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Harvest Moon 64
FAQ & Walkthrough
done by Chris Piekarz (ralf_born@earthlink.net) aka Thanatos
Also by Andrew
Table of contents:
1)   Version history and all that stuff you people don't read; and why I 
made this FAQ
2)   The story.... if you can call it that
3)   Controls
4)   People in the game
5)   Places in the game
6)   Tools, and items in the game
7)   Animals
8)   Love on the farm
9)   Small tips for those of you who just want to start playing
10)  Walkthrough
   9a)  First Spring
   9b)  First Summer
11)  Secrets and stuff
12)  Contacting me
13)  Credits/Copyright info
Version history, and why I made this thing
Well, I will start off with WHY I made this;
Basically, I got the game the day it came out, and played it a long time 
only to have my brother come and delete my saved games, so I then 
decided to start again but go
slower this tima and do better.  So I went to gamefaqs and looked for 
some help.  Both of the FAQ's there 
had been done before the game came out and therefore were not to good 
(no offense ment you two) so I decided to try and make a FAQ, and yes 
this is my first one ever.
Version 0.3
-When will the daily updates end??
-Added some more info on the girls
-Changed AOL instant messanger screen name to something that made sense
-New person aboard the now 2 man crew, Andrew has agreed to help with 
this instead of making his own FAQ
Version 0.2
-Still looking for a new e-mail place.  probably going to go with yahoo
-added some more stuff to the walkthrough, thinking about adding a part 
for the plants and seasonal stuff.
-Updated girls section, added some info on Maria, and a little bit on 
Karen, and how to get married.
-Found out about that map.. check the secrets section
Version 0.1
-Well, first draft, I am seeing this is not easy to do
-Trying to find a good place for free e-mail, hate using my dad's e-mail 
The Story
Well, I had to watch the opening of the game again, but here it is:
You are a kid named Jack who inherited your grandfathers farm when he 
died.  This weird guy in a suit (I think he is your brother or 
something) asked if you really wanted to do this, and run the farm, so 
you nodded.  Well, have fun, run the farm, and that mayor is going to 
help you out also.
Z button - Identifies a selected item
A button - Selects menu options, talk, open doors, give or throw an item 
you are holding
B button - Use the tool you are currently holding
C up button - Place the item you are holding into your backpack
C down buttong - eat the item you are currently holding
C left button - Whistle to call your horse
C right button - Whistle to call your dog
Control stick - Moves you around the map and menu screens
L and R buttons - changes your view while on the farm

The people in the game
You, Jack - you are the guy who inherited the farm

The Mayor - he will help you out for awhile, show you the town, remind 
you of festivals, and all that fun stuff

Elli - One of the girls you can marry if you want. She can be found at 
the bakery and to make her happy, buy the stuff she cooks and then eat 

Maria- Another potential bride.  She can be found at the library where 
she works.  Oh yeah, she is the mayors daughter, good thing he likes 
you so much.
Ann - Another possible wife.  She can be found at her dad's ranch, she 
likes it when you bring her animals you can catch on the mountain.

Popuri - One of those girls you can marry.  She works at the flower 
shop and likes it when you have flowers growing at your ranch.  She is 
one of the girls I would choose.

Karen - The last girl there is you can marry.  She works at the bar, 
vineyard, likes berries you find on the mountain, and probably the 
hardest to get to marry you.  She is the one I am working on, but there 
is always Popuri ;-)

Midwife - old hag in the village knows all the girls, and will be there 
when you have a kid.

I will add more people when the time comes
Places in the game
Well, seeing as how my farm has been money making from the first day, I 
havent had time to get around much, but here are a few places, I will 
add more soon:

Flower shop - Where you buy flowers, grass, vegtable seeds, and other 
(You can usually find Popuri to the outside left of the house.)

Bakery - Hm, what do YOU think?  (You can usually find Elli in here)

Bar - Go into town, past the flower shop and church and the shabby 
looking building there is the bar.  Karen is usually found here at 
night, opens after the guy comes and picks up your items

Church - One of the girls will be happy if you go here on sundays.  I 
have yet to attend the service

Tool shop - the door on the right in the building with two doors, here 
you can buy some tools.  (You can find such things like a cabinet to 
hold more belongings instead of carrying them, a rug for decoration, and 
a feather to marry a girl. Keep in mind you can only find a feather when 
a girl loves you. You know when a girl loves you when she has a pink 
heart in her dialoge box.)

