can find her either in town or in the woods.

Popuri's Family - Her mom is the Lilia, the Flower Shop owner, and her
                  father takes trips during the winter.

Cliff - Cliff is the stranger is town, but you can befriend him by giving
        him berries.  He'll give you fish if he catches any, and when he
        leaves, he'll send you mail.  He stays in the woods at night.

Fisherman - The Fisherman will give you a free rod when you ask for it.

Carpenters - The Carpenters will call on you to help them from time to
             time, and they'll upgrade your house.

Inn Worker - The man who works behind the counter at the inn.

Priest - The Priest if the town educates the children and works in the

Rick - Rick runs the Tool Shop.

Old Man - The old guy runs the souvenir store next to Rick.

Bakery Worker - Man who works behind the counter at the bakery

Mayor - The mayor presides over festivals and runs the town.

Midwife - A friend of the family, and she'll deliver your baby.

Potion Shop Owner - seems to win all the festivals - runs the Potion Shop

Harris - the mailman

Kai - vineyard worker (wins the sporty festivals if you don't)

What is dating, really?  Well, in this game, it involves bringing a you
bringing a present, an exchange of a sentence, then leaving.  No, really,

To marry, you first get to know each other.  You do this by talking.  To
win over one of the girls, you must bring her presents almost daily.  Like
I said, you have to get to know her.  For example, casual conversation is
nice.  But with Ann, you won't learn that her birthday is mid-summer
without first gaining a friendship status.

In case you didn't know already, the little heart icon on the bottom right
of the girls' text boxes will tell you how far they are.  

White - Indifferent
Purple (Blue) - Friendly
Green - Flirtatious
Yellow - Enamored
Red (Pink) - Truly In Love

Here's a guide to each girl, contributed by jpcvac@pacbell.net.

Ann:    animals, tropical fruits, raising your horse, wool
Karen:  grapes, veryberry fruits, dancing, compete with her at the new
        year's festival in a drinking contest and drink four cups to pass
        out and make her happy she won, making friends with the vineyard
Elli:   eating cakes and pies, making friends with her grandmother.
Maria:  beetles, cakes and flowers
Popuri: flowers, saying very strange to her herb salad at the harvest 
        festival, being picked as an asisstant at the sowing festival

You can only marry a girl if they have a pink heart in the bottom of their
boxes, if they do, you can buy a Blue Feather at Rick's Tool Shop.  Give
it to your girl and, if they say yes, you'll go off and get married in a
few days.

As for kids, here's the best description I got from

>>In order for you to have kids you have to get your wife pregnant.  In 
the Harvest Moon way, you are suppose to continue to love her and 
essentially shower her with gifts just like in the good ole days of 
courting.  Kent puts it this way, "The girl has seeds in her stomach.  The 
seeds grow when you show how you love her."  She stays pregnant for about 
two months, roughly.  In the very beginning she gives hints like, "For some 
odd reason I want something sweet", "I don't feel like eating, I feel 
bad..." (morning sickness), "Dad brought over food saying I should eat meat 
and fish too...", "I've read so many maternity  books...".  Then she'll 
start saying: "Our baby takes nutrition from my body".  Karen, my wife, gave 
birth to our son on the 29th of fall, and had been pregnant since about 
mid-Spring.  The kid needs to have 'interaction', essentially meaning you 
have to pick it up and carry it around and give it gifts too.  It is very 
hard to give the baby gifts, which you will soon find out.  He stays in bed 
all the time unless you or your wife pick him up.  When you give him a gift 
make sure the gift is in his shadow or he won't get it (if he does he'll 
gibber).  They stay in the blanket stage for a season, then they start 
crawling and it is much easier to give them gifts, though you can't talk to 
them.  That is as far as I've gotten.>>

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