Artisan shop -  I dunno what this is for, but it is the right door in 
that house with 2 doors (You can buy a ocarina here before the spirit 

Liabrary - the mayors daughter is usually found here.   I have never 
been here though.  (If you are going for her, viset her often with 

Green ranch - This is where you buy your livestock and chickens, and get 
a horse before the end of the first spring.  (You can find Ann here in 
the field.)

 Moon Mountain - Nope, no pokemon to be found here, instead there is a 
guy who will give you a fishing rod, the carpenters house (go here when 
you want to add on to your house), a cave where the mine is, a river to 
fish in, and some other things.  a Spa will be built here too someday

Your ranch - You have your house, (that little box/trunk looking thing 
in the corner is where you can keep your tools and stuff), the stable 
for your horse (get 30,000 medals/points from dog and horse races and 
you can get a new one), the barn, the chicken coop, the silo (your 
fodder gets put in it) then that big barren (well, not on my ranch or 
when you first start your ranch) looking field on your farm.  Oh and a 
tree in the corner.
Tools and items in the game:
Here are the tools and items you can get or allready have in the game:

Hoe - used to dig up dirt so you can plant stuff in that big barren 
dusty place. (This can be upgraded 2 times if you use it a lot.0
Hammer - Used to smash rocks and stuff on your farm.  Use it enough and 
it will turn a lighter shade of grey or something, and allow you to do a 
power hit (hold down the button for a few seconds)(This can be upgraded 
2 times if you use it a lot.)

Sicklle/scythe - used to harvest grass when you plant it, (it will 
dissapear don't worry, it is in your silo)(This can be upgraded 2 times 
if you use it a lot.)

Axe - used to cut up tree stumps and get made into wood for you to make 
your house with.(This can be upgraded 2 times if you use it a lot.)

Fishing rod - used to catch fish.  pain in the butt to learn to use 

Empty glass jar - Bought at the Spring Flower Festival in the first 

Lantern - used at the firefly festival

Orcarina - used in the spirit fesival

Brush - used to brush your animals, sheep, horse, cow

Secret Treasure map - Found in the tree in the bottom corner of your 
ranch.  Has some sort of messed up instructions on it that don't make 
much sense.  I havent figured this out, if you do, please e-mail me

Bag for putting medals in - name says it all, used to hold those medals 
you win at races

Flower Seeds - plant them at your farm.  Make Popuri happy.  Treat them 
like vegtables, they need water.

Grass seeds - plant them, wait a few days for them to grow, then harvest 
using your scythe.  do not need watering
Vegtable seeds - Plant them, water them, pick them, sell them

Watering can - used to water crops. (This can be upgraded 2 times if you 
use it a lot.)

Well, I will put the other items up here later.
Not to many animals to mention here....

Cow - buy them from the green ranch, raise them by feeding them fodder, 
then milk them
Chicken -  buy them from the green ranch, raise them with fodder, sell 
their eggs or raise the eggs into new chickens
Sheep - new animal for the N64 version, buy them form the green ranch, 
use the shears to cut off wool, sell that.  I assume you feed these guys 
fodder also.
Your Dog - Nice pet. probably used in the dog races.
Horse - Your horse, you can enter him in the horse races after the first 
year or so.
Animals from the mountain - catch them, give them to the girl at the 
Green Ranch

that's all folks
Love on the farm
Well, you will need to marry a girl sooner or later in the game, might 
as well start hitting on one early.  Unfortunatly, I am not sure what 
each girl really wants (except for Maria, thanks to Adam P. ), so I will 
need to find that out and put it in.  Once more, if you know something 
about this, e-mail me please.  Also, I have had some questions about 
Getting married, wait untill whenever you talk ro a girl, that little 
heart at the end is red or pink, then go to the tool shop and buy the 
blue feather.  Give it to the girl you want, and she will marry you the 
next day.  If you have any idea how the heck you get a girl to marry 
you, please tell me!
I also added a little thing to help you see how your girl feels about 
you, look at the colour of the heart whenever you talk to her (at the 
end of what she says) if it is:
White - could care less
Blue - friends
Green - She's flirting
Yellow - deep affection, you could start dating
Red/pink - in love, marry her!

And now for the girls:

Maria - Likes it when you bring her beetles, other bugs, and the flowers 
a day is good also.  Sooner or later she'll ask you if you think she 
should change her personality to be more outgoing, Just say yes.  
Another occasion she will sprain her ankle and it will make her happier 
if you go get some help instead of carrying her yourself.  One day she 
have a childrens book laying around, go check it out and she'll ask you 
if you gave it to her when she was a kid, you need to say yes and 
that'll make her very happy.  Sometime in the winter she'll get a cold 
and you can go in her room to visit her.

Karen - Likes berries you find around the mountain.  Can be found by the 
beach on sundays, outside the carpenters on Tuesday and saturday.  Be 
sure to befriend the dude in the purple hat thing (give ahima a blue 
berry thing form the spring, and he will give you a recipe for veryberry 
wine, which you can in turn give to Karen).  One day (usually a rainy 
one) you can go to the vineyard and Karen is inside that wine making 
building, go in and you guys will talk awhile, and end up getting locked 
in.  be sure to have food with you, cause Karen ends up getting hungry.  
She will get sick one day also, so if you can't find her, go to her 

Eli - Likes milk, and will give you a pudding recipe if you give some to 
her.  She also likes your dog.

Ann - likes your dog.  Her brother likes it also.  Give her fluffy 
animals like squirrels

Popuri - Give her flowers (picked form the mountain, or even better if 
you grow them at the farm), and be sure to feed her dad when he shows up 
hungry at the farm.

Small tips if you wanna just play

-Start farming the day you get your farm, plant cabbages, and get 
berries and herbs from the mountain, put them in your bin and then buy 
potatoes with those, plant those right away.  do the same again but buy 
turnips.  if you do this all, you should have enough to buy a bunch more 
crops right away.
-Instead of picking up a piece of stuff from the mountain, running it 
back to your home, and then going back for more, Pick up the thing, 
press the C up button, then go get 7 more things, and do the same thing.  
Get one last item, then run to the farm, throw it into the bin, and 
unload everything else from your backpack, and dump it into the bin.
-Plant crops close to your bin, that way you can harvest faster
-NEVER let a day go by without makin money
-NEVER harvest your stuff on a festival day, just be sure to water them, 
you don't want to end up missing the shipping man because you were out 
having a good time!
-If possible, save up enough cash for a greenhouse, then buy it before 
the middle of fall. 
-ALWAYS goto social events and hang out with the girl you want!
-ALWAYS water your plants
-Buy grass early and have at least 3 plots planted per chicken you own, 
and way more per cow/sheep.  it is not good to run out during winter

More to come
Oh boy.  Now the fun starts.
First off, if you have never played before, or don't know your way 
around town, LET THE MAYOR SHOW YOU AROUND.  It is not fitting to spend 
a long time trying to find the one shop you need.

Your first Spring

The first day spend clearing out, and hoe-ing a 10x3 patch of land that 
looks like this:
_ = not hoed X= hoed


Buy cabbages and put them in the right square (be sure to stand in the 
middle so you can have them all planted correctly)  then water them.  
Then spend the rest of the day (untill a little before pick up time) 
getting stuff from the mountain (herbs form the cave, berries 
everytwhere else) and putting them into your shipping bin.  The next 
day, water your plants, then go into town and if you have enough money, 
buy a bag of turnips.  On your way back, goto the mountain and get more 
stuff from the mountain.  Do that untill pick up time. Aways be there 
for the pick up.  Then plants your turnip seeds in the other square, and 
water them, then go to bed.  The next day, water your crops, and 
clear/hoe another area under that one.  in the end it should look like 


When you can, buy more cabbage or potatoe seeds and plant them in those 
two new squares.  Be sure to water everything all the time.
If your stuff is ready to be harvested on the 8th, DO NOT DO IT, 
instead, water what needs to be watered and mosey on over to the town 
square.  At the festival, talk to everybody, then when you are ready, go 
over to the woman form the flower shop, and talk to her.  When she asks 
if you are ready, say that you are, and she will give you a white 
balloon (unfortunatly, you don't get to keep it).  Then she will say to 
let them go, everybody will let them go, then you see a stupid little 
video thingy, and you go to sleep, only to wake up on the 9th.  Get back 
to farming!  Also, go to the green ranch on any day but a sunday and 
walk out into the pasture, sya you do like animals to the girl, and you 
will get a horse after awhile.  Try to have around 3000 dollars by the 
17th, but if you can't manage, a couple hundred is okay also.  On the 
17th is the big horse race.  You can wager money (medals really) on the 
horses, and get medals if you win.  If somehow you manage to get a lot 
of medals, you can get a prize.   The small prizes are okay, but you 
should really shoot for the new stable.  The day after the race a guy 
will show up outside your home, give him some sort of food (do not run 
to the mountain for it!).  Sometime between the 18th and 22nd, make some 
time to run to town square, and cast your vote for the harvest godess.  
On the 23 is the Flower Festival, be sure to attend.
After the 23 DO NOT plant cabbages, after the 24, DO NOT plant potatoes, 
and after the 26, DO NOT plant turnips, because the season ends on the 
30th, and all your pretty plants will die.  if you find yourself without 
much to do these last few days, it would be a good time deciding which 
girl you want to marry, and then spending time exploring, or totally 
clearing out all the rocks and bushes in your farm.  Buy a bag or two of 
cabbages and potatoes and stick them in your house for future use.
First Summer

By now, your farm's barren area should only have the few bushes that pop 
up overnight, you should have around 1500 at least left over from the 
previous season, and you should have 6 places ready to plant crops, in 
this formation:
Plant corn in the bottom three plots, and tomatoes in the top 3.  Be 
sure to get everything planted on the first day(at least the tomatoes), 
so you will have something ready for the vegtable festival on the 9th.  
Your goal right now should be a cow or two for the cow festival on the 
4th of next month.  Corn and Tomatos can be harvested again and again, 
just you will need to continually water them.  Hopefull you had planted 
and watered so much in the spring that you can do your super watering 
move, by holding down the button for a bit, then letting go.  I drew an 
interesting little chart to show you which way you need to face to spray 
water where:

 @     @            @@@
>@     @<     V      ^
 @     @     @@@

Standing and facing in a diagonal direction will cause you to spray 
water on the thing in front of you, and to either side of you.  This 
makes watering things so much easier and faster.  On the first are some 
fireworks, try not to miss them, and try to spend time with your girl.  
Be sure to have saved a vegtable from earlier, or have a tomato ready 
for you to enter in the competition on the 9th.  Talk to all the girls a 
few times while you are there, and have some sort of present for the 
girl you want.  Don't slack off just because it is summer, you need a 
greenhouse for the winter if you intend to plant stuff then, and if you 
want to plant strawberries in the fall, you need a greenhouse then also.  
On the 17th is the firefly Festival, head down to the beach, be sure to 
buy a latern.  On the 24 is the Sea Festival, after that, you have a few 
days left untill the Fall, which leaves even less time for you to 
prepare your cow for the cow festival!

By the end of the summer, you should try to have:
60 or more things of fodder in the silo
-1 cow
-2 chickens
-4000 dollars
-the chest of drawers
-the brush
-at least 9 plots of grass planted -  in the very back of your barren 
area of course
-all the tools up to their super move (axe/hammer hold down so you can 
destroy boulders/stumps in one blow, sickle ???? I don't know it yet, 
the watering can's 3 water move, and so on)

This is a little start, I will add more to this untill it totals up to 
be a whole year and a half, and I can type 5 times as fast as I can now.
Secrets and stuff
Okay, well here are the secrets I have found, or heard about so far in 
the game:

Look in that tree in the back corner of you farm, you will find a secret 
treasure map.  It refers to a power berry thing you can dig up in that 
barren area, just dig around alot with the hoe to the left a little 
under your dog house.  I will find it again and post the exact location 
with the next few updates.

When you catch a fish, if you do not need cash to bad, you can throw it 
back.  An imp will appear and give you a special berry you can eat.

Contacing me or Andrew
Now that there are two of us, please e-mail either one of us for help.  
We love to help you, but it sucks when we spend an hour downloading or 
sprting through tons of mail (like I did the first day this FAQ was up)
To contact me and ask for help, or help my with this FAQ, you can either 
e-mail me at
ICQ me at
or send me an AOL instant message at 
Contacting Andrew
E-mail him at itzameandrew@yahoo.com
Send him and AOL instant message (no e-mails) at

Credits and Copyright stuff
I'd like to thank Nintendo for the N64

Thanks also to:
Adam P ( elvis_is_now@hotmail.com ) for the info on Maria.
Munky16psx (Munk16psx@AOL.com) For telling me how you get married
P007boy (P007boy@AOL.com) for telling me about the map
Grandpooba101 (Grandpooba101@AOL.com) for the info about the fish 
Shy Guy (ICQ # 38911034) for help on the girls
Cell650 (cell650@hotmail.com) for even more help on the girls

Natsume for the game
HP for making computers that piss me off
LoudKing (LoudKing@AOL.com) for helping me with some small questions, 
and for basically keeping me from throwing my gameboy and super nintendo 
games out of our second story window because of his FAQ
Gamefaqs for hosting my faq
My 9 year old brother for unwillingly allowing me to take my frustration 
out on him in the form of physical violence

Copyright stuff
Coppyright 1999 Chris Piekarz

You may use this FAQ on your website provided:
You ask my permission first
your website is not going to make money in any way by having my faq on 
your site.

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